IG-88 followed Boba Fett out of the Zio Snaffkin cantina. The assassin droid did not know how Fett had tracked Solo to Dennogra, but Fett was extremely good at such things. And since IG-88 was uncertain about his own next move, he decided to keep an eye on Fett. Like many spaceports in the Outer Rim, Zio Snaffkin had a skyline of low-level industrial buildings. Boba Fett had parked his ship, Slave I, behind the cantina. As he approached Slave I, the roar of two descending starships caused him to halt. Recognizing the two ships, Fett did not move as he watched them land. Captivator was a sleek vessel with a powerful engine. It belonged to a Trandoshan bounty hunter named Bossk, a three-toed, three-fingered reptilian alien. His favorite weapon was his blaster rifle and his favorite targets were Wookiees. The other ship was flown by Dengar, a human bounty hunter with a bandaged head and a bad reputation. Dengar claimed to have won his ship in a sabacc game, but Boba Fett knew that Dengar had stolen the vehicle. Bossk and Dengar climbed out of their ships and approached Boba Fett. IG-88, watching from an alley behind the cantina, aimed an antenna in the direction of the gathered bounty hunters. If the three organics said anything, IG-88 would be able to hear them. "So, the mighty Boba Fett got here first!" Bossk taunted. "Yeah, but it doesn't look like he found anything," Dengar observed. Boba Fett did not respond immediately. He turned his helmeted head slightly, appearing to gaze somewhere between Dengar and Bossk. After several seconds, Fett rasped, "If you look behind me, you'll notice that IG-88 got here before you as well." Hearing Fett's words in the distance, IG-88 considered ducking deeper into the alley. Instead, the droid decided to present himself. He stepped forward, letting the two startled bounty hunters get a good view of his metal body. "What does that prove?" Bossk snarled. "It proves that the droid is quicker than you," Fett replied. "I'll only warn you once. Stay out of my way." Bossk stepped forward. "You don't scare me, you little―" -Chpt.3 pgs.12-13