[FF4M] [Script Offer] A Throuple Is Born: The Three-Way Blind Date [Part 2: In the Bedroom] [NSFW] [Threesome] [Romantic] [Passionate] [Polyamory] [Slightly Fdom/Fsub/Mswitch] [Some good boys/good girls] [Double Blowjob] [Cunnilingus] [Doggy Style] [Missionary] [Creampie] [Falling Asleep in a Puddle] [Best First Date Ever] “You both came! I’m so excited! Come on, sit down, let’s get comfortable!” “Yeah… after we had such a fun time at the restaurant, I felt like I needed to see you guys as soon as possible, but… I have to say, I’m a little out of my element here. I’ve never done anything like this before.” “Neither have I. I’m kinda nervous too, but… I like you guys. I like being close to you. And if we just end up chilling and watching a movie, that’s great. But… I think we all want more than that. So… come on. Sit back, relax, and… let’s see where the night takes us.” Three lovelorn young people face a dilemma: against all odds, their three-way blind date went better than they ever could have expected, but what happens next? The three lovebirds — the listener, confident Scarlett, and bashful Violet — follow up their sushi date by going back to Scarlett’s apartment for drinks and movies. While none of them are entirely sure how to proceed, one thing is certain: the fireworks between them are very real, and when the sparks start flying, there’s nothing they can do to stop them. Thanks for clicking! This is the second part of a two-part FF4M script. It’s long, sweet, romantic, and importantly, this second part is very NSFW. If you want to skip the SFW, romance-heavy first part, and skip straight to the action, you’re welcome to start here. The two parts are meant to go together, but they’re written in such a way that you could read/perform one or the other in isolation without missing too much context. Some quick notes: I named the characters “Scarlett” and “Violet,” but any performers can feel free to change those names or use their own. Doing so shouldn’t require any other changes to the script. Additionally, since I’m sure FF4M is already very difficult to edit, I intentionally excluded all non-vocal sound effects to make it easier. If you want bonus point, you could throw in some “clothing sounds” at the appropriate moments, but that’s strictly optional. Feedback is always welcome! Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ content. *Asterisks are for emphasis* <These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise> [Brackets are for direction] Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like. [Character advice - Scarlett] Scarlett is a bold, confident, straightforward woman with a knack for double-entendre. She uses humor as a defense against vulnerability, but here, we see her in quite a vulnerable position – she’s just as unsure about this unconventional date as either of her partners. She’s loud and friendly, but she has a kind, sensitive side she’s less willing to share. [Character advice – Violet] Violet is painfully shy, incredibly sweet, and quite a bit fiercer than she appears. At first glance, she seems quiet and chaste, but this belies a deep maturity and self-certainty that only surfaces once she’s warmed up. As the night wears on, she finds herself holding back less and less, and in her eyes, this is exciting and terrifying in equal measure. -----[START]----- <(optional) door opening sounds> (SCARLETT) [impishly] Oh, I’m sorry, officer — were we too loud? Sorry. Must have gotten carried away. I’ll tell the strippers to keep it down. And yes, before you ask, I do have a permit for the tigers. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Oh come on, enough with the face! I *had* to **** with you a little bit. Come on in, Handsome. You’re late. (SCARLETT) So… welcome to my place! Kick your shoes off and make yourself at home. I just opened a bottle. (SCARLETT) <scoffs> [faux-offended] Oh, give me a break! We finished off that other bottle at dinner like… an hour ago! Ancient history! I was hardly buzzed by the time I got home. