HARAHEL CYOA V7.03: NAME: >Sigmar RACE: >Humie ***: >Male FACE: >Masculine HEIGHT: >Amazonian BUST: >Flat BUTT: >Masculine HIPS & THIGHS: >Masculine FITNESS: >Ripped SKIN TONE: >Fair HAIR COLOUR: >Blonde EYE COLOUR: >Crimson **** MY SHIT UP: >Buckets of Cum, Curse of a Thousand Maidens, Love Nectar & Magnum Dong GLOBAL RACE MODS: >Regeneration, Bio-Immortal, Tireless, Mushi, Sleigh Beggy, Caustic Blood & Auxiliary Systems UNDER THE TABLE: >**** Physics, **** Studio, Biggus Dickus, Contortionist, Excalibur, Mr Clean & World Clean SPAWN POINT: >Encore PLAYER COUNT: >10,000 & Frens AFTERLIFE: >Mastema the Arbiter of Sanctuary DEATH TIMER: >One Year DEATH & DEITY MODIFIERS: >Corrupted Vision, Equivalent Exchange, Reincarnation & Orphan MENTAL PROFICIENCY: >T4 Heroic Strategy >T4 Heroic Combat >T5 Demon Lord Charisma >T3 Master *** MAGIC PROFICIENCY: >T4 Heroic Light PHYSICAL PROFICIENCY: >T3 Master Strength >T3 Master Agility >T3 Master Durability >T4 Heroic Luck BANES: >Fate Dynamo, Annoying Fan, Kafuka, Chuni Deluxe, Conspicuous, Attention Whore, Water to Wine, Masculinity, Calamity Magnet, Dankest Dungeon & Gaijin Goon BOONS: >Permanence, Max Charisma, Destiny Drive, Hero x3, Demon Lord, HUD, Status , Hanmerspace Inventory, Otome, Nuru Nuru~, Sensory Overdose, Lucky!, Divine Intervention, Unbreakable Mind, Unbreakable Will & Talk to Me ITEMS: >Riftgate License WORLD LEVEL ITEMS: >CHARMED & Nobody Poops WHERE TO START: >Custom Objective Empire Building PLAN OUTLINE: > Humanity exists under threat from cruel Monsters and callous Gods. I will build an Empire that protects Humanity and ensures their prosperous future by uniting Encore under the banner of the Imperium of Mankind. I will revolutionise Humanities economic, political and military capabilities and drag it out of its stagnation.