[F4M] [Script Offer] Gonna Cuff Me, Detective?: Seduced by a Thief [Enemies to Lovers] [Film Noir] [Tragic Backstory] [Switch] [Gentle Fdom to Gentle Fsub] [Handcuffs] [Blowjob] [Cunnilingus] [Cowgirl] [Missionary] [Rough ***] [Cum on Stomach] [Run Away with Me, Detective] [Now’s Our Chance] “It really is a pleasure to see you again, darling. Although I’m sure you’re not too pleased to see me - usually it’s you who has the upper hand. But don’t be afraid - I’ve come with a proposal that will work to both of our benefits. You’ll get to take a monster off the streets, and I… I’ll get enough money to finally put this life behind me. And once I do… I want you to come with me. I want us to finally break this tension we’ve been denying for so long. And… I think you do, too. So… what will you choose, Detective?” A city where the sun never seems to rise. A detective running out of allies. A beautiful, mysterious thief on the run from powerful foes. A midnight rendezvous. A desperate proposition. A life-and-death ultimatum. A tearful confession… and a climactic decision. Will the Detective act on his feelings for the Thief? Can she trust him enough to reveal her true self? And if so… will they really be able to find their “happily ever after”? Thanks for clicking! Here’s a fun noir-style script. It’s got all my favorite narrative obsessions, but this one is a bit less serious and a bit more steamy. Enjoy! Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ desire! *Asterisks are for emphasis* <These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise> [Brackets are for direction] Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like. [CHARACTER ADVICE] The Thief is used to being in control. She has survived this far by always having control of the situation - even when she’s on the back foot, even if she’s been attacked or arrested, everyone is always playing into her hands. Accordingly, she starts off the scene with a gentle, flirtatious confidence, never losing her cool. But we see her here at an unusual moment - she has decided to cast herself into an uncertain future, and she’s decided she would like to face it with a partner. She chooses to be truly vulnerable for the first time in as long as she can remember, and it makes her deeply uncomfortable - her confidence falters, then returns as the scene becomes intimate, and finally melts into something relaxed and unselfconscious as their relationship becomes more equal. -----[START]----- <door sounds> <a lamp switches on> [sunny] Welcome home, darling! Long day at the precinct? You've had me waiting up for you all night! I’m afraid your dinner will be stone cold by now. What a shame. <gun cocks> <impish giggle> Ah, ah, ah! Keep those big, strong hands where I can see them, please. Let's keep this niiiiice and easy, okay? No reason for me to hurt you. Unless you're into that. <laughs> Okay, okay, calm down. We can talk “yes”es and “no”s later. The gun is probably a bit too extreme for playtime anyway. <laughs> For *now*... do me a favor, will you? Put your gun on the floor - really, *really* slowly - and kick it over to me. Your phone, too. <pause> Okay, that's a little *too* slow. Chop chop. Time is money, Detective. Why, *thank* you! I'll put these in my purse for safekeeping. Don't worry - I *promise* I'll give them back. Don't you just *hate* losing your phone? Nightmare. <sigh> Anyway. You look tense. Just standing there, frowning and seething. Why don't you take a seat? You're making me awfully nervous. Oh! But first… would you please refresh my drink? I took the liberty of opening some of the expensive stuff. You don't mind. Thank you very much. It's delicious, by the way. You're going to love it. Now, please: sit. <sigh> I have to say, Detective, it really is lovely to see you again. How long has it been? Six months? A year? Too long, anyway. <theatrical gasp> You've been *looking* for me? Aww. How *sweet*. I never took you for such a romantic. <laugh/scoff> A *warrant*? Well, that's hardly a way to get a lady's attention. Next time, try a dinner invitation. Oooh, or a *movie*. I *love* movies. <sigh> Yes, I'm *getting* to that. Questions, questions, questions. *Relax*. I'm your *guest*. Very rude to jump straight into business without small talk. [disappointed, grumbling] Ok, *fine*. I'll tell you "why I'm here". Boring. So boring. First, though… I hate guns. You know that. So I'm going to put mine away. But you have to *promise* me you won't do anything… *rash*. I'm here