===Harahel v0.7.7=== Baima Ningxia Race: [Humie] Gender: [Female] Hair: [Brown] Eyes: [Amber] Skin: [Fair] Face: [Girly] Height: [Average] Bust: [Small] Hips: [Thicc] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Tangled Threads] G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Bio-Immortal], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Auxiliary Systems] U.T.T.: [Perfect P***y], [P**n Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Tamed Shark ], [Flavour Town], [Absolute Comfy], [Back Support] Spawn Point: [Aria] Player Count: [10,000 People] Afterlife: [Lahash - Arbiter of Will] Afterlife Timer: [1 Day] Death Mods: [Reincarnation], [Orphan] Banes: [Humanity], [Fate Dynamo], [Ahegao], [Chūni Deluxe], [Water To Wine], [Exhibitionist], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Mark Of Failure], [Lightweight] Boons: [Hush Money], [Unbreakable Will], [Final Journey], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Destiny Drive], [Man Portions], [Aura’s Veil], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Remote Capture], [Ooga Booga], [Flavour Flay], [Sensory Overdose], [Unbreakable Mind], [Relative Realism], [HUD], [Talk To Me], [Lucky!] Items: [Runman] Strength 3 Agility 3 Endurance 3 Durability 3 Combat 3 (Unarmed) Cooking 1 Luck 4 A wandering vagabond and pugilist. Perpetually drunk and boisterous, she's managed to blunder her way through life with her Drunken Fist, right into the Morning Dew Guild Hall. Tends to blabber and claims to be far older than she appears.