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snaejknip: CALLAN Empowering Liquorice: John 3:16 ❤️ K u r t: God, you know what I miss? Paper maps. Expressing Poppadom: Bye ari snaejknip: hi callan snaejknip: CALLANNN snaejknip: CALLANNN that one girl: i have a bible but i dont force it to everyone let them be themselves 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: empowering Empowering Liquorice: What Fuchsia Tangerine: callan? K u r t: CALLAN BOUT FRIGGIN TIME, WHEN THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING RID OF THESE SCRIPT BANNERS???? snaejknip: CALLAN 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: imma definitely check that out snaejknip: LOL KURT 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: what is it abt snaejknip: CALLAN SAY SOMETHING 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Emily Callan 👑 : I want to know who it is that hates me, makes the fake accounts etc wy do they do this and why are they so obsessed with shutting down the site? snaejknip: HI JESUS K u r t: EVERY DAMN DAY I GET ON, I GET BANNED WITHIN 2 MINUTES OF PUTTING MY NAME Empowering Liquorice: corrupt just look it up Empowering Liquorice: :) snaejknip: oh idk callan Callan 👑 : I find it really weird 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: lol snaejknip: LOL that one girl: oh hey jesus lol snaejknip: um callan? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan can there be a way to only get -1 or +1 karma every minute ? 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi One Girl 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: shit what was it again Callan 👑 : like, this is just a chat site, but there are these people who take it SO seriously Yoda 2: But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth Empowering Liquorice: John 3:16 snaejknip: nevermind K u r t: It's only BROOKE, BAN HER CALLAN BUT ALSO FIX THE KARMA BANNING SPAM SCRIPT CODE BS PLEASE. Empowering Liquorice: corrupt Fuchsia Tangerine: callan why can’t we send pics? 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: can u DM it to me so I don't forget 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi again Yoda snaejknip: LMFAO Yoda 2: acts 1:8 K u r t: ILL MAKE EMPOWERING SUK YO DICK IF U FIX SCRIPT BANNING! Empowering Liquorice: Bruh 😂 Yoda 2: good to see you, it is Callan 👑 : and they've been doing personal attacks on me, trying to get us shut down, writing fake reviews about me being a pedophile and all of this shit, I don't understand why they're still doing it, it's been like 3 years of this 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Likewise 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: I like the book of genesis best Expressing Poppadom: God I'm bored snaejknip: ohhh Yoda 2: good friend, you are jesus Empowering Liquorice: I wish the chat was going slower doe Callan 👑 : it's odd, do you guys have any idea who is behind it and why they're like this? snaejknip: we heard the pedo rumors Cutting Orange: it is the space where there is nothing that makes it useful. 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: jolly good show snaejknip: someone said that ur wife is like 13 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan it's the x gang Dipping Hutt: Callan!!!!! Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: ban them on sight Empowering Liquorice: pls catch the pedos Callan 👑 : lol my wife is 13!? wtf snaejknip: LOL snaejknip: YEAH ろくiro: Death is right Expressing Poppadom: Huh Expressing Poppadom: Lol Cutting Orange: Therefore, though advantage comes from what is;usefulness comes from what is not. Callan 👑 : my wife is 25 man 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Ori, Jix loves you Lieslthepotato: What callan K u r t: BROOKE, JO, ROFLX, ETHAN, ZIO , these types of people i believe would purposely **** up ur site snaejknip: cool ろくiro: I love jix too Callan 👑 : only 3 years younger than me Dipping Hutt: CALLAN I HATE YOU ;) Empowering Liquorice: Hey Jesus how do u go to heaven 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Be a good person Lieslthepotato: Callan your wife is hot 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: jury K u r t: Wrong jesus Saturn Bith: Hello 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: Kurt Callan 👑 : lol I know she is man 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: K u r t: PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! Empowering Liquorice: Jesus wrong 🤦🏻♂️ Callan 👑 : she's fire 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: ur perfectly right 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: It's a good start Lieslthepotato: Im a girl Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: 🔥in 🛏 Lieslthepotato: Hah Empowering Liquorice: it’s not the truth doe 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: I'm a mouse Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: man stfu Empowering Liquorice: 😆 ろくiro: Callan why are you coming here again? Cutting Orange: Nahh the way to go to heaven is by airplane!! Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: cos it's his site originally Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: ori* K u r t: i give callan constructive feed back but he no wanna fix the issues ;-; Saturn Bith: Can we be friends?? Callan 👑 : because I was thinking about what happened the last time I came here and it's really been on my mind a lot Empowering Liquorice: nah it’s by accepting a free gift 🎁 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Kurt why are you a bot Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: that question bothers me so much... Callan 👑 : like just how disappointed I am with what happened to Emerald ろくiro: That hasn't stopped him from bit doing anything for months / years Empowering Liquorice: death what Empowering Liquorice: ehat bothers u ろくiro: Not* K u r t: CAUSE JESUS SOMEONE HAS A ******* BANNING SCRIPT. Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: a lot Cutting Orange: once you're on top of the airplane you jump using a paraglider 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Kurt stop yelling at me Callan 👑 : and how I'm treated, do you wonder why I don't want to work on it? I associate it with a lot of pain 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: yo I haven't seen Jesus on this site for like two months Cutting Orange: and glide through the clouds K u r t: Anytime I get on my main, they drop my karma by ******* 20-30 POINTSS K u r t: ITS INSANEEE Cutting Orange: there you shall feel heave! Cutting Orange: heaven* 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚢ᵠ: where have u been Empowering Liquorice: Death what bothers u K u r t: Typing is yelling Kesus Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan pls just get mods back K u r t: <_> Cutting Orange: nooo, mods = horrible Confused hotwife F36: Hey what happened to photo upload option on emerald. Removed? Callan 👑 : and this site is just too small to grow or work on and fix, when there were mods you all complained every day, now there aren't you complain everyday Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: empowering you asking the same question twice Lieslthepotato: I want snuggles😩 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: No ALL CAPS IS YELLING ろくiro: I mean most of your negative treatment is from a select group of like 4/5 people who you won't take any action against K u r t: if he makes mods, MAKE JESUS A MOD. 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hurting my ears Kurt Callan 👑 : I get less complaints now there aren't any though K u r t: LMAO Cutting Orange: Yes, the option was removed because of child **** spamming K u r t: calm down jesus. Empowering Liquorice: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ❤️ Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: u have snuggles Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: i* snaejknip: callan its nearly impossible to satisfy everyone here Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: satisfy me Callan 👑 : well that's the thing Neptune Mankey: Anyone wanna trade *****? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan daddy Confused hotwife F36: Hey what happened to photo upload option on emerald. Removed? Dipping Hutt: Empowering lmao snaejknip: denp snaejknip: DENP ろくiro: This site is gonna get banned If you don't personally or get someone to moderate it Callan 👑 : so are people seriously saying I'm a pedo because my wife is 13, when in reality she's 25 Cutting Orange: A helicopter can also lead you to heaven denpᴿᵁ: emily snaejknip: LOL Callan 👑 : is that seriously how retarded people are Empowering Liquorice: DMT denpᴿᵁ: if its you snaejknip: denp look at my pfp Expressing Poppadom: I'm do hot I wanna go back to the pool but it closed sadly snaejknip: and translate Expressing Poppadom: So* snaejknip: thanks Neptune Mankey: Anyone horny? Dipping Hutt: Callan we all get called pedo on here K u r t: Why is callan focus on random attacks instead of literal useful constructive feedback??????????????????? puppy: who is all nick: hey emily 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Puppy Expressing Poppadom: Heyy puppy denpᴿᵁ: Emily it isnt russian snaejknip: tyler **** off puppy: i’ve never seen jesus called a pedo snaejknip: its siberian Neptune Mankey: Anyone female? puppy: hi jesus denpᴿᵁ: Oh nick: no im nick Callan 👑 : the feedback is good usually I want to work on this Empowering Liquorice: That’s not even how Jesus looks like 😂 where u get the pic ? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: jesus you're a pedo Dipping Hutt: Ive called Jesus a pedo mutliple times lil Dipping Hutt: lol Callan 👑 : I have thought about building a blockchain based platform for social media nick: emily im nick 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Thank you for including me Death Dipping Hutt: Jesus nice beard bro Callan 👑 : and rebranding it as emeald Callan 👑 : would you buy the Emerald token? Callan 👑 : is the real qquestion puppy: i’ve never been called a pedo Confused hotwife F36: Hey what happened to photo upload option on emerald. Removed? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I wouldn't buy shit K u r t: depends on the benefits Callan. Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I go back to free discord then nick: hey empowering liquorice Empowering Liquorice: Ay Yoo 😉 make sure u right with God Dipping Hutt: Puppy I'm saying a lot of males on here have been called pedo Dipping Hutt: Empowering thanks :3 puppy: well a lot are 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hutt who are you? Empowering Liquorice: dipping ❤️ Dipping Hutt: Ahahha Chise: Is this the actual callan? Dipping Hutt: yes chise K u r t: Yes Chise Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: no Chise: Oh neat nick: hey chise Dipping Hutt: empowering let's have a wholesome marriage! Chise: I was convinced he didn’t exist Dipping Hutt: :D Silver Geodude: Im dead ass horny ろくiro: Okay Callan here is a bunch of feedback: reduce the number of channels by 75% there are too many and they make the site look empty, remove the ability of stranger accounts to adjust karma, remove the ability of stranger accounts to set profile pictures, more aggressively time out users who spam Empowering Liquorice: Georgie and Germany Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: ? K u r t: oooo I like that idea, prevent bot accounts from ******* with karma Chise: I agree with ori Cutting Orange: Well the one of the number of channels is a good idea, I think, the rest not so much Chise: those are great ideas Dipping Hutt: Kurt daddy :3 Empowering Liquorice: Yeah puppy: my tummy hurts Dipping Hutt: Puppy go *** Corrupting Wookiee: *****? Expressing Poppadom: Same puppy Empowering Liquorice: Drink water Callan 👑 : The reason pictures were removed, same with a lot of things is because I am trying to remove these attack vectors, I'm starting to see however, no matter what I do, people will hate and attack. People accused Emerald of being a pedophile haven where people share **, so I removed pictures to stop that, no point in pictures anyway, people complained about minors, I added a warning saying you must be > 18, people complained minors were still there, so I added a warning to karma downvote them and they'll be banned eventually, nothing I do makes you happy puppy: i don’t have to *** Dipping Hutt: puppy go *** already stop holding jt Chise: Spam is the biggest issue rn it seems Dipping Hutt: Oh ok puppy: im hungry Callan 👑 : the fact is the people who hate on me and this site want it offline Callan 👑 : for some reason, and I don't understand what it is Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: empowering what? KoKane : I agree with ori ろくiro: This is going to happen when it remains completely unmoderated Empowering Liquorice: I really get sad ehen pedos do stuff here Chise: I don’t hate you puppy: hi kane 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Karma doesn't make people happy because it's abused Chise: I love this site K u r t: "I dont understand why muh haters want me to shut emerald down" bruh srsly? Chise: it just sucks it has a bad rep snaejknip: denp Expressing Poppadom: Hey Kane snaejknip: nvm ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Jesus fr Callan 👑 : yeah it has a bad rep because Callan 👑 : no one looked after it snaejknip: im lowk ****** denpᴿᵁ: Emily what Expressing Poppadom: Heyy buzz snaejknip: :( ろくiro: You can't expect people to not do the wrong thing when there are no means of punishment or accountability for doing so Callan 👑 : you all say I don't look after it denpᴿᵁ: im here snaejknip: nothing Expressing Poppadom: Juzz Empowering Liquorice: :) Callan 👑 : when I was developing full time theMoon: Hey Callan 👑 : no one was helping me Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yo where is callan snaejknip: u rat Chise: You should give some people mod ability 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hire someone to help you then Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan I thought you banned me Callan 👑 : that's why I had to get a job and thats why it all went to shit Chise: People you can trust Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I'm still here snaejknip: oh my god Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I'm like jesus Empowering Liquorice: Hey my Brian hurts from chat going fats Empowering Liquorice: fast Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I came back K u r t: Just make JESUS A MOD, and make the maximum loss of karma like 5 per hour so banning spam can't happen anymore. Callan 👑 : how can I hire anyone when Emerald emakes only a few hundred a month Empowering Liquorice: please do slow mode 😭😭😭 Chise: No need to hire ろくiro: There are a bunch of people on this site who care about it slot and would work on it for free Ashley (a.k.a Sam) : Empowering, same xD Chise: I’d do it for free Callan 👑 : and now you people have spread all sorts of rumors about it, no investor will touch it Chise: If I could kick spammers KoKane : Get rid of karma. People are using scripts to ban people instantly snaejknip: ill work for free puppy: some of y’all i don’t trust at all Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan your superpowers are too cheap for me 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Yes make Emily a mod Chise: Thatd be great Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I use vpn Callan 👑 : so it's a stagnant project waiting for Omegle to die so it can go viral, until then it will stay in this weird mediocre purgatory Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I'm a god snaejknip: i should lowk actually work tho 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Emily deserves mod snaejknip: yes K u r t: no not emily lmao K u r t: she's a minor snaejknip: WHY NOT Empowering Liquorice: /slowmode K u r t: boot her Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I created callan snaejknip: SO? Callan 👑 : or it will be deleted eventually ろくiro: Zio is literally a user who shares ** on this site snaejknip: yeah ろくiro: And is here rn Empowering Liquorice: Omegle won’t die Chise: Just saying callan, I would mod for free Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Ban Emily, she's 14 snaejknip: wtf Chise: and I’m on here a lot snaejknip: ur 15 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: *18 Expressing Poppadom: Should I change my pfp puppy KoKane : Ban zio puppy: yeah Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yea ori is right Empowering Liquorice: *20 puppy: wair puppy: wait* 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Emily is at least 27 puppy: to what? ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Jesus 😭 K u r t: Mod Jesus <3 he is legit the only person i trust on here not to **** someone over. puppy: lol Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: mods would make it shit Callan 👑 : he's been banned but jeeps coming back KoKane : Zio got pics turned off Expressing Poppadom: Idk up to u puppy 1000 legs : Ima get drunk again 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: jeeps Cutting Orange: I agree with not sharing pictures on group chat. But I don't see why not sharing pictures in private chat? snaejknip: im literally 109 years old puppy: make it something morally acceptable okay Chise: I definitely think we should bring pics back to dms at least ろくiro: Anyways Callan your position is pretty ****** Empowering Liquorice: Anyone’s eye hurt from chat speed? peep (i rate tiddy): bewb Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yea callan ikr, that mf of zio is immortal Expressing Poppadom: Alright puppy K u r t: Chill honeybun, you're not 109 lmao 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Peep Lieslthepotato: Yes Chise: I miss sharing memes with cam >~< ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Coz sum peeps sends ** or trade through dms peep (i rate tiddy): my eye hurt ろくiro: You dont know the people who use this site so you can't trust anyone puppy: my head hurts K u r t: share them on discord peep (i rate tiddy): my pp hurt Callan 👑 : I can't no snaejknip: kurt, baby, i am 109 puppy: i’m trust worthy 1000 legs : Shes a runner shes a trackstar Callan 👑 : and tbh Emerald failed as a social media platform ろくiro: And I probably wouldn't trust 99% of the people from this site 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan, hire Jo Callan 👑 : the whole idea was to be a social media platform ろくiro: Which is fair for you Callan 👑 : but it failed ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Callan damn peep (i rate tiddy): my bewb worty Callan 👑 : Facebook is still king nick: hey emily im nicj peep (i rate tiddy): worthy Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: emerald a social media platform? Callan 👑 : it's just a messaging app Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: when Lieslthepotato: I need a nap someone be a teddy bear Chise: Honestly though Callan 👑 : a relic of the old AIM days 1000 legs : Callan thats bc the site has so many bugs K u r t: facebook is doo doo lmao theMoon: Callan when it comes emerald mobile app? nick: hey lies K u r t: i was banned from facebook K u r t: <_> rip Chise: emerald is great in its own way Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: me liesl ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Kurt lmfal snaejknip: who even uses facebook tho Empowering Liquorice: ⣇⣿⠘⣿⣿⣿⡿⡿⣟⣟⢟⢟⢝⠵⡝⣿⡿⢂⣼⣿⣷⣌⠩⡫⡻⣝⠹⢿⣿⣷⡆⣿⣆⠱⣝⡵⣝⢅⠙⣿⢕⢕⢕⢕⢝⣥⢒⠅⣿⣿⣿⡿⣳⣌⠪⡪⣡⢑⢝⣇⡆⣿⣿⣦⠹⣳⣳⣕⢅⠈⢗⢕⢕⢕⢕⢕⢈⢆⠟⠋⠉⠁⠉⠉⠁⠈⠼⢐⢕⢽⡗⢰⣶⣶⣦⣝⢝⢕⢕⠅⡆⢕⢕⢕⢕⢕⣴⠏⣠⡶⠛⡉⡉⡛⢶⣦⡀⠐⣕⢕⡝⡄⢻⢟⣿⣿⣷⣕⣕⣅⣿⣔⣕⣵⣵⣿⣿⢠⣿⢠⣮⡈⣌⠨⠅⠹⣷⡀⢱⢕⡝⡵⠟⠈⢀⣀⣀⡀⠉⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣼⣿⢈⡋⠴⢿⡟⣡⡇⣿⡇⡀⢕⡝⠁⣠⣾⠟⡉⡉⡉⠻⣦⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠸⣿⣦⣥⣿⡇⡿⣰⢗⢄⠁⢰⣿⡏⣴⣌⠈⣌⠡⠈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣬⣉⣉⣁⣄⢖⢕⢕⢕⡀⢻⣿⡇⢙⠁⠴⢿⡟⣡⡆⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣵⣵⣿⡻⣄⣻⣿⣌⠘⢿⣷⣥⣿⠇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢄⠻⣿⣟⠿⠦⠍⠉⣡⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⣦⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⡕⡑⣑⣈⣻⢗⢟⢞⢝⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠸⣿⠿⠃⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⣠⡝⡵⡈⢟⢕⢕⢕⢕⣵⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠋⣀⣈⠙⡝⡵⡕⡀⠑⠳⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⢉⡠⡲⡫⡪⡪⡣ Chise: I love most of the people in here ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Emily I do KoKane : Karma is the biggest cause of all this sites problems, but you won't get rid of it because people buy gold to get unbanned Lieslthepotato: Yusss death ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Lmfao snaejknip: WHAT snaejknip: omggg puppy: chise do you love me 🥺 Chise: I’m glad I found this site Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: make emerald great again Chise: yeah Empowering Liquorice: I love u Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan I have a question, can you ban users for 20 years? Chise: you guys are great Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: bring back nothing Empowering Liquorice: Callan 👑 : Emerald is a good site Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: do nothing K u r t: MEGA Callan 👑 : but it has a bad community Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: let it be puppy: chise i like you half of the time nick: emily im im nick Callan 👑 : people have been very unfair on it Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yea callan is right asf Chise: Thanks pup snaejknip: emilys presence here makes emerald great :) Empowering Liquorice: ⠄⣾⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⣿⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⠈⣿⡇⢹⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⢸⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⢠⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⢹⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⣧⢸⣿⣿⣿⠁⡇⢸⣿⣿⠁⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⣿⡇⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠈⢿⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⡀⣿⣿⡿⠸⡇⣸⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⡿⠷⠄⠿⠿⠿⠟⠓⠰⠘⠿⣿⣿⡈⣿⡇⢹⡟⠰⠦⠁⠈⠉⠋⠄⠻⢿⣿⢨⡑⠶⡏⠛⠐⠋⠓⠲⠶⣭⣤⣴⣦⣭⣥⣮⣾⣬⣴⡮⠝⠒⠂⠂⠘⠉⠿⠖⣬⠈⠉⠄⡀⠄⣀⣀⣀⣀⠈⢛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠁⣀⣤⣤⣠⡀⠄⡀⠈⠁⠄⠠⣾⡀⣾⣿⣧⣼⣿⡿⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣼⣿⣧⣼⣿⣿⢀⣿⡇⠄⡀⠄⠻⣷⡘⢿⣿⣿⡿⢣⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣜⢿⣿⣿⡿⢃⣾⠟⢁⠈⢃⢻⣶⣬⣿⣶⣬⣥⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣾⣿⣷⣾⣾⢣⡄⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠘⣿⡐⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⢠⢃⣿⣷⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⢀⠆⣼⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠋⠠⠂⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⢵⢠⣈⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⢋⡁⢰⠏⠄⠄⣼⣿⣿⢻⣿⣿⣿⡄⢢⠨⠄⣯⠄⠄⣌⣉⠛⠻⠟⠛⢋⣉⣤⠄⢸⡇⣨⣤⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿ K u r t: i like chise when she aint got a furry pfp K u r t: <_> Callan 👑 : and there's one person 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Emerald is a flawed site, which enables bad members of its community Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He's wisdom Callan 👑 : I don't know who it is KoKane : Emerald is a really unsecure site Expressing Poppadom: I'm so bored 1000 legs : Yea the fact that ppl can easily use scripts to get users banned isnt the best idea like the concept seems cool but its too easy to fraud karma Callan 👑 : but it seems like they've dedicated their life to trying to destroy this site Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Let me play for you some piano callan Callan 👑 : it's so sad and pathetic puppy: how is it a furry pfp? nick: hey death snaejknip: LOL KoKane : Scripts are a huge problem Chise: It’s not furry Callan 👑 : its literally just a chat site yet they've made it their live purpose to take it offline Chise: this isn’t an OC 1000 legs : Yea some people are too obsessed with it K u r t: <_>f u r r y snaejknip: whats an oc Lieslthepotato: Y'all make me sad except for like two of you Chise: Own character Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Omg you act like you are desperate , delete this shitty site Chise: someone you make up Empowering Liquorice: Hey Jesus loves u Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): And nobody will die Callan 👑 : see again Empowering Liquorice: :) nick: hey empowering liquorice Expressing Poppadom: Wth do mean by furry puppy puppy: i thought that meant original character Callan 👑 : Zio it's probably you man Callan 👑 : the freak who's obsessed with me and the site K u r t: zio is a piece of shit. Callan 👑 : and hasn't let it go for years Callan 👑 : it's so sad K u r t: he use to spam child ****. KoKane : It is 100% zio K u r t: a LOT. Callan 👑 : like honestly it's so sad denpᴿᵁ: Its Zio and Josh and whole x gang Callan Callan 👑 : well if you have any info on them Callan 👑 : I will pay you for it 1000 legs : No bro i cant remember who it is but they made a discord server trying to replace emerald lol snaejknip: gabgab u will die if this gets deleted Callan 👑 : a lot Callan 👑 : I will pay you thousands Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan, emerald is dangerous, someone for kidnapped for your site Expressing Poppadom: Okay I'm changing my pfp to what it was again Callan 👑 : if you dox them 1000 legs : Jake was in it, i left it denpᴿᵁ: all the info in gc 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan what info do you want, he's right there denpᴿᵁ: everyday Callan 👑 : and then I'll sue them snaejknip: ull die from boredom and loneliness KoKane : *hackz zio for monies( Observing Mosquito: Callan, I can't dox them but I have a few ideas on who they are Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): You don't even know how to create a site Callan 👑 : and press criminal charges against them Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Every day I see child **** Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Here Callan 👑 : so if you have any info on these guys Empowering Liquorice: Who is being pedo? KoKane : Zio going down Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Spammers who send child **** Lime Cylinder: hello puppy: i bet you like it zip 😐 ろくiro: callan it hasnt been one person stalking you btw puppy: zio* ろくiro: it changes Chise: Zio is the biggest pedo on here ろくiro: people come and go denpᴿᵁ: Zio biggest hypocrite here Empowering Liquorice: Oh Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Look, someone today had the pfp of a ***** kid Chise: Its gross Callan 👑 : Xio everyone is saying that you have been posting child **** snaejknip: WHAT snaejknip: he did Lieslthepotato: Zio isnt a pedo ろくiro: not its idiots like zio and the rofl ppl denpᴿᵁ: Bcz he is Callan Callan 👑 : you admitted to this ろくiro: but it wasnt always Chise: Zio, you had the gif of a girl taking cum to the face snaejknip: he did puppy: zio is a pedo Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan, I think you have the powers to see if it was really me Chise: She looked 5 max Chise: That’s ****** Callan 👑 : so I want your identity and I will be pressing charges Expressing Poppadom: Haha how old is zio Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: liesl don't talk. Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: he is a pedo. Callan 👑 : if you have info on him Observing Mosquito: One of them was an Australian guy, he was the definition of a toxic incel. He would spam chats with gore and shit **** etc Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Ask trippie, ask everyone, someone is literally pretending to be me Lieslthepotato: Is he really? Empowering Liquorice: 🤮🤮😪 Observing Mosquito: He's 17 Observing Mosquito: Probably 18 now Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: zio nobody pretending to be you Observing Mosquito: Asian K u r t: zio is in some other country, so doubt anything will happen. Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): nah I ain't a pedo Callan 👑 : 0.5 ETH will be paid to you for it Bleeding Articuno: hey! i'm f 17 and i'm looking for an older male to roleplay with, we can do whatever roles you want and i'm fine with any kinks. if you want to roleplay add me on snapchat or kik. snap : ameliemartin8, kik : ameliemartin7 Callan 👑 : which is about $1,000 Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Wtf is eth Chise: It’s definitely zio puppy: zio you literally admitted using ** denpᴿᵁ: Callan you should take a look at whole X gang. All of them doing shit here everyday Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Oh yea Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: etherium Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: idiot Callan 👑 : X gang huh? K u r t: then you get fuckers like BleedingArticuno. Empowering Liquorice: 😣 Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Puppy you sure? denpᴿᵁ: Yep puppy: yes Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): CALLAN X GANG IS THE BEST ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Bruh Callan 👑 : I will pay you a lot of money for it Expressing Poppadom: Puppy should I change my pfp again denpᴿᵁ: Zio Josh Ethan and Rofl snaejknip: u did 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Rofl, Josh, Ethan, Zio Empowering Liquorice: Hey man I think the evidence is too great puppy: you said nobody was there when you did it snaejknip: and raul KoKane : Just turn off bot accounts ability to karma vote Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): trippie bro, you know it was not me spamming child **** right? puppy: oh Callan 👑 : I'll also be reporting it to the child protection agencies that i'm in contact with Callan 👑 : and law enforcement K u r t: RoflX, Ethan, Josh, Zio, Ori, Brooke, all xgang. ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: YALLL REALLY SNITCHING FOR DA MONEY 😭😭💀💀 Callan 👑 : so please send me any information you can puppy: are you ali ali? puppy: like real snaejknip: KURT Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I used to joke on child **** but I never sent child **** Lieslthepotato: Why is zio a pedo except dor the dact that he hit on me at least four times oh wait... snaejknip: brook? snaejknip: no K u r t: Lmfao Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan, it was not me ろくiro: kurt you cant just try and call me a pedo to get me banned bc u dont like me lmao Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Trust me ろくiro: eat shit idiot Chise: Your pfp was literally ** Expressing Poppadom: What puppy Callan 👑 : I don't believe you KoKane : I will snitch on my gran for $1000 Callan 👑 : I'm reporting you puppy: you had a pfp that was ** Dipping Hutt: Ahahhhahha Callan 👑 : you type like the people who've been harassing me ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: OHH SHITT ZIO Empowering Liquorice: 😳 Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): direct me and I will tell you how it's going Callan 👑 : you have to pay for what you've done K u r t: I was gona add other names ori, but i could't think of them right off the tip of my tongue 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Zio you said your pfp used to be ** K u r t: lmao Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): They got me guys Expressing Poppadom: ** wdym K u r t: so i saw urs and added Callan 👑 : otherwise, you can email me your apology Callan 👑 : and explain yourself Lieslthepotato: Zio hit on me 😂😂 K u r t: ...... denpᴿᵁ: Callan you just can come here on temp accs and look at this x gang and you will get all information you need Chise: How about zio just stays off of emerald K u r t: That's a lil sus callan.. Chise: forever Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): What is your email then Callan 👑 : but until then I am pretty set on bringing some kind of criminal charges against you 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Kurt why did you say Brook? nick: hey pig snaejknip: yeah brook is not x gang Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Denp we already know what you wanna do ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Lmfao im dyingg K u r t: why not jesus, she was trying to get callan to shut down emerald KoKane : Zio is getting 25 - life Dipping Hutt: Zio just asked for email so he just admitted it lmao nick: hey Empowering Liquorice: Sadness 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: She's not a pedophile though Lieslthepotato: Hahaha KoKane : Bye bye zio Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Lmao 25 years Observing Mosquito: Another person is Thor, he has the tendency to impersonate other people and catfish as them to try and come off as them. He's a notorious racist and someone doxxed him previously, he lives in Sweden, first name Mo, potential schizophrenia patient Empowering Liquorice: this is bad denpᴿᵁ: Zio you should more care about what you did Callan 👑 : Maybe I could make one person mod PIG: ... Callan 👑 : who should it be puppy: who KoKane : Me snaejknip: me Callan 👑 : who is the most trusted and least cracked out K u r t: She still distributes child **** jesus, she has admitted to sending ***** to people. snaejknip: ME KoKane : Me Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): i didn't sent child ****, I joke on child ****, I joke on rape snaejknip: I AM Cutting Orange: Meee! ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: TOTALLY NOT ME puppy: jesus seems the least biased Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I'm untrustworthy K u r t: MAKE JESUS snaejknip: KANE NO ろくiro: callan you are probably gonna screw this up Callan 👑 : You know who sounds like a good choice Expressing Poppadom: Okay I changed my pfp again to what it was before puppy Chise: I’d like to think I’m good for it callan Callan 👑 : Matt 2.0 Empowering Liquorice: no don’t make no one mod KoKane : Vote kane for mod snaejknip: what Observing Mosquito: Callan, pay someone off site to do that role, genuinely speaking. snaejknip: NO EAT SLEEP RAPE REPEAT.: I would make for a pretty good mod Callan 👑 : he was chill Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan gonna make this fun puppy: matt 💀 ろくiro: like 99% of this site is untrustworthy and would abuse any role on this site ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt- snaejknip: im chill Chise: Matt??? puppy: ******* matt 💀 Lieslthepotato: Kane isnt a pedo 😂 snaejknip: not matt K u r t: **** matt, he's a faggot, make THE MOD JESUS !!!! Chise: Callan Dipping Hutt: PUPPY admits to sending ***** to adults and she's 15 0.0 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Ori 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Make Jixy mod Dipping Hutt: PUPPY admits to sending ***** to adults and she's 15 0.0 Chise: with all due respect snaejknip: he has -6 ろくiro: please consider people like strawberry, teriyaki, etc Chise: thats retarded ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: THE FACT THAT MATT IS JUST A NEW MEMBER AND HE GOT A MOD IN AN INSTANT 😭😭😭 puppy: no i didn’t Empowering Liquorice: ⠄⣾⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⣿⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⠈⣿⡇⢹⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⢸⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⢠⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⢹⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⣧⢸⣿⣿⣿⠁⡇⢸⣿⣿⠁⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⣿⡇⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠈⢿⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⡀⣿⣿⡿⠸⡇⣸⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⡿⠷⠄⠿⠿⠿⠟⠓⠰⠘⠿⣿⣿⡈⣿⡇⢹⡟⠰⠦⠁⠈⠉⠋⠄⠻⢿⣿⢨⡑⠶⡏⠛⠐⠋⠓⠲⠶⣭⣤⣴⣦⣭⣥⣮⣾⣬⣴⡮⠝⠒⠂⠂⠘⠉⠿⠖⣬⠈⠉⠄⡀⠄⣀⣀⣀⣀⠈⢛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠁⣀⣤⣤⣠⡀⠄⡀⠈⠁⠄⠠⣾⡀⣾⣿⣧⣼⣿⡿⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣼⣿⣧⣼⣿⣿⢀⣿⡇⠄⡀⠄⠻⣷⡘⢿⣿⣿⡿⢣⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣜⢿⣿⣿⡿⢃⣾⠟⢁⠈⢃⢻⣶⣬⣿⣶⣬⣥⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣾⣿⣷⣾⣾⢣⡄⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠘⣿⡐⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⢠⢃⣿⣷⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⢀⠆⣼⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠋⠠⠂⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⢵⢠⣈⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⢋⡁⢰⠏⠄⠄⣼⣿⣿⢻⣿⣿⣿⡄⢢⠨⠄⣯⠄⠄⣌⣉⠛⠻⠟⠛⢋⣉⣤⠄⢸⡇⣨⣤⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿ K u r t: no, jixy is gay and hates me Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Ori EAT SLEEP RAPE REPEAT.: Make me the moderator would be happy to do it responsibly KoKane : I agree with ori again *cringe* snaejknip: LMAO ろくiro: death? puppy: liar Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): callan, you don't trust me right? But ask people snaejknip: IM THE BEST CHOICE Empowering Liquorice: Jar Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Kane is a pedo ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Im dyingg KoKane : Not strawberry. She is power hungry Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Kane is a ******* pedo Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: ori can you verify that it's callan? his ID? Empowering Liquorice: zio =liar snaejknip: IM LITERALLY THE WISEST KoKane : Lies puppy: she? Dipping Hutt: Puppy u literalllu admitted that like yesterday lmao lying cunt Empowering Liquorice: Lies Chise: He’s shifting the blame lmao ろくiro: ok ill check rq Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): I caught him flitting with Audrey, a minor 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan why don't you have an actual vote if you're going to make community selected mods? Dipping Hutt: PUPPY admits to sending ***** to adults and she's 15 0.0 puppy: liar puppy: no proof KoKane : Yes. She K u r t: #MakeJESUSmod ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Kane isn't a pexo, he just a simp 💀 snaejknip: no Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He was playing with Audrey daddy and daughter Lieslthepotato: Why is kane a pedo puppy: jesus Empowering Liquorice: rhr chat going speed ろくiro: yeah its him Callan 👑 : yeah maybe a poll or something Dipping Hutt: Typical response lol Empowering Liquorice: wuick ろくiro: i just checked his id ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Pedo* Cutting Orange: Emily is also a good choice, I think snaejknip: YES puppy: kane likes kids Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yea maybe trip snaejknip: A POLL Callan 👑 : like I mentioned on here before puppy: now move on ろくiro: peolple will bot the poll callan Callan 👑 : many many many times Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Well ろくiro: it is a good idea fundamentally Chise: I’d like to be mod. I genuinely wanna help this site KoKane : ^ emily should be a mod: Callan 👑 : the police use this site, they are aware of it, they use it to catch predators K u r t: Skip poll. That would be easy af to manipulate with enough fake accounts. Dipping Hutt: Puppy said she sends ***** to adults and if they get in trouble it's on them lmao. Expressing Poppadom: I dont know what to do I'm so bored Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: catch me popo puppy: lol Dipping Hutt: Puppy said she sends ***** to adults and if they get in trouble it's on them lmao. K u r t: Just make Jesus mod. Chise: I love helping out Violet Guinea Pig: What’s going on Lieslthepotato: Hahaha Dipping Hutt: Puppy said she sends ***** to adults and if they get in trouble it's on them lmao. puppy: are you cam Chise: Jesus is also a good pick Lieslthepotato: Yes make jesus mod Empowering Liquorice: Police use any site to catch people K u r t: hutt = meat Callan 👑 : exactly ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Everybody be snitching 😭 Empowering Liquorice: i bet they use Omegle too Cheering Kangaskhan: Puppy and chloe needs to get arrested too Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: where can I find the popo KoKane : 90% of you are under 18. Leave puppy: cam you like kids Lieslthepotato: Kane shut up Expressing Poppadom: Lol puppy is right older ppl shouldn't be asking for ***** by minors K u r t: Death, those people who say "F 13" and the like, those r the cops lmao Violet Guinea Pig: Callan updating the site? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: hmmm ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Kurt fr? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I'm interested now Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Ive been pretending to be a pedo for like 2 months, and I seen all my friend do it with me, and trust me nobody still catched me Callan 👑 : I made a chat site that was made to give people a place to meet people and make friends Callan 👑 : that has never changed K u r t: Yes Fr?? like no shit??? Lieslthepotato: PRETENDING Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan ugly tho Callan 👑 : You're all losing features by the day Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Look at him ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: I was asking damn chill Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan bring back emerald 1.0 emily should be a mod: ur literally a rat Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Liesl I will rape you KoKane : Emerald was better a few years ago. Matt 2.0: Hi emily should be a mod: shut up puppy: you mean like the f 13 earlier? Observing Mosquito: Callan, the pedos on here use certain codes to communicate 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hey Matt Callan 👑 : picture sharing, etc puppy: who was being a bitch to everyone Lieslthepotato: Zio why Matt 2.0: Heyy Callan 👑 : soon group chat will be gone, it's next on the chopping block Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Stfu emily and get in my bed kid puppy: matt Empowering Liquorice: Pictures are bad but talk is just talk ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Holaa Matt Chise: Emerald was better in the past, I agree there emily should be a mod: *gasp* Callan 👑 : I don't want drama man ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt congrats 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Group chat is the best part of the site K u r t: OK, if group chat disappears im gone from emerald lmao emily should be a mod: 😏 Callan 👑 : just chat peacefully and chill Kate: WHAT Empowering Liquorice: talk ain’t as bad as a picture ろくiro: if group chat gets deleted again o no Violet Guinea Pig: Ppl used to send child **** on here.. Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Is callan indian? Matt 2.0: Congrats for what Kate: dont get rid of the group chat Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Ori well have WFAF emily should be a mod: cant believe u called me kid...... Kate: again ori? It’s been deleted before Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: HAHAHAHAHAHA ろくiro: facts death ろくiro: wfaf is the new gc Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: yes again KoKane : Yes Kate Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan be looking fire today 🔥 Zach: Potato check dm Callan 👑 : Unfortunately I can't change or control the shitty behavior of people emily should be a mod: thats better Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I was here the first time ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: I just wanna congratulate u for being a future mod for Emerald Lieslthepotato: Okay Zach sorry I'm having fun lol emily should be a mod: who emily should be a mod: whos a mod now Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: people were yelling for each others discord names Matt 2.0: Future mod ? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan why don't you delete this shitty site Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: so funny Matt 2.0: What KoKane : Zio is the reason we can't have nice things 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: You are Emily Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: so much panic puppy: i sneezed Empowering Liquorice: Sin is the problem that’s why we all need Christ emily should be a mod: YAY Violet Guinea Pig: So what’s finna happen to emerald? emily should be a mod: i better be ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt Callan suggested u to be a mod Chise: Hey callan, do you mind if we dm for just a sec? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Is just the place where all the pedos come Callan 👑 : See there you go again. You're dedicating your life to destroying a chat site K u r t: Why doesn't everyone agree that the most chill fair guy gets the mod? aka Jesus?? puppy: i don’t need christ Callan 👑 : it's ******* pathetic puppy: jesus Lieslthepotato: NoOoO I love emerald its the only omegle alternative I have Callan 👑 : do you not have anything in your life of value puppy: just jesus emily should be a mod: if u dont like it here, either mute the ppl that r bothering u or leave puppy: do we not all trust jesus? 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: † Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Nah I don't want to destroy this site, I could hack it but I don't want Callan 👑 : like, school, work, a girlfriend? Matt 2.0: Well what does a mod mean though...i mean i have to moderate ? KoKane : Zios mommy and daddy didn't love him emily should be a mod: LOL GIRLFRIEND ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt probably ye Chise: Yeah Callan 👑 : literally man, what is wrong with you lol Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Emily is my girlfriend tho Malayaball: back Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: he has underage girlfriends prolly Matt 2.0: U said that callan ? 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Otto puppy: my mommy doesn’t love me emily should be a mod: LMFAOO Malayaball: hey jesus Expressing Poppadom: My parents dont like me Matt 2.0: Why me though Callan 👑 : I did Matt Malayaball: oo callan is here Callan 👑 : because you have good energy Lieslthepotato: Emily aint your gf puppy: lmaooo ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: I TOLD UU BROOOO Matt 2.0: Nice thank you puppy: good energy ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: LMFAO Empowering Liquorice: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ❤️ emily should be a mod: wowww Matt 2.0: I am honored Callan 👑 : loll KoKane : Matt is a villain nick: emily so sexy emily should be a mod: bro emily should be a mod: tyler puppy: matt just pissses me off Lieslthepotato: Nick chill emily should be a mod: actually shut up emily should be a mod: muted ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: MATT I NEED AUTOGRAPH RNN emily should be a mod: SAME Requiem: I've been saying this for a while now, but the people who dedicate their life to being toxic on here nick: hi lies emily should be a mod: MATT puppy: i’ve been mean to matt Violet Guinea Pig: What’s a mod on here anyway baby:(: so bored Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Liesl 👉👌? Matt 2.0: Callan puppy hates me for no reaason Requiem: Have some sort of mental disorder KoKane : Matt will get drunk on power ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: FUTURE MOD😌 puppy: well puppy: you were annoying K u r t: Seems kind of redundant to repeat that empowering. Even hypocritical considering u've desecrated your body with those funky piercings. Matt 2.0: I dont drink kane puppy: then got more annoying KoKane : ... Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan I been here when you removed gark and all make me mod puppy: and said that word Matt 2.0: I never was offensive or insulting to you puppy... puppy: and you were being insensitive emily: why is matt at -7 Callan 👑 : I removed the mods because I was going through a crisis and everyone was complaining about them Latina: .. ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Ya'll too desperate to be a mod smh KoKane : Time to suck up to matt I guess Matt 2.0: People say all kind of shit here Callan 👑 : and then they helped Ginger hack the site Empowering Liquorice: Make sure u Accepted Jesus in your heart 😉 before it’s too late Matt 2.0: I dont say that stuff puppy: you were being insensitive about self hatred caused by society Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): #delete emerald chat Callan 👑 : and Ginger was very smart, he really manipulated everyone Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan nobody helped ginger puppy: so i don’t dislike you for no reason anymore puppy: now i have a reason Matt 2.0: Insensitive ? Matt 2.0: When puppy: yes emily: gabgab just leave.. Matt 2.0: Puppy you are a kid so... Empowering Liquorice: Callan? Callan 👑 : how long have you been using this Zio puppy: so? Callan 👑 : you been using it since 2017 i presume? ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Dayum Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Emily in my dms rn Matt 2.0: There is more to learn Empowering Liquorice: mw? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Since 2020 emily: true ろくiro: he hasnt callan KoKane : Ginger made bargain bin version of emerald - opal chat ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Zio same K u r t: Im going to go play a game, have fun peoples :) GL with your site callan! Callan 👑 : why is he so full of hatred? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): How long you have been breathing callan Chise: Opal chat sucks tbh Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Since 2010 I guess ろくiro: the only people on rn who have used this site for liek more than a year are kane death and myself emily: bc he got his heart broken on here ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Callan hes just trolling yk 😂 Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Hahhahahaha Chise: Emerald > puppy: calling people dumb for hating others for being like them when they don’t accept themselves is insensitive Empowering Liquorice: callen = ❤️❤️ Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan you're delusional ngl KoKane : Yes. We should be mods Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): HAHAHAHAHAHA Matt 2.0: So many people are full of hatred here callan ろくiro: no kane lmao puppy: it’s not like people just wake up like that ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: And hes drunk n high ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: LMFAO Cutting Orange: Oh I've used it more than a year, I went here on 2018 a few times nick: hey emily im nick Lieslthepotato: Yes kane Empowering Liquorice: callen =❤️❤️ Saturn Bith: Lol what's going on Requiem: Callan, could you try integrating blockchain consensus mechanisms to continuously keep mods in check? puppy: there’s a reason they don’t accept themselves Callan 👑 : why delusional emily: he liked someone on here and then she didnt like him back and he got all angry KoKane : Shush ori the big boys are talking Kevin: What's up Malayaball: who emily? emily: LOL Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: you keep thinking mods helped ginger Saturn Bith: Whoa chill Expressing Poppadom: Hi Kevin ろくiro: i am the big boy emily: he liked bea Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: NOBODY HELPED GINGER Empowering Liquorice: SHOW SOME LOVE WHY EVERYONE SO MEAN Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yes I liked Bea Saturn Bith: Emily are you girl? emily: i mean obsessed with her puppy: i’m so nice emily: yes im a girl emily: ?? Empowering Liquorice: LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE MEAN Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: they didn't even want him in their discord servers Malayaball: because they are humans empowering Callan 👑 : how do you know that Death 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Emily is a girl??????? Matt 2.0: Well some poeple accept themselves but dont see the need to accept others in the same category emily: wow.... emily: LOL Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I BEEN HERE Saturn Bith: Can i chat with you Emily? emily: no ろくiro: death is right emily: who r u Malayaball: i thought emily was a guy all this time Callan 👑 : he's spamming his opal chat shit Saturn Bith: Ok Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Emily look at yourself you simp for half emerald chat, little kids growing up ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Alot of ppl hate Zio because of his stupidity and immaturity, but kf u think abt it he's actually a chill dude. But I understand why ya'll hating on him 😔💔 Latina: lol Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: so????? Matt 2.0: Now thats their problem so... they need to change Saturn Bith: I won't be bad. Just a friendly chat emily: wdym i simp emily: WHEN DID I SIMP Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: WHAT HAS GINGER HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR MODS YOU HAD Callan 👑 : lol I let him do it because at this point man it's been years and years he's been trying to start a chat site and I feel bad for him so I'ma let him do it emily: LOLLL Callan 👑 : rofl Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Lmao trip 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Emily stop simping Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: YOU REMOVING THE MODS MADE IT GO TO SHIT Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): WHERE IS ROFL emily: i only simp for u Empowering Liquorice: Hey 🙂 Jesus loves u puppy: since when are people who like little kids chill dudes? Matt 2.0: Rofl is so full of hatred callan Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): CALLAN PLEASE MAKE ROFL A MODERATOR Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): HES THE LORD ろくiro: ill get willow to come back and mod ろくiro: plox Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: you are delusional cos you think they mods were against you Saturn Bith: Lol Emily simp😂 puppy: rofl is so pressed constantly 😭 Callan 👑 : why rofl is just rolling on the floor laughing Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): WHEN WOMEN SEE HIM THEY ALL START BEING WET emily: LOL Matt 2.0: Again for no reason Chise: Rofl ******* sucks 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Don't make Rofl a mod emily: CALLAN LMFAO Chise: Holy hell please don’t make him a mod Saturn Bith: Lol callan chill. 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Rofl would very quickly abuse that power Callan 👑 : oh you are talking about a person ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Don't make Rofl dear God emily: YES Matt 2.0: Yes ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: A mod* emily: make me a mod callan Chise: He’s constantly harassing girls on here Matt 2.0: Rofl is a persob Empowering Liquorice: Callen Matt 2.0: Lol emily: im literally so cool 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: persob Chise: Puppy especially Saturn Bith: Bro it's not the end of life😂😂 ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: He's gonna ruin this site even more Chise: Same with Marley 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Emily is literally so cool, make her mod Callan 👑 : guys why should group chat stay a feature emily: YES emily: bc its fun Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: everyone that has an x in their name should be auto banned emily: duh Kevin: Liquorice add me 😶🙄 ろくiro: group chat is what keeps people here Matt 2.0: Rofl just comes and starts caling poeple NAMES 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Group chat is the funnest and most interesting puppy: i think most people are here for it Chise: If groups leave Empowering Liquorice: Kevin why Chise: most people on here will go Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: chise no Callan 👑 : but if people hate it so much Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Can't callan add moderators? Matt 2.0: Yes i agree with puppy Callan 👑 : why do they want it to survive Chise: Groups make emerald unique ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Ye groupchat can have different topics, storys and etc Requiem: It shouldn't, it's become a target for those with schizophrenic disorders to habitually harass people here. Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: 95% of people are in 1v1 puppy: i don’t hate it denpᴿᵁ: Who hate it? Saturn Bith: Hmm puppy: i hate half the people tho ろくiro: all of my criticism of group chat is because i love it dearly Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Like if we had moderators we could ban spammers Chise: Those people are boring tho Matt 2.0: Most poeple hate it ???? Malayaball: group chat is good 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: People don't hate it, it just has issues that need to be fixed ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Its hated by sum, but sum still loves it emily: what about remove groupchats for a week and see how it goes denpᴿᵁ: Some idiots from x gang? ろくiro: it has changed my life over the last 4 years Chise: I never use the 1-1 chat puppy: no Empowering Liquorice: 90 % OF PEOPLE ARE HORNY M Saturn Bith: Idk Cutting Orange: Where do people tell you that they hate group chat? ろくiro: so i am passionate ab it puppy: i can’t even go a week without 😭 emily: LOL Malayaball: if you remove group chat. there's nothing to emerald ろくiro: and want to see it succeed Malayaball: 1v1 is super boring Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): What about having *** with Emily without stopping for 2 weeks? Saturn Bith: Liquorice are you f too? Empowering Liquorice: Everyone is a horny M 😭😭😭 Matt 2.0: Callan its what i come here majorly for Matt 2.0: Lol Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): AHAHAHAHAJAHAHHAHAAHHAHA emily: wow... Xiyan: aloha puppy: emerald is my life force rn and that’s so sad 😭 emily: was that a joke? Malayaball: oof puppy emily: that was terrible Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): No Saturn Bith: Life force?! Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): It was not a joke puppy: guys i’m always here 💀 Callan 👑 : You know I sometimes wonder if removing it will be better for people's mental health emily: ur a joke Malayaball: not its not callan Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: yes Callan emily: it kinda would puppy: no Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: HES ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Emily is literally the only way I can socialise lmfaoo Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: YESSSS Saturn Bith: Chill guys puppy: literally emily: LMFAO Matt 2.0: Idk about that Empowering Liquorice: Omegle 😉 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: YESSS HAHAHAHAHAHA ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: It will tbh to some ppl Callan Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: SO MUCH BETTER Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): No callan, puppy has no friends puppy: this is keeping me from breaking down Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: puppy stfu 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: It would be better mentally for some people Malayaball: if anyone doesnt like it here they can leave Matt 2.0: Callan there is good talk here too ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: I MEAN EMERALD* NOT EMILY LMFAOO KoKane [MOD]✅: Callan made me mod bois Matt 2.0: Sometimes Matt 2.0: Lol emily: NOOO puppy: death pls make me emily: WOWWWWW puppy: do it Saturn Bith: If you want girls chat on kik messenger lol puppy: make me shut up ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: JAJAJAJA puppy: cmon ろくiro: i hope you dont see deleting groupchat as the most sensible option Empowering Liquorice: Callen is my therapist Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: ... Malayaball: you dont like it leave Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: and now she is retarded ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: IT AUTO CORRECTED OK Malayaball: let the rest of us stay Callan 👑 : the thing is emily: callan is related to edward cullen fyi Chise: I really hope groups don’t go Cutting Orange: well I mean it's up to each person to choose if they want to socialize in group or individually puppy: you know you want me Callan 👑 : it's becoming a problem for my career Chise: I’d be hella annoyed emily: why ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Callan wdym Matt 2.0: Oh Empowering Liquorice: Called just remove it Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan is my therapist, remove the "the" and KoKane [MOD]✅: Respecc my authoritah 😡 Chise: Empowering Cutting Orange: In what sense is a problem to your career? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan is my rapist puppy: kane Chise: Shaddup ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Zio stop bro 😂🚫 Empowering Liquorice: zio? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Ahahahajahahahah Chise: You’re new here, you get no say KoKane [MOD]✅: Puppy banned for using my name Matt 2.0: Zio getting banned again The Unknown: wew callan is here Requiem: I think if you try to prevent people from using VPNs on Emerald, it could solve a lot of the issues on here. puppy: kane ily The Unknown: kane ;) Callan 👑 : because I will be honest, it makes me not proud that I made Emerald to be honest Empowering Liquorice: Zio ip **** Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Wolfie brooo KoKane [MOD]✅: Ilyt puppy Callan 👑 : I come here and I get called all sorts of things ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Mf put a "Mod" on his namE Jajajajajaja The Unknown: zio bro emily: LMFAO Callan 👑 : and it's just a bit of a mess The Unknown: callan ur daddy tho ろくiro: requiem that is hard to do emily: thats kinda funny callan emily: kinda The Unknown: emilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Chise: You’re just listening to the wrong people though callan Callan 👑 : lol Matt 2.0: Callan i dont think poeple are fair to you puppy: or i puppy: ori* Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan is our leader emily: OMG Malayaball: lmaoo emily: WOLFIEEEEE Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan if you think the mods were against you you truly are delusional puppy: who is the girl in your pfp ori emily: I MISSED YOU Chise: Don’t pay attention to the assholes Matt 2.0: You did a great job making an app Malayaball: callan is our savior emily: ITS BEEN SO LONG 🌻 Willow 🌻: Callan ban zio, he’s a pedo emily: OMFG Empowering Liquorice: I feel bad for Callen Matt 2.0: I say ろくiro: it is asuna The Unknown: ITS BEEN LIKE 10 YEARS Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: After you removed them they were disappointed in you Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: a lot emily: IKR Expressing Poppadom: Aren't u like 22 Kane emily: LKSDDJEK puppy: from sao? Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yea callan wessy is right Expressing Poppadom: Heyy wessy barely legal teen queen : hi 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan people hate everyone for no reason especially on a random chat website, you can't let it get to you Empowering Liquorice: Callen 😭🌷💐💐 don’t be sad Chise: Focus on the good aspects Callan 👑 : every time I ban him he just comes back but I agree he's toxic sierra: Seems like he’s been through alot Requiem: Perhaps something with google's new verification system that causes VPNs to endlessly loop 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: HI Sierra 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Willow <3 sierra: Hi jesus puppy: i thought kane was 25 🌻 Willow 🌻: He set child **** as his profile pic multiple times KoKane [MOD]✅: Zio must be destroyed The Unknown: toxicity🤤 emily: zio is confusing 🌻 Willow 🌻: Hi Jesus The Unknown: kane is a grandpa Matt 2.0: Yes callan people just hate for no reason Expressing Poppadom: Heyy wessy The Unknown: then callan is our ancestor puppy: oh it’s still willow Callan 👑 : I know that police and law enforcement use it The Unknown: hehe Callan 👑 : just give them time to catch him Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Wessy is spreading faxxx ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Jesus should I follow u back 😌 The Unknown: who are we catching? Matt 2.0: But i think its cool you come talk to us callan 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Up to you Faith 🌻 Willow 🌻: Good. Thank you callan M 25: Any hot girls for chat? KoKane [MOD]✅: The unknown banned for calling me grandpa Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Yea they will catch a 15 year old Expressing Poppadom: Yea I think land like 25 puppy I dont remember though emily: the fact that he shows his face and says this kinda shit is.... wow The Unknown: wessy why u willow now 😒 Empowering Liquorice: The true Jesus offers u forgiveness of sins past prenat and future if u trust him :) denpᴿᵁ: Why not Zio ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Zio 😭 Callan 👑 : hope you're not in the USA Zio you'll be in a lot of trouble Callan 👑 : you'll ruin your life Expressing Poppadom: Kane* 🌻 Willow 🌻: Jesus told me to Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Ahhahahaahahha Callan 👑 : and for what, so you could troll on a chat site? KoKane [MOD]✅: Zio is in Italy ろくiro: id insta quit if u were mod kane puppy: kane are you 25 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Zio is italian The Unknown: Ooo italian KoKane [MOD]✅: Yes puppy The Unknown: u got an older sister? Bresh's Girl: wait are you the actual callan emily: LOL Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan I'm 15 and I live in italy puppy: good 😏 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I don't think Kane would be a bad mod Matt 2.0: Callan is there a way we can report people puppy: lmao KoKane [MOD]✅: I don't either Matt 2.0: Like a feature The Unknown: WHAT KANE AS MOD? Expressing Poppadom: U like older older guys puppy lol Callan 👑 : I banned him The Unknown: HELL NAH ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: ZIO STOP GIVING UR INFO LMFAOO Empowering Liquorice: CALLEN TAKA A NAP RHEN DECIDE TOMORROW Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Matt it's called KARMA SYSTEM KoKane [MOD]✅: I'm firm, but fairly Em: waddup Bresh's Girl: Callan hi The Unknown: firm ;) KoKane [MOD]✅: Fair * emily: LOL Callan 👑 : he's not stupid that info probably isn't true Malayaball: hey em Matt 2.0: No callen i mean can such a feature be introduced emily: watch his come back Em: hey Expressing Poppadom: Hi em ろくiro: kane shutup lul u cannot pretend ud be a good mod Malayaball: wait so 2 emilys now? ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Callan it is true tho Callan 👑 : just have faith law enforcement will do their job Em: hey emily 1.0 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan that was true Bresh's Girl: I'm invisible :3 emily: callan hes actually from italy The Unknown: well i say my name and my location all the time on here 😒 barely legal teen queen : i love ice cream Matt 2.0: Ok ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: It was true Callan lmfal barely legal teen queen : callan,, no offense but **** 12 Callan 👑 : like I said Em: wait what’s going on 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: He literally told you the truth Empowering Liquorice: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ❤️ ろくiro: idk who i would though is the issue :\ puppy: i say where i’m from all the time Callan 👑 : if you dox him or anyone else causing trouble Callan 👑 : I will literally pay you Callan 👑 : for saving me the headache Matt 2.0: And callan why do we get negative karma for no reason ??????????? emily: WOAH OKAY Callan 👑 : and also improving the site Em: what’s going onnnn puppy: lmao emily: byeee ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: OH SHIT TIME TO GET SUM MONEYYYYY Malayaball: confusion em emily: callan make me mod please KoKane [MOD]✅: Barely legal teen banned for animal *** pfp Callan 👑 : the only way to really stop the dedicated trolls is to let them know they''ll be in serious trouble if they carry on emily: im awesome puppy: what Matt 2.0: Yes true Callan 👑 : he thinks he can do what he wants wuthout recourse, he will have to see about that The Unknown: emily ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: YOU DO U CALLAN The Unknown: no puppy: i want food so bad emily: ye? emily: WHAT emily: NOO The Unknown: not mod for u Empowering Liquorice: Kevin Matt 2.0: Callan about the negative karma thing why ? People do nothing bad and had bad karma Empowering Liquorice: kevin Em: guys what happened emily: why not :( The Unknown: u cant control the chat at all 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Just make Emily mod emily: YES I CAN Expressing Poppadom: Okay well I'm going I'm gonna hang out with my guy friends so cya guys Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan what about a group of dedicated people that take care of the groupchats 🤔 baby: gosh it’s not animal *** kane The Unknown: control it while callan is here then ;) emily: just make me mod ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Jesus No why emily 😭 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: like idk MODS KoKane [MOD]✅: I have seen disturbing shit on this site. More disturbing than anything I've ever seen emily: BC ろくiro: it just so happens there is already a dedicated community on the site who cares for a group chat emily: im cool Callan 👑 : I want to have them but idk man The Unknown: kane. u talkjing about urself? The Unknown: ;) 🌻 Willow 🌻: Jesus would make a good mod. Everyone loves him Callan 👑 : they can cause me a lot of trouble KoKane [MOD]✅: ;) Matt 2.0: Emily u that desperate ? Curing Ape: and its awful ori emily: idk The Unknown: jesus exists? emily: LOL Matt 2.0: Who callan mods ?? puppy: my jaw hurts Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan Empowering Liquorice: Baby bad pfp ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt ikr lmfao emily: oh yes Curing Ape: we all know what happens on the hidden chat Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: what kind of trouble sierra: Im glad there are no more shit gifs 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Everyone loves you too Willow Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: What kind Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Tell me ろくiro: wfaf is the only good place on this site puppy: i sucked too much **** 😔 Matt 2.0: I wont cause you trouble callan lol Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: what kind Curing Ape: abuse of power i guess Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: LOOK AT TBIS SHIT emily: matt Callan 👑 : lol Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: ITS A CESSPOOL WOHOTIT MODS ur mom: my main is banned😔 Callan 👑 : refresh your page The Unknown: why yall begging to be mod smh emily: dont abuse it tho Curing Ape: nah its awful The Unknown: so desperate Jo: please don't add mods Callan 👑 : and come back in here Jo: i'll hang myself puppy: JOOOO Callan 👑 : there's a surprise Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: YOU CALL THIS BETTER???? 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Make Jo mod Jo: irl Jo: yes puppy: JO ITS YOU puppy: HIIII ur mom: jo hello Jo: i call this better Jo: hi Curing Ape: i got karma banned many times for not 'being liked' 🌻 Willow 🌻: Mods are pretty much a necessity on a chat website KoKane [MOD]✅: Give me 200000 karma pls daddy Callan Jo: mods = no fun ur mom: i’m on an alt i could have fun with this Curing Ape: also ori 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan, Jo could share many details on the fragile security of the site The Unknown: i got banned for existing😎 Curing Ape: hows bresh? ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Congratsss Matt ろくiro: why would i know how bresh is? ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: YEYYYY Curing Ape: i feel u unknown ur mom: yo i make 7k a week ろくiro: i am not his care taker? Matt 2.0: ? emily: OMG Callan 👑 : lol emily: MATT The Unknown: ape whos u Curing Ape: i dunno you two are like the elders here Matt 2.0: Oh i am a mod ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: I HOPE U BECOME A GOOD MODD puppy: chloe? Jo: the security of this site is obvious its just callan will not fix it because theres no reason to do so Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: oh lord Jo: i'm sure he knows ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: CONGRATSSS Matt 2.0: Nice emily: OMGGGGG ろくiro: OMG ろくiro: lumasd emily: YAYYY The Unknown: ELDERS? emily: MATT ろくiro: holy shit KoKane [MOD]✅: No way. ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Yeyyyyy 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Congratulations Matt ろくiro: we are doomed emily: CONGRATS MATT Empowering Liquorice: 😂 The Unknown: im an elder if bresh is an elder smh Callan 👑 : when you click on someone's picture puppy: lmaoo Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: we're doomed Matt 2.0: So what should i really do callan ur mom: callan i have a question Empowering Liquorice: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ❤️ Callan 👑 : there's a mod button Jo: NO The Unknown: ive been here a year longer than him smh Matt 2.0: Oke Callan 👑 : just for now do me a favor KoKane [MOD]✅: It's all over Bois The Unknown: wew Callan 👑 : ban Zio whenever you see him emily: uhm hes here again Matt 2.0: Yes ? 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt can make people mods? KoKane [MOD]✅: Matt is mod The Unknown: who is mmod now? Matt 2.0: Lol Curing Ape: lets see how that goes sierra: Matt is Mod emily: hes literally here emily: LOL ろくiro: why tf did he mod a random Callan 👑 : and anyone who is trollling and just making things shitty ろくiro: o no Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Is that possible to meat callan? Callan 👑 : good luck bro The Unknown: wew ur mom: uh oh Curing Ape: xD Chise: Callan The Unknown: iidk ori Chise: bruh Curing Ape: OMG Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Meet* Callan 👑 : now this is an experiment, if this works well I may mod others 🌻 Willow 🌻: Matt is a mod? Why is a random a mod?? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: matt you got this bro Callan 👑 : good luck 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt, make Emily a mod Empowering Liquorice: S Matt 2.0: Yes i will try Empowering Liquorice: q KoKane [MOD]✅: That reeks of corruption denpᴿᵁ: Wow that good advice to ban zio Jo: making things shitty = anything being fun emily: matt ban zio Curing Ape: 'HEY TAKE THIS RESPONSABILITY' denpᴿᵁ: Callan ban all Zio's accounts. He has 2 or 3 permanent accounts ろくiro: callan please mod someone else Curing Ape: GOOD LUCK HAHAHAHAA Malayaball: lmao jo Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan can I join the experiment ? ろくiro: like wessy or jesus idk The Unknown: time to simp callan and his red tesla 🤤 Jo: time to do non-trivial amounts of trolling Matt 2.0: And be honest about my work ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: The fact that I haven't accepted Matt's friend request 😭😭 ur mom: hey callan why must you do that Chise: Congrats on the mod then Matt ろくiro: just like someone who actually cares ab this site Matt 2.0: Cheers callan Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I'll start my shift tmrw though I need sleep KoKane [MOD]✅: Ily matt. Lets 🐝 frens emily: we need to celebrate The Unknown: wew Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): GUYS IM Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): IM ZIO Jo: **** you matt Empowering Liquorice: I have a headache emily: we know Empowering Liquorice: bye Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): DONT BAN ME The Unknown: im just wondering whhy matt sierra: HAHAH emily: JO SHUT UP Curing Ape: poor zio 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: That means Jo loves you Matt ur mom: yea matt let’s be friends KoKane [MOD]✅: Matt has only used this site for 2 weeks.. puppy: lmao Curing Ape: also goodluck matt Callan 👑 : time to test your new powers Matt Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan 🌻 Willow 🌻: Ori, Jesus, Emily would all make good mods ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Yeyy Matt 2.0: So people try not to be RACIST SEXIAT etc here plsss denpᴿᵁ: Matt ban him Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): GUNS DOWN The Unknown: exactly kane Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): IM JEWISH Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: CALLAN make me a mod too emily: WILLOW FR puppy: matt has been here for 2 weeks? The Unknown: RACIST AND SEXIST? Chise: I’m kinda worried about a random being a mod Curing Ape: xD Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: pls papi KoKane [MOD]✅: This is BS puppy: i didn’t even know that The Unknown: OH HELL NAH 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt acquired simps in seconds Chise: that concerns me emily: OKAY BYEEEEEEEE ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: PUPPY Ikrrrrr Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): IM JEWISH PLEASE LET ME LIVE Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: give me da power emily: i simp for matt The Unknown: LMFAO ZIO 🌻 Willow 🌻: Callan has bad experiences with mods because he gives it to randoms 🌻 Willow 🌻: smh Malayaball: lmaoo puppy: i thought it was a couple days 💀 The Unknown: ew emily The Unknown: muted Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): AHHAHAHAHA emily: LOL Ivory Tauros: Oh Curing Ape: ok im out, good luck guys Chise: He makes dumb choices Ivory Tauros: F emily: hehe sierra: Matt in my fr 😏😏😏 Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f 🌻 Willow 🌻: Never even seen Matt before Sacking Cattle: Gimmie tiddies Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f The Unknown: facts wessy Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f ろくiro: callan please like literally reconsider Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f KoKane [MOD]✅: Couple of dats,yeah Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f The Unknown: and now spam Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: fr Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: r Jo: i have no idea who matt is Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f emily: im also gonna leave Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: ff Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Matt 2.0: Slowdown ? Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f emily: BYEEEE Ivory Tauros: f Zoey: Hello Ivory Tauros: f Matt 2.0: Lol Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Matt is lagging Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Ivory Tauros: f Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He can't ban me Ivory Tauros: f emily: byeee emily: byeeeeeee Callan 👑 : A random being a mod is less risky to me than someone who has been here for 3 years who secretly hates my guts, wants me dead, ruined and my business destroyed, like a few people have shown, sadly The Unknown: emily no Matt 2.0: Spammers be getting banned on spot btw KoKane [MOD]✅: **** this. I retire puppy: bruh Chise: Callan Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan emily: i have to :( The Unknown: callan i just want ur tesla smh Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Matt they told you to ban me Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): You lag? Malayaball: oof callan ろくiro: there are multiple old users here who care ab ur site The Unknown: yep puppy: i think a random is more likely to do anything Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I don't give a lot about you negative nor positive KoKane [MOD]✅: Ban zio wtf Chise: Nobody hates you callan ろくiro: wessy jesus idk just like not the 2 week random ろくiro: almost anyone else emily: goodbye loves Alyssa: CALLAN CAN YOU SEE THIS 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan if you mod randoms, they could just be people who hate you on a new account puppy: then someone we know and trust Alyssa: HELOOOOOO puppy: than* 🌻 Willow 🌻: A random causes chaos. An experienced person who is dedicated to the website would be much better mod material Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan I only think you're delusional Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Matt is lagging The Unknown: i care about it. but thats why instead of trynna have a convo here. i just make my own discord servers ろくiro: we are pressed because we care Jo: i think callans a retard Chise: Callan is throwing Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He's a multitasking mf puppy: jesus just sounds perfect The Unknown: jo heh Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He can ban 10 people at the same time KoKane [MOD]✅: Jesus is right. Callan is just trolling us at this point Matt 2.0: Puppy i wont do anything bad for anyone puppy: i don’t trust anyone else tbh Matt 2.0: I can say that puppy: sure puppy: sure ろくiro: matt nobody is gonna trust u 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: "Jesus is right." as always The Unknown: welp matt would be banning me a lot 🌻 Willow 🌻: Trust the two week smh ろくiro: because nobody knows u Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: I trust matt puppy: like i believe that Matt 2.0: Ok fine lol ろくiro: it is what it is Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: but I wanna be mod too now The Unknown: coz i literally make racist jokes 🌻 Willow 🌻: i literally have 5 years on this site The Unknown: 24/7 Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: we need more than 1 person Chise: I’m worried about emerald now The Unknown: really wessy? puppy: so you’re racist? 🌻 Willow 🌻: Yes The Unknown: so 2016? Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: MATT CAN NEVER GO TO SLEEP 🌻 Willow 🌻: back when it was green and white KoKane [MOD]✅: Matt is my new bestie. Hi bestie! ☺ Callan 👑 : best of luck Callan 👑 : im off The Unknown: oh i was here too ろくiro: o no Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: CALLAN 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt seems like a chill person, but you should at least mod someone like Wessy who cares a lot as well Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: MATT NEEDS SLEEP The Unknown: time to harass callan on insta ;) Preventing Kabutops: 2016 sucked for me Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: MAKE ME MOD 🌻 Willow 🌻: Willow* ;) Matt 2.0: Puppy i have never insulted you...i am not here to call names or make bad remarks Cutting Orange: Cya Callan! The Unknown: not death tho Preventing Kabutops: i was still 19 in high school that year ろくiro: **** it downvoting the mod The Unknown: man death banned me for fun back then KoKane [MOD]✅: Matt is only here 5 mins a day puppy: i think wessy is rarely here ろくiro: i wanna see him karmabanned lulw Callan 👑 : lol btw the mods can't be banned so Callan 👑 : wouldn't work Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: yeah ori 🌻 Willow 🌻: Puppy I’m here every day wdym Matt 2.0: Well The Unknown: make bresh mod ;) Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: we have tried Violet Ox: any young ladies in here ;) puppy: you are? ろくiro: so there is no measure to hold him accountable 🌻 Willow 🌻: Yes Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan used to have -300 karma Callan 👑 : you know bresh may be a good candidate puppy: only recently? ろくiro: that sounds really cool Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: LMAO Callan 👑 : they were never that cracked out Alyssa: callan puppy: you weren’t before 🌻 Willow 🌻: Huh Alyssa: can you see this KoKane [MOD]✅: Bresh would be best mod tbh. No *** Expressing Poppadom: I see willow on here a lot Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: Callan Kaneki: oh i remember bresh The Unknown: i would prefer bresh tbh puppy: did you leave for a bit? Preventing Kabutops: so mods who arent callan can ban too? The Unknown: even tho hes weird asf Kaneki: wasnt he already a mod? ろくiro: i would prefer bresh Chise: Callan isn’t listening >~< Callan 👑 : okay 🌻 Willow 🌻: Like a week when I was in Michigan ろくiro: he can already ban people but chooses not to Callan 👑 : I would do bresh Matt 2.0: Who puppy puppy: ah KoKane [MOD]✅: Bresh for president The Unknown: yup ori Alyssa: oh bresh would be a good mod, he's got my vote Death 🇧🇪🇬🇪: bresh would never ban anyone with an anime pfp puppy: not you bitch 🌻 Willow 🌻: >BRESH Matt 2.0: Ok sierra: Whos bresh 🌻 Willow 🌻: WHAT Callan 👑 : nah bresh wouldn't The Unknown: its weird im supporting bresh LMFAO Malayaball: #Bresh2021 ろくiro: bresh hates moderation Callan 👑 : because remeber this shit is an experiemnt ろくiro: which is the funniest part The Unknown: ive annoyed him for 2 years puppy: i don’t like bresh KoKane [MOD]✅: Bresh would be fair Callan 👑 : and if it doesn't work it will go back to the old way puppy: he pisses me off Kaneki: bresh2021-2025 The Unknown: who does puppy James: Hey The Unknown: lmfao Cutting Orange: Why bresh? Matt 2.0: Ok callan Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Matt worst admin Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He lags ろくiro: please just make like wessy or jesus mod Malayaball: i think almost everyone pisses you off puppy lmaoo Kaneki: what about swifty Kaneki: ? Matt 2.0: I be giving eveeyone warnings though puppy: no 🌻 Willow 🌻: Make ori mod Chise: I think callan is purposely making poor choices so he doesn’t have to have mods ur mom: purple lights hmmmmm i wonder who it could be Callan 👑 : but Matt The Unknown: make ori mod Callan 👑 : ban Zio on sight Matt 2.0: On Callan 👑 : he's no longer allowed on here The Unknown: he gonna ban me first ;) sierra: Make me instead Matt 2.0: Ok Cutting Orange: That's good Matt 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Make Ori or Willow a mod ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Sorey I died Cyan Mon Calamari: Callan's mindset : Let's make pedophiles, weirdos, and randoms mods!!!!! KoKane [MOD]✅: It's OK puppy, I'm tight with bresh. We go way back ;) puppy: emily doesn’t piss me off, bea doesn’t, jesus doesn’t, ori doesnt 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: They're both great people who care Preventing Kabutops: hey The Unknown: LMFAO CYAN Matt 2.0: Cyan Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Matt is slow 🌻 Willow 🌻: Make Jesus mod puppy: there’s more Chise: Hell make moderation look bad, and then do away with it ur mom: hi kane Jo: callan's doing a little bit of trolling Callan 👑 : gl KoKane [MOD]✅: Hi The Unknown: kane we go way back more like ;) Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): He takes 1 hour to ban me Matt 2.0: I AM NONE OF THEM Cyan puppy: wessy doesn’t piss me off ろくiro: we do a bit of trolling 🌻 Willow 🌻: This is honestly trolling ろくiro: apparently Cyan Mon Calamari: Matt youre a random stfu The Unknown: matt thats what they all say ;) Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Callan wtf of modders you have 🌻 Willow 🌻: puppy what did I do Preventing Kabutops: a Bresh: Hi Callan ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Dude Zio u gotta stop bro 😭😂 puppy: nothing The Unknown: wessy u existed ;) ろくiro: i mean atleast our mod is a person who only comes here like an hour a day 🌻 Willow 🌻: OH, thought you said don’t 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Smooth Death puppy: i said you don’t piss me off The Unknown: death really? Callan 👑 : loool bresh has way more karma Joey: Yo Bresh: ahahhahahaha Callan 👑 : niceee try bro 🌻 Willow 🌻: “Don’t piss me off” lol KoKane [MOD]✅: Why is zio still here matt? Do your job Matt 2.0: Banned zio for 30 minutes Callan 👑 : g'mon man Jo: yeah callans trolling Cyan Mon Calamari: Bresh is a pedo and a weirdo ;) KoKane [MOD]✅: Nice matt Bresh: Nice try mate my pfp is the same 🌻 Willow 🌻: Bresh farms himself Matt 2.0: Thats a start i guess Callan 👑 : Matt ban that Zio dude permanently whenever you see him The Unknown: cyan dont start puppy: imagine not spending all your free time on here Callan 👑 : he's too ****** puppy: couldn’t be me The Unknown: the man gonna say i said that Matt 2.0: Oh ok Cyan Mon Calamari: Let's do it!!!!! Pretend to be anti pedo and then try and make a pedo a mod!!!!!! ur mom: jo remember how upset you were over 2k ろくiro: callan i dont think you are gonna earn any goodwill with this Callan 👑 : eventually his VPN will run out of nodes Jo: it was 2k a week but yeah Matt 2.0: Cyan i am not a pedo Jo: why Matt 2.0: Stop that Bresh: matt that penguin with a gun suits your modness Cyan Mon Calamari: Not you matt puppy: that’s chloe right Cyan Mon Calamari: Talking about bresh Matt 2.0: Ok ur mom: i make 7k a week now now Chise: Poor choice in my opinion. He should mod someone who’s online a lot Callan 👑 : also matt, being a mod can suck people may be rude so if you want it taken away KoKane [MOD]✅: I have been banned 200 times. Still got bare nodes Jo: BS 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Jo doesn't like getting karma because he just makes a new account each time Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): And I was saying my cum smells like waffles puppy: honestly ur mom: not bs 🌻 Willow 🌻: I honestly can’t believe this Matt guy and bresh of all people will be mods Jo: CALLAN IS TROLLING Zio♥️🥀(Franz Liszt🎹♥️🎵): Wbu callan, how your cum smells like The Unknown: id be a mod ;) puppy: what’s the point in being a mod if you’re not on much Jo: CALLAN IS 100% TROLLING 🌻 Willow 🌻: This has to be trolling Cyan Mon Calamari: Callan this is hilarious Malayaball: lmao 🌻 Willow 🌻: No way it’s not Chise: He is ろくiro: callan has gotta be just trolling before he deleted groupchat next week Callan 👑 : I will say btw guys Matt 2.0: Banned zeo permanently Chise: This is kindergarten logic The Unknown: zio* Cyan Mon Calamari: He hates his site so much he's just trolling now bahahaha Callan 👑 : you see how this cunt just keeps coming in over and over Matt 2.0: That accnt btw The Unknown: cunt... The Unknown: the language bruh Callan 👑 : it's just proof that banning and mods can't really do shit puppy: cunt Matt 2.0: Yeh true Jo: callans trolling Callan 👑 : you all need to make use of muting and socially ostrasizing people Jo: its not even Callan 👑 : thats the reality Jo: its not even subtle Matt 2.0: Hm Xavier 🖤: LMAO Xavier 🖤: THERE'S MODS? Xavier 🖤: LOOOL ろくiro: callan make it so there is a timer for new accounts to join gc after being made puppy: jo ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Bruh ur mom: callan buddy can you add pics back Xavier 🖤: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 🌻 Wessy 🌻: The master bait Cutting Orange: well we'll have to see how this experiment goes before concluding something The Unknown: yo callan. can u give me a devil role? Xavier 🖤: LMAOOOO ろくiro: would stop people like zio constantly coming back Cyan Mon Calamari: Callan you sexc mf. Death to mods. Stop trolling Xavier 🖤: FULL TIME MOD Callan 👑 : nah pics never coming back EVER Xavier 🖤: HELL NAH puppy: you know what else isn’t subtle Xavier 🖤: LMAOAOO puppy: how hot you are ur mom: why not</3 Callan 👑 : people took what they've been saying about me too far man Cyan Mon Calamari: Like Cyan Mon Calamari: Last Xavier 🖤: its cuz ur not a good person Xavier 🖤: LOL Callan 👑 : and I was like, alright then, enough is enough Jo: You have'n't even seen me how could you even know that The Unknown: callan. dont take internet so serious smh puppy: so revenge Bresh: Callan puppy: lmaooo Bresh: you're delusional puppy: jo Callan 👑 : why tf am I not a good person wtf bro Bresh: stop it The Unknown: u have a gf. a good life. and a nice car🤤 puppy: your personally is so hot 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan are you going to mod Bresh? He's right there Bresh: 1 person is talking about you Bresh: and you say it's everyone ろくiro: lMAOP The Unknown: LMFAO JESSUS Bresh: ******* hell ur mom: callan i’ll be ur bestie if you add pics back Matt 2.0: Its just what they say callan for no reason Jo: brb, doing non-trivial amounts of trolling ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt, if I trashtalk u will u ban me? puppy: lol Matt 2.0: You should ignore it 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt ban me ろくiro: Matt ban me The Unknown: i hate kane. lets ban him ;) 🌻 Wessy 🌻: Don’t ban Jesus ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Me to Callan 👑 : nah but guys I'm being harassed 🌻 Wessy 🌻: Or ori KoKane [MOD]✅: Shush Callan 👑 : someone keeps emailing my business R.I.P: Death what the hell ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Im a nobody, so ban me Malayaball: what are the new emerald rules now? Callan 👑 : saying shit about me Xavier 🖤: LMAO Rmr when callan put a bunch of females with exploiting pics at the front page to attract more strangers onto this shit website 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hey Shade Callan 👑 : about emerald Xavier 🖤: LOL Cyan Mon Calamari: Matt kissed callan's ass so now he's a mod. Step 1 to become a mod. Be a random. Step 2. Kiss callan's ass ur mom: don’t ban kane J.T.: howdy Matt 2.0: Thats no reason twipp Xavier 🖤: Ban kane too 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hey JT Xavier 🖤: that nigga apedo R.I.P: Callan block them Callan 👑 : how its a pedo site and how I'm the pedo mark zuckerberg J.T.: hey jesus puppy: jtttt The Unknown: callan. man someone doxxed