[F4M] [Script Offer] Oh Shit, It Worked: Summoning an Incubus [Supernatural] [Human Female, Incubus Male] [Shy] [Awkward] [Romantic] [Experimenting with Sexuality] [Cunnilingus] [Fingering] [First Anal] [Creampie] [Lots of Swearing] [Funny] “Uh… hello! Welcome to Earth! I, uh… didn’t expect this to work, so I have no idea what to do with you. But… I’ve been really lonely lately. Dating hasn’t been working out, and I haven’t gotten laid in a long time. I’m not very comfortable asking for the things I want, but… I guess you’re the perfect person to practice with, right?” Hi! Thanks for checking out my script! I noticed that there’s a lot of succubus content on GWA, and I thought that turning the tables would be fun and different. You play a nervous, lonely goofball who off-handedly decides to try out a summoning spell with no expectation that it will work. Spoiler: it works, and now our awkward heroine has a golden opportunity to experiment with the things that make her uncomfortable. I’ve given the speaker’s name as “Violet,” but feel free to change it to your own name or any other name that you like! You’re welcome to edit this script or improvise to your heart’s content. *Asterisks are for emphasis* <These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise> [Brackets are for direction] Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like. [Tonal advice] I envisioned this character going through a lot of growth over the course of the script. She starts out very anxious, awkward, and goofy, and she slowly grows into a more confident and sensual person by the end. ------[START]------- <gulping down a drink> <sigh> What the **** am I doing? <incredulous laugh> This is so dumb. This is so dumb! I am so, *so* pathetic. You’ve really outdone yourself this time, Violet. Uuuuuuugh. [muttering] Stupid, stupid, stupid. <sigh> Well… I’ve come this far already. Not like I have anything else to do tonight. I guess there are worse ways to waste my time. [looking around] Now… where were those instructions? Ah! Okay, so… draw the inscriptions on the floor like… so… <scribbling sounds> There we go… wait. Is that… is that right? I guess so… looks an awful lot like the Prince symbol, but… whatever. What the hell do I know? Anyway, what’s next… light six candles. Okay, simple enough. <lighter/match flicks> One, two, three… come to think of it, I hope scented candles are okay. My apartment is gonna smell like a Crate & Barrel for a month. <sigh> [ruefully] Oh, well. Just another handy reminder of how pathetic this is. Alright, last step… uh. Wait… what? What the hell does this mean? [reading skeptically] “Gird thyself, seeker, and kneel astride the sigil. Speak thy heart’s sordid want into the aching empty, and take heart or despair: thy words shall echo, gestate, and return.” So… make a wish? I mean… okay. I can make a wish. Simple. Easy. I’ll kneel on my floor like an idiot and make the stupid wish, and then, when it doesn’t work, I’ll have another drink, rub one out, and fall asleep watching The Office. Just like always. No harm done. Curiosity satisfied. Okay… here we go. <clears throat> [pause] <incredulous laugh> Okay, no. No ******* way! This is a new low, even for me. I should not be trying to summon demons in my apartment like some edgy high schooler. What I *should* be doing is getting back on Tinder like my friends keep telling me to. Would that be so bad? To just talk to some guys, go on some dates with them… [with growing despair] see their sword collections… get a bunch of dick pics… <decisive sigh> Okay. Fine. Here goes nothing. <clears throat> Uh… hello, spirits or demons or whatever! I, uh… I don’t know what to say here. Here’s my “heart’s want,” I guess. I’ve, uh, been living alone for quite awhile now. Which is great when it comes to grocery bills, but not for, like, mental and emotional health stuff. Not to mention that I haven’t gotten laid since, uh… Obama, I think. And I’ve been trying to date, but… it hasn’t been going very well. At all. And so, basically, I, uh… [suddenly vulnerable] I’m… really, really lonely. And every night I go to bed alone, it kills me a little bit more. So… I just want somebody, you know? Somebody who will stick around and