
burnermando 1.1K 19th May, 2021

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The first party, otherwise referred to as “Haswell”, hereby swears that in exchange for an Infinity Bag provided by the second party, otherwise
    referred to as “Selene Von Traumte Rose”, he will bring no harm to Nocturne and her people with the use of the Infinity Bag provided by the second
In addition to this, the second party swears that they will not harm or indispose, directly or indirectly, Haswell and his companion, Sherry.
    Furthermore, the second party swears that they will not plan or arrange for a third party to cause harm or otherwise indispose, directly or
    indirectly, Haswell and his companion, Sherry.
Should a party break their part of the contract, said party will be sentenced to immediate death.

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