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Okay, *dad*, don’t worry — I have every intention of pacing myself. [mischievously] I’d really hate to… *miss* anything, if you know what I mean. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Sorry! I might be getting a little ahead of myself. I just… I can’t tell you how excited I am you both decided to come! (SCARLETT) Oh, Violet? Yeah, she’s here. She showed up a little while ago. Like I said: you were late, Handsome. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Yeah, surprising, right? I guess our goodnight kiss got her feeling a little bit bold. (SCARLETT) But, uh, she’s been hiding out in the bathroom for the last fifteen minutes. So… I think the boldness might have worn off. <laughs> (SCARLETT) No, no, let her be! She just needs to collect herself. She’ll come out eventually. I think. Come here, come sit on the couch with me. I brought out my very best floofy blankets. <(optional) sitting sounds> (SCARLETT) Ahh. There we go. (SCARLETT) Hmm? Oh. <laughs> Um… thanks? I appreciate the compliment, but… be real. My apartment is *okay*. I could do with some more space. Bigger windows. But… gotta work with what you’ve got, right? I think the paintings and sexy mood lights give it some character, at least. (SCARLETT) <laughs> No, sorry to disappoint, but the mood lights were *not* for your benefit. That’s an all-the-time thing. A lifestyle. (SCARLETT) <scoff> Oh, shut up! Here. Drink your wine. (SCARLETT) So! How’s your night? (SCARLETT) <laughs> Well, *yeah*, I know about *that* part. I just mean, like… did you get up to anything fun while you were deciding whether to come or not? (SCARLETT) Mmm. A shower? Sounds nice. I meant to take one, too, but I, uh… I *maybe* got a little carried away cleaning up. (SCARLETT) [defensive] Well... yeah, I put some things away, cleaned off my countertop… maybe did some light vacuuming… <laughs> Shut up! I wanted to make a good impression! Now… leave me alone. I feel dorky enough already. (SCARLETT) Besides, it’s not like *you* didn’t doll yourself up a little bit. <pause> [mischievously] How do I know? Hmm… <Scarlett shifts closer on the couch, takes a deep sniff> (SCARLETT) [quiet, sultry] Smells like *someone* put on their best cologne. <quiet laugh> No, no, I’m not making fun… it smells really good. *You* smell good. And if you don’t mind, I could use a reminder of… how you taste. <a soft, delicate kiss… that is soon interrupted by Violet> (VIOLET) Sorry about that, Scarlett, I… <gasp> Oh! (SCARLETT) <breaks kiss, laughs> Hey there Violet! Welcome back! (VIOLET) [stammering] I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… interrupt… (SCARLETT) <laughs> What do you mean, “interrupt”? Now the party can start! Look what the cat dragged in. (VIOLET) [quiet shock] You… you came? (SCARLETT) Hell yeah he did! The gang’s all here! Now come over here and sit down, right on Handsome’s other side. (VIOLET) [very nervous] Um… right. Yes. Just, uh… one second. I need some wine. (SCARLETT) [amused] Yeah? Over there, on the counter. (VIOLET) Right. Yeah. (SCARLETT) [whispering to the listener] Let’s take it slow, okay? She’s a little freaked out. Besides… slow is nice, right? Let’s just… see how she’s feeling. <Violet sits down> (VIOLET) Whew. Wine. Okay. Um… hi. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Now *that* is a glass of wine. Remember to pace yourself, sweetie. We’ve got nothing but time. (VIOLET) [embarrassed] Yeah, I know. Sorry, I’m just a little… um… (SCARLETT) [kindly] Hey, it’s okay. Seriously. (VIOLET) [unsure] Yeah, I… <sigh> (SCARLETT) Listen: we’re on a date, remember? We’re here to have fun and get to know each other. That’s all. We’re not doing anything we don’t all want to. And if all we want to do is kick back, drink some bad wine and watch a movie… well, that sounds like a great end to a great night, doesn’t it? (VIOLET) [hesitant but reassured] Yeah… yeah, you’re right. <deep breath> Sorry, I’m… I’m being silly. I’ll try to relax. (SCARLETT) Not silly at all. You know, I seem to remember *someone* telling me not to apologize for my feelings… (VIOLET) <laughs> Someone very wise, from the sound of it. (SCARLETT) Yes, quite the philosopher. Now *here* — put on this blanket. I’m gonna go diddle the thermostat real quick — it’s chilly in here. (VIOLET) Ok. Hurry back! <Scarlett leaves> (VIOLET) Um… hey again. <small laugh> Kinda hard to talk to you directly when Scarlett’s around. She has a very… *commanding* presence. (VIOLET) But, you know… I like that about her. She says the things I’m afraid to. And she helps *me* say the things I’m afraid to. And… I think I need that sometimes. (VIOLET) I’m… I’m really happy you’re here. I’m sorry if it sounded like I was having second thoughts. That’s not it at all, no, I’m just a little… um… <pause> (VIOLET) <shy laugh> Well, *yeah*, I *am* nervous, but… it’s not *just* that. I’m nervous, and I’m excited, and I’m happy, and I’m scared… it’s a lot, you know? But… that’s okay. I’m adjusting. Slowly. (VIOLET) [quietly] And, um… when I say I’m excited, I mean it. I’m sure Scarlett told you to take things slow for my sake, but… I *am* here for a reason. I’m here because… because I wanted to… um… <Scarlett suddenly returns> (SCARLETT) There! Much better. Move over a bit, Handsome, I want to hug your arm. (VIOLET) Welcome back! Yeah, thanks for that — I hadn’t noticed, but it *is* kinda cold in here. (SCARLETT) Yeah? You know, if you’re cold… you *could* scoot a bit closer to Handsome here. He doesn’t bite. I checked. <laughs> (VIOLET) <giggle> Um, yeah… okay. (SCARLETT) There we go. All snug. <pause; deep, contented breaths> (SCARLETT) [softly] This is really nice. (VIOLET) [softly] Yeah. It is. <comfortable silence> (SCARLETT) Hey, Violet… how are you feeling? (VIOLET) [genuine] Better. Good. I… yeah. Thanks. (SCARLETT) Good. I’m glad. <pause> (SCARLETT) [very softly] If you’re feeling more relaxed… would you mind if I did something? (VIOLET) [hesitant but excited] Um… like what? (SCARLETT) Just something I’ve been thinking about… since you got here… <Violet gasps softly as Scarlett kisses her gently> (SCARLETT) <breaks kiss> Mmm. Is that okay? (VIOLET) <heavy, giddy breathing> Yeah. *More* than okay. (SCARLETT) <soft laugh> I agree. (VIOLET) [shy] It’s… a little strange, though. Leaning across him like that. (SCARLETT) <laughs> I don’t think he minds the view. Do you, Handsome? (VIOLET) <laughs> (SCARLETT) [sultry] Well, if you’re concerned about leaving him out… why don’t you help him join the fun? (VIOLET) What do you mean? <pause> *Oh*. Oh, right. <shy giggle> Okay, yeah… I would like that. <Violet kisses the listener hesitantly; Scarlett coos in delight> (SCARLETT) [quietly] Mmm… there you go. That’s beautiful. You two… are *so* ******* sexy. (VIOLET) <gasps, breaks kiss> [surprised] What are you… (SCARLETT) It’s okay. I’m just playing with your hair. And maaaybe… nibbling on your ear a little bit… <Scarlett kisses Violet’s ear — she moans and returns to kissing the listener> (VIOLET) <breaks kiss, deep breaths> *Woah*. (SCARLETT) <soft laugh> Agreed. Do you… want to touch me? (VIOLET) [nervous] I, um… I mean, *yes*, I do, but… I’m not sure how. (SCARLETT) [gently] That’s okay. Here… just put your hand right here… <Violet’s breath shakes — Scarlett moans softly> (SCARLETT) There. There you go. (VIOLET) Is that… good? (SCARLETT) <giggle> Mmhmm. You can go a little harder. I like to have them squeezed. (VIOLET) Like… this? (SCARLETT) <gasp> Mmm, yeah. That’s perfect. Keep going… and come here. <Scarlett and Violet kiss again, deeper and more intensely this time> (VIOLET) <gasp> (SCARLETT) Shh… it’s okay. I’m