===Harahel v0.7.7===

Paladin Patches (Nerub’Sohen)

Race: [Neko], [Drider], [Lamia]
***: [Female]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Amber]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Girly]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Medium]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Eggnancy], [Everwet], [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Patches], [Semen Demon], [Katawa x2], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Breeding Season], [Resting Smug Face], [Love Nectar], [Eggz], [Scrambled], [Clutch], [Localized Regen]
G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Monster Mash x2], [Kyuu], [Nagini], [Claws], [Aqua Affinity], [Doublethink], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Blood Overdrive], [Demon Core], [Arithmomania], [Dhampir], [Bio-Immortal], [Regeneration], [Ubermensch]
U.T.T.: [Long Tongue], [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Pron Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Prized Hen], [Pron Studio], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Void of Corruption], [Absolute Comfy], [The Vore Option]
Spawn Point: [LOST]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]
Death Mods: [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Reincarnation], [Remuneration], [Forget Me Not], [Convenient Backstory]
Banes: [Nyaa], [Entoma], [Cold Blood], [Duel With The Devil], [Fate Dynamo], [Dreamfall;Insanity], [Alice; Psychedelica], [Ahegao], [Dere Dere], [Yan Yan], [No Metagaming], [Water To Wine], [Masochist], [Lightweight], [Sadist], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Exhibitionist], [Bizarre Demeanour], [The Fool], [The Liar], [The Jester], [The Silent], [Calamity Magnet], [Beast Bait], [Eye Of The Beholder], [Off With A Bang], [Reap What You Sow], [Mark Of Failure], [Gaijin Goon], [Potionholic], [Bestial], [Just Passin’ Through], [Full Party Required], [Reverse Summoning]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [Aesthetic], [Permanence], [Max Charisma], [Destiny Drive], [Man Portions], [Hero], [Wisdom Incarnate], [Soul Split], [Demon Lord], [Great Sage], [Age Shift], [Remote Capture], [Gate Of Babylon], [Galvanized], [Inconspicuous], [Ooga Booga], [Flavour Flay], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky!], [STEEEEAL!], [Divine Intervention], [Death Is the Only Cure], [Unbreakable Mind], [Unbreakable Will], [Talk To Me], [Aura’s Veil], [ERABE], [Popular]
Items: [Riftgate Licence], [Servant], [Soulbound], [Senketsu], [Tenta-Cool], [Suit-Up], [Dungeon Dowser], [Tab Leet], [Switch], [Solar Charger], [Entertainment], [Virtual Sunshine], [Runman], [Dive Boost], [Knowledge x3], [MiMi-Cry x1], [Survival Guide], [Scholars Robes], [Endless Polaroid]
World Level: [Humanity Has Declined]
Strength 3
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Combat 5
Smithing 4
Cooking 1
Strategy 3
Charisma 4
Arcane 3
Spatial 4
Alchemical 4
Light 1
Dark 1
Luck 4

Patches (Nerub’Shabtir)

Race: [Neko], [Drider], [Lamia]
***: [Female]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Amber]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Androgynous]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Medium]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Patches], [Katawa x2], [Semen Demon], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Breeding Season], [Resting Smug Face], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Eggz], [Scrambled], [Clutch], [Eggnancy]
G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Dhampir], [Kyuu], [Arithmomania], [Monster Mash x2], [Regeneration], [Bio-Immortal], [Blood Overdrive], [Demon Core], [Nagini], [Claws], [Doublethink], [Aqua Affinity], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Ubermensch]
U.T.T.: [Long Tongue], [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Pron Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Prized Hen], [Pron Studio], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Void of Corruption], [Flavour Town], [The Vore Option], [Absolute Comfy]
Spawn Point: [LOST]
Banes: [Nyaa], [Entoma], [Cold Blood], [Fate Dynamo], [Dreamfall;Insanity], [Alice; Psychedelica], [Ahegao], [Dere Dere], [Yan Yan], [No Metagaming], [Masochist], [Sadist], [Lightweight], [Exhibitionist], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Bizarre Demeanour], [Calamity Magnet], [Beast Bait], [Eye Of The Beholder], [Full Party Required], [Reap What You Sow], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure], [Gaijin Goon], [Potionholic], [Reverse Summoning], [Conspicuous], [Attention Whore], [Medal Of Honor], [Just Passin’ Through]
Boons: [Tasty Prof], [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [Max Charisma], [Destiny Drive], [Man Portions], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [HUD], [Status], [Soul Split], [Wisdom Incarnate], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Great Sage], [Gate Of Babylon], [Age Shift], [Remote Capture], [Galvanized], [Ooga Booga], [Flavour Flay], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky!], [STEEEEAL!], [Popular], [Divine Intervention], [Death Is the Only Cure], [Unbreakable Mind], [Unbreakable Will], [Permanence], [Talk To Me]
Strength 2
Agility 4
Endurance 1
Durability 2
Combat 1
Cooking 1
Strategy 5
Charisma 4
Arcane 1
Alchemical 4
Light 4
Dark 4
Luck 4

