"So this is your army, eh, Gilramos?" He looked dismissively at the droids, then walked over and nudged a small girl with his blaster. "Thieving children and a handful of droids?" Boba watched him. If I only had a weapon, he thought. I could free us all! But could he? He glanced past where Gilramos held tightly to him. There were crates of weaponry everywhere. One stray blast, and the whole place would become a weapon! Wait a minute, Boba thought. From the corner of his eye he saw someone move. Not a droid. Not Gilramos, either. Ygabba. She stood near a pile of crates. Her head turned. She looked desperately at Boba. Immediately he knew what to do. "Ygabba!" he shouted. "Lead them out! Run - NOW!" At the same time that Boba yelled, he flattened himself against the floor. With a roar, Durge turned. There was a flare of light from his blaster. Boba kicked at Gilramos. The Neimoidian shrieked, then tried to grab him. The droids surged forward. Too late! Boba was free! He slammed himself to the floor. Above him Durge's blast struck Gilramos. The Neimoidian fell. Another blast struck a droid with a muted explosion as the others tried to blast Durge. "This way!" Ygabba shouted. "Fast!" Like a flock of birds, the children scattered. Ygabba stood by an opening and yelled at them. Children raced everywhere. They dove through holes in the walls. They clambered through gaps in the ceiling. Everywhere glowing eyes shimmered and shone as the children yanked one another to safety. All but Boba. "Now you!" Durge roared. Another blast roared from his weapon as a droid strode toward him. The droid fell, and Durge laughed. "You're next!" he cried, and aimed at Boba. Boba glanced back. He saw Gilramos crawling across the floor. His hat was beside him. Neimoidians place huge value on their hats. Boba knew that. They represent power and prestige. No Neimoidian would ever be without one. Not unless he was dead. Boba grabbed the hat. Gilramos gave a desperate cry. "No!" Boba turned. Another voice rose from the room. "Boba!" He looked up. All of the children were gone except for Ygabba. She stood by the open passage, waving at him. Beside her rose a pile of weapons. "This way!" she shouted. Boba clutched Gilramos's hat to him. He looked down at Durge, surrounded by the remaining battle droids. Boba reached for the ignition of his jet pack. He jammed it as hard as he could. He flew. "You die!" bellowed Durge. He swung around, the droids forgotten. His blasters pointed at Boba. Boba soared above him. He swooped down, one arm reaching for Ygabba. "Grab hold!" Boba shouted. She grabbed his hand. In front of him was the passage leading from the chamber. Behind him were Durge and the Neimoidian's droids. "Hold tight!" Boba yelled. He flew toward the pile of weapons. At the last possible instant, he swerved, zooming into the tunnel. "My hat!" screeched Gilramos. "Droids! Stop him!" "Take that!" thundered Durge. And fired. This time his blast ricocheted into one of the crates. Immediately the world exploded. Ygabba cried out, but she hung on. Boba kept his head down, soaring toward freedom. Behind them deafening explosions rocked the gutted Theed Cruiser. "You okay?" shouted Boba above the din. "You bet!" yelled Ygabba. "Good! 'Cause we're almost out of here!" Ahead of them, light bloomed. Behind them the explosions grew muted, like far-off thunder. Moments later, they were outside again. They were free. "O Mightiest of Hutts!" he cried. He strode toward the throne. "I have done as you wished." Jabba stared down at him as though he were another wriggling worm. Then he saw the ornate hat that Boba held toward him. "Give me that," rumbled Jabba. Boba handed him the hat. Jabba took it. He held it up to the light. He examined it thoroughly. He sniffed it. "It stinks of treachery!" he boomed. "It stinks of Gilramos Libkath!" Beside Jabba, Bib Fortuna whispered, "But can we be sure he is dead?" Jabba looked at him disdainfully. "No Neimoidian would ever part with his hat!" He leaned over and dropped it into a smoking pot. Immediately, flames leaped up. In moments, the hat was gone. Only ash remained. "You have done well!" Jabba cried. Then his eyes narrowed. "But what of Durge?" Boba shook his head. "Do you see him here, O Great Jabba?" he asked loudly. "He has failed. And I - I have triumphed!" Jabba looked at him. He nodded. He raised his arms to his guests. "All of you, listen! This young warrior has succeeded where others have failed! Great rewards shall come to you, you - "He stared down at Boba. "What is your name,Mandalorian?" "Boba. Boba Fett."-Chpt.25-27