Jabba chewed the worms thoughtfully. He pointed at Boba. He said, "Mandalorian, you have no weapons!" The bloated crime lord began to laugh. From everywhere in the room more laughter rang out.
Only Durge was silent. He continued to stare at Boba hatefully. Boba shook his head. Think fast! "That is so, O Exalted Jabba," he said quickly. "I have waited to receive my arms from you, and you alone. Because you are the greatest among your kind. And I will be the greatest among bounty hunters!" Jabba smiled. "A good answer!" Boba turned and stared fearlessly up at Durge. "And a true one!" The bounty hunter reached for his blaster. "You will suffer great pain for that. I think it's time we saw what's under your mask!" With a roar, Durge lunged for him.-Chpt.19

"Hoh hoh!" Jabba shook with delight. "Durge and an unarmed warrior!" Boba wasted no time. Before Durge could catch him, Boba dove between his legs. Jabba laughed, crying, "He is fast!"

"Not fast enough!" yelled Durge. A flaming burst of red and orange shot from his weapon. Boba rolled. In an instant he was on his feet again. He looked around.
A few meters away was the spit. The squid dangled from it like a huge, empty glove. Fingers of flame ran up and down its tentacles. Boba raced toward it, quick as a heartbeat. He grabbed one end of the spit. The metal was warm, but not hot. With a grunt he yanked it up, turning. "You!" shouted Durge. One hand held a blaster, the other a dagger. But all Boba saw was the Mandalorian skull blazing on his chest. He gave a shout, then swung the long metal pole. The sizzling squid's tentacles fanned out like blades. They struck Durge in the face. For a moment he was blinded. "Argh!" But a moment was enough. Boba drove the metal pole at
Durge's chest. The squid exploded into globs of burning fat, spattering Durge's face. "That'll teach you!" yelled Boba. He turned, panting, to Jabba. "Now, if we could - "

"Not quite, Mandalorian!" Boba darted to one side but not fast enough. Something whistled toward him: Durge's blade. Boba ducked. He felt a glancing blow on his helmet. There was an instant of utter darkness. Then light and air poured like water across his face. Beside him he heard a sickening thump. "What is this?" shouted Jabba in surprise. He heaved himself halfway from his throne. One plump hand pointed at the floor. Boba blinked. He stared at the ground beside him Into the empty eyes of his battle helmet. "He's only a boy!" shrilled one of Jabba's Twi'lek dancers. Her blue skin gleamed as she looked disdainfully at Durge. "The new bounty hunter is a boy!"

"A boy?" echoed Jabba. For a moment he was silent. Boba froze. His hand reached for his helmet, but he didn't dare move. A few meters away, Durge also stood
watching him, his goal of unmasking Boba accomplished. Then Jabba began to laugh. "A boy! And he defeated Durge!"-Chpt.20