--Added [Medal of Honour]
--Added [Mr. Clean]
--Added [World Clean]
--Added [Status]
--Added [Darkvision]
--Added [Talk to Me]
A lot of stuff
Lost an eye, got [Fate Dynamo] like irl, Ranma, and also a prof point or two

"Were it anyone but you, I... How hollow must I be? Why must you drive me this end?"
A sad smile crossed her face as I cradled her in my arms, knowing that in death by my hands, she was vindicated.

==== Player Build v0.6.5 ====
Race: [Xadera]
***: [Male]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Blue]
Skin: [Ghostly]
Face: [Androgynous]
Bust: [Flat]
Height: [Amazonian]
Hips: [Plain]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Buff]
"The mirror's reflection was my own, of that I had no doubt. I towered over other men, even if I was forcing myself to occupy less space. Marble white skin, scarless and woundless, wrapped my sculptured muscle, viscera, and sinew. A charming face, drawn into a knowing expression, pale blue eyes of my father gazing back into my own. Neck length hair messily scattered, rivulets of silver crossing down onto my face. 
The visage of things to come, the summation that has yet to materialize."

F.M.S.U.: [Buckets Of Cum], [Fluid Druid], [Arka Tanks x1], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Resting Smug Face], [Love Nectar], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Arka Fountains], [Everwet], [Patches], [Ranma]
"Needless to say, there was much to clean after the dalliance. She was all too happy to volunteer her services in that regard."

G.R.M.: [Unusual Eyes], [Regeneration], [Bio-Immortal], [Arithmomania], [Blood Overdrive], [Caustic Blood], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Big Boi], [HUGE BOI], [Tasty Fate], [Tireless], [Dulluhan]
"Magic and flesh made one; towering flesh everted twiceover and made functional. The spatial anomaly hid within it many dozens of men worth of flesh. Created with the basis of careful study of the mushi, and bound with enough magical conditions that none but the most powerful would be able to unweave the distortion; even should such a thing occur, their fate would be disastrous."

U.T.T.: [Fertile Fields], [**** Physics], [Pron Studio], [Contortionist], [Excalibur], [Biggus Dickus], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Flavour Town]
Boons: [Unbreakable Mind], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Max Charisma], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Ooga Booga], [Lucky], [Transmog], [Unbreakable Will], [Relative Realism], [The Apprentice x1], [Aesthetic], [Sensory Overdose], [Otome], [Demon Lord], [Destiny Drive], [HUD], [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [Status], [Talk To Me], [Popular], [Nuru Nuru~]
'The man who makes the impossible, possible. Needless to say, he shouldn't be anywhere near here. Then again, the fact we are talking about this in the first place means that, yes, there is precedent for him appearing when intel put him on the other side of Harahel.'

Banes: [Ahegao], [Just Passin’ Through], [Sexual Harassment], [Exhibitionist], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Calamity Magnet], [Hephaestus’ Curse], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure], [Attention Whore], [Gaijin Goon], [Bizarre Demeanour], [Medal Of Honor], [Dere Dere], [Fate Dynamo]
"I am under no small number of curses, certainly, but I can't say many of them aren't useful. My bimonthly hunting expeditions in Arpeggio are always fruitful, I confuse and terrify any opponents who are aware of my presence, and I'm quite adept in the art of the honey pot. While I'll grant that my clothes aren't exactly durable, or that dungeons are a touch more lascivious than usual, it's a minor inconvenience. From fallen opponents I extract a small measure of arka and condense it into a crystalline form, something intrinsically valuable."

Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Soulbound], [A Home], [Service], [Solar Charger], [Runman], [A Manor], [Servant], [Knowledge x2], [Switch]
"I'm still in a dream..."

Aferlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]
Death Mods: [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Reincarnation], [Imōto Apocalypto], [Remuneration], [Imōto Kataklizmo], [Imōto Armageddon], [Convenient Backstory], [A Most Terrible Fate], [Aww Shit], [Here We Go Again], [Deadman Wonderland]
"My little sisters? What of them?
That much is true, I have no blood relation to them. They were fellow trainees, juniors really, in the Jagdssöldner that I was asked to help train; while my time with them was relatively short, once I was moved to the command of a new unit they quite... enthusiastically appealed to be transferred to my command. The rest, as they say, is history."

Player Count: [10,000 People]
Start Location: [LOST]
 Ending Fate: 4
 Ending Prof: 0
Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Combat 3
Strategy 4
Charisma 4
Arcane 4
Spatial 5
Elemental 1
Light 2
Luck 4
*** 4
"My focus is simply on control. Zoning, counterplay, and simple violence are all options, though peaceful and serendipitous resolutions are always welcome, ideal even."

Chapter 0:
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
Chapter III:
Chapter IV:
Chapter V:

==== Servant Build ====
Race: [Tenshi], [Okami], [Humie]
***: [Futanari]
Hair: [Black]
Eyes: [Violet]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Girly]
Bust: [Flat]
Height: [Average]
Hips: [Plain]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Everhard], [Everwet], [Buckets Of Cum], [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Arka Tanks x5], [Arka Fountains], [Semen Demon], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Resting Smug Face], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Eggz], [Scrambled], [Clutch], [Nosebleed], [Smol Peen], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Breeding Season], [Dick Destroyer]
G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Unusual Eyes], [Regeneration], [Demon Core], [Blood Overdrive], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Wings], [Seraph x2], [Monster Mash x2], [Claws], [Kyuu], [Ubermensch]
U.T.T.: [Fertile Fields], [Perfect *****], [Lovers Lab], [**** Physics], [Pron Studio], [Divine Pregnancy], [Back Support], [Prized Hen], [Contortionist], [Excalibur], [Flavour Town], [Tamed Shark ], [Mr Clean]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Aura’s Veil], [Demon Lord], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Ooga Booga], [Unbreakable Will], [Unbreakable Mind], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky], [Hero]
Banes: [Daitenshi], [Dere Dere], [Ahegao], [Chūni Deluxe], [Just Passin’ Through], [No Metagaming], [Mark Of Failure], [Medal Of Honor], [Gaijin Goon], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Masochist], [The Fool], [Vulgar], [Awoo], [Humanity]
 Ending Fate: 0
 Ending Prof: 0
Strength 3
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Combat 3
Arcane 3
Light 5
Dark 1
Luck 4

0.6.4 -> 0.6.5
Removed [Lamia Curse] with extra points from receiving Bio-Immortal gratis.