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[F4M] [Script Offer] I’m Your Biggest Fan: Seducing a Serial Killer [Obsession] [Innocent to Depraved] [Loss of Sanity] [Clothed] [Blowjob] [Anal] [Creampie] [Rough ***] some mentions of [Abuse] and [Murder] [DARK] but kinda [Romantic] with sort of a [Twist Ending] [We’ll Get Rid of Everyone In Our Way] “Um… hello. I’m your new lawyer. It’s, uh… it’s nice to meet you. Finally. I’ve… I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, actually. I know all about you. I know all about the things you did. And… somehow, I understand. This might sound crazy, but… it feels like you’re inside me. Like you’ve *always* been inside me. And now… I need you inside me for real.” A novice lawyer visits her first real client: a notorious serial killer who has confessed to a dozen grisly murders. Face to face with the country’s most infamous murderer, she does her best to be cool, calm, and professional… but little does he know that she harbors a deep, dark secret. She has been studying his career with great interest, and she has found herself… *changing*. Her dreams have been growing darker, her needs more intense. Lately, she thinks only of him. And now, he’s right in front of her. How will she react? Will she maintain her composure, or will she give into the storm brewing inside her? And when it’s all over… what will she become? Thanks for clicking! This one is friggin’ *dark*. Dark enough that I think I’m gonna take a break from the heavy stuff and work some goofier, sunnier scripts for a bit. With regard to the tags: the imagery in this script is kinda graphic, but it’s mostly left up to the imagination – no explicit descriptions of blood and/or guts. That said, there is a bit of talk about the business of, you know, *serial killing*, so I added the tags just to be safe. Feedback is always welcome! Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ content. *Asterisks are for emphasis* <These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise> [Brackets are for direction] Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like. [TONAL ADVICE] This character has been living with a monster inside of her for as long as she can remember. She’s been able to keep it under wraps until now – she’s very good at keeping up her façade, but we meet her just as it begins to crumble. So in my mind, this character develops in a steady, linear way. At first, she’s nervous but relatively composed – by the end, she’s an unchained monster ready to impose herself upon the world. -----[START]----- <(optional) door opens> <(optional) footsteps on hard floor> <(optional) door closes> <small gasp> [timidly, but with carefully-hidden excitement] Um… hello. You, uh… you look well. Are you… are you comfortable? Can I get you anything? Water? Food? I see they took your restraints off like I asked, but I want this to be a safe, healthy space for you, so if you start feeling… uh… I’m… I’m rambling. <nervous laugh> Sorry, I, uh… it’s just really nice to finally meet you. I’ve been waiting for this for… a long, long time. [nervous – she’s hiding something] What? Oh, I… yeah. Yes. I… I’m your new lawyer. Oh, and, uh, I’m… I was so terribly sorry to hear about your previous defender. Truly. She had quite a reputation around the firm, and… well, I’m sure she’ll be fine. They’ll find her eventually. I… I’ve been praying for her. <clears throat conspicuously> But, uh… she’s not the only one whose reputation precedes her, I suppose. <nervous laugh> I’ve, uh… I’ve read your file. A lot. I’m… I’m very, very familiar with your work — er, your crimes, I mean. I’m supposed to call them your *alleged* crimes, but… you confessed to all of them, so… I don’t think it really matters. <laugh> Oh god, I… I’m sorry. I’m not being very… professional, am I? It’s just… well, I guess I have my own confession to make. [quietly] You’re… you’re sort of… my first client. My first real one, anyway. I’ve only been with the firm for a couple of years, and… up until now, I’ve mostly been doing legal aide-type stuff. Filling out case reports, doing preliminary interviews, liaising with prosecutors… that kind of thing. I’ve never, uh… I’ve never actually had a client… all to myself before. [failed attempt at confidence] But don’t, uh… don’t worry! I’m fully trained and, uh… qualified. And I’m *definitely* the right person for the job. You’ll see! You know, your last lawyer, she, um… before she disappeared, I was her assistant on your case, and she personally recommended me to take over for her if she ever couldn’t continue to represent you. And she can’t represent you now that she’s… uh, since she went missing, so… here I am. Um… anyway. You won’t be up for parole for… well, a very, *very* long time. So… I’m afraid we don’t have much to talk about, legally speaking. I came here today to introduce myself and because I… because… I wanted… um… [in a small voice] Because I wanted to meet you. Face-to-face. <pause> [She hits a turning point. Her lies seem to have worked, so her