Boushh’s left hand reached into an ammo pocket, removed a metal orb, and thumbed a switch on the orb. As a small light flashed at the switch’s base, Boushh answered. Cringing, C-3PO nervously translated, “Because he’s holding a thermal detonator!” Max Rebo covered his eyes with his stubby blue fingers, and Salacious Crumb — along with almost everyone else — dived for protective cover. But Fett didn’t hesitate, drawing his blaster rifle with incredible speed and aiming its barrel at Boushh. He recognized the thermal detonator as a Class-A type that would yield a blast radius of about twenty meters. He could also determine from the detonator’s activation indicator light that Boushh had the trigger’s control pins programmed to act as a deadman’s switch: if Boushh’s thumb came off the detonator’s trigger, everyone and everything within the throne room — except for maybe a few pieces of Fett’s armor — would be instantly disintegrated. Despite his reflexes, Boba Fett knew he wouldn’t make it out of the room fast enough, but he wasn’t about to die cowering on the floor.- Star Wars®: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi™ Chapter 2