EOH NPC--Camille Ersace v0.6.5

ersatzUsername 1.3K 27th Jan, 2021

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Name: Camille Ersace
Race: [Humie]
***: [Female]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Crimson]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Girly]
Bust: [Small]
Height: [Tiny]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Slim]
Age: ???
A young girl in appearance. Her face is beautiful, doll-like and of pale complexion. A single crimson eye peeks out from the bangs of her long,
    silvery hair. A smug grin adorns her unblemished face, two sharp fangs shining behind pink lips. Her body is slender, having just enough fat to be
    pleasing to the eye, her derriere and hips feminine enough to flaunt, her thighs just soft enough to lay one's head on. Her bust is small and
    girlish, simulatenously youthful and full of feminine charm. Her coltish physique exacerbates both the maturity of her actions and the not-yet
    -blossomed form. Her clothing covered her from neck to toe, draped in noble silk, lace, and weave.
F.M.S.U.: [Patches], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Love Nectar], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Resting Smug Face], [Localized Regen], [Everwet]
G.R.M.: [Undead], [Bio-Immortal], [Regeneration], [Vampire], [Kyuu], [Vampire Lord], [Mushi], [Tasty Fate]
U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [**** Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Tamed Shark ]
Afterlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Month]
Death Mods: [Reincarnation], [Royal Rumble], [Remuneration]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Start Location: [Encore]
Banes: [Ahegao], [Dere Dere], [No Metagaming], [Pride], [Lightweight], [Femininity], [Mark Of Failure], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [Frens], [Unbreakable Mind], [Tasty Prof], [Torpor], [Permanence], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Relative Realism],
    [Sensory Overdose], [Unbreakable Will], [Otome]
Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Shekels], [A Home], [A Manor], [Service], [Concentrated Blood Vial], [Magic Mirror]
Strength 2
Agility 4
Endurance 2
Durability 2
Combat 1
Strategy 2
Alchemical 5
Dark 2

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