[F4M] [Script Offer] Jedi Reunited: A Star Wars Story [Sci-fi] [Friends to Lovers] [Reunion] [Long-Lost Love] [Story Heavy] [Emotional] [Sweet] but [Tragic] [Outercourse] [Cowgirl] [Missionary] [Creampie]  [One L-bomb] [War Stories] [I Thought I’d Never See You Again] [Twist Ending] [Episode II of… III?]

“It’s… it’s *you*! I… I can’t believe it! I thought I’d never see you again! With the war and everything, I was worried you were… you know. But… somehow I knew you were still alive. Ever since our first night together, we’ve been *connected*. Every night I would reach out for you with the Force, and I could feel you reaching back. And now that we’re together again… I never want to let you go. I can’t thank you enough for saving me… but maybe I can show you how much I’ve missed you.”

Five years have passed since the Sith began their conquest of the galaxy, and the Jedi are struggling to respond. Countless star systems have fallen, and untold numbers of Jedi have perished in battle after bloody battle. On the front lines is Jedi Padawan Lirra Tol, left behind on a forsaken planet as her Sith pursuers close in. In the nick of time, she is rescued by a familiar face — her oldest friend and one-time lover. But their reunion is shot through with trepidation — the years have not been kind to young Lirra. What horrors have they seen? How will they celebrate their reunion? Can they make up for lost time? And when all is said and done… will they have the courage to make their bond permanent?

Thanks for clicking! I’m back with a sequel to my last script and the second episode in a three(?)-part series. Like the last part, this one is very character-driven, narrative-heavy, and emotional. After a five-year time skip, we see a wrinkle develop in the star-crossed romance of two young Jedi warriors. Lots of action, lots of feels, and a coda at the end that changes everything. I hope you enjoy it!

Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ content. This script features a lot of notes for sound effects, but I think a fill would work just as well without them — they’re optional suggestions. Feedback from performers, writers, and readers is always welcome!

*Asterisks are for emphasis*
<These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise>
[Brackets are for direction]
Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like.

[TONAL ADVICE] Lirra has changed since we last saw her. She tries hard to cling to her former sunniness and sarcasm, but these are very cynical times, and they’ve made a lasting impression on her. We catch her at a moment of both untold despair and overwhelming joy — these have been the worst days of her life, but reuniting with the listener makes her whole again. Almost.


[Again, we begin with the Opening Crawl – her voice is solemn, regal, and this time charged with foreboding energy]

[NARRATION] Five long, bloody years have passed since the resurrected SITH DOMINION began its conquest of the galaxy. Countless star systems have fallen in its slow march towards the Galactic Core. Resistance movements crumble before the terrible might of the DARK SIDE — it seems that soon, the entire OUTER RIM will fall to the Sith’s tyranny.

[NARRATION] But hope is not yet lost — the valiant knights of the JEDI ORDER, defenders of the galaxy and legendary enemies of the Sith, remain dauntless. Hundreds of Jedi have given their lives to slow the Dominion’s advance, but the tide of war seems inevitable — the JEDI COUNCIL has ordered all remaining Jedi to retreat to the MID-RIM TERRITORIES.

[NARRATION] But the order has come too late to the desert world of RYLOTH, the GALACTIC REPUBLIC’S final foothold in the OUTER RIM. As the planet’s last outposts fall under Sith control, Jedi Padawan LIRRA TOL fights desperately to survive. Unbeknownst to her, however, a long-lost friend has received her plea for help and rushes to her rescue, though their reunion may be less sweet than she had imagined. . . .

[Narration ends, and we cut to Ryloth – specifically, the inside of the Listener’s starship as he speeds across the planet’s surface, cutting through narrow ravines with reckless desperation]

<(optional) spaceship ambiance throughout>

[a fuzzy transmission comes through – Lirra’s breathless, agitated voice rises above the noise]

<(optional) radio crackle, heavy breathing> [frantic] Pilot! Do you read? This is Jedi Padawan Lirra Tol requesting *immediate* evac! My unit has been wiped out, and I’m being pursued by a Sith strike team. I’m sending you coordinates – set down at the top of this ridge. I’ll climb up the far side and meet you there. Keep those engines hot, pilot — they’re right on my tail. We’ll only have a few seconds. Hurry!

<(optional) spaceship sounds>

<exertion sounds> I’m in! Lift off! Go now — they’re right behind me!