nervousness slowly morphs into an anxious excitement – she has *him* all to herself, just like she’s been imagining for so long. What should she do next? What *can* she do?] Can I… can I ask you some questions? About… what you did? You don’t have to answer, of course, and, like, whatever you say is totally off the record, you know, because, uh, I’m not recording anything and I made them turn the security cameras off, so you don’t have to… Oh, it’s… it’s okay? I can ask? <soft laugh> Um… good. Okay. Yeah. So… is it true? I mean… you already confessed and everything, but… I think… I want to hear you say it. Did you… did you kill them? [breathing gets heavier – she doesn’t understand the emotions swelling inside her] You did. You… okay. Um… wow. That’s… that’s pretty heavy. <startlingly genuine laugh> <gasp> Oh! Oh, oh my god, I… I shouldn’t laugh at that. I really… that’s awful. That’s… truly terrible. Those poor people, all twelve of them with jobs and families and… There were *more*? *Lots* more?! Wow! <hearty laugh transitions to horrified gasp> [concerned at her own behavior] Wait, shit, no… no no no, that’s… that’s bad. That’s… *bad*. I shouldn’t… you… oh my god, oh my *god*, I’m sorry, I just… I’m not sure what’s happening to me right now, I… Wait… are you serious? There are *more*? I mean, that’s… that’s really important. Why… why did you wait until now to confess? Why didn’t you tell your last lawyer about them? Because you don’t tell people who won’t understand? Well, I mean, yeah, obviously she wouldn’t understand, she… [suddenly seeing the subtext] Um… wait. What do you mean by that? <pause> [a bit frantic – is she in over her head?] No, wait, shit, don’t answer that. I… I should leave. Yeah, I… I should… I really have to go before I… um, thank you so much for seeing me, it was great to meet you and I’ll come back later to talk about parole, but I think it’s best for both of us if I leave now. I… I’ll be in touch. Good… goodbye. <(optional) footsteps> <(optional) steps abruptly stop> [she tries to sound casual – it doesn’t work] But, um… before I go… I have just one more question. [tiny voice] When you did it… when you… *killed* them… what was it like? What did it *feel* like? What… what do *I* think it felt like? [dreamily – straight from the subconscious] I think… I think it felt… *clean*. Like everything in the universe was being put in its proper place. Like the first flowers of spring were finally opening up, and it was all thanks to you. I think it felt like… falling in love. <pause> <gasp of supreme horror – she can’t believe what she just said> No! No! No no no, stop, stop, just… oh my god. Oh my god… what’s happening to me? [to herself, slowly breaking down] This isn’t you. This isn’t you. Stop this. Stop this *right now*. Just walk out the door. Just… just leave him and walk out the door. This isn’t good. You can’t… I can’t… I can’t do this, I don’t know if… I just… [tearfully, pitifully] Why is this happening to me? Why can’t I leave? [she despairs quietly for a moment, maybe crying, maybe not, before regaining a small measure of composure] I… <sniffle> I’m sorry. I just… there’s something wrong with me. Something very… *very* wrong. I’ve… I’ve known it for a long time, and I thought I could hold it back or keep it under control or… I dunno. I… I’m not *normal*, my brain is just… it’s just so ****** up, and talking to you… talking to you, I just… I feel like… I feel like you’re the only one who will understand. It’s just… ever since I was little, I knew I was… *bad*. I didn’t know *why* I was bad, but… I just was. My dad died, and my mom… she didn’t like me. She was afraid of me, I think. I liked to… *hurt* things. I would hurt things, and I would cry because I *knew* it was bad to hurt things, but… I couldn’t stop. I just… I couldn’t. It was the only thing that… I dunno. That made me feel like I was in control. And… eventually, I got better at control. I stopped hurting things. I learned to smile, I made some friends, I went to law school… and for a long time, I thought I could leave that dark little girl behind. I thought I could be… I dunno. *Human*. [excited, but ashamed of her excitement] But then… but then I saw you on the news. I heard about… about what you had done, and… and I saw your mugshot, and… I dunno. It was like being hit by lightning. I… *tingled*. I got goosebumps. And… I felt that same feeling. From when I was little. I felt… *powerful*. In control. So… I applied for a job at your old lawyer’s firm. I wasn’t qualified, strictly speaking, but… I lied on my resume a bit, made up a few references, and… they bought it all so easily. They let me right in. I started reaching out to your old lawyer. Just little things – a compliment on a well-written brief, a lie about how I studied her cases in school, a free lunch here and there… and eventually she took me on as an aide. Looking back… I think she liked me. I mean, like… *liked* me. She was always staring at me, complimenting my outfits, inviting me to stay after hours… that