with a proposition that will work to *both* of our advantages. So… try not to be *too* much of a *** for the next 20 minutes. Okay? Okay. Away with the gun. Fun fact - it's not loaded. <giggle> But I'll bet *yours* is, so… careful. So! Business. Business, business. You know what my business is, don't you? My business is keeping an ear to the ground. Always knowing when some particularly *extravagant* item comes into town, who owns it... and where they keep it. And in the course of learning these things, I also come to learn *other* things - who the city's biggest players are, who they're warring with, what they're after. I'm always the first to know when someone new arrives on the scene… and I'm *also* the first to know when somebody drops off of it. And there have been quite a *few* somebodies dropping off the scene lately, haven't there? Mob boys, mostly, but some unfortunate civilians as well. Always the same - small caliber, two to the chest, one to the head, no trace, no witnesses. No living ones, anyway. Now, I figure you and your boys in blue can't give half a **** about some dead mobsters, but those poor witnesses… *that's* a problem, isn't it? A big enough problem that *someone* would have to take the case. And it would be a *dangerous* case, wouldn’t it? Whoever worked it would probably end up dead themselves. So who *better* to work it than... the pariah? The great white knight? The detective with more enemies on the *force* than on the street? How am I doing so far? <giggle> [mocking] You know, for the "hardcase gumshoe" type, you're pretty easy to read. Well, I come with good news, hero. I know *exactly* the trigger man you're looking for. I know where he'll hit next, and I'll give him to you. Free of charge. Happy birthday, darling. <laughs> What's with the cocked eyebrow? There's no catch! No fine print. I give you the name, you lock him up. [amused] Really, darling, is it *so* hard to believe I would do something nice for you? After all the fun we've had with the cat-and-mouse over the years, I feel like I owe you. Consider it an… *anniversary* gift. <giggle> <sigh> [less amused] Mmm. I... was afraid you would say that. If you arrest *me*... well, I won't tell you *anything,* will I? I’ll suddenly forget all these things I know. Your hitman runs free. And how would that look? I can see the headline: detective lets serial murderer escape to capture… who? An art thief? Not smart, detective. Bad optics. Nobody cares about *me*. All I’ve ever done is… let’s call it *reappropriation* of certain pretty things. I’ve never hurt anybody. <pause> <scoff> That doesn’t count. Nothing would have happened to those guards if they’d gone on their *normal* patrols like they were *supposed* to. The museum should have fired them a long time ago. *Anyway*. You have a choice. You have a chance to stop a *murderer*. I think we both know which choice you’ll make. So: let me go, take the killer down. What do you say, darling? Do we have a deal? <pause> Excellent. <soft laugh> [intrigued] Hmm… would it surprise you to know that I trust you, detective? More than just about anyone. <giggle> Yes. It’s true. You’re a stooge and a square and a headcase… but you’re not a liar. I like that about you. Anyway… let's work through this case, shall we? So: you've seen the autopsies. You've seen the ballistics. What did you learn? Mmm-hmm. Same caliber every time. .22, wasn't it? [mischievous] Or… *was* it? <giggle> Hmm… what if I told you that the gun *wasn't* a .22? That it was, in fact, a .38 special? Yes. Lots of implications, right? It would mean that the ballistics report was altered, wouldn't it? And who would have access to *those*? Someone who owns a .38 special revolver… which is just like the sidearm the department issued *you*, isn’t it? Mmm. Yes. I think you see where I’m going with this. Are you familiar with a detective by the name of Julian Martin? <laughs> I can see you aren't a fan. Well… he's your man. A ten-year veteran of the force… and a gun for hire. Who would suspect him? Well… who besides *me*, of course. So. There you go. Have at him. <pause> What? What's the problem? <sigh> [exasperated] *Still* looking a gift horse in the mouth, Detective. Well… *fine*. I'll admit it. I *may* have an… ulterior motive. What's wrong with that? Have you heard about the big art auction next week? Of course you haven't. It's not exactly… open to the public. A strictly high-rollers-only, under-the-table affair. Millions of dollars changing