Dark Warning 2
Retroguy97 790 9th Mar, 2025
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"When in doubt," he thought, "do the unexpected." Obi-Wan charged, his hood still concealing his identity. He lunged into the teeth of the blasterfire, weaponless. A surprised Boba Fett took a step back. He was too good to stumble, but for the smallest whisper of a second he was slightly offbalance. Obi-Wan saw it. Fett's left side was the vulnerable point. He leaped. In midair, he twisted, coming down with one boot planted squarelyon Boba Fett's left knee. But to his surprise, Fett didn't go over. Obi-Wan felt the bounty hunter's body give, but suddenly Fett reverseddirection, planting himself more firmly. Obi-Wan was stopped cold and had the unpleasant sensation of feeling an armored elbow smash into the backof his head, sending him to the ground. He'd seen that move before. The memory of a desperate fight on Kamino came back to him. Jango Fett hadtaught his son well. If only Obi-Wan had remembered it in time. Ferus came charging as Obi-Wan rolled to his feet, ducking blaster bolts with hisJedi reflexes.Suddenly, the ship next to them exploded. Obi-Wan and Ferus were sent flying by the power of the blast, riding a cushion of air that slammed theminto the permacrete. Molten durasteel rained around them. Ferus ducked as a cockpit seat landed only milli-meters from his head. "Well, hello,D'harhan," Ferus said through gritted teeth. There was a moment of shocked silence after the blast, and then sirens began to sound. Pilots andpassengers searched for a safe vantage point from which to watch the battle. It had been a boring afternoon, and no one minded a little diversion. It promised to be a good fight. Ferus popped to his feet. His face was black with smoke and dust from the explosion. "Love the way those guysintroduce themselves," he said to Obi-Wan.Boba Fett was taking advantage of the explosion to move in, his blaster bolts streaking through the air. Obi-Wan knew he had to get under cover, awayfrom the spectators. Somewhere he could use his lightsaber without attracting attention. "Go left," he said tersely to Ferus. "Keep D'harhanoccupied.""Why do I always get the mean guy?" Ferus replied, with more humor than Obi-Wan remembered him having as an apprentice. Ferus seemed to float away,he moved so gracefully, sliding between two starships and disappearing. Obi-Wan used the Force to propel his jump, clearing the ship on his rightand landing on the peaked durasteel roof of the hangar. There was a dormer midway down the roof, a window that was built into the roof itself.Obi-Wan dived for cover behind the overhang. Fett was wearing a jetpack, and he soared above to land on the roof only seconds after Obi-Wan. Headvanced cautiously, unable to see the Jedi. Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber. He did it so rarely now that he felt a surge of feelings flood himwhen he did, something close to pain and joy, a remembrance of what it had once meant to be a Jedi. Once he had traveled freely through thegalaxy. Now he had to hide what he was. Now all he knew was secrecy and caution. Blaster bolts suddenly ripped through the dormer, onlycentimeters from where he waited. Boba Fett was taking no chances. Obi-Wan didn't move, even though he felt the sear of heat on his cheek. Heheard the footsteps approaching. Just as they reached the corner of the dormer, just when there was only a split second before Fett would see him, Obi-Wan leaped out.But Fett must have been expecting this.Taking barely a second to aim, he fired the concussion missile in his jetpack. Obi-Wan felt the shock waves reverberate. He was blown off the roof,his body lifting into the air like a scrap of cloth. He slowed down the moment, looking for a way to land that wouldn't involve smashing into thepermacrete rising toward him. He reached for the grapnel line on his utility belt. He sent it flying as he fell, the hook catching on the edge ofthe roof. He bounced in the air, hard, wrenching his shoulder as he quickly swung himself back up. He hit the roof and kept going, charging atFett, his lightsaber glowing. He severed Fett's blaster rifle in one clean stroke. Obi-Wan had nowhere to go as Fett suddenly slammed into him,wrapping his arms around the Jedi's body, knocking away his lightsaber, and propelling him backward, trying to push him off the roof. Instead oftrying to break Fett's grip, Obi-Wan seized his arms, and the two men shot off the edge, spinning in midair. The crowd below saw them now andgasped. The two bodies fell through the air for several long seconds before Fett activated his jetpack. As he fired his thrusters, he maneuveredthe jetpack so he could slam Obi-Wan against the side of the building repeatedly. Obi-Wan felt the blows shudder through his bones.Fett reversed and came at the building again. Obi-Wan saw the solid duracrete zooming toward his face. He called on the Force to help. He would needit. At the last moment, he drew his legs up and kicked out. The jolt radiated up through his skull. They spun out, and Obi-Wan used theopportunity to loosen Fett's hold. He dropped, gathering the Force to ease his landing and recapture his fallen lightsaber. He didn't injurehimself, but the pain that traveled up his legs told him that his push off the wall had cost him. Spectators scattered as he rose to his feet.Boba Fett was coming after him, relentless. Ferus ran through the crowd. Obi-Wan felt the Force surge in warning as another cannon blast fromD'harhan leveled part of the hangar. Ferus was blown back by the blast. D'harhan kept coming. Boba Fett was gathering himself for another assault. Obi-Wan charged forward, grabbed Ferus, and pulled him to his feet. "Come on," Obi-Wan urged. He hadn't come thisfar to lose Ferus now.-Chpt.1 pgs.7-11
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