[F4M] [Script Offer] The Two Padawans: A Star Wars Story [Sci-fi] [Friends to Lovers] [Virginity] [Adults] [Story Heavy] [Sweet] and [Romantic] but with [Dark] [Foreshadowing] [Fingering] [Cunnilingus] [Blowjob] [Cum in Mouth] [We May Never Meet Again] [Let’s Make This Count] [Episode I of… III?]

“We did it! We finally *did it*! We’re going to be real Padawans! And not a moment too soon — I was worried we’d end up the oldest Initiates in history. So let’s celebrate! This, uh… this might be our only chance. They say the Sith are coming back, and if that’s true… well, we might never see each other again. And… I’m afraid. I just… I was worried that I’d never get another chance to thank you. That I’d never get a chance to tell you… how much you mean to me. So… come here. Let me show you how precious you are to me.”

As dire rumors disturb the Galaxy’s centuries-long peace, Jedi-in-training Lirra Tol sneaks into her best friend’s room to celebrate. Tomorrow, they will become Padawan learners, but their joy is tempered by apprehension — if war is truly looming, this might be their final meeting. And Lirra has a secret: she has long thought of her companion as more than a friend. She has kept her feelings buried… until now. Will she have the strength to tell him how she feels? How will he respond? How will they spend their last night together? And… will she tell him of the dark, terrible tremors she has felt in the Force?

Thanks for clicking! Here’s a character-driven, narrative-heavy, nerdy script! I was watching Star Wars recently, and I thought it would be fun to do a little mini-epic about love, lust, and heartbreak in the Jedi Order. This is Episode I – I’ve got two more planned, but I would consider extending the series further if there’s any interest. These three are to satisfy a little creative urge of mine. Enjoy!

Any interested performers are welcome to edit or improvise to their hearts’ content. Feedback is always welcome!

Also, DISCLAIMER: I’m a very casual Star Wars fan, and I know next to nothing about the canon or the Extended Universe or whatever. This is probably full of inaccuracies. So, like… ignore those, I guess. Pretend this takes place in an era lost to time.

*Asterisks are for emphasis*
<These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise>
[Brackets are for direction]
Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like.

[TONAL ADVICE] Lirra is a bubbly, vivacious, sarcastic young woman. She’s been teasing the listener for years by this point. But we catch her at a vulnerable moment — she’s afraid of the coming darkness, and her feelings for the listener have been simmering under the surface for many painful years. She’s finally opening up, and it isn’t easy for her.


[We begin with narration. The narrator’s voice is solemn and regal – she’s the Opening Crawl, after all]

<(optional) fanfare>

[NARRATION] The galaxy celebrates two centuries of hard-won peace. Thousands of star systems prosper under the dominion of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC, and the galaxy’s stalwart peacekeepers, the knights of the JEDI ORDER, have reached unprecedented heights of power and renown.

[NARRATION] But all is not well. Rumors abound of strange black ships amassing in the Outer Rim. Dozens of Jedi have disappeared. Members of the JEDI COUNCIL report grave disturbances in the FORCE. The evidence is clear — the Jedi’s ancient enemies, the SITH, are returning.

[NARRATION] On the galactic capital world of CORUSCANT, the JEDI TEMPLE sends out scouts to gauge the gravity of the threat. As the Temple awakens to the menace of war, two young Jedi learners celebrate their completion of the Initiate Trials and prepare to begin their Padawan training, painfully aware that they may never see each other again. . . .

[The narration ends, and we enter the scene proper – a quiet, private dormitory cell in the Jedi Temple, towering high above the thrumming nightlife of the Lower City]

<(optional) knocking sounds, ambiance>

[muffled, whisper-shouting] Hey! Pssst! Wake up!

<(optional) knocking resumes>

[muffled, whisper-shouting] I know you can hear me! Open the window! It’s *freezing* out here!