just… returning the favor. (VIOLET) [shakily] That’s… really nice. (SCARLETT) Yeah? I like it, too. <kiss> (SCARLETT) <breaks kiss> [sultry] How would you two feel about… getting more comfortable? (VIOLET) [hesitating] Oh. Um… (SCARLETT) [gently] It’s okay. There’s no rush. I’ll go first. Handsome… would you mind helping me? <pause> (SCARLETT) <soft laugh> Good boy. Come here… <Scarlett kisses the listener hungrily, removing her shirt as Violet looks on> (VIOLET) [hushed] Oh my god. That lingerie… (SCARLETT) Surprise! I might have had time for a *little* dolling up before you two showed up. (VIOLET) You… you look… um… (SCARLETT) [teasing] Hmm? How do I look? Give me a word. And hurry — Handsome looks like he’s ready to shut me up again. <sultry laugh> (VIOLET) You look so… *hot*. (SCARLETT) [soft and seductive] Yeah? Tell me more. Help me take this bra off and… tell me more about what you see. <kiss> Tell me what you *want*. <the next few lines are delivered in hot, desperate near-whispers interspersed with deep kisses, soft moans, and heavy breaths> (VIOLET) I want… (SCARLETT) Tell me. (VIOLET) I want… to feel you. (SCARLETT) Do it. Feel me. (VIOLET) Oh *god*. (SCARLETT) Yes… there. Feel my ****. Feel how much you ******* turn me on. (VIOLET) God… I want to *taste* you. (SCARLETT) You will, baby. You will. (VIOLET) I… I want you to touch me. (SCARLETT) Yeah? Like this? (VIOLET) <sharp gasp> ******. (SCARLETT) Mmm, I like that. Say that again. Curse for me. (VIOLET) Oh, ****. ******. (SCARLETT) That’s good. Good girl. My good girl. (VIOLET) <whimpers, then pulls back with a surprised gasp as her hand falls into the listener’s lap and *discovers* something> *Oh*! Oh god! (SCARLETT) What? What’s wrong, Vio— <small gasp, laugh> *Oooooh*, what do we have *here*? Have we been ignoring you, Handsome? Well… it *looks* like you’re ready to play. (VIOLET) [dreamily] It’s… it’s so… (SCARLETT) [impishly] Big? Hard? <laugh> It sure looks that way. And… it *feels* that way too. It feels… *very* hard. But… difficult to say unless we get a closer look, don’t you think? (VIOLET) [quietly] Um… (SCARLETT) <laughs> Sweetheart, you stay up here and keep Handsome company. I’m gonna go down and… give you two a little show. (VIOLET) [breathless] Yeah… okay. (SCARLETT) Snuggle in close to him. I want you to have a good view. <(optional) pants sounds> (SCARLETT) <delighted gasp> *Oooooh*. He *is* a big boy! (VIOLET) [longingly] Holy shit. (SCARLETT) So hard… and so *warm*. He’s twitching in my hand. (VIOLET) <heavy, shuddering breath> (SCARLETT) [sultry whisper] Yeah… he *likes* this. Don’t you, Handsome? You like how I touch you. You like it soft… and slow. You like my hand… and I think you’ll like my mouth even more. <Scarlett gives the listener a blowjob as Violet watches, her breath quickening> (VIOLET) Oh my *god*… you’re good at that. (SCARLETT) <laughs> I’m feeling *inspired*. Why don’t you help Handsome take his shirt off? I would, but… I’m a bit occupied. <returns to blowjob> (VIOLET) Yeah… yeah. Here… lift your arms up so I can… <pause> (VIOLET) There. Perfect. <pause> (VIOLET) *God.* Does that feel as good as it looks? You are… *so* ******* sexy, Scarlett. I’ve… I’ve never seen anything like that before. (VIOLET) [softly] And… *you’re* sexy too. I can… I can feel your heart beating through your chest. I can see your pulse… in your neck. I… I want to kiss you there. Is that okay? <Violet kisses the listener tenderly on the neck while Scarlett goes down on him> (VIOLET) [breathless] Oh god. Please… kiss me. Touch me. <Violet moans into the listener’s mouth> (VIOLET) <breaks kiss> Help me with these… goddamn buttons… <kiss> (SCARLETT) <laughs> Oooh, look at you! No bra? I’m scandalized. (VIOLET) [embarrassed] Shut up! (SCARLETT) <laughs> Well, if you *really* want to shut me up… you should come down here and give me a hand. (VIOLET) Yeah… I’d like that. (SCARLETT) [seductively] I’ve