==== Player Build v0.7.7 ==== (9/23/2021 Update) Race: [Dragonkin], [Humie], [Tenshi] Feathered Eastern Dragon ***: [Futanari] (Male) Hair: [Pink and Purple] Skin: [Tan] [Gold Nagini] Face: [Androgynous] Bust: [Flat] Height: [Average] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] F.M.S.U.: [Eggnancy], [Everwet], [Megane], [Breeding Season], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Eggz], [Clutch] G.R.M.: [Wings], [Nagini], [Regeneration], [Unusual Aesthetic], [Bio-Immortal], [Horns], [Mofu Mofu], [Monster Mash x2], [Caustic Blood], [Unusual Eyes], [Tasty Fate], [Birb], [Claws], [Aqua Affinity], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Ubermensch] U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Prn Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean] Boons:: [Hush Money], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [The Apprentice x10], [Permanence], [Destiny Drive], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Otome], [Inconspicuous], [VooDoo], [Ooga Booga], [Darkvision], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky!], [Transmog], [Unbreakable Mind], [Relative Realism], [Talk To Me], [Flavour Flay], [Man Portions] Banes: [Klepto-Hoarder], [Humanity], [Fate Dynamo], [Ahegao], [Dere Dere], [Chūni Deluxe], [Conspicuous], [Lightweight], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Calamity Magnet], [Eye Of The Beholder], [Mark Of Failure], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon] Items: [Riftgate Licence], [Scholars Robes], [kinda cringe bro ngl…], [Ecchi Majo], [Shinobi], [Slipstream], [Arcane Insurance x1], [Noble Tracksuit], [Knowledge x3] World Level: [Nobody Poops] Aferlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Chosen], [Aww Shit], [Reincarnation], [Here We Go Again], [Convenient Backstory], [Deadman Wonderland], [Imōto Apocalypto], [Onee-Chan Ichiban], [Remuneration] Backstory and Family information can be found here: https://textbin.net/raw/l2rbocxgpk Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [Aria] Born to a noble family of Arcane mages and a dragokin/tenshi hybrid Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY (Parenthesis are skills obtained through life thanks to [Chosen]+[Destiny Drive], attending Aria Academy and having training from family growing up) Strength 2 Agility 4 Endurance 3.5 [Auxiliary Systems] is where the .5 comes from Durability 5 Demon Lord Kurokane ancestor contributed to this durability. More information here: Combat 2 Sword, Archery, and martial arts using his [Claws]. Fond of spellblade techniques that incorporates dance and agility. Cooking 1 Beast Mastery (2) Used to gain some control over [Calamity Magnet] and Deep Fey beasts. Adriel also tagged along with Armine(Older brother) in catching and tending to wild animals as well, helping him develop this skill. Strategy 3 Wits lie within the court of nobility and business. Adriel has made a handful of investments with his allowance, keeping an eye on the markets and trends with noble families. Having his brother be a fashion designer and Adriel being a walking advertisement, the hybrid EOH was able to meet and greet with even more people at a young age. Voth's School Benefactum's lamia clothing Alice's Wacky Races Arka Gem trading Perfume investment to common people Armine's fashion line sold to common people (With his permission of course) Dragon Egg seller Elemental 1 (2 Mother and Aria classes) Iridescent Fire and Air magic specifically. Breathes fire occasionally when flustered. Light 1 (2; Mother and Aria classes) Blessings and Healing specifically. Luck 4 (Spatial T1; Aria classes) Small shields (Arcane T2; Father and Aria classes) Used primarily for combining other magic types effectively and anti-magic shields. *-Other skills-* Etiquette T2 Knows Fan language, Arka Numidia Harahel History T1, General Nobility Knowledge T2 Specifically in Aria and Arka Numidia with some dabbling of Min and Adagio(Celestine Dragonkin family). Sewing/Embroidery T2 A standard skill taught to noble girls but was able to get better at it thanks to help from Armine, his brother. Dance T2 Baroque dance (Allemande, Contridance), Tango, A draconic version of Ballet Folklorico (With wings), Hare Hare Yukai, Gekitei Dance Childhood-Teens During childhood years, Adriel will attend an private elementary school and receive further training at home. In school, he'll learn about standard academic information and noble etiquette. Being a futa, he would be taught the etiquette of both men and women. Classes would include dancing and embroidery. While at home, Adaunte will be training him and his siblings on the basics of Arcane magic and family history while his mother Iri will be teaching them Light and flight. Combat will be done with his older siblings, mostly through play. During down time, Adriel will be reading books on Harahel history which will be his favorite subject since mythology back on earth was one of her favorite subjects and here in Harahel, such things would be facts of life. When not reading, the child would explore the world outdoors, wandering about in nearby woods and practice flying. Adriel would be able to get pretty far but thanks to Fate Dynamo it would also get him into trouble. In time, Destiny Drive would have him stumble upon two EOH children, Myriad who lives in another noble home nearby and Talia's family farm. Every now and then, the family will take trips to Encore to visit more of the Anjou family and to tend to business there, as well as a few in Adagio to meet dragonkin side of the family. Among other dragonkin, Adriel is smaller and thus, would be picked on a