Dr. Evazan had found him. "Get up!" Without waiting for Zak to obey, Evazan hauled him up and pressed the blaster to his back. "You're my little passport out of this mess. Fett's a killer, but they say he's choosy about who he sends into the void. You will do as you're told, understand?" Zak managed a nod. Evazan held Zak before him like a shield as he stalked cautiously down the path. After only a moment, they saw Boba Fett's bullet-shaped helmet rise up before them in the gloom. "Don't fire, Fett!" Dr. Evazan warned. "I have the boy with me. So unless you want innocent blood on your hands, don't make any sudden moves." The figure of Boba Fett remained frozen. "Ha!" Evazan sneered as he took a few cautious steps forward. "Perhaps your reputation is greater than your skills, bounty hunter. 

You let me backtrack you and get to the boy. You should have known that was my only chance. That was your last mistake." Evazan took a few more steps toward the armored figure. "Perhaps you're not really as good as they say, eh?" Another step. "Perhaps I should destroy you right now. Put you out of your misery." Evazan was close enough to touch Fett now. Fett stood before him, absolutely motionless. Still holding tightly onto Zak, Evazan reached forward and jabbed the bounty hunter with his blaster. The armor, helmet and all, fell apart and clattered to the ground. "Wh-?" Evazan started to say. He never finished. A blaster bolt screamed through the air. Noise and light exploded around Zak, and beside him, Evazan screamed once, then slumped forward. "Don't turn around." It was Boba Fett. Even without the helmet to filter his voice, the bounty hunter sounded cold as durasteel.-Chpt.7 pgs.49-50