[F4M] [Script Offer] Be My Partner in Crime Again: Seduced by an Outlaw [Wild West] [Old Flame] [Standoff] [Seduction] [Cheating] [Blowjob] [Clothed ***] [Rough ***] [Doggy] [Cowgirl] [Creampie] [Leave Her For Me] [Let's Do Crimes]

“You mean to tell me you’ve gone… *straight*? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! You’re really going to throw away our life on the lam for… what, exactly? A boring, domestic life with some preacher’s daughter? Come on. I know you better than that. What you *really* want… is to come back to me, isn’t it? We’ll have so much *fun* if you run away with me again. Come here. Let me give you a taste of what you’ve been missing out on.”

An attempted robbery gone wrong… or right? A mischievous outlaw is confronted by a bartender, and the two quickly realize that they aren’t the strangers they initially seemed. As they recount their shared history, it becomes clear that the chemistry between them hasn’t faded. Will the bartender commit to his straight-and-narrow life with his fiancee? Or will he surrender to his feelings and reignite an old flame?

Howdy! Here’s a steamy script straight from the Old West! First and foremost, I have to give tons and tons of credit to u/emmafielder for coming up with the story for this one. She made this script happen, so please head to her profile to see all of her amazing audios, including a bunch of fills of my scripts! A tip of at least 15 cowboy hats to her.

Feedback is always welcome! Any interested performers are welcome to edit/improvise to their hearts’ content.

[CHARACTER ADVICE] As far as anyone can tell, The Outlaw is never scared and never worried. Her #1 priority is the freedom and excitement that comes with a life of crime, and she genuinely does not understand why anyone would choose to give it up. She is supremely confident in herself and is very hesitant to admit that she needs anything or anyone else - she briefly allows herself to be vulnerable in the conclusion, but this is the only moment where she comes even close to discomfort.

*Asterisks are for emphasis*
<These are for (optional) sound effects and non-verbal noise>
[Brackets are for direction]
Line breaks are just there to make scanning easier – improvise with pauses all you like.


<rummaging sounds> 

[half-whisper] No… no… ugh, god *damn* it, where… I swear to… it was right *here*, right behind the… shit… it *has* to be here somewhere, it just-

<sudden pause - she freezes>

<she wheels around - gun clicks>

[cocky] Ah, ah, ah - not one step further, stranger! Good evening! Did I wake you? Awww. Sorry. I promise I didn't mean to. Guess I got a little bit… carried away. 

Whew. Let me catch my breath. You almost got the drop on me there. But… I wouldn't feel too smug - the old graveyard by the church is *full* of folks who *almost* got the drop on me.

<laugh> Why *yes*, that *is* a threat! Smart boy. But don't worry - I have no interest in hurting you. I just have a question for you. See, I used to work here. Long time ago. Hated it. *But* - I had this box, right? A little… *retirement fund*. And before I blew town, I hid it here for safekeeping.

Now, I know for a *fact* that I left it in one of these little secret compartments under the bar. But wouldn’t you know? I can’t seem to find it. 

[softly menacing] *So*. I have a question for you. I'll ask it as sweetly as I can, and depending on your answer, we may or may not return to the topic of any threats I might have made.

[sweet and dangerous] Where's my ******* box?

<pause, sigh>

[annoyed] Mmm. Not gonna lie: I don't like that answer. Not one bit.


Tell you what - come here. Plenty of nice places to sit, and if I were you, I would get comfortable, because I am *not* leaving without my box.

Oh, come on. I can't even see you, hunched in the shadows like that. Come out! Easier to negotiate if we can look each other in the-

<slight gasp, laugh of disbelief>

Well, well, well! Of all the people I expected to see here… *you* were not on the list. Small world, isn't it? 

What's with the face? Come here! Gimme a hug! It's been *ages*!

<scoff/laugh> [rolling her eyes] You don't… recognize me? Hmm. Right.

Yeah, you're right. I'm probably mistaken. It's just… you know, when I looked at you, I could have *sworn* you were this guy I used to roll with back in the day. Stick-up gang. Couple bank robberies. Naturally, I was the brains, he was the muscle. 

