[F4M] [Script Offer] The Mastermind and Her Himbo [Supervillain x Henchman] [Romantic] [Goofy] and [Sweet] [Switch] [Fdom to Fsub] [Clothed ***] [Cunnilingus] [Handjob] [Missionary] [Creampie] [Not As Evil As She Seems] [How Will You Make Up for Your Failure?] [Part 1?] “You *idiot*. I should have known you would screw this up. So *what* if you bumped into some superheroes? Thanks to your stupidity, my plan is *ruined*. I should have you killed, you know that? Then again… you *are* quite pretty, I suppose. Maybe there’s a way you could… make it up to me. Just… don’t get attached, alright? This is me *using* you. Nothing more. I’m serious.” It was all going so smoothly. She spent years slowly growing the criminal empire she inherited from her father. Shell companies, weapons, soldiers, politicians - she bought them all, amassing an arsenal that not even the World’s Greatest Heroes could hope to match. Her conquest of The City was about to begin. That is, until a crucial mission went sideways. Now the henchman who botched it is standing before her, insisting that he made the right choice. How will she salvage her plan? How will she punish her underling? How can he possibly make things right? And if he manages to do so… what hidden feelings will be unearthed in the process? Thanks for clicking! Here’s a silly, cartoonish, superhero-adjacent script! The Fdom/Fsub tags maybe make it sound a little heavy, but that’s not the case - it’s a very light, sweet story. I normally don’t like to commit to episodic stories, but I ended up liking these characters enough that I might extend it into a series. Let me know if I should! All of the SFX mentioned in the script are completely optional. Performers are welcome to edit or improvise the script to their hearts’ content! If you intend to release a fill of this script on a paid platform, please contact me first! *Asterisks* are for emphasis [Brackets] are for acting direction <These things> are for (optional) SFX and other non-verbal noise Line breaks are just there to make reading easier - experiment with pauses all you like! [CHARACTER ADVICE] On the inside, The Mastermind is not the cold, ruthless CEO she thinks she is. She’s spent her entire life cultivating this persona, but she is (to some extent, at least) lying to herself. She has not begun to question the purpose of her master plan (yet), but she does have to really push herself to be “evil.” When she’s shown the slightest bit of warmth, her facade begins to crack. But only a little. -----[START]----- <deep sigh> [distracted] Hmm? Mmm, yes. Send him in. Oh, but… be sure to do it with a very *serious* look on your face. Try to scare him a bit. And then… that will be all. You may go home for the night. Thank you. <pause - (optional) footsteps in echoey room> [cold] *Don't*. Sit. <icy silence> You have never been up to the top floor, have you? Never seen my office? Mmm. I didn't think so. Not many have. Very few in my employ ever receive an invitation. [menacing] Only those who greatly please me… or who *gravely* disappoint me. <pause> Come here. Over to the window. Tell me what you see. <pause> [impatient] *Yes*, the city. What *else*? <pause> [exasperated] Wh… yes, of *course* you can see the sky. We are in a *skyscraper*. What the hell do you— <cuts herself off, signing in frustration> Nevermind. It doesn't matter. It was a trick question anyway. The answer is that everything you see out this window is *mine*. The buildings, the streets, the *people* — they all belonged to my *father*, and now they belong to *me*. All that remains is to… *inform* them all of their change in ownership. [softly testy - working up to the point] Hence… my *plan*. The plan I've been formulating, day in and day out, since my father died all those years ago. The plan so *complex* that only a *genius* could have dreamt it up, yet so *simple* that only an *imbecile* could ruin it. You know this plan, yes? You're familiar with the plan that I've made sure to explain in *exquisite* detail to all of my employees? Yes, I thought so. [menacing sarcasm] But if that's true, then… I'm confused. Because part of the plan - a very *important* part - goes like this: I need biolithium energy cells. I need a *lot* of them. I don't have them, and I can't make them, so we must *steal* them. No biolithium cells? No wireless energy network. No wireless energy network? No autonomous drone army or airborne battle platforms or power-suited shock troops. So the biolithium cells are, as I said, *very*. *Important*. [threatening] So. Please explain to me why you have returned from your mission to retrieve said biolithium cells with a grand total of… *no* biolithium cells, having lost almost all of the *very expensive* equipment you were given. I *desperately* want to understand. <pause> [bitter sarcasm] Oh? You mean to tell me there were *superheroes* guarding an experimental, valuable, highly dangerous and weaponizable power source? My oh my. Who could have foreseen such