(This story can either be considered non-cannon, or something that occured in Harahel's recent past)

Ahnit Nekar was an almost painfully typical example of a Nocturne Demon Lord save that he held a particular love of alchemy. Always scheming against his fellows in order to grasp whatever modicum of power he could hold on to while ensuring his rivals were denied as much as possible. And he likely would have continued on in this manner, were it not for one of his rivals striking upon a lucky break and tricking a powerful adventurer into showing up and ruining a crucial deal he had invested years and tons of resources into making. This alone would not have been anything more than a minor setback in the grand scheme of things, were it not for the fact that this adventurer had somehow managed to capture the Heir Apparent of one of Anhit’s closest allies who blamed him entirely for the fiasco. Anhit swore he would do everything in his power to retrieve the lost Heir, but by the time he had been recovered it was far too late. The Heir had been driven to madness by the adventurer, swearing he would never leave the side of his new Husband-to-be and renouncing his family ties very publicly. 
Anhit’s ally, completely incensed by the loss of his most promising heir betrayed him, opening him up to an attack from his rivals that sent him fleeing from Nocturne by boat. His enemies chased him all the way to the frozen northern reaches of Adagio where he ran aground and fled deeper inland, eventually escaping his relentless pursuers by running through a network of caves. After weeks of building up a secure shelter in the very cave system he had escaped through he began to finally allow himself to feel the despair that had been haunting him since he had lost everything he had spent long centuries building. His assets would be divided, his loyal servants brainwashed and sold off or killed, and his Dynasty completely wiped out. And worst of all was that despite all the power he had amassed, he knew he could do nothing: all the forces arrayed against him were simply too powerful. For close to a year he alternated between scouring the countryside for food and moping in his cave, until upon returning from one of his semi-regular forays into the wilderness he found a strangely dressed human lounging in his sanctum as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The human, various insect parts hanging off of him in ropes and a large skull atop his head, introduced himself as ‘The Herald of the Deeps’ an ominous, but ultimately meaningless title to Anhit, who was deciding how best to dispose of this impetuous intruder until the man spoke as if he’d known exactly what was on Anhit’s mind.

“My patron has drank deeply from your despair, and has decided you are worthy of his blessing. If you agree to follow my instructions and pay tribute to the ‘He who Dwells in the Deep’, he has promised to grant you enough power to Encore. A fitting consolation prize for what you’ve lost in Nocturne, He assures me.” 

Anhit considered rejecting the offer for a very long time. One did not become a Demon Lord for long by being foolish, but he had nothing left to lose, and if this being actually followed through then no price could be too steep to accomplish something all of Nocturne had failed to for as long as the country had existed. He accepted the offer, and the following months saw him traveling far and wide gathering rare and valuable materials for a ritual The Herald assured him would grant the blessing he sought. At long last, he completed the ritual and found himself flooded with a chaotic power that quickly raised him up to the strength of a Demon King, something he likely never could have reached had he stayed in Nocturne. But at the same time he found his mind being filled with forbidden knowledge and power, it was also filled with an irresistible compulsion: Strip Encore of all Sentient life and leave only the children of his new Master: Naz’Anak.

