Byrga's ramblings continued. The one good thing about that, at least for the rest of the command crew, was when his mouth was running there was a cessation of lip-smacking. “Make me proud, men. I want to be the one who finds this bounty hunter." The Lieutenant abruptly cocked his head to one side. "Did anyone else hear that?" The drivers shook their heads. Byrga turned toward the dark tunnel leading back into the walker's passenger compartment. "That's strange. Were not carrying any troops." He activated the blast door and peered inside. After a moment's decision he placed one hand on his holstered blaster and slowly walked into the AT-AT's neck. "I'll be right back, men. Carry on without me for a moment." The drivers happily complied. The AT-AT drivers were so entranced by the wonderful silence in the cockpit they didn't even notice the unusually long absence of their commanding officer. That was their first mistake. When the blast door finally slid open again they didn't even bother to look up from their consoles. As it turned out, that oversight was their last. Boba Fett lowered his smoking blaster rifle and took a moment to admire his new mode of transportation. Lieutenant Grejj sat back in his command chair, fingertips steepled in front of his face. The walker's command crew was doing a fine job considering the circumstances. He only hoped they could get communications back on-line as quickly as possible. Then they could eliminate the bounty hunter and resume normal duties. Grejj liked his routine. He did not like surprises. "Sir! We're picking something up on sensors.'' The Lieutenant leaned forward. "What is it?" The driver shook his head. "Just another walker... must be Lieutenant Byrga." Grejj added on. "Let's go see if his hunting has been more fortuitous." The driver chimed in "He must have already seen us," the driver said. "Here they come now." Grejj nodded, reaching for the cockpit release lever. "With any luck this will be over soon." As a matter of fact, it was. The remains of Lieutenant Grejj's AT-AT and a pair of AT-STS that had stumbled onto the fight were scattered along the ground. The two smaller walkers were so confused by the duel between their larger siblings that they had actually opened fire on Grejj. Fett guided his AT-AT through the smoking debris as his sensors picked up a large grouping of stormtroopers nearby. The hunter checked his chronometer and noted that he was right on schedule. -Pgs.21-25