got him all warmed up for you. You can take it as slowly as you— <Violet does not hesitate, going down on the listener with near-desperate intensity> (SCARLETT) [impressed and aroused] Oh! Well, never mind, I guess. You… are *full* of surprises. (SCARLETT) I think she’s been holding out on us, Handsome. Look at *that*. She’s got talent, doesn’t she? How does that feel? Does it feel good, her lips sliding over your **** like that? Up and down… her fingers curling into your chest hair… ******, that turns me on. Listen to her. Listen to those *sounds* she makes. Jesus Christ… you two make me so ******* *wet*. (SCARLETT) Oooh, look at that. Your balls are tensing up, Handsome. She must be good with her tongue. <laugh> Careful now, baby… don’t cum yet. We’re barely getting started. *Relax*… here, let me give your balls a little bit of attention… <Scarlett kisses and fondles the listener’s balls as Violet continues going down on him> (SCARLETT) <pulls away> Come here, Violet. Give the poor guy a break. It looks like he’s hanging on for dear life. <laughs> (VIOLET) <pulls away, breathes heavily> I… oh, god… I’m… (SCARLETT) Shhh. Kiss me. <Violet and Scarlett kiss passionately> (VIOLET) <breaks kiss> [in a daze] Do you have a bedroom? <pause> (SCARLETT) <bursts out laughing> Do I have a… yeah, sweetheart, I think I might have one lying around somewhere. You… <laughs> you’re *adorable*. Come with me, you two. <pause as the scene shifts to the bedroom> (VIOLET) Oh… that’s a big bed. I’ll just— (SCARLETT) [interrupting] Not so fast, my dear! I’m glad I finally have you both in here, but… I’m afraid my bed has a strict “no pants” policy. (VIOLET) <laugh> Well… I’d hate to get in trouble… (SCARLETT) I think we’re gonna get into all *sorts* of trouble. But here… let me help you. <(optional) pants sounds> (SCARLETT) <soft gasp> [worshipful whisper] Oh my *god*… you’re *perfect*. (VIOLET) <giggle> You like it? (SCARLETT) I *love* it. Look how *wet* you are, baby. Mmm… let’s let Handsome cool off a little bit. Violet, why don’t you lay back on the bed so I can get a better look at this… perfect… *****. <Violet gasps as Scarlett pushes her back onto the bed> <<The three of them have ***. There’s a lot of verbal noise in the section that follows. It’s all just a suggestion — improvise to your hearts’ delight!>> (VIOLET) Oh god, Scarlett… (SCARLETT) Mmm… look at you. This little bush… this little clit… oooh, honey… it’s hard for me already. (VIOLET) <whimpers> <Violet moans in the background as Scarlett continues speaking> (SCARLETT) [softly] Shh… let me take care of you. Let me just… rub it for you. Slowly, just like this. Mmm… you’re so wet. You’re so wet for me. You want it so badly, I can tell. You want my fingers just… like… *this*. (VIOLET) <sharp gasp/moan> (SCARLETT) <devious laugh> Oooh I love the sounds you make, baby. I love how you moan for me. And… ******, I love the way you *feel*. So soft… so warm… I love feeling you clench down on me. Mmm… you’re pulling me in, baby. You’re pulling me in like— (VIOLET) <interrupts with a squeaking moan> (SCARLETT) Oh? What was that? Did I find the spot, baby? (VIOLET) [breathless] …yes. (SCARLETT) How does it feel? Tell me how it feels, sweetheart. (VIOLET) <whimpers> It feels… so good… (SCARLETT) Tell me what you want, baby. (VIOLET) Oh, ******! (SCARLETT) Shhh. Look at me. Look at me and tell me what you want. (VIOLET) [breathing heavily] I… I want… your mouth… (SCARLETT) Mmm. Say it again. (VIOLET) Please… I want your mouth… please… (SCARLETT) <devious laugh> Good girl. Your wish is my command. <Scarlett goes down on Violet, who moans sharply in response> (VIOLET) Oh, ******! Oh my god, Scarlett, that’s… ******. That’s so good. That’s so… mmm. You’re so… you’re so *good* at that. Your tongue is… oh god, *god*, ****… your lips are so ******* soft. Suck… suck a little bit harder. Suck harder, and use… use your <sharp gasp> fingers! ****! Oh my god, baby, oh my… mmm. Ffffuck. Scarlett, Scarlett, I’m… I’m… (SCARLETT) Hmm? Getting close, sweetheart? (VIOLET) Yes… yes… (SCARLETT) Mmm… better slow down just a little bit, then… (VIOLET) [desperate] No… please… (SCARLETT) How are you doing, Handsome? <faux-gasp> Oh, look at *that*. You were supposed to be calming down, but… you’re still ready to go, aren’t you? <laugh> Good. I like that. [seductively] Why don’t you, uh… line up behind me? I’ll work on her, and… you can do a little work on me. