
leaksmix 206 12th Feb, 2025

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> on average 60-70 police are killed in active duty every year. on average police kill 1,000 people every year.
Reality is that police are quick to kill is because they know they have everything in their favor. They know that there are multiple ways that police
    circumvent any justice.
From some police unions having automatic scrubbing every 2 years of any and all misconduct and lawsuits against the officers, To Medical Examiners,
    CIs, FBI, DAs, and even judges, working to protect police as they benefit as well.
There are multiple cases where recorded videos show police brutally beating people to death, people unnecessarily killing people running away from
    them, and their cases DO GET INDICTED by a grand jury.
BUT because of "Police PR" and the above reasons, most police know that they have a MUCH higher rate of being cleared. They have judges that protect
    them. They have DAs that protect them. They have Unions that protect them. And even then they have legal immunity can request to expunge most
    records after 2 years and then rehired at a new place.
Heck some cases had deliberate mistrials and the same DAs and Politicians who went in front of the TVs and swore they would uphold JUSTICE, ended up
    dropping the cases as the trials took years and police ended up with mistrials.
* **Tamir Rice** [NSFL VIDEO](https://streamable.com/65uxjc)
2014 - officer kills 12 year old Tamir Rice within seconds of arriving as Tamir is playing with a toy gun.
2014 - Both Officer who shot and the officer driver are put in paid suspension. Driver got 5 days.
2014 - FBI & Police State that the shooting was acceptable.
2014 - Grand Jury Does Not Indict.
2016 - 6M Settlement Suit
2017 - Officer is Fired from Cleveland Police. Not for killing a 12 year old. For lying on his employment application.
2018 - Officer is hired part time in new area but withdrew after public backlash.
* **Kelly Thomas** [NSFL VIDEO](https://streamable.com/2ifu4u)
2011 - 3 Officers brutally beat mentally ill unarmed homeless man into a coma and death 5 days later.
2012 - 3 officers charged with second-deg murder and involuntary manslaughter.
2014 - 3 Officers acquitted and charges dropped.
2017 - DOJ will not pursue federal charges.

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