"Sit, sit," repeated Hat Lo. As if by magic, the slender Twi'lek appeared at his shoulder. She carried two beakers of fizzing liquid. Hat Lo took one. The Twi'lek offered the other to Boba. "Drink with me!" exclaimed Hat Lo. He raised his beaker and waited for Boba to do the same. "To friendship!" "No thanks," said Boba. He dumped the beaker's contents onto the floor. An acrid smell rose from the ground, followed by a puff of greenish flame and a sizzling noise. "Dozoisian Snark Venom. Deadly if it passes your lips. Nice try, Hat Lo." Hat Lo feigned surprise. "I'm shocked, shocked," he said. "It's poisonous?" He shoved his still-full beaker back at the Twi'lek, glaring at her as she beat a hasty retreat. Then he turned back to Boba, shrugging as if to say, You can't blame a crook for trying!-Chpt.12