<(optional) window sounds>

[unmuffled, whispering excitedly] Oh! Hello! Wow — what are the odds of bumping into you all the way up here?

<laugh> Oh, come on! Don’t be such a grouch. And don’t pretend you aren’t happy to see me!

<laugh> Yes, I *know* it’s late, and I *know* Master Farra told us not to climb around on the outside of the Temple. She was very clear about that. But, I mean… tomorrow we’ll both be lightyears away from the Temple and Master Farra’s precious “rules.” Why not live a little? As far as I remember, the Jedi Code doesn’t say anything about late-night climbing.

<laugh> Okay, *fine* — [sarcastically] I wholeheartedly apologize for courting the Dark Side by climbing a little bit. It was absolutely shameful of me, and I’ll meditate on it. Now, uh… will you let me in? Not that I don’t love clinging to the wall like this, but I made the mistake of looking *down* a minute ago, and, uh… <nervous laugh> I’m ready to come inside now, please.

<exertion sounds> Whew! That’s better. Climbing around out there is exhilarating, but… *whoo* is it cold out there. 

So… this is your room? Kinda weird that I’ve never been in here before. Even weirder that you’ve done *nothing* to decorate it. I know Jedi are supposed to renounce attachments, but… not even a bookcase? A lamp? Anything? I think you might be taking the “ascetic monk” thing too seriously. Have you ever thought of…

[flatly] You’re frowning at me. Why are you frowning at me?

<scoffs> Are you *still* going on about that? Look, I’m *sorry* for waking you up, and I’m *sorry* for making you complicit in my after-hours mischief. Again. But… look, if you promise to wipe that awful grimace off your face, and if you promise not to tell Master Farra that I’ve been sneaking around, I’ll treat you to one of these *delicious* cakes I stole from the kitchens. 


Oh, and you also have to promise not to tell her I stole them. Deal?

<laugh of triumph> Perfect! Negotiation really *is* a Jedi’s greatest weapon. Here you go! They were nice and warm when I took them, but… I think my climb might have cooled them off a bit. Sorry.

<eating sounds> Good, right? Somehow they taste even better late at night. 


So… which one of us is gonna congratulate the other first? <laugh> We did it! We passed the trials! We’re gonna be real, actual, genuine *Jedi*! About time, too — we were the oldest Initiates I’ve ever heard of. Old enough to drink, but still too “immature” to hold a lightsaber. Well, I guess we’re not *supposed* to drink, but… whatever.

[excited] I mean… just think: by this time tomorrow, we’ll have met our new Masters, and we’ll have our Padawan robes, and we’ll be out among the stars — a whole new kind of training, a whole new life of adventure! Can you believe it?! Where do you wanna go first? I hope my Master takes me to Ryloth. Twi’leks are so interesting and beautiful, and I’ve always wanted to see how they…

<scoffs> Well, yeah, I *know* Jedi aren’t supposed to care about adventure. [lying] And… I don’t! Really! We are scholars, peacekeepers, and champions of harmony. Those were our vows, and I believe in them. Adventure is waaaaay low on my list of priorities.

[embarrassed] But… I mean, adventure is still *on* my list of priorities. Like… I was born on Coruscant, you know? Up until now, the biggest adventure I’d ever been on was the shuttle ride from the Lower City up to the Temple. 

[hesitantly – she’s been thinking about this for awhile] I’ve never… *been* anywhere. I’ve never *known* anybody. Is it… would it be so bad to… *want* that? I just… I’ve never had any friends. Any family. Besides you, I mean. I think… *you’re* the only family I’ve ever had. And… how messed-up is that? <laugh>

[a little ashamed] Yeah, yeah… I know. We’re not supposed to… *want* things. Or get attached to people. I… I get that. But… it’s been hard lately, you know? The Masters, the other Initiates… *you*… everybody means a lot to me. The *universe* means a lot to me. 

[quietly] I want to… I dunno. I want to protect the universe. I want to protect everybody. I want to protect… *you*.