<(optional) spaceship sounds>

We need to get out of atmosphere *now* — the Sith control the airfields now. Their fighters will be on us any second. Go, *go*!

Shit, there they are — and they’re gaining on us. You better set our route *fast*, pilot, because I’m jumping us to lightspeed whether you’re ready or not!

Alright — unlocking safeties, routing power to hyperdrive… three, two, one… engage!

<(optional) “jump to lightspeed” sounds>

[Lirra grunts at the initial shift g-forces, then calms – her breathing slows, and she lets out a long sigh]

<deep breath> Whew… okay… okay, we made it. Looks like… hull is intact, shields nominal, ETA to the Mid-Rim rally point… twelve hours. We… we made it. We’re safe.

<deep sigh> That was… that was close. *Too* close. I… I almost didn’t…

Anyway, thank you, pilot. That was some tight flying. If it weren’t for you, I would have—

<small gasp> Oh! You’re a Jedi Knight! I’m so sorry, I didn’t notice your robes when I got on. I was a little… distracted. <nervous laugh>

Well, uh… I think the Nav Computer can take things from here. Why don’t you turn around so I can thank you face-to-fa—

<slow, shocked gasp> Oh. It’s… it’s you.


It’s… *you*!

<disbelieving, delighted laugh> It’s you! It’s you it’s you it’s *you*! I can’t believe… I don’t know what to… I… <laugh> oh, just come here and hug me! Hug me hug me hug me!

<warm, happy hug sounds>

[overjoyed and manic] Oh my stars, I can’t believe it. I can’t *believe* it’s you! I thought I would never see you again! I thought… oh, nevermind, I’m just so happy to see you! Like… what are the odds of seeing you all the way out here? This is incredible! This is… holy shit, how many years has it been? It feels like *decades*! How have you been? *Where* have you been? Have you… 

<laughs> Okay, *fine*, I’ll slow down. I’m just… this is a little overwhelming! I thought I felt something when I saw your ship, but I never expected… I mean, how *could* I have expected? One minute I’m running for my life, the next I’m staring at my best, oldest friend, who I haven’t seen since…

<laugh> Okay, okay, you’re right. Calming down, caaaaalming down. <deep breath> The adrenaline is still wearing off. And now that it’s wearing off… turns out I’m exhausted! <breathless laugh>

 I, uh… I don’t suppose you have any water, do you? Anywhere to sit?

You do? Good, ‘cause, uh… I think my legs are turning to mush. Lead the way.

<(optional) ship door sounds>

Ooooh… this is a cozy little hold. In fact, this whole *ship* is nice. Whose is it? This thing definitely isn’t standard Republic issue.

<shocked laugh> It’s *yours*?! Holy shit! That’s amazing! How did you get it? How… okay, let’s sit down. We clearly have a *lot* of catching up to do.

Aaaaand I think the first thing on the agenda is those robes. You’re… you’re a Knight? A real, bona fide Jedi *Knight*?!

[delighted] That’s incredible! Congratulations! When did this happen?

Wait… you were on *Kubindi*? Seriously? Woah, that’s… that’s intense — the troopers in my unit were talking about that battle for *months*. No wonder they knighted you after that — from the sound of it… you were lucky to make it out alive!

That’s… this is so crazy. I never expected you to get knighted before me! I’m actually due to be knighted too, you know. It was supposed to happen last week, but the ceremony never happened because… because…

[She trails off as horrific memories overcome her. She isn’t ready to talk about this yet]

[small, hesitant voice] Uh… yeah. It… doesn’t matter. 

[trying to appear cheery] Um… anyway… I just can’t *believe* how long it’s been. We have so much to talk about, I just… I don’t even know where to start!

<excited gasp> Oh! I know! I’ve never seen your lightsaber, have I? Well… whip it out! <laugh>


[a little disappointed – his lightsaber hilt is, in her eyes, depressingly uncreative] Uh… huh. That, uh… that hilt is a little… modest, isn’t it? I mean, it’s got all the important parts, I guess, but… where’s the style, man? Where’s the *flash*?

<laugh> Okay, okay — I’m sorry! It’s very… *you*, I guess. Good to see you haven’t changed *that* much.

<laugh> No, no, that was a compliment! I swear! I just meant — <laugh> oh, calm down! Quit moping and turn it on already. 

