--Zezzy hub😍 made by 雪糕#5413 local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xHeptc/Kavo-UI-Library/main/source.lua"))() local Window = Library.CreateLib("Zezzy Hub - Made By 雪糕#5413", "Sentinel") -- MAIN local Main = Window:NewTab("Main") local MainSection = Main:NewSection("Aimlock (Q)") MainSection:NewButton("OP Aimlock (Q)", "Aimbot😍", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/nRMcav1d'))() end) MainSection:NewButton("Silent aim", "wsg my son", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/NfnHq619'))() end) MainSection:NewButton("Aimlock #2", "aimlock 2", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/bMz5GJsm'))() end) MainSection:NewButton("Aimlock #3 (T)", "aimlock 3", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/XZM3bTF5'))() end) MainSection:NewButton("Chrs Anti-Lock", "Stop the lockers", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/LQCj3SMV'))() end) --LOCAL PLAYER local Player = Window:NewTab("Player") local PlayerSection = Player:NewSection("Player") PlayerSection:NewButton("FLY (X)", "LeviTATE. LIKE ANDREW LMAO", function(s) loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/sUA9m6M6"))() end) PlayerSection:NewButton("Fake Macro [CLICK 3 DOTS]", "Keybind is (V) [CLICK TWICE AFTER RESET OR KILL]", function() local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local SpeedGlitch = false local Wallet = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Wallet") local UniversalAnimation = Instance.new("Animation") function stopTracks() for _, v in next, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do if (v.Animation.AnimationId:match("rbxassetid")) then v:Stop() end end end function loadAnimation(id) if UniversalAnimation.AnimationId == id then stopTracks() UniversalAnimation.AnimationId = "1" else UniversalAnimation.AnimationId = id local animationTrack = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(UniversalAnimation) animationTrack:Play() end end Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Key) if Key == "v" then SpeedGlitch = not SpeedGlitch if SpeedGlitch == true then stopTracks() loadAnimation("rbxassetid://3189777795") wait(1.5) Wallet.Parent = Player.Character wait(0.15) Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Wallet").Parent = Player.Backpack wait(0.05) repeat game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() keypress(0x49) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() keypress(0x4F) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() keyrelease(0x49) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() keyrelease(0x4F) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() until SpeedGlitch == false end end end) end) PlayerSection:NewButton("Da Mimic V3", "Keys: X B C T", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/SV0TPjPW'))() end) PlayerSection:NewButton("Skinny God Mode V2 (CLICK THE 3 DOTS)", "REJOIN AND EXECUTE QUICK OR IT WONT WORK.", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pixelheadx/godv3Polakya/main/README.md"))(); end) --Other local Other = Window:NewTab("Other") local OtherSection = Other:NewSection("Other") OtherSection:NewButton("Chat Spoofer", "Put other words in pepole's mouth", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://pastebin.com/raw/djBfk8Li'),true))() end) OtherSection:NewButton("Da Hood Crasher", "CRASH THE GAME😈", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BetterDaHood/BetterDaHoodCrasher/main/Crash'))() end) OtherSection:NewButton("Da Hood Chat Bypasser", "annoy sum kids😈", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daddysyn/synergy/additional/betterbypasser",true))() end) OtherSection:NewButton("Scam DHC", "im a london scammer i see it i want it i click it", function() -- Example made by twink marie local Material = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kinlei/MaterialLua/master/Module.lua"))() local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Debris = game:GetService("Debris") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") warn("Loading script...") local X = Material.Load({ Title = "Fast Dropper X", Style = 3, SizeX = 500, SizeY = 350, Theme = "Dark", ColorOverrides = { } }) local Y = X.New({ Title = "Main" }) local oneml = Y.Toggle({ Text = "One Million", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local two = Y.Toggle({ Text = "Two Million", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local thr = Y.Toggle({ Text = "Three Million", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local fiu = Y.Toggle({ Text = "Four Million", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local fivwv = Y.Toggle({ Text = "Five Million", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local otneml = Y.Toggle({ Text = "Ten Million", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local all = Y.Toggle({ Text = "All", Callback = function(Value) end, }) local Start = Y.Button({ Text = "Start", Callback = function() -- // Vars local Workspace = game.Workspace local Ignored = Workspace.Ignored local Drops = Ignored.Drop local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Char = LocalPlayer.Character local Hum = Char.HumanoidRootPart local AMT = 10000 game.ReplicatedStorage.MainEvent:FireServer("DropMoney",AMT) while wait(2.10) do for i, v in pairs(Drops:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "MoneyDrop" and (Hum.Position - v.Position).Magnitude < 20 then local clo = v:Clone() wait() clo.Parent = Drops clo.Position = Hum.Position clo.CFrame = Hum.CFrame wait() game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.DataFolder.Currency.Value = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.DataFolder.Currency.Value - 10000 if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.DataFolder.Currency.Value < 10000 then break end end end end wait() end, }) end) OtherSection:NewButton("Trendy Items🤩", "Dominus, Valk, Headless, Korblox and more.", function() local _ = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bloodball/-back-ups-for-libs/main/sol"))() local b = _:New({Name = " VisualWorks", FolderToSave = "SolarisLibStuff"}) local _ = b:Tab("Info") local a = _:Section("Click for message") local _ = b:Tab("Valkyrie") local h = _:Section("Valkyrie") local _ = b:Tab("Fiery Horns") local c = _:Section("Fiery Horns") local _ = b:Tab("Dominus") local i = _:Section("Dominus") local _ = b:Tab("Fedora") local j = _:Section("Fedora") local _ = b:Tab("Faces") local f = _:Section("MainFaces") local d = _:Section("Beast Mode") local e = _:Section("Bubble Trouble") local g = _:Section("Others") local b = b:Tab("Headless / Korblox") local _ = b:Section("Headless") local b = b:Section("Korblox") a:Button( "Credits", function() local _ = game:GetService("StarterGui") _:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "SecretSupply", Text = "nyc.xz#0001", Duration = 15}) end ) a:Button( "Discord Server", function() local _ = game:GetService("StarterGui") _:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Discord", Text = "Copied to your clipboard", Duration = 10000}) wait(0.5) setclipboard("zesoa 3#7637 | discord.gg/ohio") end ) h:Button( "Blackvalk", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(c, d, b, _, a, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = _ f.C0 = a f.C1 = e f.Parent = d return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, e) e.Parent = _ local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local c = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = a(_, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = e.