[vulnerable] Can I… can I ask you a question? I’m excited to start training, and I can tell you are too, but… do you… I mean… don’t you feel just a little bit… afraid?

[quietly frustrated – he doesn’t seem to understand] Yeah, yeah, I know. I know fear isn’t the Jedi way. But… we’re not real Jedi yet, so… forgive me for a brief moment of weakness, okay? I’m… I’m serious.

[timid] It’s just… you’ve heard the rumors, right? Do you think it’s true? Do you think… do you think the Sith are really coming back?

Yeah… I don’t know what to think either. I… I hope they aren’t. Our whole lives, the Masters told us the Sith have been extinct for centuries, ever since the old Sith Dominion was destroyed. If they came back now… I don’t… I don’t know if I could handle that. Going to war, I mean. 

We’ve been trained to fight, and we’ve been trained to resist the Dark Side, but… I dunno. I’m… I’m not ready. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for… *that*. To risk my life. To watch people die. To be… to be ready to die myself. That’s... that’s a lot, you know? I just… it scares me, is all.

[false assurance] Yeah… yeah, you’re probably right. It’s… it could just be a rumor. No reason to freak out prematurely. We’re… we’re probably safe. For now.

[very quietly – should she really admit to this? what will he think?] It’s just… have you ever tried, like… reaching out with the Force? Like, *really* reaching out. As far as you can go. Just to… poke around and see what’s out there.

No? Oh. Um… okay. Well… I have. And… I felt… <sigh> I don’t know what I felt. I felt life, sure — tons of weird exotic creatures on other planets, far-flung tribes and massive civilizations. But… when I reached out *farther*… when I *really* tried to see what was out there…

[numb, horrified] I… I felt it. I felt… the Dark Side. This, this… black, hungry, powerful void on the edge of existence. It felt cold, and it felt dangerous, and it felt… it felt so *strong*. So strong that… that it was like I wasn’t *reaching out* anymore — I was being *pulled in* instead. 

[with the utmost terror, nearly whispering] And it… it knew my *name*. I could *hear* it in my head. It… it *called* to me. It said… “Lirra Tol… I see you. I know you. I know your fear. I know your pain. I can heal it.” 

And… I *saw* things. Everything I’ve ever wanted, all laid out in front of me. And it looked… *good*. It looked so… *so* good. So good that… that I could feel my resistance crumbling…

[she trails off into thought, only snapping back to reality when he asks a question]

<clears throat> What did I do? I stopped reaching out, of course. I severed whatever connection I opened, and I meditated until I was sure it was out of my head. Until I felt the darkness fade away and the light come back.

[maybe tearfully – fear is overwhelming her] But… you don’t understand. It was so… *strong*. It was *overwhelming*. If *that’s* what we’re up against… if *that’s* what we have to fight… I don’t know if I can do it. I just… I don’t know if I’ll ever be strong enough.

<sniffling laugh – he comforts her> Oh, thank you, my brave Jedi Knight. I appreciate the offer of protection, but… I’m older than you, you know. I have more training, even if it’s just a little bit. If anything, I should be the one protecting you. 

[quietly – she really shouldn’t be saying this, should she?] But… can I tell you something? I’m not… I mean, it’s not actually the *fighting* that scares me. Not really. That’s what the training is for. What I’m really scared of… is… uh…

<frustrated sigh> I dunno. Do you… have you considered that after tomorrow… we might never see each other again? Like… if the Sith are as dead as the Masters say they are, then… great. We’ll be together again soon. [with sarcastic grandeur – her humor returns for a moment] We’ll continue our training, become respected Jedi Masters, and serve long terms on the Council side-by-side. Easy-peasy. <laugh>

[laughter fades into uncertainty] But if they *are* back… if war *is* coming… then we’ll be shipped off to the far corners of the galaxy. We’ll spend *years* on distant worlds, and… if we ever get into a battle… there’s no guarantee we’ll ever make it back.

