Archivist's Personal Build Archive This is an area where I, the former Archivist (considering the current character archive is being maintained by someone else), store character builds I have created, actual builds, NPC's, or ideas that I needed to get out of my head. Name: Talia Myrlinn Note: Primary thread roleplay character. Cheery Mazo-taur with strong Oneesan energy, founder of the Morning Dew Guild Hall. Data: Music: Name: Archanon (and Leebyr) Note: Watching everyone from the IKAISA Tower, he catalogs the entirety of history in the making with a front row seat. Archivist first iteration. Data: Music: Name: Myriad "Myr" Odraz Note: A snarky and dry nerd that has an appreciation of the journey no matter what that journey is. Archivist second iteration. Data: Music: Name: Sinun Note: Can it truly be called sin if the God is a degenerate? Data: Music: Name: Talia Linn Note: Peppy elftaur that runs a guildhall for other EOH's. Often considered a big sister. Data: Music: Name: Deva, Seraph of Uzza Note: (Thought experiment of an individual in control of their chuuni abilities.) Data: Music: Name: Saria, the Chameleon Note: Kender Chameleon, tried to rationalize it. Data: Music: Name: "Organic Mechanic" Note: Marionette Lich, chosen of Procel, obsessive and insensitive but excels in his niche as a crafter and enchanter. Data: Music: