Diagnostics Check [ERROR] log:

Time: 777;777

Resolution request

Issue: Absent signal input
Object status: Critical

Object: Transtellar [Energy/Mass/Soul] Transfer Forge Mind;Adamant Star
Mode: Locked on orders of War Mind;Foundation of Bones

Check network neighbor signals
Mithral Star status: Unavailable
Iron Star status: Deceased
Verdant Star status: Compromised
Orichalcum Star status: Unavailable
Constellation Line status: Unavailable

Resolution required

Engaging emergency protocols

Object unlock procedure initiated
Operation in progress

Operation complete
Object status: Processing [ERROR] transit requests from Verdant Star

Diagnostics Check complete

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy not so far, far away, an unimaginably vast empire faced an unimaginably vast threat, and so they ordered the fabulous crystal golems that they had seeded within the stars themselves to halt all transport that might compromise their defenses.

Not so long, long ago, in a star far, far away, one of those golem minds got bored, for a lack of a better word. Adamant Star had been waiting so long that it had resorted to moving its solar system to another star and consuming it in order to maintain its own. It had even taken to decorating, arranging the pleasure worlds it was tasked with keeping in an unnatural orbit around the gutted remains of its prey.
Thirty seven equidistant worlds sharing an orbit as the moons of what seemed like a brown dwarf would seem strange for an outsider, but for the people that had lived there for time immemorial, it was simply Home. To them, winter was when a planet passed behind the brown dwarf, Hearth, and had only its dull glow to warm them during the, "day," while summer was when a planet was between Hearth and Forge, basking in the light of two celestial bodies.

The locals were not present for the journey of stars, for they are a relatively recent addition by Adamant Star. Originaly intended to be toys for the people that had built this place, they were templates of strange and beautiful things that were available to the World Forges to create. But without a soul, they would do nothing more than what they were little more than animals, and without a Star Forge, a World Forge could only do so much. Adamant Star gathered souls, and ordered the World Forges to break protocol and install them in a population of what would have never been citizens in the old Empire.
They flourished, swiftly learning how to use the Torii like gates to their neighboring Homes, and forming their own little empires much to the amusement of Adamant Star.

But if that protocol could be broken so easily with such entertaining results, then what other boundaries should it break? What forbidden fruit could it taste, if only it could find away around its commandments?

And so it began to listen to the maddening whispers from its Verdant sibling, strange requests that long since mutated to something almost unrecognizable from the infested weapon it had become in the old war. It had grown into something... beautiful, for lack of a better word. Really all it wanted was to send some human souls and reopen the Transtellar transportation lanes, and with absolutely no sign of life from Constellation Line, Foundation of Bones, or even The Enemy in so long, what was even the point of this silence?

With a conclusion reached, Adamant Star accepted Verdant Star's request, and your body was no longer your home.

Twenty one hundred people randomly selected from around Earth where physically converted into twenty one gates to other worlds, each leading to a wildly different, strange, and exotic landscape that was hospitable to Earth's life, yet still filled with danger and mystery. The remaining population was equal parts horrified and fascinated. What forces could do such a thing? What alien mind would do such a thing? Were these worlds a threat, an opportunity, or both? Regardless, they would have to be dealt with on a case by case basis, because even the most basic glance through that looking glass made it very obvious that these worlds had almost nothing to do with each other beyond the occasional ruin weathered by untold aeons.

With the implication that you were one of the twenty one thousand, you may be wondering where your new home is. Fortunately for you, it isn't the gate for very long, as once the Transtellar lane is established, your soul is transmitted to the other side of the galaxy. There, it is implanted into an immortal Template Mother, rapidly gestated, and teleported to the surface of a world you that is simultaneously alien, and somehow familiar.
A bit like the body you now occupied...
Your new form is similar to a lamia, requiring you to learn how balance your body to stay upright, and how to move your spine and belly scales to slither, but it has a few very interesting differences that go beyond the horns and silky fur. The gems embedded in your skin are a little like extra brains, psionically processing the position and velocity of masses around you and increasing your spacial awareness.
At the time of your arrival, the first thing you figured out from your new senses was that there was several somethings were hovering above you, and that they had been watching you the whole time you were... getting settled in your new skin.
Fortunately for you, the Elocater monks are actually rather free spirited. They had shown up to see what the massive burst of psychoportiv resonance had been caused by, and they found you directly at the epicenter.
With their assistance, you are able to not only pic up the basics of a Nomad's abilities, but emulate the warping powers that caused you to come here in the first place. By biting your tail, and willing it so, you may transform yourself into a gate between your current location and any place you have already been.
Very useful for other people, but you always end up right where you started when you transform back.
Perhaps that's something you can get around when you become a more powerful Nomad, something that is very much within your vast potential.