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[F4M] [Script Offer] Losing My Religion… And My Virginity [Friends to Lovers] ex-[Church Girl] [Virginity] [Cute] [Innocent] [Loss of Faith] [Comforting] [Emotional] [Slow Build] [Vanilla] [Fingering] [Handjob] [Missionary] [Cum on Stomach] [Learning to Swear] By MarlonBolano “Lately, religion just doesn’t make sense to me anymore. And since all my other friends are from church, you’re the only person I can talk to about it. I’ve been having all these… sexual feelings, and church has only made me feel worse about them. Could I… could I explore those feelings with you?” Hi! Thanks for checking out my script! This one is cute as heck and only a little bit blasphemous. The listener’s old church friend has come to check up on him – they’ve fallen out of touch since he stopped going to church. Little does he know, however, that she’s been harboring the same doubts about faith. She’s been having a lot of sinful feelings, and she doesn’t know who else to turn to. Even worse, a lot of those feelings… have been about him. *Asterisks are for emphasis* <These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise> [Brackets are for direction] Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses to your heart’s content. [Tonal advice] The speaker is normally a very bubbly, outgoing, confident girl, but we see her here in a very vulnerable moment. She’s not comfortable with her sexuality, and she gets a bit flustered. -----[START]------ [cheerily] Hiiiiii! <laughs> Sorry, sorry, it’s rude to just turn up out of the blue like this, I know. I was on my way home from church, and I saw your car in the drive, so I thought, you know, “why not? Let’s see what he’s up to!” Oh, chill out! You’re clearly not busy right now. I mean, look at you - you’re wearing dirty sweatpants! Like some hacky sitcom bachelor! <laughs> Oh, come on. Chill out! Listen, I’m sorry for intruding on your lazy Sunday, but I come bearing gifts. If you let me in and hang out with me for a little bit, I’ve got a box of leftover bake sale cookies with your name on it. And I promise to keep apologizing for showing up unannounced until you are absolutely 100% satisfied. Deal? <laughs> Awesome. You were always a sucker for cookies. Lead the way! [long beat – they enter the house] <furniture sounds> Ooooh, nice couch. Is this new? Feels like it’s gonna swallow me up. Anyway, as promised, here - have a cookie. Nobody at the bake sale even touched them, so there are tons to choose from. Chocolate chip? Classic. Love it. So… how ya been, stranger? It feels like it’s been… [surprised] oh my goodness. Has it actually been *months* since we’ve seen each other? No way. No way! That can’t be right. We used to hang out every week! Sure, yeah, it’s been more difficult to get together since you, you know, stopped coming to church, but, I mean… I guess we used to make more of an effort, didn’t we? We used to clear out our schedules for movie nights and pointless drives through the country and all that. Why don’t we do that anymore? What happened? [hesitantly – she’s hiding something] I mean, I guess I’ve been… pre-occupied lately, but… that’s no excuse. I miss you, dude! You’ve gotta catch me up on your life! Oh, don’t start with that! You seem to have forgotten that I brought you cookies. You accepted the cookies, so we have now entered a sacred social contract, and you are legally bound to spill the beans. <sunny laugh> What have you been up to? [excited] Oh my goodness, that’s awesome! I know you were really holding out for that job. Congratulations! Now you’ll have enough money to buy *me* cookies the next time we hang out! <laughs> Although, I have to say: somehow I get the feeling those nasty sweatpants don’t meet the dress code. <laughs harder> Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you look absolutely *devastating* in business-casual. I should know: I seem to recall that I bought you your first shirt without some ridiculous band logo on it, so I’ve got a pretty good sense of your… *look*. <impish laugh> Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’ll stop. But seriously, that’s great. I’m proud of you! And I’ll bet your girlfriend is even more proud. What was her name again? Sorry, I know, I know, it’s super rude of me to forget her name, especially after we all hung out together all those times at the… [suddenly more serious – she’s accidentally touched a nerve] Oh. Oh no. Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie. I had no idea you two broke up. That’s… oh goodness, that’s terrible. You were together for so long! And you always seemed so… I dunno, hung up on each other. What happened? Oh. Well… at least it was mutual, I guess? Could have been worse? That’s… <nervous laugh> I’m sorry, I’m doing a terrible job of consoling you right now, aren’t I? I don’t have a whole lot of experience with, you know, relationship stuff, so… I don’t really know what to say, but… are you sure you’re okay? Like, *really* okay? Ok. I believe you. If you want to, you know, talk about it… I’m always here. But… <laughs> Ok, yeah, sure. Let’s change the subject. [a little hesitant – she’s not sure if she wants to tell the truth] What… what have *I* been up to? <nervous laugh> Oh… I mean… you know. Same old stuff! School, work, family, going to… [lying] going to church… <sigh> I… ok, listen. I haven’t been… *entirely* honest with you. There, uh… there wasn’t actually a bake sale. I baked these cookies this morning. For you. [reluctantly – she doesn’t want to admit it] See, I, uh… I didn’t go to church today. Or last week, either. And… I was actually only in the neighborhood because I wanted to see you. [off-balance and frantic – this isn’t going how she planned] Is that… is that weird? I guess it’s a little weird. The lying part, especially. I just… there’s something I’ve really been wanting to talk about, and there’s, like, nobody else in my life that I can talk to about it, and I had no idea how to start this conversation, so I just kinda, I dunno, panicked and came up with this weird story about a bake sale, and… <sigh> I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lied to you. That’s my bad. But… can I ask you a question? [shyly – she’s never voiced these ideas before] Why… why did you stop going to church? How did you realize that… that you didn’t believe in God? It’s just that… lately, church has been a lot more… *difficult* for me. Like… there’s so much that you take for granted as a kid, you know? That God is with you, that everything is designed the way it should be, that there are clear right and wrong ways to live... all that. Believing that stuff is really easy when you’re young, but… lately, it just doesn’t make as much sense as it used to. And beyond that, for the past few years, I’ve been having these feelings. Like… you know… [bashfully] *sexual* feelings. About… boys. And, like, I know that’s normal, but… all of my girlfriends are from church, you know? And I’m sure they think about that stuff too, but talking to them, it’s like they’ve never had a dirty thought in their lives. And I *definitely* can’t talk to my family about it. Everybody feels just so… walled off. Do you know what I mean? Like… this community that always seemed so open and welcoming and positive… it’s like I could suddenly see behind the curtain. And now it just seems so… fake. Like they're all just performing or trying to impress each other. Like they're so fixated on being holy and "pure" that they can't just be honest with each other. Or with themselves, even. So… when I realized what was happening to me, I decided to do the good “Christian girl” thing and talk to the pastor about it. About the doubt stuff and the… *** stuff. But… I mean, the words were barely out of my mouth before he got… *angry* with me. Accused me of being, like, an unrepentant sinner. He basically threw me out of his office and told me to pray until my doubts and feelings went away. [softly] He made me feel awful. But… that can’t be right, right? Isn’t it normal to have doubts? To have… feelings? Don’t I deserve answers for that stuff? Shouldn’t I be allowed to talk about it? I think those are good questions, but the only answer the church has is to… shame me into changing. So… I stopped going. But now I feel… dirty. And sinful. And if I don’t go back soon, people are gonna start to notice. And I’ll lose all my friends, and my family will get angry, and… [emotional – she’s laid herself bare] You’re the only person I know who doesn’t go to church. You’re the only person I can talk to. What should I do? [a little encouraged] That’s… that’s how you felt, too? That’s why you stopped going? That’s… that’s good, I guess. At least I know I’m not crazy. <shaky laugh> Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I should take a break from the church. Go and find my own answers. And if my family doesn’t like it… well, I hope they can find a way to love me anyway. I'm... pretty scared, though. I got so used to having faith that all the answers were just... out there, somewhere, even if I didn't know what they were. That's a pretty comfortable way to live, but... now it just feels like playing pretend. So maybe I should start exploring the things I'm afraid of. And… [nervous] What? I should… *act* on my sexual feelings? <nervous laugh> I, uh… I don’t know about that. That seems like a big step. I was always taught to avoid stuff like that, you know? I don’t even know *how* to be, like… sexual. But… I guess that could be nice. To just, like, start slow and see how it feels. [very quietly] In that case, um… I have one more question for you. And, like, feel free to say no if it weirds you out or anything. But... would it be okay if I… kissed you? Just for a second? Yeah? Okay… <short, hesitant kiss> Oh. Oh wow, that’s… that’s really nice. Can I… do it again? <slightly longer kiss> Oh… oh my god. Um… okay, I maybe actually lied about one more thing. A lie of omission, I guess. Did you… did you know that I had a crush on you? For, like, a really really long time? I was always going to church, and you were always with that girl, so I never felt like I could do anything about it, but… [softly] Oh. You did know? That’s… good, I guess. So… since it didn’t take much convincing to get you to kiss me… is it safe