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Oh, don’t worry about *that*, Handsome. I’ve been ready for you from the second you walked in the door. And I think we’ve teased you long enough. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Oh, you want me to ask for it? Cheeky boy. You’re lucky Violet’s been working me up all night. Okay, then: **** me, Handsome. I want you to **** me while I eat Violet’s *****. I want her to *watch*. (VIOLET) <shuddering breath> Oh my *god*… (SCARLETT) That’s it… just kneel down behind me, and… <ecstatic gasp> oh, *fuuuuck*. *Yes*, that’s… that’s just what I needed. You… you *are* a big boy, aren’t you? Holy *shit* that’s deep. Wait, wait, go slow, go slow… *there* you go. Oh, Jesus, baby… you two are incredible. Now… where were we… <Scarlett continues, moaning into Violet’s ***** as the listener ***** her from behind> (VIOLET) Nnn, oh my ******* *god*. That’s… that’s incredible. ****… oh my god, Scarlett, that feels… that feels… Jesus… you make me so wet. You both make me so ******* wet. Mmm. Mmm! Holy… holy shit. Every time… every time you thrust into her, she… oh, ****… you’re pressing her deeper into my… into my *****. (VIOLET) [building to uncharacteristic boldness] Oh, god… oh my god… I can’t… I can’t take it… it feels so good. You’re so ******* good. ****… **** her. Please… **** her, Darling. **** her harder. ****… **** her harder, Darling! Harder! (VIOLET) Scarlett, what’s… you’re holding on so tight, what are you… [realizing] oh. Oh! Oh my god. Go faster, Darling. **** her faster. Faster! I think she’s… I think she’s going to… <Scarlett pulls away from Violet’s *****, grunting and moaning as she cums — hard> (SCARLETT) [slowly coming down] Oh, ****… ooooh my god… ****, Handsome, that… ****… holy shit… (VIOLET) [in awe] That was… *incredible*. (SCARLETT) <breathless laugh> Yeah? How was the view. (VIOLET) You… Scarlett, you look… *beautiful* when you cum. (SCARLETT) [unexpectedly touched] I… aww! <laughs> You are the cutest thing on the ******* planet and you deserve a kiss. Mind pulling out for a second, Handsome. <Scarlett moans with satisfaction as the listener pulls out, then flops onto the bed next to Scarlett, kissing her deeply> (SCARLETT) Mmm… how did I do, baby? (VIOLET) So good. *So* ******* good. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Yeah? Did you cum? (VIOLET) [embarrassed] Well… I mean, you *did* do really good, but… (SCARLETT) <laughs> That’s okay! None taken. I’ll get you next time. In the meantime, though… Handsome looks like he’s champing at the bit to take care of you. (VIOLET) Yeah… he does… (SCARLETT) [softly] Would you like that, baby? Do you want him to take care of you? (VIOLET) [quietly] Yes… (SCARLETT) I don’t think he heard you. (VIOLET) Yes. (SCARLETT) Do you want him inside you? Do you want his big **** in your perfect little *****? (VIOLET) Yes. I do. (SCARLETT) Tell him what you want. (VIOLET) [needily] I… I want you to **** me. (SCARLETT) How bad do you want it, baby? (VIOLET) I… ****, I want it so bad… (SCARLETT) Yeah? (VIOLET) Please… please, I need it, I *need* it… (SCARLETT) <mischievous laugh> You heard her, Handsome. Bring that lovely **** over here. Give her what she wants. Look at me, Violet. I want to see your face when it goes in. <Violet squeals as the listener’s **** enters her — Scarlett coos with