a thing? If only someone had brilliantly accounted for that possibility in the plan she *keeps*. *Going*. *On*. *About*. [sputtering with exasperation - he *cannot* be this stupid] Wh… you… *I* did! *I* am the one I am talking about! I… I was being sarcastic! You… *moron*! <groan/sigh> *Fine*. If irony is beyond you, let me be direct: your incompetence has set my plan to take over this city back by *months*. Explain to me how you allowed that to happen. If I don't like your answer, I will have you killed. Begin. <scoff> You wanted to "save your men?" Are you serious? That's *all*? [cold] First of all, let's get one thing straight - they are not *your* men. They are *mine*. So *you* do not get to decide what level of danger is acceptable for them. Because *you* are mine, as well. So *my* priorities are *your* priorities. Never forget that again. Second, there is *no one* in my employ who has not been adequately informed of the risks germane to this line of work. They are all compensated accordingly. That includes those personnel that I sent with you to acquire the power cells. If they had been arrested, injured, even *killed*... those are occupational hazards. [seething] Instead, what you have done is abandoned a large number of weapons and vehicles into the custody of superheroes. And if I don't proceed *very carefully*, they can easily trace those weapons and vehicles back to my company. The plan is nowhere *near* completion, and I *cannot afford* to be exposed yet. Not because of some sentimental, stupid, incompetent... <she breaks off, taking a deep breath and regaining her composure> [weary] You… are *very* lucky that I still have need of your skills. One more mistake… and you will be amazed how quickly your luck runs out. [sullen] That will be all. You may go. I'll send for you when I need you. <long pause - she retreats to her office's back room, sinking down into a huge, trendy chair and heaving a great, miserable, world-weary sigh> Wha… are you still here? Seriously? <sigh> You've chosen a very strange night to test my patience. Fine. Since you're still here… fix me a drink at the bar there. <scoff> I don't know. Something with cognac. *Amaze* me. <pause - (optional) drink-making sounds> [trying not to sound amused] Hmm. Those are some confident measurements. Bartending experience? <laugh> You went to college? *You*? Well well well. Wonders truly never cease. Hmm. Looks… interesting, I suppose. What is— <she breaks off as he flops down into the chair next to hers> [dazed at his insolence] What… what are you doing? I did not tell you to sit. I specifically told you *not* to sit. [rolling her eyes] No, don't… <sigh> don't stand back up. It's fine. You can sit. Whatever. <sip> Huh. Not bad. <pause> <scoff/laugh> [testy] Are… is that a serious question? *Why* am I upset? Hmm, I don't know — it *might* have *something* to do with how one of my *idiot* lieutenants has completely jeopardized my master plan, lost me thousands of dollars, risked implicating me in illegal activity… <she takes a deep sigh and a long pause, nursing her drink - her tone softens> [begrudging but gentle] You… you did the right thing. With your men, I mean. The power cells are important, but… no one needs to die over them. [wistful] All that about "occupational hazards" and being "expendable"... that's what you're *supposed* to think in this line of work. That's how my father always did it, anyway. It's what I learned. <long pause> <scoff/laugh as he asks more personal questions - is she annoyed or amused?> You… are you *really* trying to ask me personal questions? *Me*? Hmm. I honestly can't tell: are you incredibly bold… or just impossibly stupid? <laugh> Hmm… very well. I'm *upset* because… <deep sigh> <soft - this is a new side of her> Because I forgot my sister's birthday. It was this Tuesday, and I forgot. My sister… she's a dentist out west. Or an orthodontist. I can never remember the difference. Anyway, she's… she's normal. Nice little house, boring husband, boring kid, softball on the weekends… disgusting. But she likes it. That's good for her. She's normal, and… she loves birthdays. And I forgot hers. [grumbling defensively - supervillains shouldn't talk like this!] So I felt… bad, I guess. <sigh> I called her to apologize. She was… kind about it. We… hadn't really spoken in awhile. Do you have siblings? Mmm. You know what it's like when you grow up. Well… she caught me up about her kid and her job and all that. I probably didn't listen as well as I could have. But… whatever. I tried. Then she asked me about my life. I told her about the city, about the power cells… about my plan. She was… quiet. She just listened. [conflicted] And then… she asked me *why* I was doing it. How I *felt* about it all. And I… I wasn't sure what to say. <she pauses as she considers her sister's question once more - she decides to brush aside her difficult feelings and begin again with forced confidence> And she had the *gall* to ask if I was “seeing