Regarding the Houses Sinfonia. Min. and Numidii
ersatzUsername 1.3K 30th Jan, 2021
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All of this is simply condensed autism. None of this is canon.||House of Sinfonia, formerly the House of Sibiir:The tutelary House of the region of Sinfonia, once known as the House Sibiir, a peninsula and its associated islands in the east of Min bordering theAdagian Sea. Formerly a House praised for its production of martial prodigies, the House restructured itself to primarily deal in mercantilismfrom 639 on. The current patriarch of the House, as of year 775, is Gallus Flavius, followed in succession by Tacitus Flavius, Marus Gallus,Traianus Gallus, Iassus Tacitus, Cocceius Tacitus, and Pius Gallus. Further succession would be to Gaius Marus, after the expulsion of QuietusMarus from the line. Primary Branch families are the Houses of Magdir, Sumre, and Creft.||Crown of Min:The current head of the northern territory of Encore, directly descended from the Amarillyan (from which Min is derived) dynasty by way of beingdescendants of Ornest Martoi. Named in the Fourth Dynasty as the keepers of the lands of northwest Weultagne (northeast mountains of Greyweul) andeast of the Neigecrest (westernmost mountain in Weultagne), they expanded to the whole of Peirylund (the northernmost peninsula of Encore)following the Charter of Nespithe. The current holder of the Crown is Henrik (Isidi) Min, with succession passing to Pulis Min, followed by ThergiMin. Note: the Crown of Min is given a Coronation name upon ascending to the throne.||Min Legions:Following the Heraine War and the subsequent independence from the Greyweul centered Fourth Dynasty, the Crown of Min issued a Writ forming the MinLegions, a small, rigorously trained army. Composed primarily of nobles not in the line of inheritance, the Legions functioned as units that couldprevent strategic Greyweul and Adagian incursions, as well as training militia in the case of drawn out conflicts. Despite never eclipsing twothousand in number, membership was required to be issued commission as a captain or marshal in formal conflicts. As such, the Legions functionedakin to a school of war and strategy in times where they were not given distinct use.||Numidian Royal House:In this case, the House of Numidii. They are the House currently ruling Arka Numidia, lending their name to the country. Currently, their territoryencompasses the land south of the line from the northern tip of the Adagian Ridges directly east to the southwest tip of the Xarere Valley andsouth to the Bay of Natt. The House is peculiar in that it has absolute primogeniture, meaning male or female can take the throne. Currently, theKing Gesund is seeking to abdicate, but the sudden disappearance of the heir apparent, Princess Helena, means that the Prince Arturian is thus thecurrent successor. Should both disappear, the next in line would be Duchess Eskandra, the eldest daughter of the late King Merchén.
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