hands. *Billions*. And… some *very* interesting pieces. Like, for instance... a beautiful Cézanne in perfect condition. A beautiful Cézanne which… mysteriously vanished the other night. [impish] Yes. A very significant windfall for a certain highly-skilled and *gorgeous* art thief. But it seems that the painting's former owner is… rather upset. Understandable, I guess - it is a very, *very* expensive painting. He'll do *anything* to get it back, and he has a great number of resources at his disposal. He is, after all… the district attorney. <laughs> Shocked, Detective? I'm surprised. I would think you'd be *used* to dealing with corruption by now. Anyway. Your dear DA wants his painting back, and he's sent Detective Martin to retrieve it. By... any means necessary. So… I have a fairly urgent personal investment in seeing them both brought to justice. So… that's the situation, darling. The rest is up to you. [flirting] Take them down. Please. I would consider it a favor, and… I *love* repaying favors. <sigh> *Why* are you making this so difficult? I just handed you *gold*, and you're still talking about arresting *me*? [becoming vulnerable for the first time] Just… you don't want to do that, okay? You don't need… it's not… I… <big sigh> I'm… done. Alright? For good, this time. I've got a buyer lined up for this painting already, and once I sell it… I'm gone. Forever. This painting… this is "never steal again" money. "Start a new life" money. So… that's what I'm doing. Starting over. This might be my only chance to do it, and… I'm taking it. [hiding her hurt] You don't… *believe* me? Hmm. None taken. Might I ask *why* you doubt me? <weary sigh> [far away] Really, Detective? You *know* me? Hmm. <pause> Come over here. Look out the window with me. That way. Not too far. Ten blocks down 38th, right on Park, half a mile past the warehouse district. Tenement Row. Arbor Heights Apartments. I was born there. <half-laugh> Yes, *in* the building. No way Mother could afford a hospital. And she had a thing about doctors. Never met my dad. Never even knew who he was, really. Mother told me he died, but… honestly, I don’t think she was sure either. Either way… she wasn’t far behind him. Years of drinking and drugging and… *hate*. I don’t know how many years. I don’t even know how old she was. <cold laugh> *Miss* her? No. No, no, no. Not a bit. <sigh> [flatly] “Useless... little... tramp.” Those were her last words to me. I was seven years old. I didn’t even know what they meant. <pause> <clears throat> Anyway. After that, I was on my own. No family, no friends. Just a little girl. And this town has no pity for little girls. So… I chose not to be a little girl. Instead I chose to be… many things. Whatever I needed to be to make it to the next day. I’ve been… a loooooot of different people. <laugh> Again with the look of surprise. Think about this, Detective: do you really think you know my name? My *real* name? Would you believe me if I told it you? That's what I thought. So… how could you possibly *know* me? *I* don't know me. [thoughtful] I've been a beggar, a dealer… a fixer, a sophisticate, an art thief… but I've never been *me.* [soft] But now… with *this*... I have a chance to fix that. To finally be a… *human*. An actual *person*. Someone with a *home* and a *heart* and… a *future*. I can start over. I can be *honest.* *Real.* And… and you can help me. You... *have* to help me. <dry laugh> Oh? I need to "repay my debt to society" first? And what does society owe *me*? Huh? How much of my blood will those streets soak up before they give something back? <sigh> No. I'm leaving, Detective. I *have* to. [soft, uncertain for once] I'm leaving, and… and you're coming with me. <she moves closer and speaks in soft, tender tones> Shhh… yes. Yes, you are. Think about it, Detective. *Really* think. [uncomfortable being so honest] You're… good. Do you know that? A good person. Truly. That might sound strange coming from me, but I mean it. You… *care*, and you *fight* for people, and… I admire you for that. I think there are a *lot* of little girls in this city who would have ended up like me… if not for you. And that… that's worth cherishing. But… what's the cost? How much have *you* bled for this city? How many times have you put your life on the line? And what has your reward been? A tiny apartment, a patchwork of scars, an army of thugs and cops and politicians who all want you dead? You've spent your whole life trying to right the evils of this