delight> (SCARLETT) Oh, *yes*, baby. That *face*… you’re so ******* sexy. (VIOLET) Oh my *god*! (SCARLETT) How does it feel, baby? (VIOLET) He’s… oh ****, oh ******… it’s so ******* big, it’s… mmm… it’s so deep… (SCARLETT) I know, baby. Keep looking at me. Look in my eyes. (VIOLET) Oh god… Scarlett… Scarlett… (SCARLETT) Yeah, that’s it… say my name… say my name… (VIOLET) Oh god… go faster, Darling… **** me harder, please, please, oh ******… (SCARLETT) <laugh> That’s it, Handsome. Give it to her. Give it to her *hard*. (VIOLET) Scarlett! (SCARLETT) Yeah? (VIOLET) Kiss me! Please! <Scarlett and Violet share a fiery kiss, Violet moaning and squealing, Scarlett laughing and cooing> (SCARLETT) <laughs> My *god*, you’re sexy. Keep going, Handsome. **** her. Look what you’re doing to her. Look at her perfect little ****. Look how hard her nipples are. (VIOLET) ****, ****, ohmygodohmygod… ******! (SCARLETT) Is it good, baby? (VIOLET) God… yes… so good… (SCARLETT) Mmm… you two are so ******* *hot*… (VIOLET) Scarlett… Scarlett, I want… (SCARLETT) What do you want, baby? Tell me. (VIOLET) [embarrassed] I want you… to sit on my face. (SCARLETT) <sultry laugh> Yeah? (VIOLET) Yeah… yeah… (SCARLETT) [mischievous] Oh, do you? Well… if that’s what you *really* want, then you’ll have to— (VIOLET) [interrupting forcefully] Goddamnit, shut up and sit on my ******* *face*! <pause> (SCARLETT) <busts out laughing> [shocked] Woah! *That’s* what I like to hear! Like I said earlier: *full* of surprises. <laughs> Say no more, baby. Slow down for a second, Handsome, let me… assume the position… (VIOLET) Oh my *god*. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Like what you see? (VIOLET) You’re… so *wet*… (SCARLETT) Mmm. I know. You can thank yourself for that. You too, Handsome. (VIOLET) [shyly] I… I want to taste you. (SCARLETT) Do it, baby. Taste it. <Scarlett gasps as Violet makes contact, wrapping her arms around Scarlett’s legs> (SCARLETT) Oh! God*damn*, baby, that’s… holy *shit*! I would ask if you’ve done this before, but… <laughs> (SCARLETT) Now… **** her, Handsome. **** her *hard*. <Violet squeals into Scarlett’s ***** as the listener picks up the pace — Scarlett moans, her breath shaky as Violet digs in> (SCARLETT) Oh, god… that’s so good, you’re doing so good, baby, I… ******. Mmm… Jesus, Jesus Christ, you… ****… (SCARLETT) I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve been… I’ve been thinking about this *so much*. Ever since… ****, ever since we… we started talking online, I just… mmm, god… I’ve been thinking about your ***** on my tongue… thinking about… ****, ******… thinking about how you would *taste*… thinking about… thinking about your ****, Handsome, and how… mmm… how hard it would get… how it would twitch inside me… (SCARLETT) I… shit, shit, that’s it, baby, ******… I wanted to watch you **** her… I wanted to watch you **** her and hear her scream, I wanted to… I wanted us to get each other all wet, slide all over each other, feel your skin, taste your… your sweat… oh my god. Oh my *god*! Kiss me, Handsome, please… <Scarlett shudders into the listeners mouth as Violet writhes beneath her> (VIOLET) [breathless] Darling… oh my god… I’m… I’m so close, I’m… (SCARLETT) Yeah? You, too, Handsome? (VIOLET) ****, ****, ****… (SCARLETT) Oh my *god*… where… where do you want him to cum, baby? Tell him where. (VIOLET) ****… inside me… *please*… inside… <Scarlett and Violet’s pleas overlap> (SCARLETT) Give it to her, Handsome. Cum in her. Do it. Cum in her *****. (VIOLET) Please, Darling… I need it… cum inside me… please… I’m so close, I’m gonna… I’m… (SCARLETT) Cum inside her and make her cum. Give her what she wants. Cum for her. Cum for us. (VIOLET) Oh, god! Please! Cum inside me! Cum! Please! (SCARLETT) Make her cum! Cum inside her! Cum in her! Cum! <Violet cries out in ecstasy as the listener cums inside her — Scarlett gasps and squeals with delight> (VIOLET) [coming