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, _, a) end end end end local _ = 124730194 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) h:Button( "Emerald Valkyrie", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, a, c, b, d, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = b f.C0 = d f.C1 = e f.Parent = a return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(c, e) e.Parent = c local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local a = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = b(c, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = c:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = e.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, d, a, b) end end end end local _ = 2830437685 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) h:Button( "Violet Valkyrie", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(e, d, c, a, b, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = e f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = a f.C0 = b f.C1 = _ f.Parent = d return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, e) e.Parent = _ local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local c = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = a(_, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = e.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, _, a) end end end end local _ = 1402432199 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) h:Button( "Valiant Valkyrie of Testing", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(_, b, a, d, e, c) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = a f.Part1 = d f.C0 = e f.C1 = c f.Parent = b return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, d) d.Parent = _ local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local a = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(_, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = d.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, e, _, a) end end end end local _ = 7781687598 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) h:Button( "Valkyrie Helm", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(c, b, _, a, d, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = _ f.Part1 = a f.C0 = d f.C1 = e f.Parent = b return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, d) d.Parent = _ local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local c = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = a(_, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = d.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, e, a, _) end end end end local _ = 1365767 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) h:Button( "Sparkle Time Valkyrie", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(e, d, b, c, a, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = e f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = c f.C0 = a f.C1 = _ f.Parent = d return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, e) e.Parent = _ local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local a = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(_, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = e.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, _, a) end end end end local _ = 1180433861 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) h:Button( "Ice Valkyrie", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(a, _, b, c, e, d) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = a f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = c f.C0 = e f.C1 = d f.Parent = _ return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, a) a.Parent = e local c = a:FindFirstChild("Handle") if c then local d = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if d then local _ = b(e, d.Name) if _ then l(_, d) end else local d = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if d then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = a.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", d, d, c, b, a) end end end end local _ = 4390891467 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) c:Button( "Fiery Horns of the Netherworld", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(c, a, e, d, b, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = e f.Part1 = d f.C0 = b f.C1 = _ f.Parent = a return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, _) _.Parent = e local d = _:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local a = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(e, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = _.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, a, _) end end end end local _ = 215718515 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) c:Button( "Frozen Horns of the Frigid Planes", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, a, b, d, c, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = d f.C0 = c f.C1 = e f.Parent = a return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, c) c.Parent = e local d = c:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local b = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if b then local _ = a(e, b.Name) if _ then l(_, b) end else local e = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if e then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = c.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", e, e, d, b, a) end end end end local _ = 74891470 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) c:Button( "Poisoned Horns of the Toxic Wasteland", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(c, e, _, b, d, a) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = _ f.Part1 = b f.C0 = d f.C1 = a f.Parent = e return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(b, c) c.Parent = b local d = c:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local e = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if e then local _ = a(b, e.Name) if _ then l(_, e) end else local e = b:FindFirstChild("Head") if e then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = c.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", e, e, d, a, b) end end end end local _ = 1744060292 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Vespertilio", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(c, b, _, a, d, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = _ f.Part1 = a f.C0 = d f.C1 = e f.Parent = b return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(d, a) a.Parent = d local c = a:FindFirstChild("Handle") if c then local e = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if e then local _ = b(d, e.Name) if _ then l(_, e) end else local d = d:FindFirstChild("Head") if d then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = a.