"You'll have nothing to fear anymore, brother. I doubt anyone could have tracked you here." Rivo gazed up at his brother and for the first time, there was a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. Heartened by the small gesture. Xarran continued. "And in the highly unlikely event that you were followed, one would have to be certifiably insane to even consider attacking an entire Imperial garrison." -Pg.10 Jabba had not placed an open bounty on Rivo Xarran; rather, His Bloatedness had offered the job solely to Fett... 50,000 credits. Dead or alive. Fett suspected the Hutt wanted to see just how good Fett really was. Jabba knew Rivo would run to his big brother for help and an entire Imperial garrison would stand between the hunter and his Prey. Fett didn't like the Hutt, but he paid well and on time. That was more than he could say for most. Besides, one day Jabba would get what was coming to him. After all, justice was a patient hunter. Fett knew the value of that particular virtue very well, so he continued his careful ascent through the garrison's main tower. There was no need to rush. The end would come soon enough. And no matter how novel the hunt had been, the conclusion was always the same. -Pg.45