===Harahel v0.7.7=== [EOH Name] Silenus, Impoverished Occultist [One line description] Contrary to what SMT teaches you, being a devil summoner doesn't pay well enough to make rent. [Personality] Fast talking, self-assured, never too proud to beg, but never so desperate as to make a deal without choosing her wording carefully. Though well-versed in the risks of dealing with demons and the costs of doing business in Nocturne, when something she wants is on the table her eyes can become bigger than her stomach. She is very much aware that her powers, both physical and magical, are very much outstripped by both the city's elite and by many of the demons she summons, which brings her a degree of unease that never quite abates - even at her best, she's very much aware that she is far from the top of the food chain and it brings her no end of anxiety, despite her outwardly confident front. Initially energetic and bright, her time spent in Nocturne has left her somewhat jaded and her reliance on alchemical aids to handle the her workload has left her with a dependency that will likely follow her for the rest of her life. If someone could ease her burdens - or at least pay a couple bills - she might start to brighten up again. [Backstory] A would-be occultist currently struggling to make ends in the literally cutthroat world of Nocturn's seedy underbelly. After being thrown out of no less than seven different villages due to her less savory practices, she arrived in the shadow-draped city confident that arcane prowess and fast talk would see her through, only for any illusions of an easy ride to be quickly, and brutally, snuffed. Now she strives just to get by, financing her study of the dark arts by any means necessary. Back-alley potion dealing, curses for a price, selling blood, and perhaps least exciting but most reliable of all, tending bar. As it turns out, alchemy and mixology have quite a bit of crossover. Similarly, experience in making Faustain pacts is rather helpful in keeping oneself in the good graces of the nobility, blessed as they are with short tempers and big appetites. As more and more of her time became consumed by working and even more spent studying, she developed a mild dependency on alchemical stimulants to keep up with her ever-growing workload. A far cry from her once easygoing and bombastic demeanor, she now tends to spend most of her days off passed out at the dingy apartment she's converted into makeshift rectory. [Goals] -Become strong enough to fight without relying exclusively on summons -Move on up, to the East side, to a dee-lux apartment in the skyyyyy -Master the DHAK ARTZ like a proper edgy little shit [Violence Comfort Level] High [Lewd Okay?] Yes [Kinks, Specifics (optional)] Aftercare Ahegao BDSM Beast Bloodplay Brat Cuddling Domloss Dubcon Exhibitionism Futa Gangbang Humiliation Hypno Musk Noncon Petplay Rayona Rough Size Difference Teasing Cuddling again Anything but scat and snuff is fine honestly Race: [Humie], [Elf] S**: [Futanari] Hair: [Black] Eyes: [Violet] Skin: [Tan] Face: [Androgynous] Height: [Tiny] Bust: [Small] Hips: [Thicc] Butt: [Large] Fitness: [Buff] F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Buckets Of Cum], [Fluid Druid], [Hyper Fertility], [Breeding Season], [Love Nectar], [Nosebleed] G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Horns], [Mofu Mofu], [Demon Core], [Blood Overdrive], [Kyuu], [Claws], [Chimera Ant x1], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Monster Mash x1], [Ubermensch] U.T.T.: [Pron Physics], [Pron Studio], [Divine Pregnancy], [Full Package], [Contortionist], [Perfect P****], [Void of Corruption], [Tamed Shark ] Spawn Point: [Nocturne] Player Count: [10,000 People] Afterlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets] Death Mods: [Corrupted Vision], [Remuneration], [A Most Terrible Fate] Banes: [Humanity], [Fate Dynamo], [Damsel], [Masochist], [***ual Harassment], [Don’t Touch Me], [Lightweight], [Dankest Dungeons], [Hephaestus’ Curse], [Mark Of Failure], [Water To Wine], [Ahegao], [Bestial], [Knife Ear], [Potionholic] Boons: [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Aura’s Veil], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [HUD], [Status], [Hammerspace Inventory], [VooDoo], [Ooga Booga], [Sensory Overdose], [Inconspicuous], [Flavour Flay], [Darkvision], [Max Charisma], [Unbreakable Mind] Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Tab Leet], [Solar Charger], [Switch], [Portable Arka Core], [Knowledge x2], [Infinity Bag] Strength 1 Agility 2 Durability 2 Combat 2 Cooking 2 Strategy 2 Charisma 4 Arcane 4 Summoning 5 Alchemical 2 Dark 2