sort of thing. I don’t like girls, but… I played along. I wore short skirts and low-cut tops and bounced around and smiled, blah blah blah… and eventually, she showed me your file. She showed me… the photos. [heavy breathing] Oh god, those photos, I… I think I scared her a little bit with how hard I stared at them, but… I didn’t care. I looked, and… I memorized every inch of them. Every splatter, every stiff limb. And as I looked… this funny feeling came over me, you know? It was like… it was like when I saw the Van Gogh exhibit at the art museum. You can get up close to the canvas, so close that you can see each individual brushstroke, and it’s like you can see *him*, him standing there, holding the brush, making… *art*. [shakily] I… I saw *you* in the pictures. I saw your *art*. And… and I think I fell in love. So… that’s when I wrote you the first letter. <nostalgic laugh> Yeah… yeah, that was me. All of them. Sincerely, your biggest fan. It seemed like a joke at first, you know? Like… like I would write to you, and I would get it out of my system, and… that would be that. [quietly] But then… you wrote back. And your words were so… gentle. So kind. You told me about books you like, hobbies you used to have… you opened up to me about those… those *terrible* things your mother did to you, and… I just *understood* you. Implicitly. Naturally. I was spellbound. Your delicate handwriting, the poetry of it all… it brought *tears* to my eyes. I’d never felt anything like it before. So… so when your lawyer disappeared… I could have said no, you know? I could have passed your case on to another partner. Nobody would have batted an eye. [with torment] But I just… I just couldn’t. I couldn’t turn it down. I… I had to come here. I had to meet you. I just… I *had* to. [tears return] And now that I’m here… I dunno, I’m just… I’m so confused! I don’t… I don’t understand what’s happening to me. My heart is beating out of my chest, and my mouth is dry, and my hands are sweating, and… and I can’t look away. I can’t look away from you. And… and it’s like staring into the sun, but… I can’t stop. You’re just so… *brilliant*. [shakily, desperately] Can I… can I touch you? I just… I need to touch you. Please. Please, I… I can’t control myself. Just… please, just let me touch your face. Just once. Let me feel you. [whisper/whimper] Please. [he nods, and she reaches out. And as her fingers brush his cheek, she feels as though her heart will burst. Her breathing becomes heavy, intense, even desperate, and… she cracks. She lunges over the table and kisses him hungrily, whimpering out of both fear and satisfaction] <heavy breathing, kissing sounds> Please… please… please kiss me. Grab me. Take me. [they continue kissing. Her moans take on a strange character – like she’s at once the cornered prey and the stalking predator] <kiss/growl> [she’s still a bit hesitant, but her desire is slowly overwhelming her fear] Oh god… oh my god. Uh, um, push… push your chair back. Pull down your jumpsuit. I… I have to taste you. I… god, just do it. Hurry, we… we don’t have much time. Just… just hurry, *please* hurry, I need… <(optional) clothing sounds> <gasp> [with desperation] Oh my god, you’re, you’re so… it’s so… oh, yes, yes, just… just shhhh… [she fellates him with furious intensity. She occasionally pulls away to moan or speak, but at first, she can’t put together anything coherent – her inhibitions are slipping away, and her reptile brain is taking control] <suck> You’re… you’re *perfect*. You taste… oh god. <suck> You taste like an animal. You taste like *music*. You… <suck> you taste like the ******* *sun*. <brief, hysterical laugh> I don’t know what I’m saying. You’re… you’re doing something to me. <suck> But… you understand, don’t you? <suck> You understand. Oh god, you… you understand me. <suck, moan> <gasping, shaky breaths> I… I love you. <intense kiss> I don’t know why. I… I don’t understand myself. But I understand you. Somehow. I understand. And you understand me. You’re the only one. You… oh, ****. <kiss> [with growing confidence and certainty] We understand. Nobody else has to. They don’t matter. None of them. They don’t even exist. There’s just you and me. <kiss> Just you and me. <kiss> I… I need you. I need you to… to… here, just… put your hand down here. Feel me. Feel… feel how ******* wet I am for you. Feel how you made me ruin my panties. Feel how… <moan> [raving] God, you… you’re inside my head! <laugh> You’re inside me. You’re ******* *inside* me, you monster. <shaky laugh> I need… ****… I need you inside me for real. I need… grab my *****. Grab it. ******* squeeze it. <groan> Ooooh ****, ****, tear them off. Take my panties and tear— <(optional) cloth tearing> <squeak> Oh! Oh my ******* god, yes, ****, kiss me. <kiss> <heavy breathing> Come on. Over here. On… on the table. Bend me over and **** me. Hurry. I… ****, I need you to **** me right ******* now. No, not… not my *****. I need it in my ass. I… <shaky laugh> I don’t know why. Nobody’s ever… I’ve never given anybody my