anyone”. As *if*. I don’t have time for such… shallow luxuries. I’m on a *mission*. I’m continuing Father’s work! [smugness gradually escalating to real emotion] She doesn't understand, naturally. She never could. That's why *I* was Father's favorite. Why whenever he was testing some new giant killbot, he would always pick *me* to sit on his lap and press the buttons. Because *I* understood. I saw the beauty of his grand designs. I understood his plans, and I had the *will* to get them *done*. While *she* was off going to college, playing with boys, doing… *whatever*, *I* was being given the keys to an empire! Me! How could she ever understand? That smug, self-righteous little… <she catches herself and calms down, taking a deep breath> Hmm. It seems this drink you made is stronger than it tastes. That's… I don't often air my personal grievances in front of my goons. So… lucky you. You should be thanking me. <exhausted sigh> Oh my god. No, don't… don't *actually* thank me. I, um... I was… just being mean. I guess. [soft shame] I… I do that a lot. <long, reflective pause> You… do you *always* take things so literally? Mmm. Are you stupid? <mischievous laugh> Relax. I *told* you I was mean, remember? You'd be amazed how much you can learn about someone by their answer to that question. You? Hard to say. On the one hand, you keep asking questions I ought to kill you for. That does not speak to your intelligence. But then… you've made it this far, haven't you? Petty thief to bartender to college boy to… my underling. Quite the climb. <laughs> Oh? Does “underling” offend you? What would you prefer? Henchman? Mook? *Goon*? <laughs, a bit more darkly> No. No, you misunderstand. *You* do not get to tell *me* what to call you. If you want to sit and drink with me tonight, that's fine… but try to remember that this is *charity* on my part. I'm the richest woman in the world. Dozens of companies, a *fleet* of cargo ships, a secret *army* of mercenaries… remember that *you* work for *me*, alright? Not the other way around. No, no. Enjoy your drink. You're already here. And even if it's just a one-time thing… I suppose it's nice to have some company. [softly] For once. [ruefully] Mmm. Yes. Shockingly, running a major tech conglomerate alongside a criminal empire does not leave one with much time for… socializing. Most nights I'm asleep ten minutes after I get home. Other nights it's… alone with a glass of wine and a symphony on the radio. Could be worse. <incredulous snort/laugh> [trying to sound icy, but she can't suppress her smile] You… did *not* just ask me about my dating life. You didn't. Because that would be not only a fireable offense… but also grounds for murder. Wouldn't it? So this is your chance to take it back. Your *final* chance. <she laughs and pauses, thinking - she downs the rest of her drink> Very well. Come here. Sit next to me. [sensual but a bit distant] To answer your question… no. I don't meet many men. No time. And that *is* sometimes… disappointing, yes. But… *you're* a man. And you're… interesting. I'm afraid you might be an idiot, but… you don't seem to be afraid of me. Are you afraid of me? [getting closer] No. You aren't. And *that*... is *extremely* frustrating. So I'm very tempted to see if I can't... *fix* that. [flirting? threatening?] Listen to me: you're going to do exactly as I tell you. No more, no less. Disobey and I promise you: you will disappear off the face of the earth. I will make sure of it. Do you understand me? Good. Because if you *do* obey… some very lovely things will happen to you. Things that you will never, ever mention to anyone. Including me. Tell me you understand. [smiling] Good boy. Now then. Stand up and… take your shirt off, please. Let me see what I’m working with. <pleased laugh> Yes… that’ll do. Can I feel? Hmm… be honest. How many of these scars came from working for me? Mmm. Well… like I said earlier: occupational hazards. Though… I *do* suppose I should apologize. They look like they must have hurt. But to be honest… I kind of like them. Ah ah! I did *not* tell you to touch. Oh? You want to see me, too? Well, then… come with me. My desk should be the perfect height. <(optional) footsteps> Mmm. I’ll just lean back right… here. Now, then… if you want a closer look, I suppose you can take a peek under my skirt. But that will be a lot easier… if you get on your knees. [satisfied] There you go. You’re being very good. As a reward… here. Let me pull up my skirt. <sultry laugh> You like them? They’re silk. Go ahead. Feel them. <she gasps and purrs at his touch> [seductive] Yea, that’s it… you know… silk is very expensive, and it wouldn’t do to get them all… *dirty*, now would it? No. Not at all. So… pull them down for me, please. <(optional) clothing sounds> Good boy. You know… I don’t think I thanked you properly for the drink you made me earlier. It was delicious. So now… I have a treat for you, as well. Why don’t you dig in and tell me how it tastes? <she gasps and begins