[teasing] Not much for conversation, but… not bad to look at, either. Very *distinctive* look. Very *memorable*. Always had this no-fun grimace on his face - yeah, just like *that* one. A big sour face and a bunch of lovely scars. My favorite was on his inner thigh. *Very* inner. To get a good look, you had to get your face very, very close. So close you could almost…

<laughs> Oh, you *do* recognize me? Aww. I'm touched. Glad we cleared that up.

<gun uncocks> Well. Won't be needing this, I guess.

<scoff> [rolling her eyes] Come on, tough guy. Put it away.

[teasing] Oh, no? What are you gonna do? Shoot me?

[curiously flirty] Well then… go ahead, handsome. Do it. I'm on your property, aren't I? I'm trying to *rob* you! I'll do *anything* to get my box back. And the only way to stop me is… to blow me away. So… what are you waiting for?

<flirty laugh> Yeah. I didn't think so. Come on - you're a bartender, aren't you? Yeah? So put that gun away and pour us a drink. Something strong and fancy, please.

<(optional) glasses clinking/drinking sounds - she grimaces as the liquor stings her throat>

Ahh. Thank you.

So! How long has it been? Years, right? It must have been, if you've had time to work your way up to manager of this dump.

Oh, *owner*? Even better. Very impressive.

<She pauses, expecting him to reveal a criminal scheme>

So… what's the scam? Must be something really big. Ooh, let me guess - that new bank the next block over, right? I checked it out and it seems locked up good and tight, but nobody would ever suspect the kind, handsome barkeep of anything like…

Not the bank? But then… what are you…

<disbelieving laugh> [confused] You… what do you mean, "no scheme"? Like… none at all? But… what…


[absolutely disgusted] That… is the *dumbest* thing I have ever heard.

No, *you* shut up! You mean to tell me you've gone… *straight*? Like… like just any other asshole? *You*? Nuh-uh. No. That is *bullshit*. 

But… *why*?! You're not making any *sense.* Back in the day… we had everything we wanted! Money, freedom… this whole *state* was our playground.

[chiding, disappointed] But no. You decided to throw that all away - all that freedom, all that power - for… what, exactly? A grimy old bar in a no-name tumbleweed town? Explain it to me. Make it make sense. Give me one good reason why—

Wh… keep my *voice* down? Why? You're a grown man - can't you handle a little bit of… of...


[dawning realization] Wait… do you… is there someone upstairs? Is there… a *woman* up there?


[amused - he's squirming] Oh, reeeeeeally? You *dog*! This is an… *interesting* development. Well, I'm very sorry for *interrupting*. And here I never took you for the "lady in red" type.

[defensive but impish - she's touched a nerve] Wooooah, ok, calm down! She's not a whore, she's not a whore! So-*rry*! Message received!

Very... *touchy* about her, aren't we? Which would suggest…

<theatrical gasp> Is that a *ring* on your finger? 

<mocking laugh>

Oooooooh. Ok, *I* see. It's all coming together now. Oh dear oh dear, handsome - looks like that sentimental streak finally got the better of you, didn't it?

[mocking] Now, tell me how close I am: life on the lam with me gets a little bit *scary*, so you abandon me - very cruelly, I might add - and run off to the last place I'd look for you: the piece of shit little two-horse town where we met. 

You get a job at my old bar to make ends meet, and… <sarcastic gasp>! What's *this*? Along comes *true love*! Some lovely doe-eyed girl-next-door starts hanging around the bar, laughing at your jokes, saying "oooooh, where'd you get *this* scar, and *this* one, and *this* one"... and before you know it, wedding bells are in the air.

But this bar is no place to settle down, raise a family, is it? Lucky for you, then, that you happened to find a certain box. A box containing enough gold to set you and your lady up for a long, long time.

So? How'd I do?

[smug] Mmm. That's what I thought. I've got you all figured out. Just like I always do.

How… *cute*. Just precious. Like one of those little picture books for children at the general store.


Well, then? Who is it?

<exasperated groan>

[teasing] The girl upstairs, obviously. The *fair maiden* who tamed your savage heart. Who is she? 