ass before. [with determination] But I need you in my ass. I need it dirty. I… I need it to hurt. Let me… <spits in hand> let me get it ready. Let me rub it. Oh ****… oh my god. <moans> Okay… okay, I’m ready. Just… just do it. **** me. **** me! <sharp, painful gasp> *Ah*! Ah, ****, *******… shit! God… no, don’t stop, keep… ****, keep going, push it in, push it — <grunt> mmm ****! Oh my god! You’re… you’re so ******* deep, you’re so… oh my god, that’s… that’s so good, that’s so… <whimper> Oh, ****! You know… you know what they called you on TV? They called you an animal, baby. Mmm… they called you a beast. And they were right. You *are* a beast. Now… now **** me like a beast. Pin me against the table and tear me apart like a ******* animal. Mmm! ****! ****! Mmmm **** me, baby. **** me… **** my ass like a monster. Be a ******* monster, be a…. fffffuck, ****, yes, yes! [she begins to tell him a story. Her arousal intensifies as she goes along – as the story reaches its climax, she approaches her. The verbal noise in here is just a suggestion – improvise as much as you like to make it seem natural!] I… ****, I… I need to tell you something. I need… I need to confess. ****, ****… I lied, baby. I… I lied to you. Mmm ****, oh my god, I… your old lawyer… when she came on to me… ****, I… I didn’t turn her down. I didn’t… oh ****… I led her on. I dressed like a… mmm… like a whore for her. I don’t… I don’t know why. I… I liked it. I ******* liked it when she looked at me. I wanted her to look. ****, ****, mmm… And… and she asked me out. She took me… mmm ****, ****… she took me to dinner. And… and I drove her. I drove… Jesus, Jesus Christ… I drove her out to the woods. I drove her out to a secret spot… to *my* secret spot. ****… **** me, **** me, ****… I drove her out there and she… she touched me. She kissed… she kissed me. She wanted to **** me. She wanted… ****, she… ****… and I was so wet, and I felt so alive, and… and I wanted… I wanted… I didn’t want to **** her, I wanted to… to… yes, yes, **** me, **** my ass! [unhinged and wanton] When she was kissing me, I… ****, she kissed me and I saw *you*, I saw *you*, I saw the *pictures*, I saw your *work*, I saw everything and I *felt* you, I *felt* you inside of me, I felt your *mind*, and… <insane laugh> **** me! [stark raving mad] And I kissed her and there was a hammer in my back seat and I kissed her and I reached into the back seat and I kissed her so hard and I stuck my tongue down her ******* throat and I bit her lip and I took the hammer and I lifted it above my head and I stopped kissing her and I did it, I did it, I did it, I was like you, I’m like you, I’m just like you, **** me, **** me, **** me and make me cum, **** me and make me cum, cum with me, cum with me, cum in my ass, cum in me, *cum in me*! <animal grunting, ragged breaths> I’m… ****! Cumming! Cumming! ****! ****! Yes! Ooooh… ffffuck! Mmm… shit! ****, ****… ****… oh god… your… your **** is… mmm… ****… yes, baby. Pump it into my ass. Keep cumming, keep cumming. Give it to me. Give me more. Give me all of it. Give me all of you. <deep, heavy breathing> Oh my… holy shit. Holy… oh ****. I… I needed that so bad. That was… so good, baby. You’re so good. You’re so perfect. You’re… oh my god. I love you. I just… I love you and I can’t think about it. You… you feel right. You’re the only person there is. You’re… you’re the sun. You’re the moon. You’re… you’re everything. [lovingly] No no, just… leave it in. Leave it in my ass. Just… lean over me and hold me. Squeeze me. Hold me tight. I… I know you won’t hurt me. You *can’t* hurt me. We’re the same. We… we’re just the same. We’re monsters. We’re ******* monsters, baby. <insane laugh> I… I’m going to get you out of here, baby. I’m going to set you free. I… I know what you did. I… I think I *love* what you did. I think I want you to do it again. I want you to do it forever. I’m… I’ll make a plan. I’ll make a plan, and… I’ll get you out. They… they’ll try to stop us. But we won’t let them stop us. They don’t matter. They’re not even real. If they get in our way… if they try to stop us, we’ll kill them. We’ll kill every ******* one of them. And once you’re free… we’ll still kill them. We’ll kill everyone, baby. Anyone we want to. Until we can’t anymore. We’ll get married and bomb the church. We’ll find a nice house, get rid of whoever lives there, and start our lives together. We’ll make a trophy room in the basement. We’ll have babies and teach them everything we know. It’ll be perfect. We’ll be… we’ll be the masters of life and death. I… ****… thank you, baby. I just… I went through my entire life without knowing who I was. Without knowing… *what* I was. But you showed me. You showed me what I am, and… I *love* it. I love *you*. <kiss> <sigh> I love you so much. You’re… you’re my monster, and now… I’m *your* monster, too. I have to go now, but… but I’ll come back for you, baby. I’ll come back … and we’ll show the whole ******* world what we are. -----[END]-----
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