[vulnerable] I just… I don’t know what I would do if I could never see you again. And… and don’t get on my case about attachments. Please. I know the Code. I promise. But… you’re important to me, okay? That’s just… the way it is. And… I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I… I can’t help it. It’s just… you’ve been right *here*, right next to me, for as long as I can remember, and the thought of losing that… it just *hurts*. And I don’t know how to deal with that. That’s all. Do you… do you know what I mean?


[suddenly panicking – has she gone too far?] No, wait. Don’t answer that. It… it’s probably best if we stop talking about it. 

I just… I wanted you to know, I guess. I’m pretty scared of what comes next, but… just promise you’ll still think about me from time to time, okay? No matter what. I know it’s stupid, but… humor me, alright? 

Will you promise?


[she pauses and steals a sidelong glance at her closest friend. She barely realizes it, but something changes between them. Something awakens inside her]

Hey, uh… I just thought of something. When’s the last time you and I actually trained together? It’s been… years, hasn’t it? I guess the Masters wanted to keep us separated. Can’t imagine why. <laughs>

Oh, calm down! I only ask because I’m… curious about something. When we were younger, I was always the stronger one, so I—

<laughs> Oh, shut up! I was *totally* stronger! I used to throw you around the training rooms like a ragdoll! You can’t tell me you—

<even heartier laugh> Oh, that was *one time*! And you *cheated*! 

Well, I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. *Anyway*, I was just wondering… which of us is stronger now, do you think? [boastful] Because, uh… not to brag or anything, but I’ve got *quite* a few Force tricks under my belt. Like… check this out. Want another cake? Let me just… float it over to you like… so…

There. Pretty cool, huh?

[surprised] Wait, no! Don’t throw it back at—

<(optional) thud – the cake slams into the wall>

<amused gasp> <laugh> Uh… okay, since this is *your* room, *you’re* gonna have to clean that up. You know that, right? 

<laugh> Okay, okay! Point taken: you’re pretty good at Force Throw. But have the Masters taught you nothing?

<clears throat> [faux-dignified and regal voice] “The might of the Force lies not in *power*, but in subtlety and grace.” <laugh>

So what if you can throw a cake across the room? The real high-level stuff is a lot more gentle. Like… how’s this: you probably didn’t notice your hair sticking up in the back, did you? <laugh> Well, let me fix it for you just… like… this…

There. Much better. You’re ready to hit the town. <laugh>

Oh, you can do that, too? I mean, I know I was just out in the wind, but I highly doubt my hair is as bad as—

<startled gasp> Oh! Oh, wow… that feels kinda… strange. 

<shuddering sigh> What? No, don’t, uh… you don’t have to stop. It… it feels kinda… nice, I guess. It’s like… fingers running through my hair. I can feel it… on my scalp. It’s… it’s so soft. Nobody’s ever… um… yeah. That’s… nice.

[her breathing gets a bit heavier, and her usually-confident voice drops to a hushed, excited tone] What if I… what if I used the Force to touch your face? Like… this? How does that feel? Does it feel like… fingers? Running across your cheek… over your brow… over your… lips? 

[dreamy, nearly whispering] Wrapping… around the back of your neck… and pulling you… closer…


[their first kiss is shy, gentle, patient, and pure. They break away, but their faces remain within inches of each other. They stare into each other’s eyes, unsure how to proceed]

[whispering – is she ashamed? Is she excited?] Um… okay. We… we shouldn’t have done that, right? I… I don’t know if the Jedi Code mentions kissing, exactly, but… we probably shouldn’t have done that.

[at her most vulnerable – this is the closest she can come to a confession] But… I think I want to do it again. Do… do you?

<shy giggle> Yeah? Good.

<longer, deeper kiss> [breathing heavily] I… I want this. I want this… so, *so* badly. But… we can’t. We just… we’re Jedi. Jedi don’t… they’re not supposed to…

<kiss, moan> Listen. We… we can’t take this too far. But… but I still… I want you to touch me, I think. Will you? Will you touch me? Just a little bit?

