Brenna Thornwind
nekocap 770 25th Aug, 2021
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===Harahel v0.7.0===Brenna ThornwindRace: [Yuki Onna], [Mazoku]***: [Female]Hair: [Brown]Eyes: [Amber]Skin: [Pink]Face: [Androgynous]Height: [Short]Bust: [Small]Hips: [Feminine]Butt: [Smol]Fitness: [Buff]G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Monster Mash x1], [Kyuu], [Pain Zero]U.T.T.: [Absolute Comfy]Spawn Point: [Nocturne]Death Mods: [Permadeath]Banes: [Vulgar], [Dreamfall;Insanity], [Alice; Psychedelica]Boons: [Man Portions], [Ooga Booga], [Relative Realism]Items: [A Home]Strength 3Agility 2Endurance 2Durability 2Combat 3Cooking 1Strategy 2Elemental 1
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