town, but… have you ever thought that maybe it doesn't *deserve* you? That you're too good for it? You'll take *these* creeps down… but more will rise in their place. It'll just keep happening over and over again. This city… no matter how hard you fight for it, it will never love you back. [tender whisper in his ear] But… what if there was someone who *would* love you back? <sultry laugh> Oh? You don't know what I'm talking about? Are you *sure* about that, darling? Chasing me around all these years, all my stints as your "confidential informant"... all those times you *let* me get away and worked so hard to pretend you didn't. Was I… misinterpreting? [kind] I didn't think so. And… that's okay, you know? There's nothing wrong with wanting something. Wanting… *someone*. Even if she's maybe… not the "meet the parents" type. <soft laugh> [intimate] Think about it. I can finally be *me*... you can be *you*... and *we* can be *us*. [sensual near-whisper] This is your chance, darling. All you have to do is lean forward and… take it. <slow, breathy kiss> <small laugh> Hmm… you know, you're not a bad kisser, Detective. I always wondered about that. <laugh> [impish] Slow down - I said "not bad." Plenty of room for improvement. [sultry] But don't worry. There are many things I can… *teach* you. Come a little bit closer, baby - I want to wrap my arms around you. <a deep, intense kiss - they moan and laugh into each other's mouths> <giggle> What do you know - you're getting better already! Then again, I am a… *gifted* mentor. As you will soon see. <giggle> [tender whisper in his ear] Don't blush so soon, Detective. You haven't seen *anything* yet. Let's start slow. I'd hate to… *overwhelm* you. <giggle> Here - hold me close. And let me kiss your neck… <she kisses his neck> [between kisses, smug] So… how does it feel? Fraternizing with the enemy, I mean. <laughs> Does it scare you, just a bit? Your training telling you not to trust me? I'm a terrible, evil *criminal*, after all. And I've had my arms wrapped around you for awhile. Better reach back and make sure I haven't stolen your wallet. [smiling, mischievous] Nope, wallet's still there. But I'm afraid I might have taken something… <handcuffs click> …*else*. <sultry laugh> Oh, calm down, you big baby. You've put those things on *me* often enough. I'm sure you'll come to love them. I mean… *I* certainly did. Shhhh. Relax. I needed your arms out of the way. I have… *plans*. First, let's unbutton this shirt… Hmm… I can't get it all the way off with those handcuffs on, but… now I can move my hands under it and… see what I'm working with. <deep kiss> Oh? What's *this*? <sultry laugh> Enjoying yourself, Detective? I'd better unbuckle your belt before it bursts off. <(optional) belt/clothing sounds> Mmm… that feels nice, doesn't it? My hand? <deep kiss> Now… you stay up here, darling. I have some business to take care of down there. Be back in a flash. [she sinks to her knees in front of him] Hmm… what do we have *here*? [softly delighted] Oh, look at *you*. Excited, are we? You look ready to burst already. <sultry laugh> [soft, mischievous] Don't worry. I'll touch you just like… *this*. Soft and gentle… for *now*. <impish giggle> You know… I'm not surprised you're so hard already. I'm feeling a little bit… *heated* myself. [breathy] Would it surprise you if I told you… I've thought about this quite a bit? That I've been thinking about it all night? The moment you walked through that door… I *clenched*. My mouth *watered*. All I could think about was *this* - being on my knees in front of you. Feeling you get hard for me. Feeling every ridge... every vein. It's a very good thing I don't wear panties. I'm making a bit of a mess. <mischievous laugh> Don't hold your breath, darling. We're just getting started. <she slowly, decadently takes him into her mouth, moaning with contentment and giggling at his reaction> [between sucking sounds] How's that? Do you like it? Mmm… you're twitching already. I like that. I like feeling you… *quiver*. But… you can't cum. Not yet. Hmm… let's go a little faster now. Hold on tight, baby. And whatever you do… don't break eye contact. <she doubles the intensity, stopping occasionally to take a shuddering breath or moan with excitement. She reaches a fever pitch, then pulls away, gasping> [breathless] You're… you're close? <giggle> Oh, no. That won't do. Let's give you a minute to… cool off. Come here… <deep kiss> Sit down. There, on the couch. There's something I've been