listen. Somebody who won’t… go away when I need them. Just for once… I want somebody who will help me figure out who I am. There. That’s my wish. [pause] Uh… [like she’s signing off on an email] best regards, Violet. [pregnant silence] <sad, defeated laugh> Yeah… yeah, of course it didn’t work. Because magic doesn’t exist, and neither do demons, wishes, or any chance of my life ever improving. Great. Good to have scientific proof at last. <sigh> Welp. Time for plan B. Oh, goddamnit, did I forget to switch out the batteries in my vibra— <(optional) CRAZY DEMON PORTAL SOUNDS> [dumb disbelief slowly rising to frantic panic] Oh. Oh. Oh! Oh *sweet Jesus *****! That’s a ******* demon, that’s a real-ass devil-thing in my goddamn apartment, magic is ******* real and I summoned a sexy evil spirit, oh shit, oh **** oh **** oh ****, it’s *coming closer* and I… <shaky laugh> Okay, wait. No no no, I see what’s going on. There’s no sexy demon walking towards me. That’s not happening at all. What’s really happening is that I’ve gone crazy! That’s all! Loneliness has finally driven me insane, just like Aunt Moira said it would. So there’s really nothing to worry about! I’ll just reach out my hand, and when it doesn’t touch anything, the hallucination will be broken, and I’ll return to my normal, boring… [numbly] Okay, no, that’s a real chest. A nice one, too – do you work out? <hysterical panic-laugh> Okay, so it’s real! *You’re* real. And that’s… *fine*! That is totally okay, and not something worth freaking out about. So I’m not freaking out! I am calm, collected, and fully in control of my menthol facilities. Mental faculties. What did I say? <nervous laugh> Oh god. Oh my god. <still panicking> This is crazy. This is *crazy*! Okay, okay, okay. <deep breath> [to herself] Calm down, Violet. Deep breaths. You did this on purpose, right? You deliberately sought out the forces of darkness, so there’s no reason to be surprised when a hard-body demon dude magically… poofs into your apartment. That’s to be expected. Probably. Just… just introduce yourself. Yeah! Introduce yourself and… hope he doesn’t eat you. [awkwardly] Uh… hello, new friend! Welcome to Earth! My name is Violet, I’m 27 years old, and I’m… in marketing? <nervous laugh> That probably doesn’t mean much to you. Sorry, I’m just a little… flustered. Uh… what’s your name? I… have to name you? Well… that’s kinda ****** up. They don’t give you a name in, I dunno, demon-school? What? You’re not a demon? You’re an… incubus? Well… I mean, that seems like semantics to me, but whatever. I clearly have no idea what I’m talking about. In fact… I’m feeling just a little bit out of my depth in general right now. I don’t know how to… where the hell did I put those instructions? Would you excuse me for just a second? You just, uh, you sit down right over there and hang tight for a second, uh… Tim? No, shit, that’s terrible. Let’s put a pin in the whole “naming” thing for now. <papers rustle> Okay, ancient text, *please* tell me what the **** is going on. Uh… <reading with difficulty> “incubi are born to serve without thought or question, though a heart develops in time. They delight in satisfying their master’s desires until the secret hurt within them is banished.” Jesus Christ. Who wrote this, The Riddler? Whatever. So… I’m your master? Oh god, do *not* call me that. Violet is fine. So… you have to do whatever I tell you? Oh, you *want* to do whatever I tell you? That’s… chivalrous, I guess. Uh, alright. Let’s start simple. Will you… pour me another glass of wine? <(optional) liquid pouring> Ah… thank you. How… kind. <sip, followed by an awkward silence> Ok, I’m gonna level with you, new friend. I made this plan when I was very sad and tipsy, and I never really expected it to work, so… I have no idea what to do right now. I know I can tell you to do whatever I want, but… it’s like when my mom asks me what I want for Christmas, you know? With all those options, I can never choose. I never… I never really know what I want. <sigh> Maybe that’s my problem. With men, I mean. Did I tell you about my problems with men? Because, hoo boy, they’re… considerable. Like, I never know when to ask a guy to take it slow or just, you know, quit ******* around and go down on me already— <(optional) POOF sound> <shocked gasp> What the ****!? Did you… did you just poof my pants off? [vaguely annoyed] Ugh, dude! Like, cool trick and everything, but I was *joking*, and that was my favorite pair of… <shuddering gasp> [nervous, turned-on] Oh… oh wow. You have… really soft hands. They look big and kinda spooky, but when you touch my thighs like that… What? No, I don’t want you to stop. [awkward] I mean, do you want to stop? You can totally stop if you want to stop, of course, obviously, but, like… it would be okay if you kept going. Just… let me sit down over here… Okay, here we go. Uh… sorry. I haven’t shaved in a little while. Didn’t think it would matter today. <laughs> Oh… you like it? That’s… kinda hot, actually. I’ll keep that in mind, I guess. <pause> I… what are you waiting for? Oh god, am I rushing you? Oh no, I’m so, *so* sorry, I don’t know how this works and I’m just… What? I have to *tell* you what I want? I mean… I’m sitting on a couch with my legs spread. Isn’t it obvious? <shy giggle> [timidly] No, it’s not that I *can’t* tell you, it’s just… those words feel so weird coming out of my mouth, you know? I can never really say… that stuff. With anybody. Like… what if the guy gets grossed out or offended or isn’t, like… open to things? It kinda… scares me, I guess. [cautiously] Well… no. I guess I don’t have to worry about that with you, do I? [suddenly more serious] Okay, then. Do it. Eat… eat my *****. <she moans, timidly at first, but with growing passion. Improvise if you like!> Oh my… *god*. You’re so ******* good at that. Your lips are so soft and so strong… sucking on my clit. Just like that… suck it hard and fast. Now… put your tongue inside… put your to— <shocked squeak> Oh my god! Oh my god! How ******* long is your tongue? You’re… you’re hitting my g-spot. Oh ****, push on it, push harder, baby. Sorry, I know I’m pulling your horns, but I just can’t— oh, ****. Oh my ******* god! <breathing grows heavier> Holy shit. Nobody’s ever eaten me out like this before. It feels so good, just… squeezing around your tongue like this. Your lips… they’re making my ***** tingle. It’s so strange, but it makes me so… *******… hot. ****! Oh ******, I’m gonna cum, I’m cumming already, push your tongue deeper, faster, faster, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna— <squeal of ecstasy> *I’m cumming*! ****! ****! Oh Jesus ******* Christ! <exhausted panting> Whoo. Holy shit! <laughs> That was… unexpected. I’ve never… it usually takes guys *forever* to make me cum, but you… wow. It’s like… you know what I want the moment I do. Will you… kiss me, please? <passionate kiss> Oh my god, your face is *dripping*! <laughs> Am I really that wet? Let me feel… oh wow. I’m soaked! Nobody’s ever made me that wet before. That’s… that is so ******* hot. <kiss> I, uh… I think I have an idea. <kiss> Listen… this is something I’ve been curious about for a long time, but… I’ve never had the nerve to ask any of my old boyfriends about it. I was worried they’d freak out, or… get the wrong idea. But… I think maybe you’re just the right person to ask. [shyly] Will you… will you play with my ass? Just a little bit? I’ve always wanted to know… what it feels like. Yeah? <nervous laugh> Okay. Uh… here, let me just… put a pillow underneath me. <shifting sounds> So… I’ve never done this before, and I’m not sure what to expect, so it might be a little… tight. But… I’m already so wet down there. Maybe… just start with your fingers. <soft cooing> Yeah, just… rub around it. Get it wet. That… <laughs> that feels a little bit weird. But… also pretty nice. I… I like it. Just… yeah. Keep going slow like that. <breathing grows progressively heavier> Now… put a finger in. Slowly. Yeah, be gentle, I’m not sure if— Oh, *fffffffuck*. Holy shit. That’s… it doesn’t feel how I expected, but… oh my *god*, that feels so ******* good. Push deeper, yeah, push a little bit deeper. Oh ******! Yes, yes, yes. Okay, move it in and out, slowly, slowly. Oooooh god. This is… I’ve never felt anything like this before. Your finger sliding in and out of my ass… it feels so dirty. *I* feel so dirty. But… holy shit. I love it. Two fingers now. Two