Anhit quickly set to work, gathering biomass and materials to create and train an army of strange insectoid Homunculi. And to lead them, he crafted 5 special Homunculi. One, Ahn’Kahet to lead the ground forces, his main army which would ensure the scourging of the people. One, Naxxanar to lead the flying Homunculi, who would ensure no walls could shelter the people. One, En’Kilah to lead the swimming Homunculi, who would ensure none of the people could escape what was to come. And two identical twins, Nerub’Sohen and Nerub’Shabtir who would enter the lands of Encore and sew chaos and destruction wherever they went, preparing the way for all others. All of them were granted great and powerful abilities by Anhit’s powers. But the chaotic nature also twisted them, cursing them with various maladies and hideous deformations. Still, all were well suited to their roles, and so Anhit trained them to use their abilities to their fullest and when the time was right sent them out into the world.

The invasion began with the twins exploring the path the armies were to take, and gathering information on fortifications as well as who was important in the region, what kinds of armies could be brought to bear, and how quickly. Once they were satisfied, they sent the information back to their Father and began quickly taking out smaller border towns and forts quickly amassing an undead army which they used to destroy key fortifications and rallying points for the defending army as their siblings advanced into the region, leading a skittering tide that quickly overwhelmed the disorganized and scattered resistance and claimed the small border country entirely within the span of a few months. As Anhit began directing his army on how best to reinforce their newly conquered territory, the rest of the Twin’s undead army was fed to the ravenous hordes, and they were sent off to the next little border Kingdom. This one, however, was on high alert having received streams of terrified refugees with stories of an undead horde sweeping through the land, leaving no survivors to tell just how large it had actually gotten. Still, the Twins dutifully began scouting out the area gathering key intelligence to send back to their Father. After getting as much as they could they began their operations again, finding the task far more difficult than the first time, if still manageable. Just when they were beginning to fear their war against the Kingdom would stall, the armies of Anhir arrived, far larger than they had been before and once again swept aside the defenders pushing right up to the border of the last tiny Kingdom in Adagio before they would begin to fight with a Kingdom actually worthy of putting on the map: Greyweul.  

With no time to waste, the Twins’ army was fed to the horde and they were quickly sent off once again as Anhir began to fortify. When they got to this tiny kingdom, they found it filled with bigger armies than they had ever seen before patrolling roads, manning cities and forts, and generally stuffed into every square mile this Kingdom had available. The Twins still managed to make some minor progress in their mission, but now every time they tried to sabotage a fortification, or raze a town they were met with stiff resistance and an increasingly uphill battle. Especially when the heroes began to appear, quickly tearing through any armies they’d managed to raise and forcing them to flee the area for a new one. Just as they were considering informing their father that they could no longer continue this battle alone his armies, now seemingly endless, began the invasion.
The People now prepared, ready, and reinforced by the armies of Greyweul began to put up a real fight turning what had been an easy slaughter into a slow, painful grind. Still, the armies of Anhir pushed them back town by town, mile by mile, through sheer weight of numbers as the Twins, now freed from being the main focus of quickly moved behind enemy lines, destroying vital supply caravans and striking at vulnerable enemy positions. Just as it seemed Anhir would win this campaign and threaten Greyweul itself, the Heros began showing up in earnest. Everywhere they appeared in force would see the invaders begin to get pushed back and almost everywhere the Twins appeared there was now almost guaranteed to be at least a few heroes ready for battle, sometimes being overcome and sometimes driving them off. When reinforcements from Greyweul began to arrive, the writing on the wall became clear. The Twins did what they could to sew chaos and disrupt the enemy forces, but between the heroes and the well trained, highly disciplined veteran armies arriving, the armies of Anhir were defeated. And though The People had suffered massive casualties, the Heroes managed to permanently slay the 3 Generals of Anhir, and eventually the Demon King himself in a mighty battle, leaving The Twins to slink off into the night lost and without purpose. 

They renamed themselves in order to completely separate themselves from their role in the Skittering War, introducing themselves as ‘Patches and Patches’ whenever the rare need to interact with others occurred during their aimless wanderings until Nerub’Sohen heard the voice of an Arbiter, offering the two of them a purpose once more if they swore to protect instead of destroy. After debating long and hard about whether it was worth it or not, they swore themselves to the service of Mastema and have been his Paladins ever since.