meaning to show you. <laughs> No, no, no. The handcuffs stay on for now. Go ahead. Sit down. I'll pin you down if I have to. There you go. Now, then… getting awfully warm in here, isn't it? I might have to… lose a layer or two. What first? Blouse, skirt, or heels? [intrigued] Oh, you *like* the heels? Hmm. Noted. They'll stay. Take off the skirt? Is that an *order*, Detective? <laughs> Well, alright, then. I would hate to get in *trouble*. <(optional) clothing sounds> <sigh> Ahhh. Much better. <laughs> What, did you think I was lying about not wearing panties? I'm *hurt*. <laughs> You like it? But you're all the way over *there*. [flirty] Here… why don't you lean back. I'll stand over you and… give you a nice, close look. <(optional) shifting sounds> There. Like what you see? <giggle> Yeah. Like I said… a bit of a mess already. And it's all your fault, darling. [sultry] Now... don’t be shy. Give her a little kiss. <small gasp> Yes… there you go… just like *that*. That’s… *perfect*. Slowly, now… don’t rush. I want to… *feel* it. Oooh… ******. Right… right there. Suck on my clit… suck *hard*. Let me… grind it into your mouth. There you go… there you… mmm, ******. [breathing heavily] Faster now, baby. Go… go *faster*. Go… yes, yes, just like that, just like… ******! I’m… I’m starting to regret those handcuffs now. I want… your *fingers*. I want to feel your fingers inside me. I want… I want… mmm… <breathless laugh> No. I’m afraid we’re not done with the cuffs just yet. But… I still want you inside me. Would you like that? Do you want… to **** me, Detective? [grinning] I thought you might. Here… lean back. I’m going to sit in your lap. <(optional) shifting sounds> Come here, darling. <heavy, breathless kiss> <soft laugh> Delicious. Now… relax. Let me take the lead. You’ll have your turn later. <she takes a deep breath, then shakily moans in satisfaction as she reaches down and guides him into her> Oh... ******. You’re… you’re still so *hard*. I thought I told you to cool off. <shaky laugh> Ah, ah, ah - stay still. My turn first. <she begins to rock back and forth - what follows is interspersed with moans, gasps, and little laughs that increase in intensity as the scene nears its climax. Feel free to improvise!> [trying to maintain composure] Mmm… how… how does that feel, Detective? How does it feel when I… rock back… and forth… on that ****? Do you like that? <breathless laugh> I’ll… take that as a “yes.” Here… let me get this blouse off… <(optional) clothing sounds, laugh> No. Not one for bras, either. What… what do you think? Oh… oh really? Say… say that again for me. Slowly. Mmm… ****. I like that. I like that… a *lot*. Well… if you love them so much… then lean forward. Dig in. <sharp gasp> Yes… just like that. Press up close so I can… run my fingers through your hair. <she picks up the pace, breathing heavily between moans and soft growls> ****… careful with the teeth, darling. <breathless laugh> [flirty] I’m going to go faster. Hold on tight - you’d better not cum before I do. Oh… ******. That’s… that’s… oh my *god*, that’s *perfect*. Keep… keep sucking on my ****. Oh… oh shit. You’re so… you’re so hard for me. You’re so… *deep*. Can… can you feel me clenching you? *Squeezing*... around your ****? Your hard… *aching* ****? ******, baby. There was… ****… there was this one night… when you arrested me… and you threw me in the cell. You’re… you’re always very gentle when you do that. Very… mmm… very *tender*. And when you were locking the door, you… oh my god… I reached through the bars and… and touched your leg. And… and you looked into my eyes, and… ****… I could see how much you wanted me. [her breathing and moaning get more intense as she becomes lost in her fantasy] How… how hard you were working to resist. How… how much you wanted to throw open the door and… push me against the wall… tear my… ****, ******… tear my skirt off… and ****** me. Pound me… until my mascara was running down my face… until... my legs gave out… until I’d tell you anything you wanted to know. Oh my… ********* god… I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop picturing… that *bulge*... in your pants. What it might look like… what it would *taste* like… I wanted your lips… I wanted your sweat… I wanted… your *cum*. And… and they turned the lights out, and… and I laid there… in the dark… in the middle of my cell… and I… ******, baby… I touched myself… I touched myself and I… stared at the door… just waiting for you to come back… waiting for you