fingers. <squeal> Oh, **** yes! Oh god, that’s so ******* good. Pump your fingers faster. Pump them faster, baby. Oh god, I can feel my ***** dripping down on your fingers. It’s so wet. Push your fingers deep and let me squeeze around them. Let me squeeze my asshole around you. Oh Jesus Christ, I need… I need… <panting> Wait, stop, stop. I… I don’t know if you’re doing something to me, or if it’s just… *me*. But… I need your ****. In my ass. I need it so ******* bad. I’m worried that you’ll be too big, but… **** it, just take off that loincloth-thing and let me… <gasps> Oh my god. It’s *perfect*! Your **** is the *perfect* size! What are the odds of… Oh, you… you *made* it that size? For me? That’s a hell of a trick. <panting laugh> I guess that’s to be expected of a demon ****. Sorry, incubus ****. Incu-dick? Whatever. Just… just lay on top of me. <kiss> I’m… a little bit scared. Seeing your **** lined up with my ass like that… I never expected anything like this. But… <kiss> [with a newfound confidence] Yes. I want this. I really, really want this. Push it in. **** me. **** my ass. <long, shuddering gasp> Oh my god. You’re in. You’re all the way in. Holy… holy shit. I can feel every inch of you throbbing inside me. Your balls… rubbing against my ass. That’s… that’s so ******* hot. <laughs> Now… thrust into me. Slowly. I think… no, I *know* I can take it. <they ****. She gasps and groans, slowly building to a fever pitch. Feel free to improvise!> Oh yes! Oh my ******* god, yes! You’re so ******* deep in my ass. I can feel every inch sliding in and out. Oh my god, it feels so ******* good. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Oh Jesus, my ass is clenching down on you so ******* hard with every ******* thrust, oh ****, ****, ****! Oh god. Oh god, you’re so ******* hard. Just… just tell me when you’re gonna cum, okay? <breathy laugh> You’ll only cum when I tell you to? Holy shit. You’re a miracle, you know that? Oh shit. Oh, this is so good. Keep going, baby. Keep ******* my ass. A little harder now, harder, harder! Oh! Oh ****. Pound my ass! ******* pound it, baby. Give me every goddamn inch. Shit, you’re so hard, you’re so ******* hard for me. My ass feels so tight around your hard ******* ****. Oh my god, that feels so ******* good. Jesus, I think… I think I’m gonna cum, baby. My ass is gonna cum for you. I want you to cum with me. Will you cum with me? I’m gonna cum, baby, cum in my ass. Cum for me, baby. Fill me up. Cum in my ass! Cum! Cum! Cum! <she cums like an animal> [out of breath] Oh god! I can feel your cum pumping into my ass. That… is so ******* hot. Holy shit. That’s it, baby. Give it to me. I want every drop. Oh Jesus. Kiss me. Kiss me. <kiss> Ooooh. Whoo! Holy shit. You came so much! <laugh> I can feel it. That’s… I was always curious, but I never knew I would *love* that feeling so much. Whoo. Okay, pull it out. Pull it out slowly. <one last gasp as he pulls out> Ooh! Whoo. Okay. <laugh> I… I came from anal. I didn’t even know… is that a thing? Seriously? Holy… holy shit. I’m shaking. Goddamn. Wow, I think… I think your cum is leaking out of my ass. There’s so much! No, no, it’s okay… I’ll just clean the couch later, no big deal. Just… just come sit here and hold me, please. <she sighs, slowly regaining her breath> I… I could get used to sitting here like this. Your arms are so strong. I feel… really safe. Like there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. <kiss> So… I still don’t know how this arrangement works. Are you here… with me… forever? [quietly pleased] Good. I think… I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun. I never knew that I could be so… *decisive*. I feel… stronger now, somehow. No, no, I don’t need anything else right now. I just need… you. Right here. With me. I still don’t have a good name for you yet. But… why don’t we try coming up with one together? The book said that your heart would develop over time, so… we’ll find something that suits you. But for now… I just wanna sit here. Just… hold me close, okay? I’d hate for you to poof away when I’m not looking. <laugh> <the two of them share one last tender kiss before sighing gently and settling in for a much-needed rest> -----[END]------