Oh, come *on*. Tell me! I'm *dying* to know. She must be something really special to pull you away from the outlaw game.


[soft, flat] No. Way.


[cracking up] *Her*? The *preacher's daughter*? Are you *serious*? Oh my *god*! That is… *incredible*. I'm speechless. You know… have you considered that you *might* be trying too hard with the "turning over a new leaf" stuff?

Oh no, I absolutely will *not* "let it go". I need to know *everything*. She's… she's *pretty*, if I remember correctly, but tell me: does she sleep in those long wool skirts, or is that strictly a "date night" thing? 


What? Noooo. I'm not mocking *anybody*! I'm just... catching up with a former lover. Ensuring he's making choices he's *proud* of.


*Okay*, okay, fine. No more jokes. I promise.

So… how *do* you feel about that choice? Being… *settled*? Taking all that money - all *my* money - and putting up a farmhouse on the plains with your little damsel upstairs? Could be a good life, I guess. You'll dig up turnips until your knees give out, she'll spit out a few kids and then never let you touch her again. The stuff of dreams.

<pause, sigh>

[not impressed] Mmm. If you say so.

<she pauses as a wicked idea comes over her - she leans over the bar, slowly closing the distance between them>

[mischievous] Yes… that’s a life *some* people could be happy with. 

But not… *everyone*. There are those who want just a little bit... more. Who’ve seen all the wild and wonderful things this world has to offer. Who want rich food and big money and good ***. There are plenty of people like… *us*, aren’t there?

[soft, sultry] Shhh. Don’t say anything. Just listen. I have a proposition.

I’ve changed my mind about the box. If you *really* want to steal from me - take all my money and use it to buy your little domestic dream on the prairie - fine. Take it. I don’t care. It’s just money, after all, and there’s no shortage of poor, defenseless stagecoaches ripe for a robbery. I’ll be okay.

[tenderly] But… that’s not what you want, is it? I know you better than that. I know every inch of you, inside… and out. I know you far, *far* better than your little lady upstairs, that’s for sure.

<soft laugh> Is that so? Come on, now. Lie to me all you want, but don’t lie to yourself. She doesn’t know you. Not like *I* do. 

[slowly leaning in] She doesn't know how far you’ll go to get what you want. She’s never seen you… *rage*. Tell someone you’ll kill them and *mean* it. She doesn’t know how you like to smoke and drink and fight. She doesn’t know… how you like to ******.

[right in his ear, intense and seductive] How is she in bed? It’s okay, you can tell me. Must have been tricky to convince Daddy to give you the keys to her chastity belt. Does she make you put the light out? Does she shrink away when you try to touch her? Poor little thing. What does she do when you try to get… *rough*? What does she do… when you ask her to suck your ******?

[sultry whisper] She doesn’t do it, does she? She would never. She’s a *good* girl. She’s not a *whore*.

But... *I* am. I’m *your* whore. And I’m *back*. Now... show me how much you missed me.

[they stare at each other for an intense moment before lunging into a hungry, desperate kiss, breathing raggedly and moaning]

[between kisses] Come back to me. Run away with me again. It can be just like it used to be. We can go wherever we want. This whole country can be ours again. Come with me. Come with me.

<she gives him one more deep kiss, then pulls away, breathing heavily>

[gasping] Here - sit up here. Up on the bar. Come on, hurry.

<(optional) sound effects - empty glasses being shoved out of the way, weight shifting, a belt being torn off>

<flirty giggle> *There* you are. How I’ve missed *you*! Not quite hard yet? Awww. That’s okay. Here… let me help.

<she takes him into her mouth - slowly at first, but quickly picking up the pace, moaning and giggling>

[breathless, between sucking sounds] Mmm… how does that feel, baby? Did you miss it? Having a mouth around your ****? It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? She’s never done this for you, has she? Shhh - keep your voice down. She’ll hear us. Or… is that what you *want*? Do you *want* her to hear us? Do you want her to come down and see? See someone stealing her man away? Someone who will do everything she won’t? What would you do? What would you do if she—

<she gasps, grunts, and then giggles as the listener pulls her off, stands her up, and slams her over the bar>

[breathless, aroused] Yeah… *there’s* the outlaw I remember.