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", d, d, c, b, a) end end end end local _ = 96103379 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Rex", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(d, e, c, b, a, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = d f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = b f.C0 = a f.C1 = _ f.Parent = e return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(c, _) _.Parent = c local d = _:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local e = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if e then local _ = a(c, e.Name) if _ then l(_, e) end else local c = c:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = _.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, a, _) end end end end local _ = 250395631 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Praefectus", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function a(a, _, e, c, d, b) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = a f.Part0 = e f.Part1 = c f.C0 = d f.C1 = b f.Parent = _ return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, _) _.Parent = e local d = _:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local c = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = b(e, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = _.AttachmentPoint a("HeadWeld", c, c, d, b, _) end end end end local _ = 527365852 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Messor", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(e, c, d, b, _, a) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = e f.Part0 = d f.Part1 = b f.C0 = _ f.C1 = a f.Parent = c return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, e) e.Parent = _ local c = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if c then local d = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if d then local _ = a(_, d.Name) if _ then l(_, d) end else local d = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if d then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = e.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", d, d, c, _, a) end end end end local _ = 64444871 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Infernus", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(c, d, b, _, a, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = _ f.C0 = a f.C1 = e f.Parent = d return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(a, d) d.Parent = a local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local c = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = b(a, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = a:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = d.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, e, b, a) end end end end local _ = 31101391 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Frigidus", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(c, _, a, b, d, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = a f.Part1 = b f.C0 = d f.C1 = e f.Parent = _ return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(a, d) d.Parent = a local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local c = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = b(a, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = a:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = d.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, e, b, a) end end end end local _ = 48545806 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Formidulosus", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(e, c, d, b, a, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = e f.Part0 = d f.Part1 = b f.C0 = a f.C1 = _ f.Parent = c return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, _) _.Parent = e local c = _:FindFirstChild("Handle") if c then local d = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if d then local _ = a(e, d.Name) if _ then l(_, d) end else local d = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if d then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = _.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", d, d, c, a, _) end end end end local _ = 4255053867 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Empyreus", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(_, a, b, d, c, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = d f.C0 = c f.C1 = e f.Parent = a return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, d) d.Parent = _ local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local a = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(_, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = d.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, e, a, _) end end end end local _ = 21070012 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Aureus", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(e, d, b, c, a, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = e f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = c f.C0 = a f.C1 = _ f.Parent = d return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, e) e.Parent = _ local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local c = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = a(_, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = e.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, _, a) end end end end local _ = 138932314 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) i:Button( "Dominus Astra", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(a, _, c, b, e, d) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = a f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = b f.C0 = e f.C1 = d f.Parent = _ return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, a) a.Parent = _ local d = a:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local e = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if e then local _ = c(_, e.Name) if _ then l(_, e) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = a.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, _, a) end end end end local _ = 162067148 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Sky-Blue-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, a, c, b, e, d) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = b f.C0 = e f.C1 = d f.Parent = a return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(a, c) c.Parent = a local d = c:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local e = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if e then local _ = b(a, e.Name) if _ then l(_, e) end else local e = a:FindFirstChild("Head") if e then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = c.