Eden v7.2
MADPIPER 403 20th Aug, 2021 Unlisted
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===Harahel v0.7.2===Eden DryadsRace: [Alraune], [Oni], [Marionette]***: [Futanari]Hair: [Green]Eyes: [Unusual Eyes], [Violet]Skin: [Green]Face: [Feminine]Height: [Average]Bust: [Arka Tanks]Hips: [Arka Tanks]Butt: [Arka Tanks]Fitness: [Fit]F.M.S.U.:[Smol Peen], [Everhard], [Everwet], [Magnum Dong], (It's a grower, not a shower. Pfft... With the alraune tentacles, it kind of looks like abitter ginger flower inside a lilly, and we'll probably take advantage of Frankenstein and Dullahan, if not Teacher's Pet to get the meme ofa detachable penis.)[Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Buckets Of Cum], (Food for Senketus, fun for us.)[Arka Tanks x4], [Arka Fountains], (Our baseline is rather scrawny, and we intend to create arka potion production glands to help regulate thesewhen they kick in. Excess arka will be expressed and stored elsewhere.)[Patches], (If it's good enough for Odin...)[Life, Uh, Finds A Way], (We've always wanted to do this...)[Love Nectar], (How could we not be sweet?)[Eggz], [Scrambled], [Clutch], [Eggnancy] (A seed is just an egg for a plant, right? Ours look a bit like Lodoicea coconuts, with a slight purpletinge to their creamy flesh and a subtle hint of cinnamon and nutmeg hiding in the floral flavors of the rich nuttiness. The husk is useful,the shell is useful and pretty, and the oily flesh is both tasty and, you guessed it, useful. For a bioalchemist, it's rather convenient toproduce these.)[Multiple ******* x3], (BOOBIES!!!!!)G.R.M.:[Tasty Fate], (The fruit is bitten...)[Dhampir], [Bio-Immortal], [Tireless], [Regeneration], (Alraunes are supposed to be a little blood thirsty, no?)[Monster Mash x2], [Ubermensch], (Oni gives us the ability to be either spirit or body for an indefinite period of time.)[Gorgon], [Horns], [Kyuu], [Doublethink], [2 Player], [Dulluhan], (Our heads have ankle length snakes, unicorn horns, long fangs, multiple minds,and the ability to detach from our bodies. That'll all come in handy later.)[Arithmomania], (One Two Three)[Auxiliary Systems], [Caustic Blood], [Blood Overdrive],[Aqua Affinity], [Phantom], https://youtu.be/rrcD0SS022w[Arms], [Claws], [Tentacles], (More arms, the ability to use them intuitively, and retractable claws that can be extended further with tentacles.Perfect for sewing... But never mind that, tentacles are for *******, no?)[Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], (Hulderfolk and fairies, so believe.)[Demon Core], (Run, before...)U.T.T.:[Pron Physics], [Pron Studio], (Gonna need these for hardcore tentacle ******* and Magnum Dong action.)[Excalibur], [Void of Corruption], (We're totally fine with switching our polarity up as we please. Various flowers of good and evil... hmmm.)https://youtu.be/rygZkj3W_RM[Perfect *****], [Divine Pregnancy], (This is going to make passing ostrich egg sized coconuts a bit nicer...)
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