>Immortality 750
Blood and Bone (Immortality)
Shards of Mortality (Immortality)
	I'll be taking Cursed With Awesome later down the line.

>Base Form 750
Spirit (Race)
Hermaphrodite (Body)
Toned (Body)
Colossal (Height)
Vagina (Penis)
Octopus Tentacle (Penis)
Mind Flayer Tendrils (Penis)
Demon Dick (Penis)
Eldritch **** (*******)
Fangs (Miscellaneous)
Wings (Miscellaneous)
Horns (Miscellaneous)
Skin Color (Miscellaneous)
Eyes (Miscellaneous)
Alternate Lower Body (Miscellaneous)
Tail (Miscellaneous)
Feminine (Miscellaneous)
Pointy Ears (Miscellaneous)
Slimey (Miscellaneous)
Special Tongue (Miscellaneous)
Enhanced Orifices (Miscellaneous)
Multiplicity (Miscellaneous)
Tentacles (Miscellaneous)
Claws (Miscellaneous)
Poisonous (Miscellaneous)
Stoic (Miscellaneous)
Perky (Miscellaneous)
Hairless (Miscellaneous)
Bioluminescence (Miscellaneous)
Luscious Lips (Miscellaneous)

	A twisted, abyssal creature. A colossal, fractured mass of shifting soul-flesh capable of controlling its insane pseudo anatomy, and more importantly, its mana metabolism. While all the extra bits are fun, they're mostly irrelevant. The most important takeaways here are the combination of the Spirit race with Blood & Bone and Shards of Mortality. I'm a soul capable of not only surviving being broken up, but regenerating afterwards and improving the process.

>Drawbacks 2325
Use Protection (Drawback)
Deviously Cursed Loot (Drawback)
Cruel and Unusual (Drawback)
Real Casual (Drawback)
Yandere Generator (Drawback)
Breeding Program (Drawback)
Evolving Flora (Drawback)
Cultic Conversion (Drawback)
No Way Home (Drawback)
Fugly (Drawback)
All Business (Drawback)
Exhibitionism (Drawback)
Senseless (Drawback)
Armless (Drawback)
Just Die (Drawback)
Loner (Drawback)
The Spirit (Drawback)
Heartless (Drawback)
Dwarf Fever (Drawback)
Gender Bender (Drawback)
Game Over (Drawback)
World of Whorecraft (Drawback)
*** Sells (Drawback)
Wrong Genre Buddy (Drawback)
Shivers (Drawback)
On My Own (Drawback)
Mixed Signals (Drawback)
Tally Ho! (Drawback)
Alternate Start (Drawback)
Same Shit (Drawback)

	The physical drawbacks are irrelevant for my plan, the mental drawbacks are something I'm choosing to view as an extended bad drug trip, and the world altering drawbacks are chosen to, literally, **** over my opponents. Aliens invading and another spirit impersonating me make for absolutely amazing distractions to keep Val's minions chasing wild water fowl, and Just Die helps make me even less noticeable.
	Actually, I'm a little curious as to what a spirit can taste and smell. Oh well, that comes later.

>Boons 1495
Stockholm Syndrome (Boons)
Ready to Roll (Boons)
Total Recall (Boons)
Jam It In! (Boons)
*** God (Boons)
Victim (Boons)
Privacy (Boons)
Morphologist (Boons)
Poison Proof (Boons)
No Bully (Boons)
Mana Factory (Boons)
Place of Power (Boons)
Soul Gem Oven (Boons)
Mana Tanks (Boons)
Priorities (Boons)
Synergy (Boons)
Soul Refraction (Boons)
X-Ray Specs (Boons)
H.U.D (Boons)
Mental Landscape (Boons)
Natural High (Boons)
It's Just Business (Boons)
Better Together (Boons)
Vacation (Boons)
Cursed With Awesome (Boons)
Mary Sue (Boons)
Dicked Over (Boons)