me on here and now sends viagra pills ads to my number 24/7 🤣 Matt 2.0: What cyan ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt would u ban me if I talkshit to u Callan 👑 : and then all that shit gets sent to my partners and business associates Matt 2.0: Never did taht Callan 👑 : and friends Callan 👑 : it's so messed up Shades lover: yeah bby Callan 👑 : I don't know who is doing it but it seems like one crazed hater R.I.P: ... The Unknown: callan. cant u retrace them? Cutting Orange: that's sad Callan Matt 2.0: I wld ban u if there is provocation of any kind 🌻 Wessy 🌻: I’m still confused how a person with 2 weeks got made mod. No checks on who he is or anything? Could be a pedo, Could be a piece of shit? R.I.P: Im leaving for good ur mom: prolly zio 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: It's not one person Callan ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: That's a deep word The Unknown: matt did u know chinese people eats dogs? Callan 👑 : exactly probbaly is zio puppy: matt what does that mean Callan 👑 : he's obsessed with me Cyan Mon Calamari: Cry about it Callan;) Callan 👑 : for years bro ろくiro: matt could be zio LULW Shades lover: zio isn't obsessed with you The Unknown: FACTS J.T.: pry Matt 2.0: I didnt unknown ur mom: he’s just jealous Shades lover: HE HASNT BEEN HERE FOR MORE THAN A YEAR ur mom: now add pics back J.T.: there's mods now? Shades lover: CALLAN YOJRE DELISOPANALALA Matt 2.0: Callan if people dont want me as mod i need not be one The Unknown: damn it. i was trynna be racist matt ;( Shades lover: ÀAAAAAAAAAAAH Callan 👑 : then why he email ad dragon and chat to my customer support and talk shit about emerald lol Cyan Mon Calamari: Death to mods The Unknown: bad dragon LMFAO puppy: matt you didn’t ******* answer KoKane [MOD]✅: I didn't even know who matt was until 5 minutes ago 🌻 Wessy 🌻: Callan just basically picked mods from a hat Betting Chicken: Hello puppy: what did that mean Chise: Same J.T.: well thats not uh Chise: Matt is new Shades lover: HOW DO YOU KNOWCITS ZIO Matt 2.0: Its too fast puppy ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Matt nahh bro, just don't listen to them J.T.: good Matt 2.0: What dis u ask puppy: i knew who matt was like 2 days ago ur mom: also hi pup pup Chise: Guys 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt has a good pfp, that qualifies him Callan 👑 : I do have a plan Bella: Girlllll where’s my donuts chloe: yo callan can you make the default color for bots pink J.T.: im the realist mf here sierra: **** bresh KoKane [MOD]✅: No he doesn't R.I.P: I see a whale. Callan 👑 : for real The Unknown: man been saying the n word for days ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Ban Kane for being to hawt puppy: every time bresh speaks it just something derogatory and invalidating Bella: 😪😪😪 Callan 👑 : I am going to re-build Emerald Clinging Lolipop: Eat dick mf Curing Ape: also i think giving mod tag wont help when people can.. karma ban the MOD lol The Unknown: callan sooo u gonna delete this site? The Unknown: wew Callan 👑 : using the Dragon X money Jo: you dont have a plan callan your a ******* liar KoKane [MOD]✅: Bresh is bae Jo: LMAO Matt 2.0: Ohh Jo: HAHAHAHA The Unknown: will it be called ruby? Callan 👑 : and it will be completely new puppy: it’s* 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: *you're The Unknown: or diamond? Catdaddy: dat ninja lex luga Matt 2.0: Nice Jo: H A H A H A H A Callan 👑 : but that wont be for a while Shades lover: emerald 4.0? The Unknown: or opal 2.0 Callan 👑 : nah 3.0 Matt 2.0: Callan The Unknown: LMFAO Cutting Orange: What will there be in the new emeraldchat? Callan 👑 : and it will be like Emerald 1.0 Shades lover: Callan The Unknown: THIS IS 3.0 bruh Bella: 🍩 KoKane [MOD]✅: Sure Callan. We're still waiting for the app 🌻 Wessy 🌻: Alright, I’m out for realsies ろくiro: revert to white emerald??? Callan 👑 : take the things you missed Shades lover: 3.0 DID HAPLEN ろくiro: LETS GOOOo The Unknown: green and white? Bella: guys ろくiro: based absed Callan 👑 : and wont look like discord lmao ろくiro: based Shades lover: TIME FOR 4.0 The Unknown: HELL YEAHHH Jo: what will it look like callan The Unknown: im down for that callan Jo: describe it Curing Ape: first time i saw ori happy Bella: I love u Curing Ape: damm Matt 2.0: If people dont like me as mod , i need not be mod callan ....... Jo: you are more full of shit then my pants rn Shades lover: Callan admiting to being a discord ripoff The Unknown: matt stfu The Unknown: just keep it chloe: callan make everything pink and purple to piss jo off Callan 👑 : also The Unknown: just dont abuse it Shades lover: it's the Turkish discord Curing Ape: matt just accept it and enjoy xD Callan 👑 : it will be nothing like Omegle Matt 2.0: I wont The Unknown: PINK AND PURPLE LMFAO Clinging Lolipop: Wtf is going on here dude Curing Ape: omegle is from 2008 come on Bella: Chloe puppy: lol The Unknown: omegle ;) Matt 2.0: Abuse it Jo: >can't elaborate Cutting Orange: so there won't be chatting between strangers? R.I.P: If i cannot troll on this site no more i will leave KoKane [MOD]✅: I will bear the weight of your crown, matt. Give it to me! Jo: >won't describe plans Jo: >makes empty promises The Unknown: matt i will tickle ur booty if u do chloe: jo look my lighting is normal Matt 2.0: Lol Curing Ape: im ded Clinging Lolipop: Can't believe i don't have job The Unknown: rip u dont even troll me ;( Curing Ape: shade Jo: this seems to be what callan likes to do Curing Ape: shade Curing Ape: gib attention Callan 👑 : It will be way better than Omegle Flinging Liquorice: There's mods now? Flinging Liquorice: wtf ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Bruh confusing Callan 👑 : and it will have blockchain elements M18 8inch: Anyone wanna dm me Shades lover: chloe nice **** Curing Ape: i wish jesus was a mod Catdaddy: we will build the greatest wall. the world has ever seen J.T.: im fine if the mods are dickheads Callan 👑 : and you'll have a coin and everything The Unknown: blockchaian is good Bella: So many weirdos here The Unknown: coin Jo: BLOCKCHAIN CHAT LMAO KoKane [MOD]✅: Callan is big boss level 1000 troll J.T.: aren't* Callan 👑 : Emerald Coin The Unknown: WHY A COIN Jo: HOLY **** Curing Ape: yes the biggest wall Callan 👑 : to the moooon ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: COINS? Jo: SO MANY BUZZWORDS Flinging Liquorice: CALLAN will it have a report feature???? Lmao ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: WTF Jo: JESUS ******* CHRIST Callan 👑 : im not even kidding Curing Ape: crypto AUTISM Jo: IT HRUTS The Unknown: are u trynna make this a crypto site? sierra: Mm MONEY R.I.P: Unknown your not worth trolling Jo: IT HUUUURTTTTS 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hruts chloe: callan can you please take away the robot thing away when people sign back in that’s so annoying The Unknown: wew rip Bella 💐🌷❤️ : Ok Jo: IT HURTS SO ******* BAD Flinging Liquorice: CALLAN WILL IT HAVE A REPORT FEATURE The Unknown: so rood Callan 👑 : I wont destroy this so emerald chat will stay live 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Shade am I worth trolling? ろくiro: Pay 500 EME to skip the wait time on your 2000 hour ban !! Curing Ape: how you make money? by making horny dudes pump my COIN puppy: i don’t even know what this means 😭 Callan 👑 : but I will make a new site, and grow it The Unknown: i thought we close. time to unfriend KoKane [MOD]✅: I love you callan..i hate you Callan Bella 💐🌷❤️ : I like big butts Flinging Liquorice: CALLAN who drew all the robot pfps Callan 👑 : and then when it grows bigger this site will go The Unknown: ori. how about a perma ban LMFAO Jo: BLOCKCHAIN = CALLAN CAN HOST IT FOR FREE Curing Ape: also pls callan Jo: HAHAHAHAHAHAFH HKIodsufihusfdja ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: WAIT WHATS THE COINS FOR CALLAN? Curing Ape: change back to cats Jo: im ******* bachsigjnf ngk jtrioekkyn e Catdaddy: add a thot lock in the next version as well. The Unknown: coins for ***** ;) Curing Ape: those robots are disgustingly awful chloe: i don’t want people i know irl to find this callan R.I.P: Please J.T.: idek what a fukin blockchain is R.I.P: no Matt 2.0: Nice idea callan Jo: The coin is how your paid for ******* hosting the site Cutting Orange: will it be possible though to meet strangers? Curing Ape: PLEASE YES Bella 💐🌷❤️ : Someone go get her KoKane [MOD]✅: Callan uses emerald to mine btc confirmed The Unknown: chloe wtf Jo: do you not know how blockchain works Curing Ape: shade i hate u The Unknown: MFAO KANE ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Jo I don't Flinging Liquorice: How tf us MATT a mod??? Bella 💐🌷❤️ : 🍗🍗🍗🍗 Callan 👑 : the coin is some bullshit lets be real it's all a hussle but at least if you use it and earn the coin you get some money for wasting your life online all day ;) Jo: neither do i tbh ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Idk what that is puppy: i don’t know what blockchain is R.I.P: NO jesus Curing Ape: god Callan 👑 : lol im kidding Curing Ape: callan be saying savage things Callan 👑 : i will think of a use of the coin Bella 💐🌷❤️ : 🐕 Matt 2.0: Oh lol Clinging Lolipop: Callan eat dick mf Curing Ape: gotta drain the life out of teenagers and make coin Jo: but basically you get some worthless crypto for hosting the site basically Curing Ape: sounds like china to me J.T.: is blockchain like a cryptocurrency sytem Jo: callan is full of shit rn Flinging Liquorice: Puppy dont know what decency is either J.T.: system 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Helen Jo: yeah Matt 2.0: Climgimg mind ur language ? chloe: callan i’ll be ur sugar daddy if u make it so i can’t be banned ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: CALLANN OMGG IM HERE LIKE 24 HOURS, HOW MUCH MONEY WILL I MAKE Clinging Lolipop: Hi hru KoKane [MOD]✅: I want all the emerald coins Alyssa: Callan 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: I'm good, wbu? The Unknown: callan. how about u make a site with crypto where people learns how to get into it by completing social achievements while getting to know others? Curing Ape: kek Jo: its pretty neat, but a blockchain chat is just retarded Alyssa: oi Curing Ape: JESUS puppy: **** sucker Curing Ape: I LOVE U JESUS J.T.: omg the mods are already retarded Jo: no Alyssa: can you see this Clinging Lolipop: Im fan of luna fx sorry if i put her pictures 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: I love you as well Matt 2.0: Twippie lmao ろくiro: bresh will find a way to have all of the emerald coin 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : heyy guys ろくiro: for the luls Jo: you don't get how blockchain works Alyssa: helo R.I.P: Jesus Callan 👑 : that sounds sick man Flinging Liquorice: Puppy has no modesty 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Shade The Unknown: wait what i said? R.I.P: WTf Curing Ape: shade is your enemy jesus Curing Ape: please 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : heyy jesus Jo: you mine the coin by hosting the site, thats how blockchain works Callan 👑 : are any of you in crypto? J.T.: "mind ur language" J.T.: headass Bella 💐🌷❤️ : I hate this site KoKane [MOD]✅: Bresh is our lord and savoi 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hey Allegra puppy: lmaooo R.I.P: Jo get your nasty name away from mine Curing Ape: just for the quick money schemes sierra: Bresh the person with anime pfp 💀? The Unknown: i mean my sister currently is making her own crypto site 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : STILL waiting for my holy water jesus Mars Diamond: I am lmao Matt 2.0: Lol Catdaddy: and put these thots back in the horny jail. Curing Ape: and losing unbelievable amounts of cash in a second puppy: cum chloe: guys i have a play date on friday😏😏 ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: CALLAN ESTIMATE HOW MUCH MONEY WILL I MAKE IN LIKE 3 HOURS J.T.: i dont fw crypto The Unknown: shes into ethereum J.T.: so risky 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: I CANT SEND IT ALLEGRA Jo: making a site 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : twiptwip R.I.P: No callan 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : heyy Curing Ape: AMEN Matt 2.0: 0 twipp ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Risky = chance Callan 👑 : idk how much you'd make man this is just some idea at this point Shades lover: chloe let me play with your **** puppy: play date? Mars Diamond: I got like 20 different cryptos The Unknown: facts ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Allegraaa heyy ❤️ Callan 👑 : but basically I think Emerald chat didn't hit the right spot 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : wait is this the real callan Callan 👑 : I think it could be rebuilt The Unknown: shes also integrating nfts into her website Jo: hes literally spewing things he has no plan for Curing Ape: good luck callan but please fix this site before jumping to another boat Jo: yes J.T.: yeah allegra Callan 👑 : and become much more successful ろくiro: the obsession with crypto as an investment has killed any excitement i had for it as a technology Venus Lolipop: Heyo 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : woah KoKane [MOD]✅: I had 11 bitcoins in 2103, but i spent it on hard drugs on silk road dnm 😔 Bella 💐🌷❤️ : Somebody go get herrr Cutting Orange: Callan, what will we be able to do in the new site? Why do you say it won't be like omegle? Callan 👑 : we will never beat Omegle, I have to admit that Omegle won R.I.P: matt mod is cutteee The Unknown: wew ori chloe: callan it’s ok just make people from december come back ろくiro: greed ruins everything J.T.: omegle doesnt have a group chat Matt 2.0: Thanks rip The Unknown: callan. its not about winning tho Callan 👑 : so we need to innovate and try something completely different Bella 💐🌷❤️ : 11 Bitcoin is a lot of money Bella 💐🌷❤️ : sheeesh 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : callan could u add private group chats here Jo: callan is spewing nonsense Matt 2.0: People hate me now lol Jo: jesus christ KoKane [MOD]✅: It wasn't in 2013 The Unknown: facts bella Kate: whoa theres a mod Cutting Orange: What is that something, that is completely different? 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Matt I don't hate you Callan 👑 : you will all have to get an ethereum wallet though on metamask, do you have that? 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : heyy kate R.I.P: Callan please no The Unknown: callan. if u liked my idea. i could share it to u again on insta Mars Diamond: Will u accept investors and stuff Callan? ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Whaaa Jo: callan, have you considered becoming a politician??? Curing Ape: callan please J.T.: it'll only go downhill from here Curing Ape: fix the site first J.T.: i can feel it The Unknown: i had a metamask lmfao Alyssa: Callan Jo: like seriously R.I.P: That sounds difficult for me to deal with. Alyssa: hi The Unknown: and lost my code to it ;( Curing Ape: crypto is still unknown to normies Matt 2.0: Thanks jesus means a lot coming from you 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : callan bring pics back R.I.P: I'm so lazy Curing Ape: it wont be a sucess that way KoKane [MOD]✅: 11 btc was an eighth of coke in 2013 Callan 👑 : I can't be a politician I've said too many things that would get me cancelled Curing Ape: also many dont even have a pc The Unknown: coz my laptop died and i couldnt retrieve it puppy: lmao Curing Ape: well The Unknown: ape. u can use crypto on mobile too Callan 👑 : also I don't wanna be a politician man Curing Ape: biden is the president Callan 👑 : politics is so corrupt Curing Ape: he is a literal pedo Curing Ape: xD Jo: your a good liar Jo: your a pedophile 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: *you're 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : lmao Jo: your incredibly greedy J.T.: you're* 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: *you're Jo: your good at spewing bullshit The Unknown: callan would u want me to share the idea again on insta? J.T.: you're* J.T.: you're* 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: *you're 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : jo going in Alyssa: callan can you see this J.T.: you're* ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Isrg if emerald coins become a thing, Im gonna ******* be here for 24 hoours to get that 💲💲💲 Jo: grade A politician material J.T.: you're* Matt 2.0: Corruption everywhere these days 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: you're* Callan 👑 : why are you calling me a pedo J.T.: you're* 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: you're* J.T.: you're* James: Hey 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: you're* Alyssa: can someone tell callan I said hi J.T.: you're* The Unknown: breh Kate: emerald coins?? The Unknown: stop the spam Curing Ape: xD Alyssa: Matt KoKane [MOD]✅: Ban jo for shit talking daddy Callan 😡 J.T.: you're* Bella 💐🌷❤️ : Anyone love me Exploring Hitmonchan: hi hi Matt 2.0: These things deserve bans 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Don't ban Jo puppy: kane puppy: these things? KoKane [MOD]✅: Puppy 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : callan add private group chats and get rid of karma Matt 2.0: Yes alyssa puppy: what things Jo: The main skill you have is making promises you have 0 intention to keep and have no plan to fulfill 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Jo says what he genuinely believes Bella 💐🌷❤️ : Hahah KoKane [MOD]✅: What things?? Callan 👑 : I don't understand where this shit comes from, is this the shit about my wife again? Matt 2.0: Simply accusing someone to be a pedo R.I.P: No Bella 💐🌷❤️ : 😆 The Unknown: callan. u might as well give matt a debate team to see if a person deserves a ban or not puppy: what things 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Callan, Alyssa says hi Callan 👑 : the rumor my wife is 13 or some shit Matt 2.0: Puppy Jo: Hes as bad as kevin Jo: holy shit puppy: lmao Jo: this is nuts Callan 👑 : she's ******* 25 man puppy: they said it for a reason KoKane [MOD]✅: Puppy.... ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Oooo 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : callan remove karma pls puppy: it wasn’t random Jo: is nobody else seeing this Jo: jesus The Unknown: facts allegra Jo: surely you see the parallels puppy: kane muah 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Jo were you addressing me? Preventing Kabutops: a Preventing Kabutops: b Preventing Kabutops: c Jo: Changing the topic, lying constantly, spewing barely strung together stuff Clinging Lolipop: Hi guys KoKane [MOD]✅: 😘 ろくiro: removing karma is a bad idea unless some other reporting system exists ろくiro: which it doesnt 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : or atleast get rid of banning from downvoting Curing Ape: karma has to be fixed Clinging Lolipop: I want this outfit to buy it 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : cos ppl get farmed down J.T.: farming is retarded KoKane [MOD]✅: No ori. Karma is cancer J.T.: ill say that The Unknown: well report a person and let a mod resolve with ss? Callan 👑 : You are making the claims Curing Ape: then trolls have to be systematically hunted down ろくiro: karma is the only user accountability on this site Jo: I am stating the facts Callan 👑 : you have to substantiate it Matt 2.0: Well callan people have neg karma withoiut doing anything puppy: big word Matt 2.0: Tbf Jo: You substantiated it yourself in this chat 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : yea puppy: ahooga Clinging Lolipop: I want wear it and wear this thing J.T.: its not accountability if you cant control it ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: LMFAOO 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : fr matt Callan 👑 : lol Jo: you promise things, and when asked you cannot specify how you will fulfill them Bella 💐🌷❤️ : Sadness KoKane [MOD]✅: No..karma is a tool used by script kiddies Jo: or any facts related to those things M 85: Hi Bella 💐🌷❤️ : sad Bella 💐🌷❤️ : sad Curing Ape: hi ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: Sheeeeshh The Unknown: or set a timer on how fast a person can be downvoted and that bots cant downvote ꧁☆☬𝕁𝕦𝕫𝕫 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖☬☆꧂: JO SPITTING FAX Jo: "it won't look like a discord spinoff" "what will it look like" complete silence Callan 👑 : because I'm an entrepreneur man, our lives are a mess jean (m): yo 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Karma isn't accountability, when it's abused so people can ban whoever mildly annoys them jean (m): oh shit karma Cutting Orange: In rolechat they use a report functionality, and people write a comment why someone should get banned (for a while but still), I think that system is easy to abuse puppy: JEAN Jo: "It will be different from omegle" doesn't specify how 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Jean puppy: HI Aqua: Hi callan jean (m): hi puppy Callan 👑 : we don't have the ability to be completely honest we are supposed to dream and innovate J.T.: i was at -5 when i got on and i barely said anything ろくiro: i never said it was a good system of accountability only that it was one jean (m): hi jesus 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : callan pls fix karma x Aqua: More changes? Callan 👑 : not plan and stick to rigid structures 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Hi Aqua Jo: nOt PlAn The Unknown: have a level up system where a certain person needs to text a certain amount of chats without spam to level up in order to have a real account on here? Jo: jesus christ KoKane [MOD]✅: Callan is a flake. He talks the talk, but lies like criminal Callan 👑 : ideas are liquid Aqua: Hey Jesus 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : heyy aqua 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Aqua did you meet Matt? Curing Ape: jesus puppy: what The Unknown: and in order for them to vote on others? Curing Ape: jesus Jo: yeah you do the thinking in your head J.T.: id rather be a criminal than a politician 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Yes Ape? Jo: and you tell the ideas to others once you have a plan to achieve them Callan 👑 : one way to save Emerald Callan 👑 : is to rebuild it J.T.: i mean, what's the difference Aqua: Ig I did Jesus jot sure you tho puppy: there isn’t one Curing Ape: please enlighten callan with reasonable ideas Callan 👑 : and get completely away from the Omegle business model The Unknown: callan then take in some of my ideas. and think about them Matt 2.0: Karma is a nice idea but here we get negative karma without doing anuthing puppy: one gets away with it? Jo: Elaborate callan puppy: maybe that’s the difference 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Aqua I don't understand that sentence Aqua: Callan eme will die soon considering your changes Matt 2.0: Maybe poeple just doing it sierra: Im a bad bitch Jo: instead of spitting buzzwords J.T.: ya'll taking this seriously 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : yea matt The Unknown: im literally trynna give ideas forr improvements J.T.: like its a business lmao 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : get rid of banning callan 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : from downvoting KoKane [MOD]✅: Rebuild it with kane as rhe emperor, i say puppy: lmaooo Callan 👑 : I don't know fully what to do but something different, something innovative The Unknown: i mean jt it does make about 40k in revenue each year 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : if ur not gonna get rid of karma Callan 👑 : it's fair to say Emerald has failed. Cutting Orange: what's omegle's business model? Ads that used to be displayed on the right? J.T.: for who Jo: WHAT IS IT DIFFERENT Matt 2.0: Ohh KoKane [MOD]✅: Burn it! The Unknown: for callan Curing Ape: it didnt fail jean (m): nah it’s like KoKane [MOD]✅: Sack it! J.T.: well yeah J.T.: hustle Callan 👑 : it did fail, it didn't beat Omegle Jo: ******* SAY WHATS DIFFERENT DONT JUST SAY THINGS WITH NOTHING BEHIND THEM Curing Ape: you just abandoned emerald for two years Callan 👑 : Omegle grew market share even more Matt 2.0: We Jo: nothing will beat omegle Matt 2.0: We Curing Ape: -_- 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Why are you going for first place? The Unknown: callan stop comparing to omegle Callan 👑 : dude it's because I saw the writing on the wall Curing Ape: callan for real Matt 2.0: Well* The Unknown: the sites are different 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Nothing will beat Omegle Curing Ape: im here since the pandemic Clinging Lolipop: I feel sick stfu peoples Curing Ape: the site was broken as hell and you took 6 months to fix it The Unknown: u have a public gc Callan 👑 : and yeah, since we can't compare to Omegle directly, we need something new and fresh ろくiro: group chat makes this site something omegle isnt Matt 2.0: I come here not omegle Curing Ape: theres a reason things fail Callan 👑 : I'll have to think more about it The Unknown: omegle only has vc and 1v1 chat Aqua: Matt is a new mod? Jo: i ******* hate you callan Jo: **** you guys 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Go for something good, and settle for second place The Unknown: exactly ori ろくiro: something unique Curing Ape: i love you jo Clinging Lolipop: Nobody is broken dude chill The Unknown: jo **** me harder daddy puppy: omegle is completely horny Callan 👑 : that's not helpful is it bro Matt 2.0: There are poel Curing Ape: you're such a shitposter J.T.: it'll still be a group chat online. nothing new and fresh about that part Matt 2.0: No Jo: omegle is not completely horny puppy Curing Ape: jo do you remember bmb? KoKane [MOD]✅: Omegle doesn't have gc or the ability to add people jean (m): omegle isn’t completely horny Jo: there are parts of omegle that aren't horny puppy: well 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕣𝕒 : omegle has a better *** chat J.T.: and i still dont understand how the **** bresh got mod Jo: signifigant parts Curing Ape: omegle isnt completely horny* 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: I've met some good people on Omegle The Unknown: i mean i gave an idea callan... about ur crypto thing puppy: those parts call me slurs Cutting Orange: omegle question mode is pretty good sierra: **** bresh Jo: omegle question mode is amazing R.I.P: Mk dude. KoKane [MOD]✅: Omegle is shit Matt 2.0: Callan the interest search here aint taht good in 1 on 1 ?? The Unknown: give users a way to learn how to socialize with others and earn achievements etc Callan 👑 : the thing is Omegle won 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: I only came here because I was banned from Omegle Callan 👑 : so, it's time to innovate KoKane [MOD]✅: Sad Jo: you never were competing J.T.: Achievment earned: ******* gay The Unknown: LMFAO JESUS Callan 👑 : maybe in blockchain in some wy The Unknown: yes call jean (m): on omegle you can’t get banned on cam chat unless you’re actually doin fuckshit Jo: BLOCKCHAIN IS YOU JUST ******* SAYING BUZZWORDS Matt 2.0: Jesus lol Curing Ape: i feel you jesus Jo: JESUS CHRIST The Unknown: jt stfu Curing Ape: i feel you. The Unknown: i will molest ur drumstick chloe: callan it’ll be better if we could send pics Callan 👑 : it isn't necessarily Felisha: Hi J.T.: you will die Matt 2.0: But i come here for the GC as well Jo: Your forgetting to add machine learning callan Jo: machine learning blockchain groupchat ろくiro: we are never getting pics back KoKane [MOD]✅: Callan admits defeat to omegle. Sad times The Unknown: ik 😭 thats the point Curing Ape: chloe been clueless hahahaha Jo: thats the real deal The Unknown: true jo J.T.: im just here to chill mane chloe: what ape The Unknown: that would work tbh The Unknown: have a bot to actually moderate the chat KoKane [MOD]✅: I'm just here to pedo Callan 👑 : one cool thing about blockchain is that you can't be censored, I think there's a real desire and need for an open communication platform that's free and censorship-resistant, that can be done with blockchain tech. The Unknown: and learn whats good and bad puppy: we know kane Jo: come back and talk to me once you have a multi platform fully javascript machine learning blockchain groupchat Callan 👑 : I bet all the right wingers who feel ditched by Twitter and so on will jump J.T.: i thought callan had at least a group of associates to talk to Flinging Liquorice: Sup Callan 👑 : maybe Trump himself may join The Unknown: LFMAO Flinging Liquorice: Huh The Unknown: TRUMP puppy: what Jo: **** this Clinging Lolipop: I didn't graduate guys and im 2p Matt 2.0: Idk what blockchain is tbf Curing Ape: but before jumping to blockchain its fair to have something robust first that can be used to finance it The Unknown: for him to pedo more kids? Clinging Lolipop: 20 R.I.P: I would be so happy KoKane [MOD]✅: Trump 👁👄👁 puppy: lmaoooo The Unknown: matt do research The Unknown: its not bad to learn Matt 2.0: Ok i will R.I.P: trump 2024 Clinging Lolipop: Should i repeat the exam chloe: if trump joins the amount of people that will leave- Clinging Lolipop: Cauze im scared The Unknown: matt u got discord? KoKane [MOD]✅: Trump is cancelled R.I.P: Oh hell nah Flinging Liquorice: Callan pls ban puppy she sends ***** to adults and doesn't care if they get in trouble she's 15 and toxic rn Matt 2.0: Not now Curing Ape: trump 2k24 Curing Ape: lol The Unknown: oh ok Clinging Lolipop: Or find job? Drew💜: peepeepoopoo R.I.P: Shut your mouth Kane Cutting Orange: though arguably a lot of people will join too if Trump joins J.T.: the fact alone that trump was associated with epstein is enough to start a civil war chloe: trump 2k24 in a grave tho Flinging Liquorice: IS THAT HELLEN Flinging Liquorice: LMAO The Unknown: civil war Matt 2.0: Puppy need not be banned Flinging Liquorice: HELLEN IS HERE Curing Ape: while biden is a literal pedon lol puppy: what KoKane [MOD]✅: No don't ban puppy. She's my 4th favourite Curing Ape: pedo* Flinging Liquorice: CALLAN PLS MAKE HELLEN A MOD Occupying Cube: hi 𝕁𝕖𝗌𝕦𝗌: Most rich old men were associated with Epstein Occupying Cube: KNFDLMV FV;fv Occupying Cube: ;V Clinging Lolipop: Im here cauze i didnt graduate R.I.P: Omg Callan 👑 : Biden is the most ******* pathetic world leader I've ever seen Curing Ape: you're jesus R.I.P: bahahahhahahha T: Hey chloe: kane am i your favorite Flinging Liquorice: CALLAN PLS MAKE HELLEN A MOD J.T.: id honestly be in a civil war rn Curing Ape: he is KoKane [MOD]✅: Yes chloe Curing Ape: but we had dilma in brazil Occupying Cube: ????? R.I.P: Callan you have my vote chloe: yay J.T.: than getting some lowtier job Diamond: are you talking about avengers? R.I.P: 😂 Callan 👑 : loool Matt 2.0: Whole of politics pathetic these days Curing Ape: it was a retarded biden lol The Unknown: callan. gonna ask again. would u like me to give u some ideas for site rebuilding and improvements? Clinging Lolipop: Because i played with video games and forget that i have study Jo: **** you guys
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