<(optional) lightsaber sounds>

<scoff> Seriously? *Blue*? I take back that apology from a second ago — booooooring! 

<laugh> Okay, *fine* — I’ll say something *nice*. [struggling] Um… the, uh… that’s a really nice shade of blue? It’s… deep. Well-developed. And the beam looks… like, *super* stable. Nice, uh… nice focusing crystal.

<laugh> Well, what did you expect? That’s the best I can do. You have *not* given me a lot to work with.

<(optional) lightsaber retracts>

<laugh> Alright, *alright*! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. On that note… behold *this* shit!

[delighted and proud] Ta-da! What do you think? I spent *months* designing this hilt. You’ll notice that it has all the functional stuff yours does, *but* it also just so happens to be a work of art. [theatrically, like an art dealer] Note the subtle ergonomic curves, the graceful gold and black accents, the way the controls have been artfully sunken into the…

<cracks up> Are you kidding me? Of *course* I’m proud of it! Just… *look* at it!

<laugh/scoff> Okay, *fine*. I guess *some* people are hopeless when it comes to taste. Well, might as well show you the beam. 

<(optional) lightsaber sounds> <she imitates lightsaber sounds with her mouth> Check *that* out!

Yep — purple. *That* part I didn’t plan. 

[thoughtfully] When I was hunting for a crystal, this one just kinda… *spoke* to me, you know? It… called out to me, I guess. Like I had… seen it before. Like it was *made* for me. It was… I dunno. Sometimes… those Force connections can be hard to describe. Know what I mean?

[her tone changes – memories of their last night together impose themselves on the conversation, bringing nostalgia and a subtle sense of loss]

<(optional) lightsaber retracts>

<sad laugh> Yeah… yeah, I guess… *you* of all people would understand.

[pause – she agonizes over the moment. Should she bring this up? Has it been too long?]

[timidly] Um… speaking of… *that*… do you… do you ever think about that night? The, um… the last time we saw each other?

While we were apart, did you ever… um… you know… think about… me?

<small laugh> That’s… that’s good. Because, um… I thought about you. I thought about you a lot.


[she begins to tell her tale – there are light moments, but throughout the story, her tone is shot through with sadness]

The, uh… the morning after our little… “farewell party”… I ended up with Master Farra. Did you know that?

<small laugh> Ironic, I know. The whole time I was at the temple… I complained about her every chance I got, took every opportunity to get away from her rules and stern looks and lectures… and there I was, stuck with her until who-knows-when.

But… turns out she wasn’t so bad, you know? She… she really cared. About the Force, about people… and about me, too. She, uh… the Council asked her to take a Padawan, and she requested me specifically. Wanted to… whip me into shape, I guess. <sad laugh>

And… she did! That sounds… unlikely, I know, but… she really did. She was strict with me, and I got angry with her sometimes, but… she taught me *everything*. Everything I always wanted to know, and everything I never even *knew* I wanted to know.

[with some excitement – this is a fond, formative memory] Like… we went on this peacekeeping mission, right? You know the story: two Hutt Space warlords get into a turf war, start burning down villages, and the Jedi get called in to mediate. 

[disgusted] Well, when we get there… turns out they’re slavers bickering about who gets to keep the… the “pretty ones.” I… I nearly lost my head then and there, you know? And if I had my way, *they* would have lost *their* heads. But… it was Hutt Space, so we had no jurisdiction. Freeing the slaves… that would be against the rules.

And Master Farra knew that, but… but she did something anyway. That night, after the peace talks, she… she snuck out among the slaves and just… *talked* to them. I don’t know what she said, but… it must have been pretty convincing. The next morning, the slaves stormed the palace, dragged the slavers out into the street, and took back their freedom. And… we hardly did *anything*! No lightsabers, no Force powers, just… hope.

[nostalgically] Master Farra… she followed the rules and broke them at the same time. And… that was the best lesson I ever could have asked for. She showed me that the Jedi and the Force are two different things — the Jedi wanted us to keep the peace, but the Force doesn’t care about peace. The Force cares about *life*. The Force cares about *freedom*. And *that* is what matters.

[wistfully – this is where the story turns dark] So when the war started… we knew what we had to do. We went wherever the Council told us to, saving whoever we could.

[quietly] It was… awful. We just… we couldn’t save them all, you know? No matter how hard I fought… I still had to watch so many innocent people die.