bit for it among his peers but would make a few connections along the way as well. He'd learn a bit of the draconic language but not enough to hold a full conversation quite yet. Teens-Adult At this point in his life, Adriel would attend Aria, taking classes in Light, Spatial, Elemental and Arcane. With his father, Adaunte being a professor in the Arcane wing and his sister Astra helping tutor others, they both would make sure Adriel keeps his grades straight. Or else. His siblings would be adults and have gone off to their own adventures leaving Adriel to train with the monks in martial arts. Mastema will call on Adriel more for tasks as a teen now and Destiny Drive as well as Fate Dynamo would kick in even harder, putting the teen through various escapades and adventures along with his friends. Needing to carrying around important items and deliver them to dungeons, vaults, secret and dangerous places would require some heavy lifting that would build up over time. At 16, on a visit to Adagio to meet with the dragonkin clan, the Celestine, he'd be granted his first weapon after going through a trial of sorts. A sword with a clear blade that can be infused with various types of arka for enhanced magical attacks. Mixing Light and Fire is his preferred method. Later, he'd have the sword blessed at a Masteman church. His mother will teach him archery as well on the side, but he's better with the blade for now. Trips to Arka Numida, Encore becomes a little more frequent as he's made his debut as an adult among the nobility and must attend gatherings for potential suitors and mingling with the important people, making connections and investments. Old --------------------------------- Updated as of 4/11 ::Changelog:: [Caustic Blood] Acid blood is back but with T5 Durability don't see it spilling often. [Changeling] Sometimes takes on a human form. IC this was a gained skill on one of his missions during the Hot Spring event [Magnum Dong] Chosen purely for the points. [Knowledge x1] I still don't know what book to bring [Deadman Wonderland] Yes. ::Removed:: [Happy Merchant] " Blessing of Mastema be unto you, I am Adriel Anjou the Holy Draconic Tenshi of Protection, guided by the teachings of Philia and Agape. May the glory of-WHOA shit! Sorry, I almost tripped over. Ahem, yea, I'm a perky, plucky prismatic pupil of Aria Academy looking to explore the lands of Harahel, protect those that need it, and flip the noble world upside down! What do you mean I look like some kinda weird cockatrice? I'm a dragon! DRAGON! I cough white flames of purification! At least someday I will. " ==== Player Build v0.6.4 ==== Race: [Dragonkin], [Humie], [Tenshi] ***: [Futanari] Hair: [Pink] Skin: [Tan] Face: [Androgynous] Bust: [Flat] Height: [Average] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] " I think a second puberty has hit for all us EOH. An interesting event, perhaps it has something to do with our foreign souls settling and adjusting to the Arka of this world. My body has gotten slightly curvier in places. Nothing too dramatic, I doubt anyone will really notice. " ------------------ F.M.S.U.: [Eggnancy], [Everwet], [Megane], [Breeding Season], [Localized Regen], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Love Nectar], [Eggz], [Clutch] "A-and now I'm laying more eggs?! If I poke that area, I can feel them there now. When I'm close to laying I need to remind myself to wear heavier clothes to hide this and avoid hugs or someone will start to question me and find out . " ----------- G.R.M.: [Wings], [Nagini], [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Unusual Aesthetic], [Unusual Eyes], [Bio-Immortal], [Horns], [Mofu Mofu], [Monster Mash x2], [Ubermensch], [Birb], [Claws], [Aqua Affinity], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems] " The deep fey are still snooping around me, but I'm learning how to handle them a bit better now. Ah, now my hair has a soft glow, is this supposed to be like a halo? That's gonna be an issue in the dark unless I wear a hoodie or hat, I already stand out enough as it is. Looks like my claws have grown as well, my fighting skills improved a bit. " -------------- U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Pron Physics], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [Divine Pregnancy] " T-this really IS a second puberty, my body is leaning more toward a...a...my face is getting hot just thinking about it. I have to think about something else, l-let's move on! " -------------- Boons: [Hush Money], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [The Apprentice x8], [Permanence], [Destiny Drive], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [VooDoo], [Ooga Booga], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky], [Transmog], [Happy Merchant], [Unbreakable Mind], [Relative Realism], [Talk To Me], [Otome], [Darkvision] " Awesome! Now I can share my transmog with others! I can even do it as a ritual, like a transformation sequence! Aw yea, we'll even have cool poses along with our new outfits! Watch out evils of Harahel! This team is going to take you out in style with cool poses and-!! " Adriel stops himself mid sentence, realizing his chuuni is showing itself. " A-ahem! It would also be beneficial during noble gatherings. Should I or my company desire to wear more comfortable attire we may do so and appear well polished for the event. I will just need to re-apply this spell should these outings last more than 24 hours. " "Let's see...Oh! Now I can talk with people telepathically! That's going to be really useful if I need to relay information in a quiet setting, I just need to tough