down, breathing heavily] Oh… my god… Darling… Scarlett… that was… I… ****… (SCARLETT) [breathing heavily] You two… are *so much fun*. <laughs> (VIOLET) [shakily] I… I can’t believe… oh, god… (SCARLETT) Aww… poor thing can hardly move! Good work, Handsome! Come here, baby… put your head right on this pillow. Handsome — right here. Right between us. And put an arm around her, she’s shaking. (VIOLET) [still shakily] I’m… I’m fine, I just… (SCARLETT) Shhh. Snuggle up, baby. That’s it. (VIOLET) [relaxing] Oh… oh my god… <the trio is silent for a moment, breathing heavily and basking in the afterglow> (VIOLET) [dreamily] Um… thank you. Both of you. (SCARLETT) <quiet laugh> The pleasure was all ours, sweetheart. (VIOLET) No, I… I mean it. Thank you. For tonight. For all of it. <pause> (VIOLET) I, um… I was really scared earlier. When I got to the restaurant… when I showed up here… I dunno. I just… it all felt so good, and so *right*, and… and it all seemed too good to be true. (SCARLETT) [gently] Yeah. I know what you mean. (VIOLET) After my last relationship… I guess I kinda forgot what it felt like to be happy. To be wanted and appreciated and… *enough*. I… think I started feeling like I would never be *enough* for someone, but… now I feel like I am. Enough for *two* people, even. <giggle> (SCARLETT) <laugh> You’re more than enough, Violet. You’re unbelievable. (VIOLET) Mmm. So are you. Both of you. Genuinely. (SCARLETT) Thank you, baby. <contented silence> (SCARLETT) I, um… I should thank you both too, I guess. It’s, uh… like I said earlier, it’s been… really lonely here lately. *I’ve* been really lonely. (SCARLETT) [guilty] And, um… honestly, I… when we first started talking, at the *very* beginning, I… *might* have been interested in the idea of having two warm bodies here more than anything else. (SCARLETT) But… but then we talked more, and we had such a good time at dinner, and… and I realized that I wasn’t *performing* for anybody. I wasn’t forcing anything, I wasn’t trying to seduce anybody, I was just… *happy*. In a way I never expected. And… I dunno. I kind of can’t believe the two of you exist, I guess. I can’t believe I got so lucky. (VIOLET) Mmm. This… *works*, doesn’t it? (SCARLETT) Yeah. It really does. (VIOLET) Huh. Who would’ve guessed. (SCARLETT) Yeah. What a ******* world. (VIOLET) What a ******* world. (SCARLETT) <laughs> You know, I didn’t want to kill the mood earlier, but… you’ve got a *dirty* mouth when you’re turned on, Violet. (VIOLET) [bashful] Oh my god, shut up! (SCARLETT) It’s true! My virgin ears are bleeding. Go wash your mouth out. (VIOLET) <laughs> Why don’t *you* wash my mouth out? (SCARLETT) <laughs> Gladly! <Scarlett and Violet kiss tenderly> (SCARLETT) [warmly] Mmm. I like you. (VIOLET) I like you, too. (SCARLETT) And I like *you*, Handsome. <Scarlett kisses the listener — deep and slow> (VIOLET) Me too. Come here, Darling. <Violet kisses the listener — soft and warm> (SCARLETT) <laughs> Handsome, Darling… I think we’re figuring this out already. (VIOLET) <giggle> Yeah. I think we are. (SCARLETT) Mmm. <yawns> Violet, will you reach over and grab the light? You guys have sucked the life out of me. (VIOLET) I’ll try. You were right about the “she can barely move” thing. (SCARLETT) I believe in you. <pause as Violet turns out the light> There you go. Good job. Proud of you. (VIOLET) <yawn> Thanks, baby. (SCARLETT) I really hope I dream tonight. (VIOLET) You can borrow some of mine, if you want. (SCARLETT) <laughs> Deal. <restful silence> (VIOLET) Goodnight, you two. I can’t wait to see what we get up to tomorrow. (SCARLETT) Me either. No pressure, but… I think we set a pretty high bar. <The three of them drift off to sleep listening to each others’ deep, restful breathing, content in the knowledge that, against the odds and their own expectations, they have stumbled into something healthy, loving, and good> -----[END]-----