	Here's were things start getting interesting. Remember when I said a soul that can improve its ability to break was the important part? Well, Better Together just gave us an excellent example of how to improve that process. Even if we can't achieve that 80/80% split, it's fine. Lower efficiency simply means a lower exponent, since we're going to also be obsessively accumulating and digesting mana to not only regenerate the loss, but strengthen ourselves, "individually." Natural High should make creating Soul Gems an even more fun activity, and No Bully gives us a spidey sense while also giving us a better killing instinct by letting us know if we're actually threatening a target in combat. The combination of Stockholm, *** God, and Dicked Over is my backup plan, which combined with It's Just Business means that I can negotiate a *** battle surrender with more ***. Victim and Privacy are to reinforce Val's trouble with taking me seriously, or even finding me. Meanwhile, the Mental Landscape, HUD, X-Ray Vacation will give whatever Place of Power we choose a surveillance system. Morphologist allows us to compress our spiritual presence, Poison Proof and Synergy reinforces our souls, and Soul Refraction gives us a powerful way to physically project ourselves and negate our Limbless state.
	Jam It In? I have the ability to remotely view anything in a fairly wide range, and I'm not taking Agrias as a companion. If it's a real option, don't you think being able to see into the realm of the gods would be useful? That getting to watch the watchers is a, in this case literally, priceless boon.

>Powers 0
Arcanomancy (Powers)
Telekinesis (Powers)
Chronomancy (Powers)
Telepathy (Powers)
Alchemy (Powers)
Eromancy (Powers)
Binding Magic (Powers)
Bardic Magic (Powers)
Biomancy (Powers)
Divination (Powers)
Shamanism (Powers)
Ritual Magic (Powers)
Runic Magic (Powers)
True Magic (Powers)
Strength (Powers)
Endurance (Powers)
Dexterity (Powers)
Willpower (Powers)
Intelligence (Powers)
Luck (Powers)
True Sight (Powers)
Infusion (Powers)
Feral Arsenal (Powers)
Stealth (Powers)
Magic Resistance (Powers)
Eroticism (Powers)

	Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. All that, and more, hidden at the center of it all. I know how to bind and combine spirits, I can buff and coordinate groups of spirits, I can ritualistically siphon off eromantic mana, and I can divine the best time to strike. Our souls are ablaze with mana, but we're going to use Arcanomancy, Binding, and Shamanism to contain it behind a massive... well, mass, so that nobody can find us until we want to be found. Synergy should do some rather stupid things when Infusion pops, and we are extremely dangerous right off the bat.
	Now, imagine what a few decades will do to us. A few centuries of glutting ourselves on mana? However long it takes, we're going to become something that Valeria cannot comprehend. This is our infancy. No, this is before that. We are yet to be born.

>The Plan 0
Salmacis (Worlds)

