Tess ===Harahel v0.7.1=== Race: [Humie], [Marionette] PHYISCAL ***: [Female] Hair: [Black] Skin: [Fair] Face: [Feminine] Height: [Tall] Bust: [Medium] Hips: [Feminine] Butt: [Feminine] Fitness: [Fit] F.M.S.U.: [Curse of A Thousand Maidens]: Attaching male reproductive organ fails consistently. [Patches]: Single eye replaced with metal plate, to facility tail-vision. [Love Nectar] [Everwet]: Attempts to resolve excess production have failed, further improvements needed. G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate] [Monster Mash x1] [Ubermensch]: True hybrid between mechanical and undead flesh. [Bio-Immortal] [Auxiliary Systems] [Pain Zero] [Unusual Eyes]: Semi-split pupil allow for partial depth vision. [Undead] [Ghoul]: Intentionally induced by creator as part of dark-arka internal fuel. [Regeneration] [Tireless] [Caustic Blood] [Tentacles]: Usual configuration includes single signature metallic tentacle-tail. Additional tentacles stored in hammerspace. [Arms]: Additional pair of arms remains detached until necessary in casual setting. [Dulluhan]: Head usually secured with mechanical clamps, emergency ejection possible, attaching 4 tentacles to allows for locomotion. [Mushi] [Sleigh Beggy]: Central construction includes fae-sourced power, avoid contact with them. U.T.T.: [**** Physics]: Denying the true nature of the world is foolish. [Contortionist] [Mr Clean] [World Clean]: Dark-arka sterilization of construction. WORLD Spawn Point: [LOST] Player Count: [10,000 People] DEATH/ARBITER Afterlife: [Lahash - Arbiter of Will] Afterlife Timer: [1 Year] Death Mods: [Chosen]: Arbiter is a consistent employer, not the worst employer. [Reincarnation] [Orphan] [Remuneration] [Corrupted Vision]: Unclear if visions are arbiter sourced or result of cranial trauma. Banes: [Humanity] [Teacher's Pet]: Allows for limb-hotswapping, a core feature of my current design. [Off With A Bang]: Creator remains within his dungeon, may visit from time to time. [Fate Dynamo] [Masochist]: Creator rewired pain to pleasure center. [Sadist]: To deny some innate bloodlust would be a lie. [Ahegao]: Side effect of rewired nerves, potentially dangerous flaw. [Damsel] [Conspicuous]: Construction is sufficiently out of the ordinary, draws attention. [Medal Of Honor]: To have one's limbs survive one's demise is a true honor. They will be used with respect. [Gaijin Goon] Boons: [Hush Money] [Tasty Prof] [The Apprentice x1] [Darkvision]: Artificial optical sensors in eye and tail allow for extreme low-light vision. [Unbreakable Will]: Emotions and sensations can be overcome with sufficient willpower. [Final Journey]: Emergency mode triggered by overloading structure with dark-arka adrenaline. [Destiny Drive] [Aura’s Veil] [Hero] [Demon Lord] [HUD] [Status]: Extensive library of knowledge provided by creator, invaluable. [Hammerspace Inventory] [Remote Capture] [Gate Of Babylon]: Core feature of design, allows for hotswapping of limbs stored in hammerspace and Punch Dimension special move. [Ooga Booga]: Combat style involved rapid 3-dimensional movement, tracking sensors increase viability. [Sensory Overdose] [Lucky!] [Transmog] [Relative Realism] [Dr. Frankenstein]: Limbs are attached and detached using steel clamp system, entirely mechanical. [Permanence] [Man Portions] Items: [Riftgate Licence] [Dungeon Dowser] [Knowledge x1] Strength 4 Agility 4 Endurance 3 Durability 3 Combat 5 Smithing 3 Strategy 3 Spatial 3 Dark 3 Luck 4