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", e, e, d, a, b) end end end end local _ = 493476042 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function a(_, b, a, d, e, c) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = a f.Part1 = d f.C0 = e f.C1 = c f.Parent = b return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, _) _.Parent = e local d = _:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local c = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = b(e, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = _.AttachmentPoint a("HeadWeld", c, c, d, b, _) end end end end local _ = 1285307 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Teal-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(e, c, d, b, _, a) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = e f.Part0 = d f.Part1 = b f.C0 = _ f.C1 = a f.Parent = c return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, e) e.Parent = _ local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local a = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(_, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = e.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, _, a) end end end end local _ = 147180077 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Green-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(c, b, _, a, d, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = c f.Part0 = _ f.Part1 = a f.C0 = d f.C1 = e f.Parent = b return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(c, d) d.Parent = c local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local b = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if b then local _ = a(c, b.Name) if _ then l(_, b) end else local c = c:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = d.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, e, a, b) end end end end local _ = 100929604 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Midnight-Blue-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, a, b, c, e, d) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = c f.C0 = e f.C1 = d f.Parent = a return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, b) b.Parent = e local c = b:FindFirstChild("Handle") if c then local d = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if d then local _ = a(e, d.Name) if _ then l(_, d) end else local d = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if d then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = b.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", d, d, c, a, b) end end end end local _ = 119916949 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Red-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(d, e, c, b, a, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = d f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = b f.C0 = a f.C1 = _ f.Parent = e return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, d) d.Parent = _ local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local a = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(_, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = d.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, e, a, _) end end end end local _ = 72082328 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Purple-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, b, a, e, c, d) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = a f.Part1 = e f.C0 = c f.C1 = d f.Parent = b return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(c, e) e.Parent = c local d = e:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local b = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if b then local _ = a(c, b.Name) if _ then l(_, b) end else local c = c:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = e.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, d, a, b) end end end end local _ = 63043890 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Black-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, e, c, d, b, a) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = d f.C0 = b f.C1 = a f.Parent = e return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(a, c) c.Parent = a local e = c:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local d = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if d then local _ = b(a, d.Name) if _ then l(_, d) end else local d = a:FindFirstChild("Head") if d then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = c.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", d, d, e, a, b) end end end end local _ = 259423244 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "White-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(d, e, c, a, b, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = d f.Part0 = c f.Part1 = a f.C0 = b f.C1 = _ f.Parent = e return f end local function c(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = c(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(e, _) _.Parent = e local d = _:FindFirstChild("Handle") if d then local a = d:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = c(e, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = e:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local _ = _.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, d, a, _) end end end end local _ = 1016143686 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Pink-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(d, _, a, b, c, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = d f.Part0 = a f.Part1 = b f.C0 = c f.C1 = e f.Parent = _ return f end local function b(_, a) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == a then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = b(_, a) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(c, d) d.Parent = c local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local a = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if a then local _ = b(c, a.Name) if _ then l(_, a) end else local c = c:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local a = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local b = d.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, e, a, b) end end end end local _ = 334663683 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Orange-Sparkle-Time-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function b(d, e, b, c, a, _) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = d f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = c f.C0 = a f.C1 = _ f.Parent = e return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(_, d) d.Parent = _ local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local c = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = a(_, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = _:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local _ = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = d.AttachmentPoint b("HeadWeld", c, c, e, _, a) end end end end local _ = 215751161 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) j:Button( "Bluesteel-Fedora", function() function l(a, _) local b = Instance.new("Weld") b.Part0 = a.Parent b.Part1 = _.Parent b.C0 = a.CFrame b.C1 = _.CFrame b.Parent = a.Parent return b end local function _(_, a, b, d, c, e) local f = Instance.new("Weld") f.Name = _ f.Part0 = b f.Part1 = d f.C0 = c f.C1 = e f.Parent = a return f end local function a(_, b) for _, _ in pairs(_:GetChildren()) do if _:IsA("Attachment") and _.Name == b then return _ elseif not _:IsA("Accoutrement") and not _:IsA("Tool") then local _ = a(_, b) if _ then return _ end end end end function k(b, d) d.Parent = b local e = d:FindFirstChild("Handle") if