them to get my point across. Images too? Oh...oh I don't know what would they would see if I was in a certain state of mind. A-ah, my face is feeling hot again..." ------------- Banes: [Klepto-Hoarder], [Humanity], [Fate Dynamo], [Dere Dere], [Ahegao], [Chūni Deluxe], [Lightweight], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Calamity Magnet], [Mark Of Failure], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon], [Attention Whore] "My love for feather collecting is still alive and well. Along with other more...intimate issues. But anyway! I don't know what happened to my taste buds but everything tastes amazing! Like has the cafeteria food at Aria always tasted this good?! The sweet and saltiness, the umami, ahh, it feels like my mouth is in a flavorful ecstasy~ How is this a curse? I have to share this feeling with the world! " Adriel once again, finds himself going overboard, " Er...uhm, let's see, what else. Oh right, not only am I a target of enemies but I think the tenshi thing has others looking to me for answers too. I-I don't know much but if it's too keep others off my friend's back or cover for them, I will do my best. " "Gaijin Goon is almost free points since I'm being reborn. " ------------ Items: [Riftgate License], [Survival Guide], [Spectacles x1] " I went ahead and picked up a survival guide. Though I've grown up in a home of luxury, the survival guide's feature of keeping up to date with worldly changes will be useful where ever I am. Especially with Eden ever growing, I gotta keep up with what wild concoctions she lets out into the wild. " ------------ Aferlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Never Ever], [Chosen], [Aww Shit], [Reincarnation], [Here We Go Again], [Convenient Backstory], [Grandmother Paradox], [Remuneration] " I plan to live as long as a life as possible but if something finally manages to take me out, I want to be reborn within my same family. In the case I don't get to start a family of my own, I hope to use backstory to be reborn as one of my sibling's grandchildren. I love them all too much to leave them completely, and I want to see what our legacy comes to. I may help it along sometimes too but here's hoping the Anjou house rids itself of it's accursed history and becomes a family people can look to positively and without fear! " -------------- Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [Aria] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY Strength 1 Agility 4 Endurance 3 Durability 5 Combat 2 Beast Mastery 3 Strategy 3 Elemental 1 Light 1 Luck 4 " I'm still a speedy tank that's good with animals, but I picked up the basics of Light with this second puberty too. Lost a bit of my beast mastery skills, but that's alright. With the help of attending Aria Academy, I'll work up my magic skills as follows..." Arcane: It's too important not to get into this, you know? Plus my dad being a professor at the academy specializes in this so, he'd be rather disappointed if his kids didn't have some skill in this. Spatial: To further my tanking abilities with shield making and use portals for fun ways of launching spells at others. Elemental: I am a dragonkin afterall, so what kind of dragon doesn't have the power of FIRE?! Possibly due to my angelic bloodline or the pearlescent dragon clan I'm from, my flames come out white with a twinge of other colors. It's really pretty. Oh, but I want to get the hang of air as well to fly better and manipulate it for more speed. Light: I wouldn't be a good protector if I couldn't heal and boost my allies, right? Plus if they should fall to some kind of corruption, I've got to knock them back to their senses. ----------------------- ----------------------- UPDATED Build ==== Player Build v0.6.5 ==== Race: [Dragonkin], [Humie], [Tenshi] ***: [Futanari] Hair: [Pink] Skin: [Tan] Face: [Androgynous] Bust: [Flat] Height: [Average] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] F.M.S.U.: [Eggnancy], [Everwet], [Megane], [Breeding Season], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Eggz], [Clutch], [Magnum Dong] G.R.M.: [Wings], [Nagini], [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Unusual Aesthetic], [Bio-Immortal], [Horns], [Mofu Mofu], [Monster Mash x2], [Claws], [Birb], [Kyuu], [Aqua Affinity], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Auxiliary Systems], [Unusual Eyes], [Caustic Blood], [Changeling], [Ubermensch] U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Prn Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean] Boons: [Hush Money], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [The Apprentice x8], [Permanence], [Destiny Drive], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [VooDoo], [Ooga Booga], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky], [Unbreakable Mind], [Relative Realism], [Otome], [Talk To Me], [Transmog], [Darkvision] Banes: [Klepto-Hoarder], [Humanity], [Fate Dynamo], [Dere Dere], [Ahegao], [Chūni Deluxe], [Lightweight], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Calamity Magnet], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon], [Eye Of The Beholder], [Mark Of Failure], [Attention Whore] Items: [Riftgate Licence], [Knowledge x1] Aferlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Never Ever], [Chosen], [Aww Shit], [Reincarnation], [Here We Go Again], [Convenient Backstory], [Deadman Wonderland], [Grandmother Paradox], [Remuneration] Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [Aria] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY Strength 1 Agility 4 Endurance 3 Durability 5 Combat 2 Beast Mastery 3 Strategy 3 Elemental 1 Light 1 Luck 4