	This world is ******. I mean, it was ****** up to begin with, but now it's actually doomed. Valeria thinks that she's the big bad boss invading the world to crush some pathetic mortal hero, but she's sorely mistaken. This is her world, and she's very bad at defending it.
	Firstly, I appear ***** and alone at one or two random points in the world. It doesn't matter, my goal is effectively equidistant to any starting point. Down, down, down, to the heart of it. The crushing inferno of the planet's core would kill damn near anything in this little, "game," the gods are playing, but it won't kill us. I- er- we... We're going to hide in the last place she would look for a human, a place only the deranged would think of as a comfortable home, and then it's mostly smooth sailing from there. Establish a Place of Power, hide it with magic, and start the longest and most abstract masturbation session this world has never seen.
	Salmacis is now an egg, the host of the world shattering parasite that we've become. The cells divide and two becomes four becomes eight becomes sixteen becomes thirty two becomes sixty four becomes one hundred twenty eight becomes... You get the point. All the while, we're ******* to fill the core with soul gems, ritually inscribing it with telekinetically enforced runes and arcanomantic barrier channels, and absorbing the ambient **** energy of the world around us as we incubate. Depending on mana efficiency, Chronomancy may accelerate this process or simply be a combat buff at the end. Speaking of the end...
	Between my own obscurity, luck, and the massive distraction that Salmacis has become, it is very likely that Val's forces will not understand what I'm doing until it is too late. Should I time it right, they will not learn of their doom until the shell begins to crack beneath their feet. When we reach the proper stage of development, we'll use Blood & Bone with Shamanism to fuse our souls like cells in an incomprehensibly vast spiritual body. By Synergy, Infusion, Morphologist, and Soul Refraction, we'll draw an insane mana draw from the yolk of the soul gem core and split the world asunder with the astronomic forces of our rebirth. Most will die, but perhaps Valeria's, "perfect," body will let her live long enough to hear the Bardic chorus our telepathic first cries, a dirge that spells her doom. The planet core's second function begins once it's free of the mantle. The runes and channels essentially turn the thing into a guided projectile that scrambles any mana that isn't mine, and Val will be subjected to forces far beyond that pathetic fake black hole when it hits her.
	If that somehow doesn't beat her, I'll just **** her into submission.

>Post Game 500
Ignore Rias
Winner's Reward (Winners Rewards 4 ONLY)
Shards of Eternity (Winners Rewards 4 ONLY)
Spirit Lord (Winners Rewards 4 ONLY)
Drawback Removal (Winners Rewards 4 ONLY)
True Immortality

	Divination tells me that entering the archives is a bad idea for everyone involved...
First thing's first, as the drawbacks get removed and regain my sense of empathy my first thoughts are probably, "my god, what have I done?" The answer is, of course, killed a whole planet's worth of people because the gods pissed me off. No, not the ones offering to help me. The ones who stood by and watched this blood sport. I don't really want to be one of them, and Spirit Lord fits whatever the hell I've become more than anything anyways. As an insurance policy, I'll infest remote unclaimed worlds, moons, and stars with dormant fragments of myself. Speaking of myself and drawback removal, I'm close enough to being me again that I'm me again, or at least as close as what I am can be to what I was. Meh, close enough. 
	I also no longer have drawback enforced restrictions on what I can do with my body, or where I can go. I suppose I could make myself less Fugly, and I probably will, but that's not very useful when you're a moon/planet sized ghost. Instead, smaller Shards projecting an attractive Soul Refraction body will probably be more useful for interacting with people. Which makes a nice segue to interacting with people.
	All I want from Valeria is for her to leave me alone, and maybe she should consider helping out the souls she failed to protect. As for the rest of the girls, they're allowed to come visit my home once I've gotten it set up. Invited, even. I really only didn't let them into the Trial because my plan was... Bad. Now it's time to try to move on and build something new.

>The Fun Stuff 0
Druidic Magic (Powers)
Enchanting (Powers)
Gravity Magic (Powers)
Ethereal Travel (Powers)
Charisma (Powers)
Slayer (Powers)
Eastern Arts (Powers)
Gateway (Powers)
Nurture (Powers)
Performance (Powers)
Wordsmith (Powers)

	On an uninhabited world around a distant star, I intend to make a garden. After snapping a world in half, I think it's time to nurture something to life. My dominion will be a seemingly wild frontier where I can experiment with what I've become, a place of potential to be tapped. Remember all those world lewdifying drawbacks? I have a measure of control over those now. They served me well in the Trial, and they'll continue to serve me now. Right Genre Buddies will make excellent colonists and worshipers now that I've proven to them that I'm the biggest and the greenest. Or, er... whatever color they are. I'm sure they'll enjoy the Flora I'm Evolving for them.
	As for turning off No Way Home, well, that doesn't really turn off. That's ok, I think the search for it will be more fun that just going back to that boring place.
But did find my way back home, eventually.
Aren't you excited to welcome me back?