Rivo let out a nervous giggle. "I told you... he's coming for me." Xarran ignored him. "Commander, send out two detachments. If this bounty hunter is indeed here, then I want him found and brought before me. Preferably alive... although a body will do just fine." Tyrix swiveled his chair around to face the General. "Two detachments, sir?" "For just one man?" Xarran's face did not so much as twitch. "I'm sorry. Commander, did you say something?" "No, sir," Tyrix said, hurriedly swiveling back to his console to activate the comlink. -Pg.16 Fett sat in the hunter's blind among a thick tangle of coilwood branches. He watched as the first wave of speeder bikes roared below him, buzzing along like bloodgnats. He felt the impact tremors as a pair of Imperial walkers lumbered by flanked by half dozen of their comical AT-ST counterparts. He shook his head in amazement as squad after squad of stormtroopers marched into the underbrush. Their bright white armor was not exactly the best forest camouflage. This massive show of force told the bounty hunter all he needed to know about his opponents... Two detachments meant they certainly knew he was here. And they were nervous. Behind the tinted faceplate of his battered helmet. Boba Fett actually smiled. -Pg.17