Walking toward the Zio Snaffkin cantina, IG-88's audial receptor heard shouts and laser fire erupt from within the building. The droid quickened his pace, ignoring the hand-lettered sign that read NO DROIDS ALLOWED! IG-88 unholstered his blaster and entered the cantina. The smell of blaster fumes hung heavy in the air, stinging IG-88's olfactory sensors. The cantina interior resembled a war zone. Tables were overturned and numerous human and alien bodies lay motionless on the floor. Only one figure remained standing. He was an armored humanoid, wearing a helmet that covered his entire head. The man stood with his back to the assassin droid. Without turning, the helmeted man hissed, "If you're looking for Solo or Sprool the Trader, you're a little late, droid." IG-88 returned his blaster to its holster. The droid was hunting for Han Solo and was not about to waste ammunition on anyone else. Besides, IG-88 was not certain whether he could defeat the helmeted man in the cantina. Everyone knew that Boba Fett was the most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy. -Chpt.2 pgs.9-10