GNNeT 174 27th Apr, 2023
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General Concept: An ancient abomination who fervently believes in saving the world (perhaps all worlds) through love. Or at least copious amounts of s*x and drugs. She was killed many centuries ago by a band of adventurers after her father’s attempts at world conquest, but somehow that wasn’tenough, as the torn apart remnants of her body eventually found themselves together again. And it seems the powers that govern this world supporther, as she was given divine power and a little help to get on her feet.===Harahel v0.7.7===The VoiceRace: [Xadera]S*x: [Female]Hair: [White]Eyes: [Amber]Skin: [Ghostly]Face: [Feminine]Height: [Tall]Bust: [Large]Hips: [Thicc]Butt: [Large]Fitness: [Slim]F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Localized Regen], [Resting Smug Face]G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Regeneration], [Horns], [Demon Core], [Claws], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Unusual Eyes]U.T.T.: [Perfect P*ssy], [Mr Clean], [World Clean]Spawn Point: [LOST]Player Count: [Custom Count]Afterlife: [Uzza - Arbiter of Strength], [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion]Death Mods: [Never Ever], [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Aww Shit], [Reincarnation], [Imōto Apocalypto], [Imōto Kataklizmo], [Onee-Chan Ichiban],[Here We Go Again], [Deadman Wonderland], [Imōto Ascension], [Imōto Over Heaven], [Afterlife Tourist], [Dual Citizen], [Remuneration], [ConvenientBackstory]Banes: [Absolute Conquest], [Fate Dynamo], [Dreamfall;Insanity], [Wonderland; Eternal], [Alice; Psychedelica], [No Metagaming], [Dere Dere],[Masochist], [Sexual Harassment], [Don’t Touch Me], [Exhibitionist], [Flasher], [Femininity], [The Fool], [The Chivalrous], [Thy Kingdom Cum],[Beast Master 69], [Thy Will Be Done], [Eye Of The Beholder], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon], [Reverse Summoning], [Mark Of Failure],[Conspicuous], [Attention Whore], [Hephaestus’ Curse] (Backstory DLC: Kuzu)Boons: [Hush Money], [Divine Intervention], [Tasty Prof], [Max Charisma], [Destiny Drive], [Man Portions], [Age Shift], [Nuru Nuru~], [Flavour Flay],[Unbreakable Will], [Unbreakable Mind], [Hero], [Demon Lord] (bought with points from Backstory DLC–Ooga Booga)Items: [Survival Guide]Agility 1Endurance 1Durability 3Combat 2 → 3 from BackstoryCooking 1Bardism 3Artistry 3Strategy 4Charisma 5Arcane 2Summoning 4Light 3 (1 point from backstory)S*x 4Backstory DLC:Memories: Erased (60)
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