If anyone can stop Jacen, then, it's me. I'm his equal, and I'm the Sword of the Jedi. But I just don't have his...training. I've no idea what he learned from Lumiya, let alone what he picked up on his travels during those five years. But he'll make a mistake sooner or later. He's way too cocky not to overestimate himself. I just hope it's sooner. And if being a Sith made Jacen invincible, he'd have taken over the galaxy by now. I have a chance, and Fett's going to help me make the most of it. It can't be that hard to find him. He's a bounty hunter, so I'll hire him like any other client, except I'm not just any other client-I'm Han Solo's daughter, and I'm a Jedi, and Fett has spent a lifetime hunting us. And now I'm asking him to train me to hunt and capture my own brother. For all I know, he'll laugh in my face-if he ever laughs, that is-and tell me to get lost. But I have to ask him. Swallow pride, eat humble pie, and beg if need be. Dad seems to have thawed a little toward him; I still despise him. But if he says yes-I swear I'll be the best pupil he's ever had. Come on, Fett: show me how it's done.-Prologue