When his motion sensor alarm activated, the hunter froze and took aim, figuring Rivo was making a run through the door. Fett was so intent on the situation, it took him a split second longer than usual to realize that the motion alarm had not come from in front of him. He whirled around, though even as he did, he knew it was too late. He braced for the impact. The heavy blaster bolt took the hunter in his left side with such force that it knocked him off his feet. He landed hard-hard enough to knock the wind out of any ordinary man. But Fett was no ordinary man. He was firing his rifle from the moment he recovered from the impact. The furious volley sent his attacker scurrying back around the hallway for cover. Daggers of pain began jabbing at his side, but the wound was not serious and would have to be ignored for the moment. Fett had more important things to worry about. -Pg.48