to *catch* me… and *join* me… and… ****… I came so hard. I came for you so ******* hard. I… I… [intensely, breathing hard] I’m… I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum on your ****. I’m gonna… I’m… ****… ******! <she groans harshly through her teeth as she spasms on top of him - her breathing gradually slows as little aftershocks shoot through her body> <breathless, laughing kiss> Anyway… that fantasy was very, very nice… but I think I like this one even better. <laugh> <deep kiss> I’m proud of you, Detective. You let me finish first. Just like I asked. And here I had heard that you were no good at following orders. <laugh, kiss> Awww, don’t pout. You did… wonderfully. Your turn now. Let’s take care of you, shall we? <theatrical scoff> [mock-exasperated] Fine. I *guess* we can lose the handcuffs. If you promise to be very, very sweet to me. [mischievous] Mmm… no. I don’t have the key. But don’t worry. I have a lot of practice with these particular cuffs. Here - lean forward so I can reach behind you.... [concentrating] We just… pinch here… give it a little twist… aaaaaand… pull. There we are. Free as a bird. Now, lay back and I’ll— <she yelps as he, in a single swift movement, flips her onto her back and pins her down> <sultry laugh> [impish] Ouch. Learn that move in basic training? Not very flashy, but… it did the job. I surrender. <laughs> [soft, tempting] So, then, darling… you’ve got me right where you want me, don’t you? Pinned down… nowhere to run. At your mercy. What will you do now? <she melts into a kiss, then gasps as he enters her again> Oh… *god* that’s deep. Fuuuuuck. Yes, that’s… push my legs up higher. As deep as you can. That’s… yes… that’s good… [sultry] Is that better, baby? Do you… like it better when you’re in control? <laughs> [between gasps and moans] You really *are* a ***. And here I’ve been teasing you all night. Making you go slow. Making you focus on… *me*. How… *criminal* of me. You might have to… give me what I deserve. Take out all that frustration on my— <she cuts herself off with a gasp/yelp as he picks up the pace, driving into her with force> [moaning, hyperventilating, near-hysterical] Oh my *god*! ****, you’re… ******, yes, baby, ****** me… **** me *hard*! Oh, shit, I’m… I’m so ******* *wet*... I’m so wet and you’re so *hard*, I’m… oh, ******! Please… please, baby… **** me… it’s so good… you’re so good… hold me down… pound it into my *****! It’s… it’s yours, Detective… my ***** is *yours*! Take it! Take it! Oh, shit. ****! Oh my god, oh my… ******! [excited] You’re… you’re close? Good. I want it. You… you can cum… wherever you want. I… I want you to cum all over me. I want it… so ******* bad. Yeah? On my stomach? Do it, baby — **** me, pound it into me, then pull it out… pull it out and cum on me. Do it, baby… do it! <she gasps and groans hysterically as he reaches a fever pitch, then yelps as he pulls out of her> [needy] Yes, baby! Cum for me - cum on my stomach. Do it, baby, *please*! Cum for me! Cum all over me! Cum for me! Cum! <delighted gasp/laugh> *Yes*, baby! Yes… give it to me. Every drop. Keep going. Keep cumming. Oh, god… it’s so *warm*. Mmm… yes, baby. Yes… <giggle> [softly] Come here. <soft, delicate kiss — deep breathing> <deep sigh> Good work, Detective. Another difficult case cracked. <laughs> Oh, lighten up, darling. Come on, flip over - I want to lay on your chest. <(optional) shifting sounds> Ahhh. There. <pause — deep, contented breathing> Shhhh. Shush. Don’t ruin it. [teasing] I like you, darling — quite a lot. But, uh... it isn’t for your way with words. <laughs> Just… lay still. Enjoy the moment with me. <pause> [soft, vulnerable] When… when you wake up tomorrow… I won’t be here, I imagine. I have some... *affairs* to put in order. And… you may not see me again for awhile. But someday very soon… once the DA and Detective Martin are safely behind bars… an envelope will slide under your door. And in that envelope will be… a plane ticket. I can’t tell you where it leads just yet, but… wherever you end up, I will be waiting for you. And then… we can begin. I can be me, you can be you, and… we can be us. [near-whisper] But for now… shhh. Shut your eyes. Get some rest. We both have, quite a lot of work to do. <soft kiss> Goodnight… Detective. <she takes a deep breath and nestles into his chest, her breathing softening and slowing as she drifts into sleep — and for the first time in as long as she can remember, her sleep is mercifully dreamless> -----[END]-----