to assume that you like me too? You do? That makes me… really happy. Um… can we… keep going? <a long, passionate kiss, heavy breathing> Whew. Okay. Wow. <laughs> I’m sorry, this is all just happening really fast, and I’m getting kind of, like, *hot*, and I’m not sure what to… What? Uh… no. No, I don’t want to stop. I want to… I want to go a little further. Is that okay? Will you… touch me? Here, over my shirt? Just… please, be gentle. <soft moans> Oh… my god. That feels… incredible. Sorry, I’m shaking a little bit. No, you’re not hurting me, it’s just… I’m not used to this. I’m not used to feeling this way. Oh... oh wow. No, it's okay. You can be... you can be a little bit rougher. It feels good… when you touch them. I want… I want to feel your hands. Here… help me take my shirt off. <giggle> No… no bra. I didn’t think it would matter. Looks like I was wrong. <laughs> You... you like them? <shy laugh> But they're... small! I have, like, *no* cleavage. Not that I ever wear any low-cut tops, but... still. <laughs> Okay, okay, fine. You like them. I don't... I don't really know how to take that. Thanks, I guess? <laughs> No, I am! I *am* taking the compliment! I've just never had anybody talk about my... [embarassed] ******* before. <laughs> What? What's the problem? Oh, the word "*******" isn't sexy? [amused] Oh, well, excuuuuuuse me, Captain P*rnhub. This is all really new to me! What should I call them instead? Jugs? Hooters? Bazooms? <laughs> [slightly uncomfortable] Oh... "****"? <nervous laugh> Yeah... yeah, I guess that is sexier. So you like my... ****? Well... good. God, that sounds so ridiculous coming out of my mouth. You don't think so? It... turns you on? Oh. Well... good. Maybe I don't mind saying it so much... if I'm saying it to you. Ok, then. Come here. Touch my ****. <gasps> Oh! Your hands are really cold! No, no, it's okay. Actually, it's... kinda nice. My whole body is getting warm, and your cold hands... you're turning me on. Look - my nipples are getting so hard. Really sensitive. Yeah… maybe… maybe tug on them. Just a little. <gasps> Ooh! Yes! Just like that. Keep doing that. And kiss me. <kiss> [startled] Oh! Wait, stop stop stop. Hold on, just let me… <nervous laugh> this is a little embarrassing, but… you’ve kinda got me hot and bothered, and… I think I’m about to get my panties dirty. Would it be alright if I… took them off? Yeah? Okay, just let me… <clothing sounds> Oh my goodness… I’m *****. <laughs> This is *not* how I saw my afternoon going. But… I’m not complaining. What? Oh… [embarrassed] yeah. I guess I am kind of… wet. But that’s your fault! <laughs> Don’t laugh at me! Of course I’m embarrassed! I’ve never been ***** in front of a boy before! [sarcastically] I'm a good, Christian girl, remember? <laughs> This is a very compromising situation, and… You… you want to touch me? Down there? Oh. Um… I don't know. Isn't that... aren't we going kinda fast? I mean... listen, I really, *really* like you, and I guess I'm more comfortable with you than with anybody else, but... I dunno. Please don't laugh, but... I'm kinda scared. Maybe it's just the "fire and brimstone" stuff I've been taught every Sunday, but I just don't want to go too far and end up— <surprise kiss. She gasps in shock, but quickly begins moaning> <laugh> Hmm. That's a very convincing argument. Well... okay. But listen: I need you to be really, *really* slow and gentle. I'm still pretty nervous, so there's a good chance I might... freeze up. So if I tell you to stop, you stop, okay? Okay. Now, um... I guess I'll just lay down on the couch over here and, um... spread my legs. <deep breath> Okay. Yeah. Touch me. Please. <gasps> Oh my god! Wait, go slow, go slow. Sorry, that's just... a little intense. Just, like... go around the outside. Yeah... rub around my lips. Slowly. Roll... oh my god... roll them in between your fingers. Oh! Oh, yeah, just like that. This feels… so good. Your fingers. I mean… I’ve done this to myself before, but when *you* do it, it’s so much more… <moans> Now, just, just... oh god, I don't know what to tell you to do. Just... just touch me. Please, please keep touching me. Oh! Oh wow, that's my... that's my clitoris. No, it's good, it's good, just keep going. Go a little faster now. A little harder. Oh... oh my god! <gasps> Did you... did you do this with her? Your ex? Sorry if it's awkward to bring that up, it just... feels like you have experience. <This continues. Feel free to improvise!