moaning> [halting, breathing heavily] Haaa… there you go. Nice and slow. You don’t mind if I… hold on to your head, do you? No, of course you don’t. I’m the boss, after all. Mmm… there you go… suck a little harder now… yes, just like that. Hard and slow. ****… that’s nice. <she moans and grunts, offering a few sultry “good boy”s> Mmmm… no, don’t worry about that. Nobody’s made me cum in years. I highly doubt you… <a chiding little gasp - she clicks her tongue in theatrical disapproval> Oh, no no no… did I tell you to touch yourself? I didn’t, did I? So impatient. So needy. [moaning, relishing] No, you have to wait. You have to kneel there… with my ***** in your mouth… feeling your **** get harder in your pants. Rubbing against your waistband. How is it? How does it feel? <impish giggle> Frustrated? Well…okay, then. Stand up. Let me see. <pleased laugh> Yes, that does look… uncomfortable. Let’s have a feel… Oh my. You *are* frustrated, aren’t you? Straining to get out. Well, since you’ve been good… let me help you with that. <(optional) belt unbuckles> Mmm… well, isn’t that pretty? Nice and hard. And… *warm*. *Twitching* for me. <delighted gasp> What was that? Say that again. Come on. Don’t disappoint me. Say it one more time. <laugh> That’s right. “Please.” Very good. Very, *very* good. [intense and seductive] What do you want? Huh? Tell me. Tell me what you want me to do to you. Do you want me to keep touching you? Do you want me to keep jerking you off? Do you want me to touch you until you cum all over my hand? All over my skirt? No. No, that’s not what you want, is it? No… you want *me*. You want *all* of me. You want… to ****** me, don’t you? Yeah? Tell me. Tell me you want to **** me. Tell me you want your **** in my *****. Tell me you- <he lunged forward and kisses her - she gasps, for the briefest moment moaning into his mouth before coming to her senses and indignantly pushing him away> <heavy breathing> [enraged] What. The ******. Do you think you’re doing?! You… you ******* *idiot*. Who do you think you are? You… do *not*… kiss me. You do not even *speak* to me without my permission. I am the *queen* of this city. I own *satellites*. I could have you thrown off the roof if I wanted. No one would stop me. You are *nothing,” and you *dare*… to *kiss* me? Get out. Get out *now*. And clean out your desk. Idiot. <pause> [her resolve breaking] Well? What… what are you waiting for? I… I told you to get out. So… get out. I’m your boss. Do what I tell you and… um… <an intense pause - she breathes heavily, then melts into a passionate, moaning kiss> <her moans deepen as she begins pawing at him> [intense whisper] Do it. Do it. Push it in. Come on. <she gasps and grunts as he penetrates her> Oh ******… ****… so hard… ****! Keep… keep going… <what follows is largely wordless - she alternates between kissing him deeply and moaning sweetly, her grunting slowly increasing in pitch> [vulnerable, losing control] Oh my god… keep going… please keep going… please, baby, please, just like that… just like that… I’m… <she cries out shamelessly in pleasure, shuddering and gasping - her heavy breathing gradually slows, and she sinks into a deep, warm kiss> [soft, dazed] I just… you just… made me cum. <she pauses, letting that revelation sink in - she gives him a kiss and makes a decision - her tone shifts to a warmer, softer version of her earlier dominance> [focused] Your turn. No, stay here. Just… just hold me close and let me do it. Let me… wrap my legs around you… move my hips… just like this… [growing in intensity] Do you like that? Does that feel good? Tell me. Tell me you like it. Good boy. My good boy. <kiss> [breathless] Like this? Faster? You do. I can feel it. I can feel you… *throb* for me. I can feel you pulsing inside of me. God… I *love* it. [commandingly seductive] It’s okay. Don’t fight it. Don’t hold it back. Let it go. Give it to me. Give me your cum. I want it. It’s *mine*. Give it to me. Cum for me. Cum inside me. Give it to me! <she gasps and shudders passionately as he finishes inside of her. A long, breathy pause as they enter the afterglow. She kisses him slowly. As she does, she comes to her senses - what has she *done*?> [quiet, conflicted] Shhh. Stop. Just… don’t say anything. Please. <deep sigh> This, um… this shouldn’t have happened. I don’t know what… I mean… I’m your…goddamnit. I… I don’t know what to do here. <pause> I’m… I’m sorry, but… can you please leave? I… need to think. Just, um… I need some space. <incredulous scoff - “he really *is* an idiot”> [exasperated] What? No! No, you’re not fired! You’re… ugh. Come here. <she pulls him into a deep, tender kiss> Listen, that was… it was good. A bit… confusing, but… good. I need to… consider some things for a few days. But… I’ll send for you soon, okay? And… we’ll talk about it. Until then… <one last kiss> [reluctantly vulnerable] Just… just stay safe, I guess. Alright? Alright. Well… goodnight, then. I’ll see you… very, very soon. -----[END]-----