Yulia Esca of the Esca clan. Part of an exceptionally pure bloodline her icy traits have been pushed to the max. Not only does her blood dissolve flesh and metal but also causes instant and dangerous frostbite. As she reached adulthood the weather slowly edged even harsher. Should she stay indefinitely its likely that the tundra would begin expanding into Nocturne, something the lords might not tolerate. As such, she's looking to travel until she has a better reign on her powers if that's even possible.

While Ice and Light magic came easily to her the lack of any tutors or formal education left her with gaps in her knowledge. She lags greatly behind in the other elements. More intense than her natural arctic affinity was her artistic ability. She seemed to have a strange trait of perceiving everything as much more moving than most but also the means to express the raw beauty she saw in her art. While she specializes in sculpture (Ice particularly but she knows enough geomancy to smooth stone with her hands) her abilities seem to extend to all disciplines. Those who visit the family estate for the first time typically are held captive by her gallery until they muster the willpower to look away. She'd like to create art for the nobility in her travels but as of yet, she's relatively unknown.

The Esca Clan: A loosely aligned group of Yuki-Onna that watch over the snowy peaks west of Nocturne. While they are not officially aligned with any nation their position provides benefit to the Nocturne ruling class. They're given free range to extort any that try to bypass the gates by taking the few navigable mountain passes with the expectation that if an army or particularly strong band of heroes come through they would provide the dark nation with a warning.

Recent History: Has traveled from Nocturne to Encore in order to join the Adventurer's Guild. Currently she's in the training phase building up her physical strength so she isn't a liability in dungeon raids. Soon she plans on heading Eastward to the Lesser Great Wilds to test her mettle with a few easier dungeons before heading out properly. Plans to return to Nocturne to continue her studies afterward.

Current Build + Effects:
===Harahel v0.7.0===
Yulia Esca (Current)
Race: [Yuki Onna]
***: [Female]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Blue]
Skin: [Ghostly]
Face: [Feminine]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Yuuge] (Underwent size and productivity increase due to productivity drugs overdose)
Hips: [Thicc]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Slim]
F.M.S.U.: [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens]
G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Tasty Fate], [Caustic Blood]
U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Back Support], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Flavour Town], [Tamed Shark ]
Spawn Point: [Nocturne]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets], [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Month]
Death Mods: [Chosen], [Afterlife Tourist], [Reincarnation], [A Most Terrible Fate], [Remuneration]
Banes: [Winter Wonderland], [Fate Dynamo], [Ahegao], [Femininity], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon]
Boons: [Unbreakable Mind], [Tasty Prof], [ERABE], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Destiny Drive], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Ooga Booga], [Darkvision], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky!], [Death Is the Only Cure], [Talk To Me], [Otome], [Hush Money]
Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Magic Mirror], [Endless Polaroid], [Tab Leet], [Solar Charger], [Runman], [Riftgate Licence], [Brush Away Thy Sorrows]
World Level: [Royal Rumble]
Strength 1 (Gained after weeks of strength training and hard labor with Adv. Guild)
Agility 3
Endurance 1
Durability 1
Combat 1
Cooking 3
Bardism 3
Artistry 5
Charisma 4
Arcane 1
Elemental 3
Light 3
Luck 4
Charisma 1 (Managed to grow up to be a functioning Adult)
*** 1 (Gained after surviving a couple intense sexual encounters)

Original Build:
===Harahel v0.7.0===
Yulia Esca (Bulid)
Race: [Yuki Onna]
***: [Female]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Blue]
Skin: [Ghostly]
Face: [Feminine]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Large]
Hips: [Thicc]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Slim]
F.M.S.U.: [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens]
G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Tasty Fate], [Caustic Blood]
U.T.T.: [Perfect *****], [Fertile Fields], [Back Support], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Flavour Town], [Tamed Shark ]
Spawn Point: [Nocturne]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets], [Onoskelis - Arbiter of Perversion]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Month]
Death Mods: [Chosen], [Afterlife Tourist], [Reincarnation], [A Most Terrible Fate], [Remuneration]
Banes: [Winter Wonderland], [Fate Dynamo], [Ahegao], [Femininity], [Continental EXTACY], [Gaijin Goon]
Boons: [Unbreakable Mind], [Tasty Prof], [ERABE], [Permanence], [Man Portions], [Destiny Drive], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Ooga Booga], [Darkvision], [Sensory Overdose], [Lucky!], [Death Is the Only Cure], [Talk To Me], [Otome], [Hush Money]
Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Magic Mirror], [Endless Polaroid], [Tab Leet], [Solar Charger], [Runman], [Brush Away Thy Sorrows]
World Level: [Royal Rumble]
Strength 1
Agility 3
Endurance 1
Durability 1
Combat 1
Cooking 3
Bardism 3
Artistry 5
Arcane 1
Elemental 3
Light 3
Luck 4