[shakily] And when I, um… when I got into my first duel… when I killed my first Sith… Master Farra held me as I cried. I… I wasn’t supposed to feel that way, you know? I wasn’t supposed to cry, but… she understood. And she helped *me* understand. She helped me control the anger and the grief… and she helped me find the Force.

[quietly] It went on like that for years… until now. Until Ryloth.

We had a unit of troopers and some Twi’lek militia, and our mission was to protect their city. The Sith invaded on the other side of the planet, and we coordinated supply routes with the other outposts. 

[sadly] But… one by one… the other outposts went silent. Until we were the only ones left.

Then the order to evacuate came in. The Council told us to leave the system and regroup in the Mid Rim. 

There were thousands and thousands of Twi’lek in the city. So… we asked the Council when the evacuation ships would come to pick them up.

[with quiet fury] But… there *were* no evacuation ships. The order was just for us. The Council told us to leave them. To abandon them to the Sith.

[with rising anger, still in disbelief] How… how could they do that? How could they abandon all these people? What kind of Jedi would turn their back on them in their time of need?! How *dare* they ask me to do that?! 

[faltering, regaining a bit of composure] No… *no*. I couldn’t do that. Never. I *refused*. And so did Master Farra. We stuffed our ship with as many people as we could, sent them off to the rendezvous, and… prepared for a last stand. Prepared to… die.

[despairingly] And… we held them off for as long as we could. We… we fought so hard. We fought so ******* hard, but… there were too many. They… they overwhelmed us. We… we weren’t… we weren’t strong enough, we couldn’t… we didn’t… we…

<heavy pause>

[small voice of utter devastation] Master Farra died today. She… she was the greatest Jedi I’ve ever known. She… I owe her *everything*. But… I couldn’t save her. I watched the Sith cut her to pieces, and… I ran. I ran as fast as I could.

[breaking down, tearful] I… I kept running, and I knew they were chasing me, and… and I could barely think, I could barely *breathe*, I was… ****, I was so afraid, and there was… I couldn’t feel anything, there was just fear and anger, and I couldn’t feel the Force, for the first time in my life I couldn’t *feel* it, and… 

And all I could think of was our last night together, how you made me feel so safe and whole and pure, and… and all I could think to do was to *reach out* for you. I cried and I ran and I reached out, I reached out with all my heart and I *begged* you to help me.

[quiet, vulnerable] And… you heard me, didn’t you? You… you could feel me reaching out. And… that’s why you’re here. For… for me. Right?

Yeah… I thought so. 

It’s… it’s not supposed to work that way, you know? We shouldn’t be able to… touch each other from so far away. We’ve both gotten stronger, but… that kind of thing should still be beyond us.

[thoughtfully, genuinely – she looks deeply into his eyes] But… but it’s not the first time we’ve done it, is it? Over all those years… there were so many nights when I felt… *terrible*. Totally cut off from the light. Like I was a failure, like everything was hopeless. Like… like I should just lay down and… *die*. But then… I would lay in my bed, close my eyes… and reach out for you. 

And sometimes… I could feel you reaching back. From lightyears away… I could feel you. Like… like your fingertips brushing against mine in the dark. Like… your lips on my forehead.

I… I thought I was fooling myself, you know? I thought I was imagining it. I just… I wanted to see your face again so badly… I could’ve convinced myself of anything. <sniffling laugh>

[the peak of vulnerability] But… I wasn’t imagining it, was I? You… you were reaching out for me, too. All those nights… you felt the same way. We felt it… together. The same thing. Like we were… *one*.

[a pregnant pause – the two young Jedi gaze longingly into each other’s eyes, and their minds *touch*. Their breathing deepens and quickens as their faces drift closer, inch by inch, until they meet for a soft, delicate kiss]


[tearful whisper] I missed you so much. That feeling… that thing we felt on our last night together… it never ended. For all those years… I felt it every night. I felt *you* inside me. And not having you beside me, it… it *destroyed* me. Some nights… I wanted to *die*. I just… I couldn’t take it.

But… you’re here. <small, tearful laugh> You’re finally *here*. And… I’m never gonna let you go again. Never. I… I can’t. This war, the Jedi… none of it makes sense to me anymore. But *you* do. You’re… you’re the only thing I want. You’re all I need.

Please… please hold me. Hold me… and never let go.

