They came out of hyperspace close to their destination. The Red Twins were hidden in a dense nebula, and they had to use the nav computer to make their way. Then, suddenly, they had a visual sighting, a red-dish haze that looked like one faint star. Obi-Wan gave their position to the spaceport, and they were cleared to land. Ferus dropped the cruiser neatly into the target landing area and then manually guided it to a parking space. He stretched. "I could use a meal and a rest," he said. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for that,” Obi-Wan said. Foreboding snaked through Ferus. He followed Obi-Wan's gaze out the viewscreen to the crowded spaceport. Parked only meters away was the Firespray attack ship. Boba Fett had found them.-Chpt.20