burnermando 1.2K 9th Jan, 2021
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(https://i.redd.it/xualmgqiptfx.jpg - The Stalker challenge)Character profile: https://textbin.net/ejoukqoubiCharacter theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWL080QOqfYWell, there it is. I finally took the Stal/k/er challenge and ventured out for a few days in the zone (or whatever you can call that ghost town). Ibrought a camera and my gear for a short stay and went along to taking pictures of what I'd find. This ain't Stalker, but at least I canreplicate the feel. There's no mutants or weird anomalies here, fortunately. Few hours into the town, I've found an old pharmacy that was justabout empty. Looking further into the pharmacy, looks like there's a locked door, maybe there's something more in it? Alright, let's get this ope-[Harahel isekai ensues]==== Player Build v0.6.5 ====Race: [Humie]***: [Male]Hair: [Brown]Eyes: [Amber]Skin: [Pale]Face: [Boyish]Bust: [Flat]Height: [Average – About 5’10”]Hips: [Masculine]Butt: [Masculine]Fitness: [Fit]The old and reliable humanity, which is to say, moderately frail and without anything particular going for it. In this world, being fit and stayingfit is something that’ll have to be a persistent thing, lest I grow weak & stumble.F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Love Nectar], [Ranma], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens]Ranma shenanigans aside, I don’t mind or care about never becoming an actual girl. Ranma can always be fixed with a judicious usage of Elementalmagic. As for the wetness, well, Senketsu can clean that up. I have no idea how I can somehow give birth from my ass, nor do I want to know, soif I can control my fertility, then all the better. As for the nectar thing, let’s hope no vampire gets a hold of me.G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Bio-Immortal], [Pain Zero],[Regeneration]Not suffering or dying of old age, especially when I’m liable to be stuck in Harahel for potentially thousand of years, sounds like a good idea.Regeneration will cover up the actual injuries, so outside of dying outright, I’m now immortal. I’m not sure how the locals will react to aseemingly normal human never aging, but that’s going to be a hassle for another century. As for pain, if it goes through my barriers, I won’tfeel much and in the absolute worst case, it’ll make the exit plan less scary.U.T.T.: [Fertile Fields], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean]Gone are the days of having to use the bathroom, especially in what is essentially medieval times. Flexibility is always appreciated and so is notgetting pregnant or knocking up somebody I don’t want to knock up.
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