<passionate kiss>

[warmly] <sigh of contentment> I… I love this feeling. Our minds… *touching*. It’s… I’ve never felt anything like it. Not with anybody else.


[timidly – guiltily?] Um… before we go any further, I… I have to tell you something. I, uh… I’ve… *been* with someone. Someone else. This… this boy on Dantooine. Just a trader, nobody special. He was… nice. And he was… he was really pretty, too. <nervous laugh> 

I met him when I was staking out a smuggling ring out there, and we, uh… for a couple weeks, he and I had… a really nice time. He… he was good.

[shyly] But every time we… um… when we were *together*… I didn’t *feel* anything. You know? I mean, it… it felt *good*, but… it felt kind of… empty, I guess. Like… like no matter how hard I tried, I could never really… *connect* with him. Like… we were puzzle pieces that weren’t made to fit together.

[tenderly] And… that’s when I started reaching out for you. When I started… *waiting* for you. Because I realized that… this thing we have… it isn’t just an adolescent delusion. You and I… the Force *made* us for each other. Two halves of the same person. This, this right here… it’s the only connection I’ll ever have. And… it’s the only one I’ll ever need.

So, uh… have *you*? Been with anybody, I mean?

<tender giggle> No? Taking your vows very seriously, I see.

<laugh> No! No, I’m not laughing at you, I promise. I’m laughing because… because that makes me really happy. Because… it’ll make tonight even more special.


[quietly] Shh, shh. I know you don’t have any experience. I don’t care. Really. Just… relax, okay? Relax and let *me* take the lead. Now… sit back. I’m gonna sit in your lap.

<(optional) shifting sounds> Mmm… there we go. That’s… perfect. <kiss> We fit together nicely like this… don’t you think? Me straddling you, my arms around you… our foreheads pressed together. I can really… *feel* you like this. With my body, with my mind… every way there *is* to feel you. 

<kiss/sharp giggle> Mmm! Oh! Looks like… you feel *me*, too. <laugh>

[sultry] Getting hard? I can feel you starting to… press up against me through your robes. <kiss> That’s good. That’s… that’s really good. <kiss>

[mischievous] Well… I think I know a way to make you even harder. Here… pull on my sleeve. Help me get these robes off.

<(optional) clothing sounds> There. That’s better. 

<laugh> That’s, uh… that’s quite a look you’ve got there. Been awhile since you’ve seen ****? Or… um… are mine the only ones you’ve seen?

<laugh> [touched] Aww, you’re *precious*! <kiss> Well, it’s been so long since you’ve seen them… why don’t you get, uh… *reacquainted*? <laugh> Here, I’ll bring them right up to your face so you can—

<gasp> Oh! Oh… mmm yes, that’s good, that’s… mmm ******. Yeah, just… just suck on them… just like that. Use… use your tongue to— oh! Oh my… mmm! You’re… you’re a quick learner, I see. <laugh>

You can be a little… rough with them, if you want. Suck hard and… and you can bite… just a little…

<gasp/laugh> I said “just a little”! I’ve… I’ve got *enough* war wounds, thank you very much. <breathy laugh> Yeah… yeah, switch to the other nipple and… kiss it. Lick it and… and… oh my *stars*, that feels good. Grab my other *** and… and… oh… shit… I missed you so much… I missed you so… so… mmm!

<sultry laugh> Hmm… do you like me grinding against you? Feels like you do… feels like you’re… ready to bust out of your robes down there. And… can you feel that? Can you feel… how hot I am? How… how wet you’re making me. Mmm, ****… come on. Let me show you.

Let me just… stand up for a second so we can get the rest of these robes off.

<(optional) clothing sounds> Okay… so. Here we are again! <laugh>

Shh… sit back down. Let me get back in your lap. No, no… I won’t put it in yet. I… I don’t want to rush you. I’ll, uh… I’ll get us *warmed up* first.

Just… here. Let me press my *****… against the underside of your ****… and just rock back and forth… back and forth…

[breathing grows slowly heavier] Ohhh ******… how does that feel? I’m… I’m so wet already… can you feel it? Can you feel my folds… sliding over your shaft… up and down… mmm… shit. You’re… you’re so hard… so hard and so *warm*… I can… I can feel you twitching… you’re making me twitch, too! <laugh> Like… like lightning bolts shooting out of you… out of your ****… and into me. Oh ****… kiss me. Kiss me.