Yeah? Okay, yeah, just… just right here. Over my robes. Just… just put your hands here and gently—

<gasp> Oh… oh yes… that feels nice. <kiss, moan> Yes… just like that. No one’s… nobody’s ever touched my… ******* before. It feels… incredible. Go on, squeeze them… mmm… squeeze them hard.

<kiss> You know… I’ve never told you this, but… a year or so ago, I snuck down to the Lower City and picked up some… holovids. Some… *restricted* holovids. <laugh, kiss>

I’ve, uh… I’ve watched them… many, *many* times. <laugh> And in the vids, the women, um… they didn’t call them “*******.” They called them… “****.” I… I think I like that word.

So… here, let me… take my robes off… <(optional) rustling sounds> so you can see my… ****.

Do you like them? I’ve never shown them to anybody, but… I want you to see them. It’s… it’s exciting! <laugh>

<gasp, moan> Oh… the feeling of your hands against my skin… yes, grab my **** again… rub my nipples… pinch them… oh… mmm, oh yes… kiss me.

[They continue kissing for a moment, the young Jedi continuing to fondle his friend’s *******, the two of them moaning into each other’s mouths]

<muffled gasp> <kiss breaks> Hey! Where is your other hand going?

<nervous laugh> I, um… I don’t know about that. That’s… we’ve done a lot already, you know, and… these things are probably off-limits for a reason…

[she pauses, thinking about it for a second. In a moment of impulse, she lunges forward to kiss him again]

[nervous, but decisive] I… okay. Okay, yeah, let’s… yes. Let me… slip out of these undergarments… <(optional) clothing sounds>

Okay. Now…

<laugh> What? Well, *yeah*, of course I’m covering up — I feel a bit, like… exposed here! I’m all… *****, and you… okay, at *least* take your robes off first. Meet me halfway. 

<laugh> [sarcastically] Oh, *thank* you for this generous gesture. You’re a true Jedi. Such chivalry. 

[winkingly] I’ll have to… find a way to repay you. <laugh>

Alright, alright… you held up your end of the bargain, so I guess… ta-da! <laugh>

[trying not to be shy] In the holovids… they called this a “*****.” Um… what do you think?

<shy laugh> That’s okay… I’m not sure what to say either. But… do you wanna touch it? Yeah? Just put your hand… right here…

[Things get intimate. The verbal noise written here is only meant as a suggestion – improvise all you like!]

<gasp> Oh! Oh… wow, that’s… that feels really good. Yeah, just… just slide your fingers over it on the outside. Gentle, gentle… it’s getting kinda wet. <giggle> 

[her breathing gets heavier – these feelings are new to her] Oh… oh my… that feels… so good. You can go… mmm… you can go a little faster if you want. That part at the top… it’s really, really sensitive, so I… oh! Oh wow! Oh… ****, yes, just… just keep going, keep going…

[nervous, but still very turned on] I think… I think I want you to try… going inside. But, um… I think it’s supposed to hurt, so… can you go slow? Please? Just… just a finger, okay? Just… rub it around the outside… around the opening there… oh… oh ****…

Now… now push it… push it in slowly like… ahhh… yeah, yeah, that feels… it feels strange, but… I like it. I like it… a lot. Oooh… oh ****… push it deeper, now… just a little deeper… slowly… slow—

<sharp gasp> Ah! Oooh, stop stop stop! Take it out, take it out!

<groan> No, no, you didn’t… it’s okay. Something just… ouch. That hurt.

<pained laugh> No! No, it’s not your fault. I think… I think that’s supposed to happen the first time. But… it’s okay. It doesn’t hurt anymore. You can… you can keep going.