What are you gonna do now? You’ve got me where you want me - bent over the bar, ass sticking out… are you going to—

<her breath catches as he tears her pants open>

Oh, ******. Give it to me. Give it to me now, before—

<she groans ecstatically as he penetrates her - as always, feel free to improvise with what follows!>

Oh… *yes*! God, that’s… that’s good. I… ******, I missed you. <laughs>

Now… **** me. Do it quick - not that much longer ‘till sunrise. Come on, baby - **** me. ****—

<she holds back a squeal as he begins to pound into her>

[struggling to keep quiet] Nnn! Oh… **** *yes*, baby, just like that, just like… oh god! **** me… **** me harder, baby, *harder*... god, I’m so… you make me so ******* *wet*. I missed this so much, I… oh, *shit*... I missed your ****. I missed your **** so ******* much. You’re so… ******, you’re so *hard*, you’re so… mmm… keep going… keep going, baby, don’t stop, don’t ******* stop, I’m… **** my *****, **** me, ****… pull my hair, pull my…

<she gasps sharply as he pulls her hair>

[getting too loud] Oh! ****, yes, like that… ****, baby, give it to me… give it to me *hard*, just like that, just like that. God, baby, that… that feels so good, that feels so ******* good… ****, ****, ******!

<breathless giggle> I’m… I’m trying to keep it down, I’m *trying*, I just… it just feels so—

<A muffled squeal - he claps a hand over her mouth and doubles down. She continues to moan and whimper into his hand with rising intensity, her breathing becoming shallow and harsh, before she finally cums, her silenced cries reaching a fever pitch before slowing into a heavy pant. He finally removes his hand, and she flips around and pulls him into a sweaty, breathless kiss>

[urgently] Here. Lie down on the bar. *Now*. It’s *your* turn.

<effort sounds - she climbs on top of him>

[sultry] Here we go. This was always your favorite position, wasn’t it? 


Good. Because I want you to make this quick. I want to finish you off. I want you to…

<she grunts as she guides him inside of her once more>

*Mmm* yes… ****. Just like this. You like that? You like when I grind my ***** on your **** like… *this*? Mmm, I can tell you do. I can feel you… *throbbing*. That’s good, baby. That’s good. Because I want you to cum. Can you do that? Can you cum for me? I want it, baby. I miss it. I miss your cum. I want it inside me. I want you to cum inside me. Cum for me, baby. Cum for me! Cum for me!

<she gasps and giggles in delight as he seizes underneath her, then slowly presses her body against his, pulling him into a giggling kiss>


[dreamily] Hey… pass me that bottle. No, that one by your head. The whiskey. Thanks.

<she takes a deep slug, sighing with pleasure>

You know… we always *did* make a good team. I think I forgot just *how* good. Thanks for the reminder, handsome.

Here… help me get down.

There. Ugh. You owe me new pants. This is gonna make my ride out of here very uncomfortable. Unless you’ll let me… *borrow* one of your lady’s frocks. 


Yes, I agree - I think we’ve talked about her more than enough.

Now, listen: I’m going. I left my horse tied up out back, and someone’s bound to notice it soon. And after that, I’m leaving this town for good. So… you have a choice to make. 

Option one: keep my box, stay with your little *miss*, and have yourself a wonderful, boring life.

Option two: take the box, pack up your guns, take your horse… and meet me under the hangman’s tree outside of town. I’ll wait until dawn. After that… I’m gone. Forever.

[suddenly less confident - her most vulnerable moment] It’s… up to you. I’ve said all I can say, I think. Except… except that I really *did* miss you. Things… they weren’t the same without you. They weren’t… *fun* anymore. So… so if you decided to come with me… that would make me really, really happy. There’s not much out there that makes me happy, but… but you always did. So… so there. That’s all.

<she sighs, then snaps out of her feelings and clears her throat>


<one last tender kiss>

[smiling serenely] Choose wisely, baby. I’ll see you soon, I hope.

<(optional) sounds of boots on floorboards as she walks out the back door, leaving both of their fates in the listener’s hands>