> <breathing gets harder> Oh my god. Something’s… something’s happening. My heart is beating so fast. I think… I think I’m going to... <she cums> Oh ****. ****! ******! <gasps – her breathing slows> I think… I just had an orgasm. <laughs> That was ******* amazing! I feel so… like there’s a huge weight off my shoulders. Holy shit. Listen to me, swearing like a sailor. **** **** ****! <laughs> I know, I know, I'm sure I sound silly. Well... I guess you'll just have to teach me how to swear, won't you? Come here. Kiss me again. <kiss> Okay, so... I think I want more. I think... I want to go all the way. Yeah. *Yes*, I’m serious! I… I really care about you, and if anybody's gonna be my first… I want it to be you. You really understand me. Better than anybody else. And... I dunno, you're listening to me. You've been really gentle so far. And it feels so, *so* good... I want to know what the rest of you feels like. So… can I see it? Can I see your… penis? <laughs> Don’t call it that? What should I call it then? Your… ****? [bashfully] Oh. Oh wow, that sounds so dirty. But… I dunno. Maybe… maybe I like dirty. Well? Go on, then. Peel off those gross sweatpants and... show me your ****. Woah, careful with your leg! Don't kick over the cookies! <laughs> <gasps> Oh, holy shit. I... sorry, I've just never seen a **** before. I don't know what I was expecting, but... it wasn't that. It's all veiny. But, like... nice veiny. <laughs> Is that not a compliment? Sorry, I don't know! I'm getting all flustered! What I mean to say is that it looks... really, really good. Like... I didn't realize how much I wanted to see it until just now. Seeing it... it makes my heart beat really fast. You're so hard already! Did… did I do that to you? I did? Wow… that feels incredible. Knowing I did that to you… it makes me want to touch myself. Such a strange feeling... like my body knows what it needs to do, and I just need to stop resisting and listen to it. <she masturbates for a moment> Can I... touch it? Yeah? Okay. Let me just... <shuddering breath> Oh! That feels... incredible. It's... hard and soft at the same time. Like... your skin feels so soft as I slide my hand up and down it, but I can feel it... getting harder every time I stroke it. It feels... really nice. Oh, oh wow, I can feel your pulse beating in your ****. Is your heart really beating that fast? Your heart is racing... for me? That's... that's a hell of a compliment. Much nicer than that line about my ****. <laugh> Okay. Okay, yeah… I think I’m ready. Come here… just... let me lay down, and then you lie on top of me. Yeah, just... just like that. Okay. Just… go slow, okay? It’s my first time, after all. And, like… I’m not on birth control, so… let me know when you’re getting close, okay? Oh, and… one more thing. Could I... and, like, let me know if this is weird or if I’m going too fast, but… can I call you “baby”? Please? I've just... that's something I've always wanted to say to somebody, and... I really want to say it to you. Yeah? Okay. <kiss> Now… **** me, baby. <sharp gasp> No, no, it’s okay. Yeah, it hurts a little bit, but… it also feels really good. I can take it. Keep going. Keep ******* me. Slowly. **** me slowly, baby. Go deeper. Go deeper, baby. <they keep going. The pace increases. Improvise if you like!> Jesus… Jesus Christ. Your **** is so hard. It feels so good. I can feel myself clenching down around you. It’s so tight. I’m so tight, and I’m so wet, I’m so wet for you, baby, my… my ***** is so wet. **** my *****. Harder now. Faster. Yes, yes, yes! Oh ****, I've been dreaming about this. I've been dreaming about you pushing me down, holding me down and ******* me. ******* my tight, virgin *****. Feeling you slide in and out of me, feeling you bury every inch of your hard ******* **** into my *****. Can you feel me squeezing? Squeezing hard around your ****. I'm so wet for you, baby. I'm so ******* wet. You like that? You like when I talk dirty to you? Yeah? I think... oh ****... I think I like it too. I think I like being a... ****... being a dirty... slut for you. Does it make you hard? Does it make you want to cum? **** me, baby. **** me! **** me hard! **** me like a whore! **** me like a filthy, sinful whore! You’re… what? You’re gonna cum? Okay, yeah, cum for me. Pull your **** out and cum on my stomach. Cum for me, baby. Cum for me. Cum! Cum! Cum! <a gasp of sheer delight> Oh ****! Oh my ******* god. That’s so ******* hot. Look at that. Look at all that ******* cum all over me. It’s so warm! I can feel it dripping down my body. ****… I really, really like that feeling. [out of breath] Jesus Christ… that was incredible. <breathless laugh> I feel so… warm. So comfortable. I… thank you, baby. Thank you for making my first time so special. <kiss> Oh my god, I can't believe that stuff came out of my mouth! <laughs> I didn't know that side of me even existed. I've never, like, said any of the dirty stuff that crosses my mind out loud. But... with you, it felt right. Like I could just be... real. So, uh... thanks for letting me unleash my inner slut on you, I guess. <laughs> [dreamily] What? Yeah, yeah, I’ll get cleaned up in just a sec, just… <laughs> just shut up and come lay next to me for a minute, you dork. <kiss, sigh> I think… I think this is just what I needed. To have somebody be comfortable with my thoughts and my doubts and my questions, and to… help me explore my feelings. I still have a lot to think about, but… it all seems a lot less scary now. Thanks to you. <kiss> So… do you think we could talk about religion more often? <laughs> Yeah? I’d really like that, baby. Existential dread is a real bitch, but… I think I found my new Sunday routine. <she laughs, and they kiss a bit more before sighing deeply and settling in for a well-earned nap> ------[END]------
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