<passionate, moaning kiss>

[tenderly] Hey. I’m… I’m gonna put you in now, okay? You’re… nervous. I can sense it. But… you don’t have to worry, okay? I’m… I’ll take care of everything. I promise. I’m gonna make you feel… really, really good. You just… sit back and enjoy it, okay? Trust me.

<deep, satisfied gasp – he’s in>

[heavy breathing] *Oh*! Oh… ffffuck, you’re so… you’re so *hard*, you… mmm that’s *incredible*. I can feel… every *inch* of you. It’s… it’s *perfect*. No, don’t move, just… just stay right here for a second. Mmm… ****. 

I’m… I’m gonna start moving now, okay? I’m gonna… I’m gonna… oh ******. Oh my… oh! Shit!

[things heat up. The verbal noise here is just a suggestion – improvise all you like!]

Oooh… ******. You’re so… you’re so *deep*, you’re so… so… oh shit! Mmm, that’s it, that’s it, just… oh ****… you can buck up into me if you want, but just… feel this, okay? Really… *really* feel this. Feel… feel my *****, feel my ****… but feel my *heart*. Mmm… feel… feel *me*. Feel my… feel my mind inside yours, feel… oh! Oh ****!

Shit… shit, I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum already. Yeah, hold me tight, grab me, I’m gonna, oh ****, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, reach into my mind, baby, feel it with me, ****, feel it, feel—

<orgasmic squeal> *Oh*! Oh ******! Mmm! Yes! ****! Fffffuck!

<heavy breathing> Holy… holy shit. <breathless laugh> That… that was incredible. <kiss> I came… so ******* hard. And… and so fast, too! <laugh> Are you sure you’ve never done this before?

<laugh> No, no, I believe you! I believe you, I… shit, let me catch my breath for a second. <laugh>

Whew. Did… did you cum, too? No? That’s okay, that’s… we can fix that. <sultry laugh>

But, um… did you feel it? When I came? Did you feel that… *moment*? Where everything just felt… perfect? And… infinite? Like we were… like we were the *same*?

<loving coo> Good. I… I thought so. It was… pretty intense, right? Yeah. That’s… I mean, I didn’t realize until now, but… or maybe I did, deep down… I dunno. Just… that’s what I’ve been missing, you know? That feeling. That… connection. To the universe, to everything… to *you*. I think… for the last few years… there’s been a hole inside me. A hole shaped like you.


[suddenly a bit awkward] I, um… I think… I might have called you… “baby.” For a second. I didn’t really mean to, it just sort of… slipped out. Is that… was that okay? Did it bother you?

No? Um… good. Would it… would you mind if I… *kept* calling you “baby”?

<shy giggle> Um… okay. Good. Because… I think I want to call you that. Calling you that feels… it feels right.

So then, *baby*… <laugh> It feels like you’re still ready to go. How should we… take care of you?

You want to be on top? Wow, look at you — you’re sure picking this up fast. <laugh>

Okay, let me just… lay our robes down right here. That’ll make a nice little love-nest. And I’ll lay down…

<(optional) clothing sounds> There. Now you just… lay down on top of me… yeah, just like that, just like… perfect. Now… just push it in, baby. Nice and slow, nice and—

<sharp gasp> Oh *fffffuck*. Oh my… yeah, yeah, that’s good, baby, that’s… that’s so good. Now just… just thrust into me. In and out… slowly, slowly so I can… oh! Oh ****! Yes, baby, just like that, just like… just like that. Oh… oh shit, oh… holy… mmm yes, keep going, baby, keep going, kiss me, kiss me please…

<passionate, moaning kiss>

[with growing intensity] Yes, baby, that’s so good, you’re doing so good, keep going, keep ******* me, keep… *mmm* yes, a little faster now, baby, a little faster, **** me faster, **** me… **** me *deep* baby, ****… **** me… yes, baby, yes!

Oh shit, baby, I can feel… I can feel your *mind*, baby, I can feel… oh ****… I can feel your *feelings*. I can feel… feel every inch of your body. I can feel… *everything*… shit… everything, like we’re the same body, like we have the same mind… oh shit, baby, **** me, **** me and make me feel it, make me feel it, make me… oh! ****! **** yes! Harder, baby! Faster! **** me harder!