e then local c = e:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment") if c then local _ = a(b, c.Name) if _ then l(_, c) end else local c = b:FindFirstChild("Head") if c then local b = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) local a = d.AttachmentPoint _("HeadWeld", c, c, e, b, a) end end end end local _ = 98346834 local _ = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(_))[1] k(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character, _) end ) d:Button( "Red", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://127959433" end ) d:Button( "Blue", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://209712379" end ) d:Button( "Purple", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://2606174048" end ) d:Button( "Green", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://2225757922" end ) f:Button( "Prankster", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://20052028" end ) f:Button( "Playful Vampire", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://2409281591" end ) f:Button( "Super Happy Face", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://494290547" end ) f:Button( "Trouble Maker", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://22920500" end ) f:Button( "Tattletale", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://26343132" end ) e:Button( "Purple", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://362047189" end ) e:Button( "Green", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://380753459" end ) e:Button( "Pink", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://19264782" end ) e:Button( "Blue", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://330393309" end ) g:Button( "RedGlowingEyes", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://179693472" end ) g:Button( "Yum!", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://26018945" end ) g:Button( "ROBLOXMadnessFace", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://129900258" end ) g:Button( "SilverPunkFace", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://387256104" end ) g:Button( "Punk Face", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://119768621" end ) g:Button( "YellowGlowingEyes", function() local _ = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character local _ = _:FindFirstChild("Head") local _ = _:FindFirstChild("face") or _:FindFirstChild("Face") _.Texture = "rbxassetid://416830979" end ) _:Button( "Headless", function() getgenv().game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Transparency = 1 getgenv().game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.face:Destroy() getgenv().game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.face:Destroy() end ) b:Button( "Right Korblox", function() local _ = game.Players.LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character _.RightLowerLeg.MeshId = "902942093" _.RightLowerLeg.Transparency = "1" _.RightUpperLeg.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=902942096" _.RightUpperLeg.TextureID = "http://roblox.com/asset/?id=902843398" _.RightFoot.MeshId = "902942089" _.RightFoot.Transparency = "1" end ) b:Button( "Left Korblox", function() local _ = game.Players.LocalPlayer local _ = _.Character _.LeftLowerLeg.MeshId = "101851582" _.LeftLowerLeg.Transparency = "1" _.LeftUpperLeg.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=101851582" _.LeftUpperLeg.TextureID = "http://roblox.com/asset/?id=101851582" _.LeftFoot.MeshId = "101851582" _.LeftFoot.Transparency = "1" end ) local d = game:GetService("Players") local f = d.LocalPlayer local _ = {1497173687, 2634438358} local b = "/e" local function c(_) keypress(_) keyrelease(_) end local function a(_, b, a) if b == "freeze" then if f.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then f.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Anchored = true end elseif b == "unfreeze" or b == "thaw" then if f.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then f.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Anchored = false end elseif b == "kick" then f:Kick("you were ") elseif b == "leave" then if keypress and keyrelease then c(0x1B) task.wait(0.5) c(0x4C) task.wait(0.5) c(0x0D) end elseif b == "kill" then if f.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then f.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").Health = 0 else f.Character:BreakJoints() end elseif b == "bring" then f.Character:PivotTo(_.Character:GetPivot()) elseif b == "chat" then local _ = table.concat(a, " ") game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(_, "All") end end local function c(c) if table.find(_, c.UserId) then c.Chatted:Connect( function(_) local d = string.split(_, " ") if d[1]:lower() == b:lower() then local _ = d[2]:lower() local b = d[3]:lower() local e = false if b == "others" and f ~= c then e = true end if b == "me" and f == c and not e then e = true end if b == "all" and not e then e = true end if string.sub(string.lower(f.Name), 1, #b) == b and not e then e = true end if string.sub(string.lower(f.DisplayName), 1, #b) == b and not e then e = true end table.remove(d, 1) table.remove(d, 1) table.remove(d, 1) if e then a(c, _, d) end end end ) end end d.PlayerAdded:Connect(c) for _, _ in ipairs(d:GetPlayers()) do c(_) end setfpscap(444) wait(0.5) local _ = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local d = Instance.new("TextLabel") local a = Instance.new("Frame") local b = Instance.new("TextLabel") local c = Instance.new("TextLabel") _.Parent = game.CoreGui _.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling d.Parent = _ d.Active = true d.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.176471, 0.176471, 0.176471) d.Draggable = true d.Position = UDim2.new(236236, 235235235, 235235235) d.Size = UDim2.new(345, 50, 34) d.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold d.Text = "Anti AFK Script" d.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 1) d.TextSize = 22 a.Parent = d a.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.196078, 0.196078, 0.196078) a.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 1.0192306, 0) a.Size = UDim2.new(0, 370, 0, 107) b.Parent = a b.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.176471, 0.176471, 0.176471) b.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.800455689, 0) b.Size = UDim2.new(0, 370, 0, 21) b.Font = Enum.Font.Arial b.Text = "made by ur mom " b.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 1) b.TextSize = 20 c.Parent = a c.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.176471, 0.176471, 0.176471) c.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.158377, 0) c.Size = UDim2.new(0, 370, 0, 44) c.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold c.Text = "Status: Active" c.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 1) c.TextSize = 20 local _ = game:service "VirtualUser" game:service "Players".LocalPlayer.Idled:connect( function() _:CaptureController() _:ClickButton2(Vector2.new()) c.Text = "Roblox tried to kick u but i kicked him instead" wait(2) c.Text = "Status : Active" end ) print("This script has an FPS & ANTI-AFK built into it.") end)