The identification might not have been accurate; the old Devaronian he pointed to had promptly killed all four of the mercs, and no one was able to question him about it. The old Devaronian had vanished, clean off Tatooine and Fett had tracked him. Here, to Peppel, a world almost as far away from Coruscant as Tatooine. The target. Kardue'sai'Malloc, the Butcher of Montellian Serat. There was a five million credit bounty on the Butcher, five million credits of retirement money. Boba Fett was not the man he had once been. His right leg, from the knee down, was artificial. Only constant medical treatment kept him from developing a cancer; the days he'd spent in the belly of the Sarlacc had altered his metabolism permanently, had damaged him genetically to such a degree that he could not have had children had he wanted them; his cellular structures did not always regenerate the way they were meant to. To say nothing of the memories he had carried away from the Sarlacc and the Sarlacc's genetic soup, memories that were not always his own.-Pg.340