[nearing the peak] Holy… shit! Yes! You’re so… you’re so strong! My arms wrapped around you, my… ****, yes, **** me! ****! Keep, keep… keep ******* me, keep ******* me, keep… oh… ****…

I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum again, baby. I’m gonna cum and I want you to cum with me this time, okay? I want you to… I want you to cum inside me. Okay? Yeah?

[crescendo] Do it. **** me hard, baby, **** me hard and cum with me, cum with me, baby, cum inside me, cum with me, cum with me!

<sounds of ecstasy> ****! Nnn! Yes! Yes, baby! Oh! Mmm!

<heavy breathing gradually slows> <breathless laugh> There it was again. That… that perfect moment. That infinite connection. Whew… thank you, baby. Thanks for… for sharing that with me.

<tender kiss> You’re… you’re really beautiful, you know that? I mean, you’re good to look at, sure, but… *inside*, I mean. I… in those moments, I can see inside you, and… there’s just nothing but light. It’s so… gorgeous. Just… I dunno. You’re incredible.

<deep sigh> Come here. Roll over so I can lay my head on your chest. That’s… that’s what I need right now. 

[warmly] No no no, shhh. Just… just lay here, okay? Lay here with me. We have nowhere to be, so let’s just… *be* here. Together. *Connected*.

<soft kiss> Um… I *am* a little cold, though. <laugh> Here, let me… pull our robes over us. Should make a nice little blanket.

<(optional) clothing sounds, deep sigh> There. Perfect. Just… perfect.


[Lirra’s tone changes a bit – she becomes unsure, vulnerable, thoughtful. She isn’t sure what she’s about to say — she hasn’t given it much thought. Whatever comes out of her mouth, though, she’s afraid of how he might react]

[softly] This is… it’s just so beautiful. Being here with you, being *together*, I’m… I’m really happy. Like… happier than I’ve been in a long time. Maybe… maybe happier than I’ve *ever* been.

<soft laugh> [genuine, but with a hint of sadness] Good. I’m… I’m glad you’re happy, too, baby. That… it means a lot to me.

[timidly] Um… hey. Can we… do you… um… <groan> shit. Listen, I… I want to talk to you about something. 

We, uh… at this rate, we won’t make it to the rendezvous point for a long time. Hours. We’re probably not even out of the Outer Rim yet.

And… I know you’re excited to get back. I mean, I can… I can *feel* how ready you are.

But, um… what if… what if we put some… *different* coordinates into the Nav Computer? What if we turned off the tracking module and just… went off on our own?

[very gently – she drops the bomb. What will he think?] What if… what if we left the Jedi? And… never came back?


[conscientiously – she understands his position] Well… yeah, I know that, baby. I know we swore an oath. But, like… an oath to what? Do you… do you ever think about that?

[slightly frustrated] It’s just… when I joined the Jedi… they told me such amazing stories. About, like… valiant heroes facing impossible odds, saving the galaxy no matter what. That’s… that’s what I wanted, you know? I wanted to save people. I wanted to save *everyone*. No compromises. No excuses.
But that’s… that’s not what I’ve been doing. I haven’t been… *allowed* to do it. Like… sometimes it seems like the Jedi don’t… like they aren’t *interested* in saving people. Like they’d throw millions of people to the wind to… I dunno. To *win*. 

[quietly] And I… I just don’t know if I can do it anymore. I just… I’ve been trying so ******* hard, you know? But everywhere I look… there’s just *nothing*. No peace, no freedom, no… *love*.

[hopefully] But… but it doesn’t have to be that way. Not for us. We… we can still escape all this, baby. We can… I dunno, we can just… *go*. Find a quiet corner of the galaxy, throw our lightsabers out the airlock and just… *live*. Forget the Jedi, forget the war, and… be *happy*. Just you and me. Together.

So… what do you think? Will you… come away with me?

[frantic, progressing from surprised to despairing to angry – he keeps trying to talk over her and she loses control] No! No, it’s not like that, I just… no, you’re not listening to me, I only meant… yeah, I understand that, I really do, but I can’t… I can’t… I want to do it for *us,* baby, for *us* and… no, I *know* we swore an oath, I *know* that, but if you would just… if you would just let me talk for a… if you would stop talking about the Jedi and… and… no… no…

[pure fury] *No*! ****** the Jedi!

