Note to [Status] users: Stahl uses [Aura's Veil] to appear completely powerless. All of his stats and proficiencies come up as 0. This should make things clear to anyone looking that he's intentionally fudging the numbers.

===Harahel v0.7.7===
Race: [Humie]: Human After All
***: [Male]: Working with what I know.
Hair: [Brown]
Eyes: [Brown]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Androgynous]
Height: [Tall]
Bust: [Flat]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Slim]
    [Curse of A Thousand Maidens]: Not my thing.
    [Smol Peen], [Everflacid], [Semen Demon], [Everwet]: Did I mention I'm a bottom?
    [Unusual Aesthetic]: For the eyes. Brown under normal circumstances.
    [Unusual Eyes]: Other colors under other circumstances. Shiny too.
    [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy]: See/Fight/**** horrible abominations? Sign me up.
    [Regeneration]: I heal faster than you can hurt me.
    [Bio-Immortal]: I will outlive them all.
    [Tireless]: I do not stop for anything.
    [Pain Zero]: I cannot be stopped by anything.
    [Auxiliary Systems]: Every robust system contains redundancies.
    [Blood Overdrive]: High tolerances.
    [Aqua Affinity]: May as well cover my bases here.
    [Tasty Fate]: I take handouts.
    [Pron Physics]: Why worry?
    [Contortionist]: It's supposed to bend that way.
Spawn Point: [LOST]: Not like I had anywhere to be.
Player Count: [10,000 People]: 
Afterlife: [Lahash - Arbiter of Will]: Let's do better next time.
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]: Practice makes perfect.
Death Mods:
    [Reincarnation], [Orphan]: Back to square one.
    [Chosen]: I have been chosen by the god of fights. My mission is to fight.
    [Remuneration]: If I die, I will probably get my ass kicked by god too.
    [Fate Dynamo], [Ahegao], [Sexual Harassment], [Don’t Touch Me], [Calamity Magnet], [Beast Bait], [Dankest Dungeons], [Conspicuous], [Attention Whore], [Damsel]: So a knight walks into a rape joke...
    [Lightweight]: Wasn't much of a drinker anyway.
    [The Fool], [The Liar], [The Jester], [The Silent]: Wasn't much for conversation either.
    [Off With A Bang]: Get Down To Business
    [Unbreakable Will], [Unbreakable Mind]: What good would an unkillable body be without an unkillable mind piloting it?
    [Final Journey]: I'll die later.
    [VooDoo]: You'll die first.
    [Destiny Drive]: The makings of a great story.
    [Hero], [Demon Lord]: If you're going to do something, you might as well be the best at it.
    [Nuru Nuru~]: This counts too.
    [Aura’s Veil]: Security by obscurity.
    [Darkvision]: You can't hide from me.
    [Ooga Booga]: Ever onward.
    [Man Portions]: Real men eat whatever they want.
    [Permanence]: Keeping up appearances.
    [Transmog]: And what is armor, but a second skin?
    [Hammerspace Inventory]: What if we gave the entire armory to but one soldier?
    [Relative Realism]: And what if he used all of it?
    [Talk To Me]: Come a bit closer.
    [Popular]: Who's that?
    [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [The Apprentice x3]: Spend money to make money.
    [Dungeon Dowser]: Knowing where to go.
    [Riftgate Licence]: Getting there.
    [Survival Guide]: Knowing what to do once we get there.
Strength 4: Strike,
Agility 3: Block,
Endurance 3: Repeat.
Combat 4: Down to a science.
Smithing 3: The armorer of my own armory.
Strategy 3: The general of my one man army.
*** 3: I am my own comfort woman.