The odd-looking prison ship sat on a landing platform belonging to a high-tech facility mounted on long columns directly over an ocean an ocean that stretched as far as her eyes could see. A broad walkway connected the platform to a series of tall habitats constructed in a distinctly Imperial style. She must have seen hundreds like them, all across the occupied worlds. At the nearest end of the ramp was a welcoming committee of ten stormtroopers, their white armor slick with rain. The building behind them showed signs of recent construction, or possibly repairs. A tall door opened in its side, and through it stepped Darth Vader.

She tensed without wanting to, and the bounty hunter felt it. Perhaps fearing that she might make a break for the edge of the platform, there to hurl herself into the sea, he tightened his grip and pulled her forward. "You returned sooner than I expected, bounty hunter," said Vader when they were within earshot. "I work faster than most." The bounty hunter pushed her forward.

"She's all yours."

"And Starkiller?"

"He's your problem, Lord Vader. I know my limitations."

"Our arrangement is not complete until he is in the Kamino

"I don't think you'll be waiting long."

Juno swallowed her fear as Vader's attention turned to her. "Captain Eclipse, you and your fellow subversives in the Rebel Alliance have caused me considerable inconvenience. I should execute you now as the traitor you are, but there is one last service that I would have you perform."

"I will never willingly serve you."-Chpt.18 pg.223