<pause – heavy, incensed breathing>

[shaking with passion] I… will *not*… go back. Do you hear me? I… *can’t*. I *won’t* be just a… a *weapon* for a short-sighted, ignorant, heartless regime anymore. I *won’t*.

[breaking down] For the last five years, not a day has gone by without somebody telling me who I can and can’t help. I have had to abandon… *so* many people. People who I could have *saved*. I… ****, I could have *saved* them! I could have *helped*! But no — I had to watch them die. I had to turn my back on innocent people… people who would still be alive if they hadn’t been caught in the middle of this stupid, selfish, meaningless war. Their blood is on my hands, and it will *never* come off. 

[with venom] Just following orders, right? <scoff>

Just… no. I’m done. It’s over. I *refuse* to keep up this… this *farce* any longer. This sick, cruel joke of an Order that will stand proudly on top of a mountain of bodies as long as it can pretend it will avenge them. I’m… I’m leaving.

[breaking down, tearing up] But… I don’t know if I can do it alone, baby. I’m… I’m scared. I’ve *always* been scared. I just… I need you. I need you beside me. I’m… I’m not strong enough. Not without you. You *make* me strong. And… I need your strength now. Now more than ever. This is… it’s the only way. You have to see that, don’t you? Don’t you?

Please, baby. Just… please. Come with me. Stay with me forever. We… we can be *happy*! But… only if we leave. Just… please. *Please*.


[shocked, tearful] <gasp> No… no, you… you don’t mean that. You don’t… you… you can’t… you can’t do this. You… you *can’t*.

Don’t you… don’t you see that this war is never going to end? Can’t you see that we’re both going to… to *die* out there? For *nothing*? Don’t you care that we’ll have to keep doing this forever?

[the final blow – completely ***** and vulnerable] Don’t… don’t you care that I need you? Don’t you care that I… *love* you? That I always have? Doesn’t… doesn’t that matter to you?

<fateful pause – he breaks her heart>

[devastated and destroyed] No… no, no, no… no, we’re… we’re *connected*, you can’t… you… I can’t… you… I trusted… I… I trusted you, I… this…

[tearful near-whisper] How… how could you do this to me? After all this time… after all those lonely nights, reaching out in the dark… how… how could… how could you… *abandon* me?


[with heartbreaking spite] <sniffle> Well… I guess you *are* a true Jedi, after all, then. I hope your principles can keep you warm at night. I guess they’re all that matters. No, *don’t* — do *not* touch me. Don’t *speak*. 

[hatefully] You… you coward. You miserable *******… *coward*.

[shakily] I… I would have given up everything for you. *Everything*. And now… you’re going to pretend this never happened? That this, this *thing* between us, this *bond*… that it’s not real? You know it’s real. You *know* it, and you can’t—

<sharp, indignant gasp – his words are… unkind>

[furious] How… *dare* you? You… *bastard*. How… how can you say that? You know me. You *know* me. I’m a… I *was* a Jedi. I’m not some, some… *temptress* here to lead you astray. I don’t give a ****** about the Dark Side, and… and you know that. All I cared about was *us*. I… everything I’ve said, everything I’ve *done* has been for *us*.

[quiet and cold] But… but I guess there is no “us,” is there? 

Give me my robe. I’m… I’m rerouting the Nav Computer. You can drop me off at a border colony. Don’t worry, it’s just a pit stop — you’ll be back to your *Order* in no time.

What? Are you gonna try to stop me?

<scoffs> I didn’t think so.

[coldly] You know… I should thank you. You’ve… you’ve taught me a lot today. I was wrong. I was wrong about this war. I was wrong about the Jedi. And… I was wrong about *you*. You can’t love. You don’t even know what love is. No Jedi does. All you know is… order. And I hope it serves you well.

I just… I hope that someday, you see this universe the way I do. I hope you suffer like I have. I hope you have to destroy everything you hold dear. I hope you see… *horror*. Then… maybe you’ll understand. 

And when you do… I won’t be there to help you. No one will be. *No one*.

[The conversation ends in tatters, leaving only the gentle hum of the engines to fill the void – there’s nothing left to say. The ship soon arrives at a sparsely-populated forest world, and Lirra departs without saying a word. The ship takes off into the vast night sky, and in their hearts, the two devastated lovers both pray that they will never see each other again. But their destinies remain intertwined — when next they meet, their wills, strength, and hearts will be tested for a final time]
