Name: Alice Spawn Point: [LOST] Player Count: [10,000 People] *Physical* Race: [Fairy] Gender: [Female] Hair: [Green] Eyes: [Green] Skin: [Pale] Face: [Girly] Height: [Average] Bust: [Small] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Smol] Fitness: [Slim] *F.M.S.U.* [Curse of A Thousand Maidens] [Eggz] [Love Nectar] *G.R.M.* [Wings] [Regeneration] [Bio-Immortal] [Tireless] [Changeling] [Mushi] [Sleigh Beggy] [Auxiliary Systems] [Aqua Affinity] U.T.T.: [P°rn Physics] [Perfect Pµssy] [Contortionist] [Mr Clean] [Divine Pregnancy] *Afterlife & Death* Afterlife: [Procel Arbiter of Secrets] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Metamorphosis] [You're Finally Awake x2] [Remuneration] *Banes* [Pixie] [Damsel] [Masochist] [Lightweight] *Boons* [Unbreakable Mind] [Man Portions] [Aura’s Veil] [Hero: Illusion] [Ooga Booga] [Darkvision] [Sensory Overdose] [Talk To Me] [Lucky!] [Max Charisma] *Items* [Dungeon Dowser] [Riftgate Licence] [Infinity Bag] *Stats* Agility 3 Endurance 2 Durability 1 Artistry 2 Charisma 4 Luck 4 Arcane 2 Illusion 4 *Basic Points* [Hush Money] [Tasty Prof] [Tasty Fate]