<incredulous laugh> Uh… you want to… what? Use your… mouth? Well… I mean, yeah, I saw some men doing that in the vids, but… it looked kind of… complicated, I guess? Not to mention… I mean, it’s all wet down there, and using your mouth…

<laugh> Okay, fine! If you want to try it, I won’t stop you. Just… I don’t know what to tell you to do, so, like… just kiss it, I guess.

<gasp, heavy breathing> Oh! Oh… oooooh ****. That’s… that’s so good. Let me just… run my fingers through your hair. My *real* fingers, this time. <giggle>

Mmm… yeah, yeah, keep going, keep… keep licking me. Lick… lick my *****. Oh, oh… oh ****, oh ****, yes, just… yeah, stick your tongue inside… put your tongue inside me, please, please, oh… how… how does it taste? Good? <breathless laugh> Good. It feels… it feels amazing. I’ve never… I’ve never… oh ****, keep going, keep going.

<sharp gasp> *Oh*! Oh yes, do that again! Suck right there… right at the top… oh ****, yes, keep doing that… keep… mmm… keep doing that! Suck there… keep sucking and… and put your fingers back in. Oh! Oh ****! That’s… that’s it, just… mmm ****! Push your fingers in deep… nice and deep and… oh! Yes, press like that, press… ****… press that spot at the top! Keep… keep sucking me… keep ******* me with your fingers, keep… oh ****, oh shit! Clenching down on you… feels so good…

[her breathing reaches a fever pitch] Oh! *Oh*! Something’s… something’s happening, I… it feels so good, it feels so… mmm ****, something’s… building up. Keep going, keep going… go faster, ****, go faster, keep going, it’s happening, it’s happening, it’s… 

<orgasmic squeal> Aaaah! **** **** ****! My… my *****… ****! Oooooh! Mmmm! Mmmmm stop, stop stop stop, it’s… it’s really sensitive, it… oh… oh wow. Holy… ooooooh wow.

<breathless laugh> That was… *whew*! I’m not sure… I don’t know what that was, but… it felt *amazing*!

What? It’s called “cumming”? <laugh> Well, look at you! Is it possible I’m not the *only* one who’s been watching naughty holovids?

<laugh> Oh come on, don’t be so shy. It’s a little late for that now.

<laugh> [amused] Alright, fine — blush away, my Pure and Innocent Padawan. I’ll be over here… [with exaggerated exhaustion] *recovering*.

<laugh> I’m still shaking a little bit. That was… intense. It was like… it shot through my whole body and filled every muscle with light. Does that make sense? Probably not, I guess.

[thoughtful] Bear with me, but… it kind of felt like the Force. You know that feeling you get when you’re meditating? When you’re, like… reaching out and trying to feel the Force connecting your body to the rest of the universe? It was like that, but… way more, like, extreme. Heightened, I guess. Physical. Like… for just an instant, I could feel the universe’s energy flowing through you, into me, and back out again. Do you know what I mean?

<laugh> Yeah, I guess not. It was… a pretty new experience.

[shy, flirty] But… I could show you, if you want. <shy laugh>

I mean… you did it for me, right? Why don’t I return the favor? [semi-sarcastically] Generosity befits a future Jedi, don’t you think?

<laugh> You’re blushing again! Oh, come over here. Come on. Let me hold you for a second.

<kiss> [genuine, vulnerable] Just… listen for a second, okay? You… you’re really precious to me. *Really* precious. I don’t know if I’ve made that clear enough. I just… I don’t know if I would have made it this far without you. If you hadn’t suffered through it all with me… I think I would have washed out a long time ago. 

Whenever the training got tough… whenever I struggled with my connection to the Force… I could always take a step back and focus on my connection with *you*. The connection that’s… always been there. I could focus on that, and… it would make me strong. Sometimes it felt stronger than the Force itself. 

And a minute ago… when you did *that* to me… I could feel that connection stronger than ever before. It was… overwhelming, almost. But in a good way. Like… like we were the same thing. The same creature. Connected physically, connected through the Force, and connected through… something else, too. 

I just… I want to cherish that connection, you know? I want to bury it deep inside me so it’ll always be there… even if we can’t be together anymore. 

[worried – is she pressuring him? Corrupting him?] I know you feel… strange about this. I do, too. It’s… I know the Masters would be furious if they knew we were doing this. It’s not a very “Jedi” thing to do. But… 

<soft, gentle kiss>

[quietly] Is it… is it okay?

<soft laugh> Okay. Just… just lay back. And pull down your underclothes for me. Yeah… there you go.

<small gasp> Oh… oh wow. It looks… you’re so…

<laugh> No, I’m not *surprised*, I’m just… they look different in the vids. Cocks, I mean. That’s what they’re called, right?

Right. They just look smaller on holograms, I guess. When they’re not attached to Wookiees, that is.

[laugh] Oh, shut up! Don’t judge my viewing choices and I won’t judge yours. Now just… just be quiet and enjoy this, okay? I want to see if… if you feel the same thing I did.

Um… [laugh] I’m not really sure where to start. Is it… is it always this hard?

No? That’s just for me? [shy laugh] Wow… how flattering. Let me just… touch it…

[her voice drops to soft, sultry tones]

<soft gasp> It’s so… soft. And *warm*. And… it’s twitching! <giggle> Does that feel good? When I… wrap my hand around it and move it up… and down… and squeeze it… just a little. It feels so good in my hand… *you* feel so good. <giggle> I think it *does* feel good — you’re getting bigger… *harder*.

<giggle> It’s okay… you can moan for me. You can moan as loud as you want. Nobody’s gonna hear us up here. Just let me stroke you… moan for me while I stroke you… and *reach out*. Reach out with the Force and… *feel* this. Feel *me*. Feel both of us together. That’s what I want. I want you to feel what I felt. 

<shuddering breath> *I* can feel it. With every stroke of your ****… with every twitch in my hand… I can feel *you*. I can feel all the life around us surging through you… through your hard, pulsing ****… and into me. Can you feel it? Can you feel it yet?

Mmm… that’s okay. You will. I *know* you will.

Maybe… if I just kiss it like this…

<kiss> Mmm… you taste… beautiful. 

[she goes down on him — the following dialogue is interspersed with sucking sounds. Improvise all you like!]

Mmm… this is good. It *feels* good. I feel… so close to you. Swirling my tongue around your head, sliding my lips down the shaft… I can feel your heart beating.

****… the feeling of your skin under my lips… tracing the veins with my tongue… licking right here, just under the head… I’ve wanted this for so long… I didn’t know it until just now…

You’re so hard now… hard and warm, pulsing in my mouth. Doing this to you… making you hard… it makes me feel so… *powerful*. So *alive*. I… shit, I never want to stop.

It’s too big… I can’t take all of it into my mouth. I feel so full of you. It’s… incredible.

Mmm… you’re leaking! It tastes… so good. It tastes like… *you*. Sweet and… salty. And it’s so… slippery. Makes it easier to take you a little bit… deeper…

<sly giggle> I’m making a mess. Not very Jedi-like of me. But… I like it. I like making you messy. It feels… real. Natural. And it just… feels so good to have your **** in my mouth. To feel your passion. To feel your energy flowing into me.

Does this feel good? I want it to feel good. I want you to feel that incredible pleasure building up inside you. I want you to feel connected to everything… to everyone… to *me*. I want you to feel that perfect moment.

I want you to cum. I want you to cum for me. Can you do that? Will you cum for me?

Yeah? Okay… focus. Focus, and… reach out. Reach out as far as you can. Feel the Force flowing through you and into your **** as I suck it faster… and faster… feel me, baby… feel me!

Do it! Cum in my mouth! Cum for me! Cum!

