At first he thought it was the body armor that had belonged to Jango armor that Boba had longed to wear, but which was still too big for him. "Huh," he said. He picked up the chest-piece, molded to fit Jango's muscular frame. "Wait a minute something's different." The body armor was smaller than his father's. Boba held it up and yes, it was sized to fit him. Perfectly. He examined the armor carefully, still frowning. "Wow," he breathed in amazement. There, slightly below the left side of the rib cage, a small indentation showed where long ago Jango had barely survived an assassin's blast. Boba whooped in delight. It was Jango's body armor! "This is great!" he exclaimed aloud. Quickly he shut and locked his door. Then he changed from his customary uniform a young Mandalorian soldier's pale blue tunic and trousers, the black knee-high boots that had been too small for him for almost a year. "I hope this fits!" - It did I as if it had been made just for him. Blue fire resistant pants with steel-colored armored kneepads and shinpads. An adult's tunic, much heavier and more durable than a youth's.-Chpt.4