"Help," the man whispered. Dengar was astonished to find him alive. "What happened?" Dengar asked. "Sarlacc ... swallowed me. I killed it. Blew it up," the man said. Dengar wondered. It was said that the mighty Sarlacc took a thousand years to digest someone. Dengar had supposed that it was only exaggeration, but obviously this man could not have been lying here for more than a day or two. Which meant that he'd been in Sarlacc's belly for some weeks. Manaroo had been only a dozen meters away, and she rushed over to them. "Oh, here," she said. "Help me get him inside!" Together they carried the wounded man aboard the Punishing One, laid him on a bed, and Dengar got him some water while Manaroo began spraying his wounds with antibiotics. When the fellow could speak again, he grasped Dengar's wrist, and whispered, "Thank you. Thank you, my friend," over and over. "It was nothing," Dengar replied. "Nothing? You still... you still want to be partners, Dengar?" the man said. He reached out his hand to shake. Dengar gaped at the man's tortured and burned face, and realized that this was Boba Fett. Boba Fett without his armor and weapons. Boba Fett helpless in Dengar's bed. Boba Fett who had stolen Han Solo from him, who had bombed Dengar's ship, who had drugged Dengar and left him to die in the desert. The man who had betrayed him twice! There was a rushing in Dengar's ears, and the world seemed to turn sideways. There was a muddy smear on the man's head, and Dengar imagined what Boba Fett might have looked like without his hair burned off. If he had brown hair, like Han Solo's ... "Call me Payback," Dengar muttered. Terror filled Boba Fett's eyes as he suddenly saw the danger. "I was just following orders," Boba Fett said, but in Dengar's mind, it was Han Solo that Dengar heard. "I'm sorry." "Hey, buddy, it was a fair race," Han was saying, that cocky grin on his face. "It could just as easily have been the other way around. I'm the one who could have got burned.... Sorry." "But I'm the one who got burned!" Dengar shouted, grabbing Han by the throat. There was a brief struggle, and Dengar felt a wave of dizziness. He was choking Boba Fett, and the man was looking up at him, pleading. "Sorry! I'm sorry!" he growled, and Manaroo was suddenly at Dengar's back, pulling on him. She was fumbling with something, twisting something metallic against his cranial jack. Her Attanni shot through Dengar, washing him with her waves of concern, her worry not just for Dengar, but for Boba Fett too. She shouted, "What's going on here?" She pulled them apart, and Dengar yelled, "He tried to kill me!" and suddenly he saw that during the struggle, Boba Fett had managed to pull Dengar's blaster from his holster. He'd been holding the barrel to Dengar's ribs and could have blown Dengar's lunch against the far wall, but he hadn't pulled the trigger.-The Teeth Of Tatooine pgs.159-160