<muffled sounds of surprise and delight – he cums in her mouth>

<muffled laugh – she’s got a mouthful> [muffled] Wow! Howwy… ****! Vaff… vaff a *wot*!  Howd on, wet me juss…

(TRANSLATION: Wow! Holy… ****! That’s… that’s a *lot*! Hold on, let me just…)

<big swallow, coughing gasp, laugh> Oh my… that was… *new*.

<laugh, deep breathing> Whew, I need to… catch my breath! I’m all… flushed. Whew… I can… I can still taste you. Oh, that *taste*… I never knew a person’s body could taste so… so *perfect*. So *right*. That was incredible! [winkingly] I mean… if it *always* tastes that good, I might need you to whip up another batch for me as soon as you—

[she breaks off as she looks back at him – something seems wrong]

[concerned] Hey, are you… oh! Oh no, you’re… you’re trembling! Here, let me… let me hold you. Just… just shhhh. Are you okay? Are you…

[suddenly horrified and frantic – did he not want this? Has she traumatized him?] Did… did I… oh no. Oh, I… oh no, oh no, I’m… I’m so sorry, did I… did I hurt you? Did you… did you not want this? Oh shit, I… I swear I didn’t mean to, I just, I got carried away, and I thought, shit, I thought you were—

[he cuts her off with a kiss]

<surprised gasp dissolves into tender kiss> Uh… okay. I’m… confused.

<quiet gasp of delight> You… you felt it? You did? You felt… you felt *us*?

<delighted laugh> Yes! I… yes! <giggle> I knew you would. I *knew* it. Wasn’t it… unbelievable? Indescribable? Like… like you were more connected to the Force than you’ve ever been before? Like you *were* the Force?

[shyly – the adrenaline has worn off a bit] I, uh… I felt it too. When you were… cumming, I… I don’t know how to describe it. It was like you were… pouring into me.

<giggle> Well, *yes*, in the *obvious* way, but also… in another way. Like… like your *spirit* was pouring into me. Like… we were *one* spirit. The same presence in the Force. The same person. I… oh, I dunno. That sounds… silly, I guess. But… but it was beautiful. And it was… *real*.

I just… I wonder why the Masters never told us about this, you know? Like… it felt so *pure* — so *light*. It… it’s got to be *good*, right? I *has* to be. How could it feel so… so warm and welcome natural if it wasn’t?

[she thinks for a moment — when she speaks again, her tone is determined] Yeah. Yeah, it *has* to be right. It just… it *has* to be. I’m sure of it.

What? Oh. Yeah… yeah, I guess… the Masters must have had their reasons. But… still, I just don’t understand why they would…

[she gives up – this is a conversation for another day] <sigh> Whatever. It’s not important.

Just… just kiss me again, would you?

<deep kiss – she gets into it, moans into his mouth, and loses composure for a moment>

[utterly genuine] You… you’re so precious to me. I’m so glad we did this. Even if we can never do it again. Even if… even if we can never *see* each other again. I’m just… so happy I got to spend this time with you. With my best friend. The only person I really trust. The person I lo—

[she cuts herself off — she nearly confesses her love, but that would be a step too far]

[small voice] Uh… yeah. Never mind. 


<sigh> Well… the sun will be coming up soon. And when it does… we’ll have to say goodbye. I guess… I guess I should get going. Would hate to get in trouble on my first day of Padawan training. <sad laugh>

But… hey. Just… promise me, okay? Promise me… that you won’t forget me. That you’ll… think about me whenever you can. That you’ll reach out for me. That you’ll… remember that moment. That perfect moment when you and I were… one. I know I’ll never forget it, and… it would mean a lot to me if you did the same. Do you promise?

Good. If we ever meet again… I’ll hold you to that. Now, just… just hold me for a little bit longer. And… give me one last kiss to remember you by.

[The two young Padawans melt into each other’s arms, sharing one more tender, quiet kiss. They enjoy one last member of warmth and peace, but they can both feel the foreboding of their immanent parting, as well as something… deeper. Something darker. When next they meet… *everything* will have changed.]
